ALL London Webinar. Danièle Bourdais. Authentic materials Contents ALL London Webinar. Danièle Bourdais. Authentic materials ..................................................... 1 Recording Information ................................................................................................................ 1 Twitter handles............................................................................................................................ 1 Chat Transcript Q/A .................................................................................................................... 1 Recording Information Title: ALL London Webinar|Danièle Bourdais|Authentic materials Type: Recording Duration: 01:18:45 Disk usage: 479522.5 KB Permissions: Same as parent folder URL for Viewing: Summary: Session info here: Accessing and sourcing authentic materials It is important to expose learners of French to culturally rich and authentic materials, and this at all levels. The Internet has made finding such materials much easier than ever, but it can still be very time-consuming. In this session, I will suggest where to look for easily accessible and renewable sources of such materials, from France but also from all over the French-speaking world. About Danièle Bourdais .... After starting writing French magazines for Mary Glasgow Magazines, Danièle has worked freelance with most UK educational publishers as author, editor and consultant. She has coauthored many coursebooks for all ages and abilities (e.g. Équipe, Clic, etc. for OUP, French Experience for BBC and recently Panorama Francophone for CUP) and all kinds of materials: picture books, plays (12 Petites pièces à jouer for Brilliant Publications), readers, songs, apps, digital resources (e.g. Vocab Express) and games (Games for Teaching Primary French for Crown House) as well as non-fiction trade books (Young Reporter in France, for Franklin Watts). Among her particular interests are language awareness in young children, intercultural understanding, helping learners discover the French-speaking world ... as well as succeed at exams! Twitter handles Chat Transcript Q/A Document1 23-Mar-16 Marion Pellon:ça va :-) Melanie Redrup:Bonsoir! Melanie from JFK in Hemel Hempstead Anita:Bonjour Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Bonjour Jenny:Jenny Bluck now in Dorset I have laryngitis! so won't be talking! Mr Stuart Gorse:Hello, bonsoir Hannah Russell:Hi Helen. You met me with Sara French at the ALL event in London earlier this year. Mr Stuart Gorse:Daniè te manque un accent grave Jenny:You're lovely Helen. Always welcome everybody so nicely! Anne-Sophie:bonsoir Mr Stuart Gorse:Alors, c'est pas grave. Mr Stuart Gorse:Je reviens dans neuf minutes Melanie Redrup:C;est trop petit on ne voit pas bien les photos! Hannah Russell:This is my first ever webinar so I'm very excited! I don't know if I have my webcam on or not or if it matters. Jo Patisso:Bonsoir! Carolyn George:Bonsoir tout le monde! Jenny:Oh noe. Just make the photos bigger! Melanie Redrup:Paris en haut droite avec la Tour Eiffel! Jenny:Helen, your office is beautifully tidy! Melanie Redrup:ma Irina:Bonsoir a tous Marion Pellon:cup of tea ready, here we go! Nadine Chadier:Bonsoir tout le monde! Jenny:Quebec? Mr Stuart Gorse:That is actually wallpaper behind her Melanie Redrup:Montreal? Marion Pellon:Bamako? Nadine Chadier:Au Cambodge Moira Comani:bonsoir Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Nigeria Mr Stuart Gorse:My screen is not big enough Mr Stuart Gorse:top left is missing Mr Stuart Gorse:then below it attendees Marion Pellon:kinshasa? Melanie Redrup:Kinshasa? Marion Pellon:has to be somewhere in Africa! Mr Stuart Gorse:Daniele is covering webinar and twitter things below the middle Melanie Redrup:Abidjan? Mr Stuart Gorse:what was the question on