Activation Procedures Hyperventilation (H.V.) (Fig. 71): Consists of 3-5 min of deep breathing (20/sec). Avoided in recent stroke or S.A. hemorrhage, recent M.I. and GOAD. Normal and abnormal responses: - No changes or - Symmetrical slowness which may persist for up to 1 min or more; - diffuse theta activity or - more characteristic, intermittent or continuous 3-4 Hz high amplitude (may be 250 µV) activity with frontal or occipital dominance. - The amplitude and frequency of slowness are of no clinical importance unless there is consistent asymmetry. The side that shows a slower frequency and/or lower amplitude is usually considered the abnormal side. - The most striking EEG abnormality seen during H.V. is 3 cps spike and slow wave, but other abnormalities may be seen. - H.V. effect is much more marked in children than in adults. - Blood sugar level appears to influence the response to H.V. Why H.V. induce slowness? H.V. hypocarbia (CO2) V.C. alters the metabolic rate of the neurons slowness. Fig. 71 Gradual built up of bilateral symmetrical slow activity in a 10-yr old child after 2 min. of hyperventilation (Cal V 150 µV) Intermittent Photic Stimulation (IPS) (Fig. 72): Each flash rate for 10 sec, eye closed for first 5 sec then opened. If there is a brief response repeat IPS. Red flashes are more effective in eliciting photoparoxysmal response. It is the most valuable in documenting photosensitivity which has a high correlation with primary generalized epilepsy. Photic driving: EEG activity that time-locked to the photic stimuli is often seen over the posterior region. Photic driving is a physiologic response, usually symmetrical, observed in all age groups. Absence of any response is not abnormal. Marked consistent asymmetry in amplitude or absence of driving to many frequencies on one side is considered abnormal. Fig. 72 Photic driving at 8, 12, and 15 flashes per second Sleep: Whether natural or induced by chloral hydrate, 25-50 mg/kg body weight with maximum of 2000 mg in adults and 1000 mg in children. Drowsiness and sleep are more effective in epilepsy. A dramatic increase in the number of spikes during sleep is a characteristic feature of benign Rolandic epilepsy. In temporal lobe epilepsy, spikes may appear for first time during sleep. Sleep deprivation is still debated as an activation procedure. Pharmacological activation: Used to differentiate between focal with secondary generalization from primary generalized epilepsy. Drugs used are; metrazole, bemegride, barbiturates [thiopental I.V.]. EEG in Clinical Diagnosis The aim is to give the physician an insight into the optimal use of EEG in neurological diagnosis. Role of EEG in diagnosis of neurological disorders (sensitivity and specificity): It is a totally non-invasive procedure, useful in neurologic disorders in which cerebral dysfunctions known to occur without an obvious structural lesion. Intermittent e.g. epilepsy and sleep disorders. Persistent e.g. diffuse encephalopathies. Only rarely do we find a situation where the EEG is conclusively and specifically diagnostic of a particular disease. Seizure Disorder – General considerations The EEG is the most important test in the evaluation of seizure disorder, as it provides diagnostic and prognostic information in the majority of patients. Sensitivity *Routine EEG +ve in 90% of absence 20-60% of generalized tonic-clonic (depend on associated features like myoclonus) *Normal EEG does not rule out genuine seizure disorder. *Interictal abnormalities are more likely to occur with sleep, sleep deprivation overnight, and sequential EEGs. Specificity *Typical 3 cps spike & slow wave occur in absence seizures 1/3 of asymptomatic siblings of patients with absence may also show 3cps. *Hypsarrhythmia and slow spike & wave occur in infantile spasms (West’s) Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Recurrence After first fit, probability of recurrence is twice with epileptogenic EEG. Primary vs. secondary Categorization of seizures 1. Choosing the appropriate AED Selecting suitable candidate for surgery in intractable epilepsy Decisions regarding discontinuation of AEDs Diagnosis of non-convulsive status Febrile seizures Ictal focal or generalized may persist for one week. Interictal if persist shift the diagnosis to seizure disorder. 2. Infantile spasms Hypsarrhythmia is the characteristic EEG pattern. 3. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Petit mal variant is the typical EEG pattern with slow background. 