Review Q and A Lecture2 ch 6-9jm

1. Shock is the condition produced when the
cardiovascular-pulmonary system fails to
deliver enough oxygenated blood to body
tissues, which results in a reduction of
metabolism for those tissues.
A. 1st phrase is true, 2nd phase is false
B. 1st phrase is false, 2nd phase is true
C. Both phrases are true.
D. Both phrases are false.
1. Shock is the condition produced when the
cardiovascular-pulmonary system fails to
deliver enough oxygenated blood to body
tissues, which results in a reduction of
metabolism for those tissues.
A. 1st phrase is true, 2nd phase is false
B. 1st phrase is false, 2nd phase is true
C. Both phrases are true.
D. Both phrases are false.
2. Which type of shock would you suspect for
a patient experiencing a severe infection?
A. hypovolemic
B. anaphylactic
C. cardiogenic
D. septic
2. Which type of shock would you suspect for
a patient experiencing a severe infection?
A. hypovolemic
B. anaphylactic
C. cardiogenic
D. septic
3. Which stage of shock is irreversible and
characterized by failure of the vital organs?
A. initial stage
B. refractory stage
C. compensatory stage
D. progressive stage
3. Which stage of shock is irreversible and
characterized by failure of the vital organs?
A. initial stage
B. refractory stage
C. compensatory stage
D. progressive stage
4. What is the most important step in the
specific emergency treatment for
hypovolemic shock?
◦ A. arrest the fluid loss
◦ B. administer antimicrobial medication
◦ C. administer appropriate medication to reduce
◦ D. none of the above
4. What is the most important step in the
specific emergency treatment for
hypovolemic shock?
◦ A. arrest the fluid loss
◦ B. administer antimicrobial medication
◦ C. administer appropriate medication to reduce
◦ D. none of the above
5. All of the following are possible etiologies
of neurogenic shock except one. Which one is
the exception?
A. emotional trauma
B. a disease of the brain stem
C. an injury to the spinal cord
D. myocardial infarction (MI)
5. All of the following are possible etiologies
of neurogenic shock except one. Which one is
the exception?
A. emotional trauma
B. a disease of the brain stem
C. an injury to the spinal cord
D. myocardial infarction (MI)
6. The type of shock that has the symptoms
of nonspecific chest pain and shortness of
breath would be
A. hypovolemic
B. cardiogenic
C. septic
D. none of the above
6. The type of shock that has the symptoms
of nonspecific chest pain and shortness of
breath would be
A. hypovolemic
B. cardiogenic
C. septic
D. none of the above
7. All of the following are forms of
distributive shock except one. Which one is
the exception?
A. cardiogenic shock
B. septic shock
C. neurogenic shock
D. anaphylactic shock
7. All of the following are forms of
distributive shock except one. Which one is
the exception?
A. cardiogenic shock
B. septic shock
C. neurogenic shock
D. anaphylactic shock
8. In what position should the patient be
placed when suffering from shock?
A. supine
B. head between the knees
C. upright
D. on the stomach
8. In what position should the patient be
placed when suffering from shock?
A. supine
B. head between the knees
C. upright
D. on the stomach
1. All of the following are symptoms of
hyperventilation except one. Which one is the
A. circumoral parasthesia
B. heart palpitations
C. pulmonary embolism
D. hypernea
1. All of the following are symptoms of
hyperventilation except one. Which one is the
A. circumoral parasthesia
B. heart palpitations
C. pulmonary embolism
D. hypernea
2. The chemical lacking in the bloodstream of
the hyperventilating patient is
A. oxygen
B. hydrogen
C. iron
D. carbon dioxide
2. The chemical lacking in the bloodstream of
the hyperventilating patient is
A. oxygen
B. hydrogen
C. iron
D. carbon dioxide
3. The carpopedal spasms often seen in a
patient who is hyperventilating is caused by
A. the respiratory acidosis
B. the reduction in calcium in the bloodstream
C. reduced cerebral oxygenation
D. none of the above
3. The carpopedal spasms often seen in a
patient who is hyperventilating is caused by
A. the respiratory acidosis
B. the reduction in calcium in the bloodstream
C. reduced cerebral oxygenation
D. none of the above
4. The recommended treatment for a
hyperventilating patient is
◦ A. have him/her breathe into a paper bag
◦ B. have him/her drink milk to increase calcium
◦ C. administer oxygen at 4 liters per minute
◦ D. work with the patient to control his/her
4. The recommended treatment for a
hyperventilating patient is
◦ A. have him/her breathe into a paper bag
◦ B. have him/her drink milk to increase calcium
◦ C. administer oxygen at 4 liters per minute
◦ D. work with the patient to control his/her
5. The symptoms of a pulmonary embolism
are often similar to the symptoms of
hyperventilation and both conditions are
potentially life threatening.