cities? Melanie Redrup:Port au Prince? Nadine Chadier:Montréal Nadine Chadier:Je vois Marseille Mr Stuart Gorse:Je ois rien Marion Pellon:Y Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Y Mr Stuart Gorse:why? Melanie Redrup:Y Nadine Chadier:Seen from the Mucem, Marseille, Notre Dame! Jessica Smith:Y Nadine Chadier:Y 2 Hollie:Y Heidi Smith:Y Anne-Sophie 3:y Fiona:Y Irina:Y Hannah Russell:Y Anita:y julie clayton:y Melanie Redrup:Y Jenny:y y Nadine Chadier:Y Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Y Irina:Y Fiona:Y Moira Comani:y Mr Stuart Gorse:oui Anne-Sophie 3: moi cest en echo? Carolyn George:y Nadine Chadier:Je vois Bordeaux Jo:Y Have you arranged for a feline appearance this evening Helen? Mr Stuart Gorse:Perfect Mr Stuart Gorse:Purrfect Mr Stuart Gorse:I will leave now Mr Stuart Gorse:Here? Mr Stuart Gorse:Q:here? Silvia Ruiz:Bonsoir! Mr Stuart Gorse:Can you mute me? Marion Pellon:French, HoD MFL, 11-18 comprehensive Moira Comani:primary French Bedford Nadine Chadier:In North London, KS2 Fiona:Fiona from Oxfordshire. Secondary MFL Ludi J:Ludi, HOD in Lancashire, teaching French and Spanish Heidi Smith:French, 11-16 grimsby Irina:Ecosse, Edimbourg, French and Spanish, 12-18 comprehensive julie clayton:South London. Trainee teacher KS3-5 Jessica Smith:From Bristol French KS1&KS2 Melanie Redrup:I am Head of MFL at JFK School in Hemel Hempstead. I am French and teach French and Spanish (KS3 & 4) Nadine Chadier:Marseille, Bordeaux. Anita:French/German - Hod MFL 11-16 in Newton Aycliffe Jo:HOD MFL 11-18 + ITE trainer FR/GER Yorkshire Hannah Russell:I teach French and German at Welland Park Academy (KS3) in Market Harborough. Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Bonjour, teach French, Spanish, Italian & English to both children & Adults in Sunderland Carolyn George:All Saints Catholic High School Sheffield, ex head of dept. Now part time French teacher Anne-Sophie 3:from France, been teaching in Tywyn, Mid wales for 10 yrs 11-16 HoD french Jenny:Dorset, retired, Private tutor, voluntary tutor Silvia Ruiz:Spanish and French in Lancashire Daniele Bourdais:Nadine,doing well! Nadine Chadier:Coucou! Hayley Frankland:HOD Teaching French 11-18 and literacy lead for my school in Suffolk 3 Mr Stuart Gorse:MFL teacher in Lancashire, England Melanie Redrup:is also going to be part of the new GCSE exams! Jo Patisso:MFL teacher in Fleetwood, Lancashire. (11-16) Helen Myers:So true!!!!! Nadine Chadier:Love the cartoon! I find it hard to clutter clear! Everybit of paper seems relevvant and useable! Helen Myers:I used to send my family into tourist info offices to collect as well! Nadine Chadier:Loads of adverts are on Youtube! Helen Myers:Good luck Daniele! Mr Stuart Gorse:Bonne chance Nadine Chadier:as well as songs and all sorts. Mr Stuart Gorse:yes it is Mr Stuart Gorse:purple scren Moira Comani:very small Marion Pellon:definitely have so much leaflets etc around! Marion Pellon:can't see anything Mr Stuart Gorse:purpe Marion Pellon:blue screen Hannah Russell:me too Nadine Chadier:Just blue screen Irina:me too Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):blue screen Fiona:No I see a blue screen too Melanie Redrup:blue screen only julie clayton:I can only see a blue screen Jo Patisso:blue screen Carolyn George:blue screen only Anita:blue screen Moira Comani:very small chat screen Jenny:Writing was there but too small Marion Pellon:youpi! Melanie Redrup:yes Fiona:yes julie clayton:Voila! Anita:yes Mr Stuart Gorse:Voilà! atkinson vali 2:I can see your PP Helen Myers:v good idea! julie clayton:It's gone now Helen Myers:I understand .. and it gets out of dat esoon Helen Myers:yes Nadine Chadier:Yes, they are great! Just very high brow most of the time... Jenny:Expensive french books and English feel put down to see the books are for little children Nadine Chadier:Never