Castellino Micaela Graduate School in Physics and Astrophysics - XX Cycle Towards Biosensors: Characterisation and Functionalisation of Diamond Surface 1 Outline Introduction Why Diamond? • • • General properties (“the Biggest & the Best”) Production methods Surface: • • • Properties (Electrochemical model) Characterisation (XPS, AFM, electrical measurements) Functionalisation (Proteins attachment) Conclusions M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 2 Research Line 5: Molecular interactions in complex and nanostructured biointerphases: solid-protein-cell Research Line 2: Nano-structured thin films for coatings and functional applications My PhD thesis is a MIUR scholarship (D.M. 198 – 23/10/03) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 3 Aim of the work Diamond Surface study to develop a device for simultaneous recording of electrical and optical signals from living cells, as sensor elements (Biosensors) Variation of the physiochemical (temperature, pH, ion concentration….) and physiological (growth factor, hormones….) environments can greatly influence cellular health M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 4 Aim of the work What is the physical observable ? Electrochemical response The membrane potential changes which occur during nerve impulse propagation are collectively called Action Potential (AP) Potential use of cell based sensors: Environmental monitoring (chemical/biological warfare agents, groundwater contamination…..) Pharmaceutical screening Drug discovery M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 5 State of the art Intracellular recording: patch clamp ADVANTAGES •Well established technique •Best signal-to-noise ratio DRAWBACKS •Fragile interfaces that limit the duration of the recordings •Difficult simultaneous recording from various cells Extracellular recording with metallic multi electrode array ADVANTAGES •Capability to record and stimulate multiple cells simultaneously •Feasible to conduct long term and repeated measurements on the same culture. DRAWBACKS •Signal amplitude is too smaller •No optical transmission trough metallic surfaces 6 Why Diamond? “… silicon has been used in most of the past and current developments. However, its poor biocompatibility and chemical instability prevent silicon from becoming the ideal material for biosensors applications. In contrast, diamond is known as a biocompatible material in itself, consisting of just carbon atoms” (A. Hartl et al, Nature Materials, 3, 736- 742, 2004) “Diamond possesses unique properties (biocompatibility, optical transparency, possibility of modifying the electronic and hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties at the nanoscale)” (P. Ariano et al. Diam. Relat. Mater, 14 - 669, 2005) “Diamond has some of the most extreme physical properties of any material, yet its practical use in science or engineering has been limited due its scarsity and expense ” (P. May. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 358, 473 - 495, 2000) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 7 Diamond Natural diamond: too much expensive, with structure and morphology not suitable for technical applications Artificial diamond: 1953 – Stockholm (Quintus-ASEA project): first synthetic diamond (8.4 GPa, 1500°C) (the discovery was kept secret ) 1954 – USA (T. Hall, General Electric): first published result Primary Tecniques: HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) works in P and T ranges where diamond is the stable form of carbon (A,B,C) CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) works in ranges where graphite is the carbon stable form (D) A - shockwave synthesis (sound pulses of t ms) B – with catalyst (es. Ni) C – without catalyst D - low P (mbar) and low T (700 – 900 °C) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 8 Diamond The crystal structure of diamond is equivalent to a face-centred cubic (FCC) lattice. The conventional unit cell is cubic with a side length a0 approximately equal to 3.567 Å at room temperature. The C – C bond length d is equal to 1.54 Å. The atomic density is 1.76×1023 atoms/cm3. Its covalent bonds between hybrid sp3 orbitals make it the hardest material in nature (from the Greek “adamas ” = indestructible) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 9 Diamond Bulk Property Diamond Best Alternative Mechanical Hardness (g/mm2) 5700 - 10400 4500 (cubic BN) Thermal Conductivity (W cm-1 K-1) 20 6 (BeO) Electrical Resistivity (W cm) 1015 1015 (Al2O3) Band Gap (eV) 5.45 1.12 (Si) Lattice Constant (Å) 3.56 5.43 (Si) Optical