A. The 1st phrase is correct and the 2nd is incorrect
B. The 1st phrase is incorrect and the 2nd is correct
C. Both phrases are correct
D. Both phrases are incorrect
5. The symptoms of a pulmonary embolism
are often similar to the symptoms of
hyperventilation and both conditions are
potentially life threatening.
A. The 1st phrase is correct and the 2nd is incorrect
B. The 1st phrase is incorrect and the 2nd is correct
C. Both phrases are correct
D. Both phrases are incorrect
6. The respiration rate for a person
experiencing hyperventilation is
A. 12-14 resp/min
B. 14-16 resp/min
C. 16-18 resp/min
D. >22 resp/min
6. The respiration rate for a person
experiencing hyperventilation is
A. 12-14 resp/min
B. 14-16 resp/min
C. 16-18 resp/min
D. >22 resp/min
7. Abnormal spasm of the facial muscles
elicited by light taps on the facial nerve is
referred to as
◦ A. Levine sign
B. Chvostek’s sign
C. Tetany
D. Circumoral parasthesia
7. Abnormal spasm of the facial muscles
elicited by light taps on the facial nerve is
referred to as
A. Levine sign
B. Chvostek’s sign
C. Tetany
D. Circumoral parasthesia
All of the following are common precipitating
factors of hyperventilation except one. Which
one is the exception?
A. high altitudes
B. Pregnancy
C. anxiety
D. hypertension
All of the following are common precipitating
factors of hyperventilation except one. Which
one is the exception?
A. high altitudes
B. Pregnancy
C. anxiety
D. hypertension
1. All of the following are associated with
increased seizure activity, except one. What is
the exception?
A. hypoglycemia
B. hyperglycemia
C. hypoxia
D. pyrexia
1. All of the following are associated with
increased seizure activity, except one. What is
the exception?
A. hypoglycemia
B. hyperglycemia
C. hypoxia
D. pyrexia
2. Which of the following are responsibilities
of the clinician in treating a patient with
seizure disorder?
◦ A. Thoroughly reviewing the medical history and
discussing it with the patient.
◦ B. Monitoring the patient for signs and symptoms
of impending seizures.
◦ C. Protecting the patients from harm during the
◦ D. Monitoring the patient’s vital signs during
recovery, and arranging a ride home
◦ E. All of the above.
2. Which of the following are responsibilities
of the clinician in treating a patient with
seizure disorder?
◦ A. Thoroughly reviewing the medical history and
discussing it with the patient.
◦ B. Monitoring the patient for signs and symptoms
of impending seizures.
◦ C. Protecting the patients from harm during the
◦ D. Monitoring the patient’s vital signs during
recovery, and arranging a ride home
◦ E. All of the above .
3. Seizure activity is often preceded by an
aura. Patients are always aware that they have
had an aura.
A. Both phrases are true
B. Both phrases are false
C. The 1st phrase is true, the 2nd is false
D. The 1st phrase is false, the 2nd is true
3. Seizure activity is often preceded by an
aura. Patients are always aware that they have
had an aura.
A. Both phrases are true
B. Both phrases are false
C. The 1st phrase is true, the 2nd is false
D. The 1st phrase is false, the 2nd is true
4. All of the following are classifications of
seizures, except one. Which one is the
A. Signs and symptoms
B. duration
C. age of patient
D. type of aura
E. precipitating factors
4. All of the following are classifications of
seizures, except one. Which one is the
A. Signs and symptoms
B. duration
C. age of patient
D. type of aura
E. precipitating factors
5. Your patient stiffens and starts to
experience a seizure in the middle of
periodontal debridement. What is the first
thing you should do?
◦ A. Activate EMS system
◦ B. Stop treatment and remove everything from the
patient’s mouth
◦ C. Administer CPR
◦ D. Administer antiepileptic medications
5. Your patient stiffens and starts to
experience a seizure in the middle of
periodontal debridement. What is the first
thing you should do?
◦ A. Activate EMS system
◦ B. Stop treatment and remove everything from the
patient’s mouth
◦ C. Administer CPR
◦ D. Administer antiepileptic medications
6. The following oral signs and symptoms
may be present in a patient with a history of
seizure disorders. Which of the following is
an exception?
A. advanced periodontitis
B. gingival overgrowth
C. fractured teeth
D. tongue lacerations and scarring
6. The following oral signs and symptoms
may be present in a patient with a history of
seizure disorders. Which of the following is
an exception?