seen the adult version! Can't wait to discover one! Marion Pellon:maybe a thought to use as summer transition between GCSE and AS? Nadine Chadier:Indeed Marion! Good idea! Like sending them on a UCPA camp: sport and language togetehr! Helen Myers:And they like handling magazines Marion Pellon:can't recommend Phosphore enough Helen Myers:yes!!! Melanie Redrup:yes Helen Myers:Bravo! Jo Patisso:yes 4 Anita:yes Marion Pellon:also @MagPhosphore Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Bonsoir. Made it.! Samantha Broom:Hi all Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):yes Melanie Redrup:yes Mr Stuart Gorse:It was quick atkinson vali 2:yes Kerry Bevan:yes Fiona:yes Anne-Sophie 3:c est gratuit? julie clayton:yes Anita:yes Jenny:yes Nadine Chadier:Anne-Sophie pdf exemple gratuit Marion Pellon:some PDF shared on Twitter too Mr Stuart Gorse:MOUTH it Helen Myers:!!! Mr Stuart Gorse:I lipread Marion Pellon:oooh, looking good! Helen Myers:I had not heard of this .. looks great! Nadine Chadier:Brilliant stuff on it about les attentats Mr Stuart Gorse:wow Carolyn George:this looks great! Kerry Bevan:super! Moira Comani:it looks great thank you! Nadine Chadier:Wonderful! Helen Myers:we cannto stream audio via Adobe.. but this gives the idea!! Helen Myers:*cannot Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Fab site: used it today at bilingual school. Helen Myers:!!!!!!! Helen Myers:What a lovely voice Danièle! Helen Myers:For anyone joining us late.. the ppt will be available at the end with links Kerry Bevan:great - thanks Helen Mr Stuart Gorse:Making these videos though accessible and usable would be very tiime consuming Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Thank you Helen. Nadine Chadier: also great bad very, very fast Mr Stuart Gorse:yes Helen Myers:youtubeur / euse.. new word fo rme Mr Stuart Gorse:pardon? Marion Pellon:SMSC alert! Toto = child in Swahili, perfect opportunity for quick chat about everyday historical racism Helen Myers:thanks Marion Helen Myers:I liek the idea of usuing these for starters.. so no need to exploit everything .. just 'for pleasure' Nadine Chadier:Oui, pour le plaisir Helen, "en chantant" sandrine pac-kenny:J'aodre il était une histoire Nadine Chadier:Superbe! Mr Stuart Gorse:Pleasure, yes, I remember that Helen Myers:these are all new to me ... excellent! 5 Nadine Chadier:Wonderful! Mr Stuart Gorse:Young? Jo:Do they have links to French as a foreign langauge books / resources? Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Love ruedesé Helen Myers::) there wllbe a vieuxprofs one for me I expect Stuart sandrine pac-kenny:I use a lot of french primary school stuff for story telling etc... works well. Marion Pellon:c'est tout la tête Helen! Nadine Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Oh yessss Nadine! A must. Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):sounds worksheet is good Nadine Chadier:Looks lovely! Helen Myers:showing that distinctive French handwriting too! Jenny:v. good Anita:Excellent materials to use Marion Pellon:I like the idea of coloured belts for grammar! Hannah Russell:love those posters! Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):fantastique Helen Myers:yes Marion! Fiona:Great for native speakers in the class who need to practise writing! Helen Myers:loads of ideas here! Anne-Sophie 3:fab!! Helen Myers:yes! Melanie Redrup:yes Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):yes atkinson vali 2:yes Mr Stuart Gorse:Oui Nadine Chadier:Yes, lovely! Anita:yes Jenny:Great Carolyn George:Fabulous CLIL resources Mr Stuart Gorse:Yes please Helen Myers:clé en main - turnkey / bundle? Nadine Chadier:Lovely Tour Eiffel, very accessible! Marion Pellon:clef en main = ready made Helen Myers:what a beautiful project! Helen Myers:ahh .. thank you Marion! Laura Simons:That's lovely! :) Mr Stuart Gorse:Very nice Jenny:Eiffel Tower;perfect for my adult beg. Culture, aret, French! Nadine Chadier:Highly recommended also for bilingual support, they have a reading rallye the children can do themselves! Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Jenny, I was thinking the same! Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:One of my fav sites. Another one for KS1 and 2: sandrine pac-kenny:so nice! so well laid out. could laminate to reuse over and over... Carolyn George:Yes, Sandrine Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):would be good idea for set homework Jo:great for putting on the board as a starter Nadine Chadier:There is always something cross-curricular on it! Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Good idea for atudents who finish tasks early Helen Myers:Thanks to all participants for great comments and extra ideas! Mr Stuart Gorse:You're welcome Helen Myers::) Mr Stuart Gorse:Fiches and chips? 6 Helen Myers::) Marion Pellon:you could send pupils on it for a different homework and find something they like Marion Pellon:different from normal news Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:On you can download publications for free. atkinson vali 2:we can read it Helen Myers:A French teacher's treasure chest! Nadine Chadier:Wonderful, indeed! Helen Myers:brilliant! Jenny:It's inspired me for work with my adults! Helen Myers:They will love it Jenny! Nadine Chadier:Love the link to free images, thank you! Jenny:Like the stuff with culture esp. art, poetry etc Helen Myers:this is so helpful... Nadine Chadier:I am thrilled, filling up my Pinterest boards as we speak! Mr Stuart Gorse:I like singing Helen Myers:please share your pinterest links Nadine if you can Jenny:I'm not using Pint properly yet. need some hlep, Dading Nadine Chadier:If you follow this link, can you see the resources I pin? Nadine Chadier: Helen Myers:Merci Nadine Jenny:Oh dear. Was typing blind! Carolyn George:Love the school website Nadine Chadier:I love the photo de classe! How amazing! Thank you! Marion Pellon:even a FLE section on jeuxpedago :-) Melanie Redrup:yes Marion Pellon:abolutely ADORE 1jour1actu Helen Myers:Mohiville is going to get loads of hits after this webinar!!! Nadine Chadier:Their animations are brilliant, especially "comment fait-on du chocolat" Jenny:Yes, i like un jour 1actu Nadine Chadier:Yes, very fast! Marion Pellon:all their animations are perfect for A level - interesting hw to write up transcript! Jenny:I think the videos are fine Carolyn George:I've used 1jour1actu for years with my A level groups Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Perfect for A2 and AE. angela leyburn:Yes I get my students to do the transcripts too. Mr Stuart Gorse:Thank you Danièle, I will ctch up with th pOwerpoint later. I have some, er, marking to do Mr Stuart Gorse:Good night all Jenny:Sign up for the mags. to get automatic links Jenny:Free sign ups Helen Myers:These will be good for me to maintain my own French! Nadine Chadier:Good link with boys to motivate them! Jo:I was thinking that as well Helen! Crash course in French just reading them all tonight... Helen Myers:yes Jo! Jenny:Helen, u once recommended an exc. science mag? alda whaley:excellent resources merci alda Nadine Chadier:Perfect for Yr3 link Nadine Chadier:cross-curricular Helen Myers:Wow!!!! Marion Pellon:talking of - answers to the quiz? 7 Jenny:Gt for adults, too. Love it Helen Myers:we'll get that at the end Marion! Nadine Chadier:Great Francophonie link! Laura Simons:Brilliant. Thank you. Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Perfect for my adult learners. Thank you Helen Myers:fabulous photos Nadine Chadier:Wonderful resources, big thank you Danièle! Jenny:Love aFrican art- also music angela leyburn:pleeeease can we have a list of all these websites Carolyn (Radio France Internationale) is also good for A Level listening Jo Patisso:Thank you Danièle. Fantastic ideas. Hannah Russell:Thank you so much. Inspiring stuff. Jenny:xxxxxxx Heidi Smith:Thank youuuuuu Kerry Bevan:Thank you so much! Jo:It's always important to show both sides... ie SMSC wise not just to show the stereotype that Africans live in mud huts etc... julie clayton: Thank you Marion Pellon:hours of happy browsing ahead! Kerry Bevan:How amazing. Carolyn George:Thank you so much, Daniele! Fabulous resources. You have inspired an old French teacher!!! Anne-Sophie 3:fabuleux merci beaucoup Laura Simons 2:Thank you so much. x Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:thank you so very much. Thought I would miss it. Love it. Helen Myers: Anita:This is fantastic - it has inspired me greatly Melanie Redrup:Thank you so much for sharing such great links and ideas atkinson vali 2:many heartfelt thanks xx Fiona:Thank you so much! Kerry Bevan:Am going to share with other colleagues immediately Karima Mann:Thank you, Daniele, for a very infromative session! Nadine Chadier:All liked! Fabulous session! Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Merci beucoup Jo:Thank you Irina:Merci bcp! Marion Pellon:thanks a lot, clearly a lot of prep and experience :-) Moira Comani:thank you very much that was wonderful Anita:Thank you so much Jenny:So good to be re-inspired Ludi J:liked the facebook page thanks. How could we please get a copy of the powerpoint? Hayley Frankland:Thank you so much. Very inspiring. Laura Simons 2:Night everyone xx Anne-Sophie 3:bye Laura Carolyn George:Found the FB page and have 'liked' it :-) atkinson vali 2:how can we download the PP? angela leyburn:Thank you Daniele - always use lots of your material from the MFL forum. Carolyn George:Looking forward to sharing this with my department Nadine Chadier:Encore bravo! Nadine Chadier:mucem Maria Beltran:wonderful presentation. good night Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:worked Marion Pellon:yes it's working, many thanks 8 Melanie Redrup:not working for me though Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Mille mercis. C'était super. Carolyn George:53 seconds left Kerry Bevan:yes - it has worked. Thank you again. Sylvie Bartlett-Rawlings:Have to go now. xx Kerry Bevan:What a fab way to spend a Sunday evening. Silvia Ruiz:Merci beaucoup! Nadine Chadier:Good night to all! Jo:I had to click twice but it has worked now Carolyn George:A great substitute for Downton Abbey Nadine Chadier:Download worked! Bravo! Anita:Yes it has worked Fiona:It's worked fine - thank you! Anne-Sophie 3:downloaded! Jo Patisso:Downloaded thanks! Jo:downloaded thank you Carolyn George:Download finished. Merci beaucoup Marion Pellon:All good - bonne nuit tout le monde & best wishes for the week ahead! Carolyn George::-) atkinson vali 2:Brilliant work, inspirational lady, good continuation and many thanks your help, I am very grateful Anita:Bonne nuit and many thanks Melanie Redrup:Still cannot download so would appreciate the link on the website. Thanks Jo:sometimes giving the students key vocab beforehand helps with videos Anne-Sophie 3:would u recommend the mary glasgow mag? Anne-Sophie 3:vous y avez travaille Jo:they pretend to be authetic and before the internet they were the closest we had.... but not now they have been superceeded by the internet Anne-Sophie 3:true Jo:yep! Anne-Sophie 3:current gcse are so far from authentic Jo:I think that's true... it's showing the students life outside the classroom. Anne-Sophie 3:true Anne-Sophie 3:merci Anne-Sophie 3:bonne soiree, a la prochaine fois atkinson vali 2:Au revoir, merci :-) Fiona:Au revoir! Merci! Carolyn George:Bonne nuit et merci Angela Parkinson (Sunderland):Au revoir Jo:Bonne nuit et merci... see you again hopefully 9