Transmission 220 nm < l < 2500 nm l > 6000 nm Sapphire 150 nm < l < 5000 nm M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 10 Diamond Surface H - Termination Face (100) properties a) Without adsorbates: C symmetrical dimers, linked together with double bond (s+p). b) With H (single): C atoms arranges as dimers, but only with s bonds, while the left bond is attached to the H atom. S. J. Sque et al. - Physical Rev B 73, 2006 M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 11 Diamond Surface O - Termination Face (100) properties a) “Ketone” arrangement: the O single atom is double-bonded to a single surface C atom. b) “Ether”: the O atom bridges two surface C atom and makes a single bond to each. S. J. Sque et al. - Physical Rev B 73, 2006 The last one is a more stable configuration, due to the fact that the highest occupied level in the ether system is significantly lower in energy than the same level in the ketone system. M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 12 Diamond Surface “Origin of Surface Conductivity in Diamond” (Maier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 16 (2000) ) Different diamond samples show surface conductivity (C=10-6-10-5A/V) if hydrogenated and then exposed to air. If the sample is hydrogenated but left in UHV enviroment, the surface conductivity reaches at least 10-10 A/V. Chemisorbed hydrogen is a necessary but not a sufficient prerequisite for Surface Conductivity (SC) De-hydrogenation made with 1keV e- for 90min, with a flux of 0.2 mA/cm2 T= 300°C – aqueous layer desorption T= 700°C – H desorption M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 13 Diamond Surface Negative Electron Affinity - NEA (c) When the vacuum level is below the Conduction Band Minimum (CBM): in this case the surface layer acts as an “electrons well”, which can escape from the material with an E=|c|. c can be modified by the presence of adsorbates, which create a “dipolar layer”, varying the vacuum level : a) Without adsorbates: c =+0.38 eV b) With H- termination: c =-1.27 eV c) With O - termination: c =+1.77 eV Element Electron Affinity (eV): C (2.55), O (3.44), H (2.20) (J. Ristein, Appl. Phys. A 82, 377-384, 2006) c0 = clean surface electron affinity e= elementary charge e0= vacuum dielectric constant n = dipoles density pz = dipole moment Diamond Surface Surface Conductivity (SC): (Ravi et al. ,Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1989)) p-type with r=1016 to 105 W cm Holes density= 1012 – 1013 cm-2 Holes accumulation layer Xa = (0.4-1.2) nm. Thomas - Fermi equation e = diamond dielectric constant Ne = carriers density (1020 cm-3) (H. Kawarada, “The Physics of diamond: proceedings of the international school of physics Enrico Fermi”) Diamond Surface Electrochemical Model cad=Egap+ cC-H= 5.5 - 1.3 = 4.2 eV Electron affinity of molecular atmospheric species lie in the range of 2.5<c<3.7 eV: direct e- transfer from the diamond into an atmospheric adsorbate seems to be impossible. A thin water layer provides a system which can act as a surface acceptor for diamond. me is the chemical potential of e- in the liquid phase: when is below the diamond Fermi level, e- are transferred from diamond to water (left to right) until the band bending equals the me to the EF (H2O me= -4.26 eV ) Maier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 16 (2000) 3472 Electrons exchange by redox reaction: 2H3O++2e- H2+2H2O M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 16 So far … HTD Control (Plastic) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino Neurons grown on HTD adhere, survive and emit long neuritic processes; no differences with control cultures 17 Hydrogenation Hot Filament CVD tecnique Gas Inlet Bias electrode Filament electrodes Diamond sample Sample Atomic hydrogen H• H• 2200 °C Hot Filament (Ta, W, Re) Gas outlet H2 electrodes ElettroRava, Savonera (TO) (Dott. P. Bonino) Molecular hydrogen Just to resume Diamond surface can be modified trough H – termination, becoming a conductor material, which can acts as an electrode of a Biosensor : this has also the diamond bulk properties such as Hardness, Biocompatibility and Optical Transparency. • •My PhD research purpose is the diamond surface characterisation, which can be subjected to several functionalisations to create biosensors. M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 19 Characterisation XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) VSW Scientific Instruments Ltd. Experimental Physics Dep. X-Ray source: Mg Ka (1253.6 eV), Al Ka (1486.6 eV) Analyser: Concentric Hemispherical