A. advanced periodontitis
B. gingival overgrowth
C. fractured teeth
D. tongue lacerations and scarring
7. Antiepileptic drugs fall into which of the
following pharmaceutical classifications
A. muscle relaxants
B. opioids
C. central nervous system stimulants
D. anticonvulsants
7. Antiepileptic drugs fall into which of the
following pharmaceutical classifications
A. muscle relaxants
B. opioids
C. central nervous system stimulants
D. anticonvulsants
8. The most common type of seizure disorder
◦ A. absence or petit mal seizures
◦ B. tonic-clonic or grand mal seizures
8. The most common type of seizure disorder
◦ A. absence or petit mal seizures
◦ B. tonic-clonic or grand mal seizures
9. The injectable drug of choice in the
emergency treatment of GTCS or status
epilepticus is
A. phenytoin
B. carbamazepine
C. diazepam
D. codeine
9. The injectable drug of choice in the
emergency treatment of GTCS or status
epilepticus is
A. phenytoin
B. carbamazepine
C. diazepam
D. codeine
10. Respiratory arrest is most likely to occur
during which phase of a generalized tonicclonic seizure?
A. aura
B. preictal
C. ictal
D. postictal
10. Respiratory arrest is most likely to occur
during which phase of a generalized tonicclonic seizure?
A. aura
B. preictal
C. ictal
D. postictal
1. Which of the following is a condition that
often mimics the symptoms of a CVA?
A. hypoglycemia
B. hyperventilation
C. diabetic ketoacidosis
D. anaphylaxis
1. Which of the following is a condition that
often mimics the symptoms of a CVA?
A. hypoglycemia
B. hyperventilation
C. diabetic ketoacidosis
D. anaphylaxis
2. All of the following are individuals
susceptible to CVA except one. Which one is
the exception?
A. individuals with atrial fibrillation
B. diabetic patients
C. young women taking oral contraceptives
D. males in the 30-40 age range.
2. All of the following are individuals
susceptible to CVA except one. Which one is
the exception?
A. individuals with atrial fibrillation
B. diabetic patients
C. young women taking oral contraceptives
D. males in the 30-40 age range.
3. All of the following are symptoms of acute
ischemic CVA except one. Which one is the
A. vision changes
B. dysphagia
C. chest pain
D. facial droop
3. All of the following are symptoms of acute
ischemic CVA except one. Which one is the
A. vision changes
B. dysphagia
C. chest pain
D. facial droop
4. The preferred treatment for acute
ischeimic stroke in the emergency
department is the administration of
intravenous r-tPA, and the r-tPA needs to be
delivered within the first three hours of onset
of the CVA symptoms.
A. The 1st phrase is true, the 2nd false
B. The 1st phrase is false, the 2nd true
C. Both phrases are true
D. Both phrases are false
4. The preferred treatment for acute
ischeimic stroke in the emergency
department is the administration of
intravenous r-tPA, and the r-tPA needs to be
delivered within the first three hours of onset
of the CVA symptoms.
A. The 1st phrase is true, the 2nd false
B. The 1st phrase is false, the 2nd true
C. Both phrases are true
D. Both phrases are false
5. What can occur to a patient who is
experiencing a hemorrhagic CVA and is given
◦ A. formation of a thrombus and worsening
◦ B. additonal hemorrhage worsening symptoms
◦ C. rupturing of an aneurysm and improved
◦ D. none of the above
5. What can occur to a patient who is
experiencing a hemorrhagic CVA and is given
◦ A. formation of a thrombus and worsening
◦ B. additional hemorrhage worsening symptoms
◦ C. rupturing of an aneurysm and improved
◦ D. none of the above
6. Oxygen should be delivered to a patient
suspected of a CVA only if
A. The patient is positioned supinely
B. The patient is hypoxic
C. the CVA is hemorrhagic
D. the blood pressure is below 120/80 mmHg
6. Oxygen should be delivered to a patient
suspected of a CVA only if
A. The patient is positioned supinely
B. The patient is hypoxic
C. the CVA is hemorrhagic
D. the blood pressure is below 120/80 mmHg
7. Cerebral hemorrhages occur when a
defective artery within the brain bursts and
the surrounding tissue fills with blood,
whereas subarachnoid hemorrhage strokes
occur when a blood vessel on the surface of
the brain ruptures and bleeds.
A. The 1st phrase is true, the 2nd is false
B. The 1st phrase is false, the 2nd is true
C. Both phrases are true
D. Both phrases are false
7. Cerebral hemorrhages occur when a
defective artery within the brain bursts and
the surrounding tissue fills with blood,
whereas subarachnoid hemorrhage strokes
occur when a blood vessel on the surface of
the brain ruptures and bleeds.
A. The 1st phrase is true, the 2nd is false
B. The 1st phrase is false, the 2nd is true
C. Both phrases are true
D. Both phrases are false