
CA. 1533- 1725
 Europe- who had the legitimate rule? Royal Monarchs (Divine)- France
develops the concept and the administration in the most effective way
 Louis XIV 1661 (France was by now the most powerful nation in Europe…so
long Spain!)- creator and inspiration for Royal Absolutism across Europe
 Quick history- 1589 Henry IV- inherits a disjointed Kingdom- passes Edict of
Nantes (religious toleration), sells government offices to wealthy people and
merchants (nobility of the robe)
 Massive infrastructure program- assassinated by a fanatic
 Cardinal Richelieu- chief minister of Marie de Medicis (ruling as regent for the
young Louis XIII
 Richelieu- make royal power supreme (so long Huguenots, nobles of the robe
and merchants)- bring back subjects to their “duty”
 Richelieu used the army to destroy any nobles who opposed him, changed the
administrative boundaries and appointed an intendent and went to war (30
years war) to weaken the Habsburgs
 By 1642 France was top dog in Europe but was hated in France (tax increases to
do his deeds)
 The Fronde (objection to increased taxes and increasing royal power)1648- 1653
essentially a civil war led by nobles, soldiers and urban artisans (Louis XIV
 1640’s- other revolts of the same nature in Spain, Italian city-states and England-
same thing in each case- increase in taxes and royal power
 Most had small successes, peasants and nobles were very specific in their attacks
(tax collectors and royal agents) but all were eventually crushed
 Matters get much worse in England- all these events were a warning to
monarchs- don’t push unpopular policies too far and the aristocracy should not
underestimate the crown
 1661 Louis XIV officially rules as king- let’s do some child psychology- what was his upbringing
 Bishop Bossuet (see previous handout)- “L’etat c’est moi”
 Frnace had a massive series of councils that were filled with nobles- Louis only appointed lower
nobles and managed every council himself
 Looked to Henry IV and initiated massive public works that glorified him, not local nobles-
canals, roads and the biggest work- the Palace of Versailles
 Versailles took 43 years to complete, its Baroque at its best, classical and controlled to the last
detail- obedience to natural laws- if he is the sun…
 “The peoples over whom we reign, being unable to comprehend the basic realities of things,
usually derive their opinions from what they can see with their eyes”- value?
 1682 moves to Versailles and “invites” nobles from all over France to “stay” with him- subjected
them to a series of very complex system of etiquette, forcing nobles to care about their position
under him…see Antoinette clip
 Intendants managed the nobles properties
 Mercantilist policies were promoted- high tariffs on French industries, built a massive navy and
forced extreme regulations on French manufacturing details- short term results
 1683 France had a balanced budget and had relative prosperity despite the expense of the new
kingdom (and Versailles)
 Following decades became the time for Louis to consolidate his royal authority even more-
religious conformity (revoked Edict of Nantes)- wealthy protestants left
 Fought four wars of aggression over his last 40 years as King