Analyser (CHA) Energy resolution: (1.0 ± 0.1) eV (calculated on Au 4f7/2, Cu 2p3/2 , Cu L3VV) Copyright by ASTM (AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL) Our Samples Homoepitaxial (deposited on diamond substrates) • Ulm 1 & 2 (supplied by Ulm University): 300 nm IIa (100) oriented diamond deposited by plasma CVD on Ib HPHT diamond, with two different type of Boron doping surface layer (1 nm) (3.7x3.7 mm2). • Roma 1 & 2 (supplied by Tor Vergata University): 300 nm IIa (100) oriented diamond deposited by HF CVD on HPHT Ib diamond substrate supplied by Sumitomo Electric Co. Ltd. (3x3 mm2). Heteroepitaxial (deposited on other materials) • NCD (1 to 5) (supplied by Rho-best coating - Innsbruck): 100 nm IIa nano crystalline diamond deposited by HF CVD on optical quartz (1x1 cm2) • Ulm film on Si (supplied by Ulm University): 300 nm IIa oriented diamond deposited by plasma CVD on Si wafer (5x8 mm2) Other two samples will be presented later on (Article section) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 21 XPS Analysis How to distinguish diamond from other Carbon allotropes? I (17.7 eV) Counts (a.u.) 8.5 2s orbitals II (13.4 eV) 8.0 sp3 orbitals III (8.7 eV) 7.5 2p orbitals Valence Band (Ulm 1 ) 7.0 30 1 25 20 15 10 5 EB (eV) 0 s(2s)/s(2p) = 12 Structure E (CVD) eV E (natural) 1 eV E (peak) 2 eV Peak I 17.7 17.9 21 - 16 Peak II 13.4 13.2 15 - 10 Peak III ~ 8.7 - 10 - 0 Cavell et al. Phys. Rev. B, 7, (1972) 5313 2 McFeely et al. Phys. Rev. B, 9 (1973) 5268 NCD #5 (hydrogenated) EK = (250-1500) eV E = 1 eV Dwell = 500 ms 10 scans FAT = 22 eV Counts (a.u.) 16000 C1s Sample NCD 5 C: 76.9% O: 17.1% Ta: 6.0% Hydrogenated 8000 C: 93.2% NotHydrogenated O 1s O KL23L23 O: 6.5% Ta: 0.4% Ta 4f5/2,7/2 0 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 EB (eV) C: 38.3% • Atoms Identification O: 45.5% • Quantification (%) Ta: 12.5% Ca: 3.7% NCD 5 was hydrogenated in our groups, while NCD 1 was hydrogenated by Rhobest coating (Innsbruck) NCD #1 (hydrogenated) EK = (250-1500) eV E = 1 eV Dwell = 500 ms 6 scans FAT = 22 eV 16 Counts (a.u.) Elemental Analysis: 12 O KL23L23 O 1s Ca 2p1/2,3/2 8 Ta 4p3/2 Ta 4d3/2,5/2 Ta 4p1/2 4 Ta 4f5/2,7/2 C1s O 2s Ca 3s 0 1200 1050 900 750 600 EB (eV) 450 300 150 23 0 NIST – National Institute of Standars & Technology O 1s (530.9 eV) Counts (a.u.) 105 C: 15% 90 O: 60.4% NCD 4 (oxygenated) 75 Ta: 24.6% 60 O 1s: 531 eV (standard reference) 45 • if bonded with Ta (Ta2O5): 530.6 eV 30 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 • if bonded with C (CO): 532 eV EB (eV) This is due to the peaks O 1s (532.8 eV) 35 “Chemical Shift”: Counts (a.u.) 30 NCD 3 (hydrogenated) 25 20 we can understand which kind of bonding are involved in our sample surface 15 C: 63.6% 10 O: 33.7% 5 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 Ta: 2.7% EB (eV) Measurements made at ITC-irst Institute (Trento) 24 New Method We have noticed that our hydrogenation device introduces Ta contamination (due to the Ta hot filament sublimation); so we decided to try another way to hydrogenate our sample. We used what is called “Thermal hydrogenation”: the sample is heated by a resistive heating element and its surface interacts with H2 molecular gas, instead of an atomic gas. M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 25 Characterisation Hydrogenation process ElettroRava, Savonera (TO) (Dott. P. Bonino) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 26 Characterisation Sheet Resistance: Electrical measurements - Collinear four-probe head with tungsten carbide tips from Jandel Engineering Ltd. ρ π V V = = 4.532 t ln2 I I - The distance between the tips was 0.635 mm and their radii was 0.04 mm. [ Ω ] t = sample thickness - Calibrated constant current source was used in order to supply 0.01 mA through the two outer tips of the 4point probe, while measuring the voltage across the two inner probe tips Experimental Physics Dep. M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 27 Characterisation Sample A is a IIa (110) oriented natural diamond supplied by Drukker International (3x3x1 mm3). Sample B is a IIa (100) oriented 5 mm thick homoepitaxial diamond film deposited on highly resistive (boron free) HPHT Ib diamond substrate supplied by Sumitomo Electric Co. Ltd. (3x3x0.5 mm3). Sheet Resistance: “Virgin State” * After Thermal Hydrogenation Sample A >109 W/ Sample B >109 W/ (2.8±0.8) 104 W/ >109 W/ *samples were initially oxidised using a sulfochromic acid solution at 120 °C for 4 hours, rinsed in DI water, then heated at 70 °C in a H2O2 (36 vol.) : NH4OH (30%) 1:1 mixture, rinsed in DI water and after in acetone and finally dried in Ar flow. After that they were annealed for 1 hour at 900 °C in high vacuum conditions (10-5 Pa) to induce hydrogen and/or oxygen desorption and to start with a clean surface. 28 Characterisation Sheet Resistance of Natural IIa (110) oriented diamond ohmic character M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 29 Characterisation Dependence of Sheet Resistance from sample Temperature M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 30 Characterisation Sensitivity to environmental conditions M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 31 Characterisation Sample A In order to estimate the average roughness of the surfaces, several noncontact AFM maps were acquired over hydrogenated surfaces of both the samples using an AFM PSIA XE-100. Sample B Sample A showed a maximum vertical excursion (Rpv) of 120 nm , whereas sample B showed a much smoother surface with Rpv smaller than 20 nm. Experimental Physics Dep. (Dott.ssa C. Manfredotti) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 32 Characterisation • (110) oriented natural diamond sample showes an ohmic character with a sheet resistance of 2104 W/, while the B sample remains non-conductive. • This different behaviour is due to a different reactivity of the two surfaces which have different natures and orientations. • The presence of a high surface area could have played an important role in the hydrogen chemisorption (the few experiments on thermal hydrogenation of diamond regard powders with high specific surface area: Ando et al, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday. Trans., 89, (1993), 1783). (Maier et al, Surface Science, 443, 177-185, 1999) 33 Functionalisation (Nature Materials, 1, 253-257, 2002) 34 Functionalisation (Nature Materials, 3, 736-742, 2004) 35 Functionalisation Experimental Physics Dep N 1s (402 eV) peak is covered by Ta 4p3/2 (404 eV) 12 h in N2 flux Counts (a.u.) 3.0 NCD #2 (Hydrogenated) EK = (750-1250) eV E = 0.5 eV Dwell = 500 ms 19 scans FAT = 22 eV O 1s 2.5 Deprotection mixture: • methanol:water=2:5 • 7% K2CO3 (base) 2.0 F 1s C 1s 1.5 boiling for 3.5 h Ta 4p3/2 Ta 4p1/2 1.0 Ca 4p1/2,3/2 0.5 700 650 600 550 500 450 EB (eV) 400 350 300 250 General & Applied Organic Chemistry Dep. Our results NCD5 sample functionalised with Cyanine CY3 dye Excitation & Emission spectra Chemical Structure Animal & Human Biology Dep, (To) (Dott. P. Ariano) Active Site M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 37 Further aims • Reproduce the functionalisation on other types of diamond (Ulm 1 & 2, Roma 1 & 2 ); • Control each step of the functionalisation with XPS measurement; • Make analysis on Ulm 1 & 2 samples to understand the C – B bond for a poster/presentation in collaboration with Dott. Hayssam El-Hajj & Prof. E. Kohn (Ulm University) at the “New Diamond & Nano Carbons” Conference (May 28 - 31, 2007 – Osaka, Japan) • Continue the thermal hydrogenation study to understand the process mechanism M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 38 Poster & Pubblication Poster presentation at Diamond 2006 Conference (3 - 8 September 2006 - Estoril, Portugal) : “Diamond surface conductivity after exposure to molecular hydrogen” (F. Fizzotti, A. Lo Giudice, Ch. Manfredotti, C. Manfredotti, M. Castellino, E. Vittone*) (to be published in Diamond & Related Material - Elsevier) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 39 M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 40 Characterisation Wettability SAMPLE A (a) Surface Exposed to Molecular Hydrogen Flow 0° < q > 90° Hydrophilic 90° < q > 180° Hydrophobic = (79 1) SAMPLE B (b) After Hot Filament CVD Hydrogenation = (91 1) Physics Dep, Politecnico (To) (Dott.ssa P. Rivolo) M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 41 Diamond Type of Diamonds: Ia - This is the most common type of natural diamond, containing up to Ib - Very few natural diamonds are this type (~0.1%), but nearly IIa - This type is very rare in nature. Type IIa diamonds contain IIb - This type is also very rare in nature. Type IIb diamonds 0.3% nitrogen. all synthetic industrial diamonds are. Type Ib diamonds contain up to 500 ppm nitrogen. so little nitrogen that it isn't readily detected using infrared or ultraviolet absorption methods. contain so little nitrogen (even lower than type IIa) that the crystal is a p-type semiconductor. M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 42 Ketone = CnH2nO organic compound an oxygen atom connected to two (substituted) alkyl groups M. Castellino - NIS & DFS Torino 43