4. Primary generalized epilepsy Absence seizure Typically 3 cps (21/2-4) spike &slow wave with normal background. Prolonged discharges last more than 12 sec. Often lead to automatisms and confusional states. If there is consistent asymmetry of the discharges or the onset of absence occurs later in life, neuroimaging is recommended. Generalized tonic- clonic seizures Ictal pattern Tonic phase initially a repetitive discharge of spikes or fast rhythmic Activity progressive rate and amplitude. Clonic phase generalized spikes coinciding with the clonic jerks, often followed by slow waves (periods of relaxation) + bilateral symmetrical synchronous muscle artifacts. Less frequent stop abruptly. Post-ictal marked suppression of activity for varying periods. Interictal 2-4 Hz or faster bilateral synchronous spike & wave complexes, spikes, in generalized distribution, polyspikes, or polyspike and wave complexes. 5. Partial (focal) epilepsy Rolandic benign epilepsy of childhood with rolandic spikes (BECRs) 25% of childhood epilepsy. Sylvian Epilepsy: centromidtemporal epilepsy Spikes: central, mid-temporal or centroparietal, unilateral or bilateral. Markedly accentuated in stages I and II sleep, may occur without an accompanying seizures. A similar syndrome with occipital or parietooccipital spikes or spike & slow wave complexes. Occipital spikes may occur in children with early-onset visual problems without fits. Simple partial seizure: EEG is not very sensitive. Complex partial seizure: Sphenoidal leads may be necessary. Higher incidence of spikes in sleep EEG. Antro- and mesio-temporal spikes are considered more significant than mid-temporal. Frontopolar, orbito-frontal and temprooccipital; spikes may be also associated with CPS. 6. Non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) Absence continuous generalized 2.5-3 cps spike & wave complexes. CPS repetitive focal or lateralized activity of spikes, sharp waves, Spike & slow, rhythmic slow waves, or fast activity. Sleep Disorders Polysomnography EEG, respiratory movements, movements, muscle activity, and blood oxygen conc. Sleep apnea syndrome; obstructive, central or mixed. Narcolepsy: excessive sleepiness + REM-sleep. air flow, eye The Comatose Patient Determine the patient’s level of consciousness In unresponsive patient passive opening of eyes + painful stimuli reactive tracing more favorable prognosis. Artifacts monitoring. EEG is complementary to neuroimaging in evaluation EEG abnormalities seen in comatose patient are often non-specific Encephalopathies Delta activity may be intermittent and rhythmic or diffuse and polymorphic. Hepatic Uremic Drug intoxication diffuse slowness + generalized beta Cerebral anoxia diffuse slowness + burst suppression or electrosilence, or myoclonic jerks accompanying epileptiform activity, or markedly attenuated background. Supratentorial lesions focal or lateralized polymorphic delta. Bilateral brain stem lesions (pontine tegmentum) alpha coma = activity in the alpha frequency unresponsive to passive eye opening. Greater amplitude in the anterior regions. (also in cerebral anoxia and drug intoxication) While responsive in locked-in-syndrome and psychogenic coma. NCSE (non-convulsive status epilepticus) – causing coma DD = Postictal state Transient global amnesia Drug intoxication Electrolyte imbalance (diffuse slowness) Psychogenic (normal EEG) Elecrocerebral Silence (ECS) Absence of electrocerebral activity above 2 µV. Occurs in Brain death - Hypothermia – Drug intoxication. Diffuse Encephalopathies The EEG abnormality is non-specific except in few circumstances. In many of these conditions, when the EEG is grossly abnormal, the CT may not reveal any specific changes. Metabolic encephalopathies Diffuse slowing of background rhythms resulting in theta or delta activity commonly with FIRDA or sometimes OIRDA. Hepatic 1/3 patients triphasic delta (rare in Reye’s syndrome) Hypoglycemia accentuated EEG response to HV + progressive slowing of background activity +/IRDA may appear +/enhance pre-existing epileptiform activity (reversible). Hyperglycemia non-specific slowing of the background activity. Focal seizure activity is not uncommon. Renal disorders Uremic encephalopathy slowing + FIRDA + photoparoxysmal or photomyogenic response + occasional triphasic waves. Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome temporary worsening of the EEG pattern. Following dialysis the slow activity gradually disappear. Dialysis dementia focal abnormality in the EEG pattern precedes the onset of clinical dementia (predictive). Infectious encephalopathies In acute phase diffuse slowing + often epileptiform abnormality. HSE early focal slowing and epileptiform discharges over temporal or frontotemporal regions, followed by periodic complexes (lateralized or generalized). SSPE generalized periodic complexes *High voltage (100-1000 µV) *At intervals of 4-14 sec. *Often associated with myoclonus. Jackob-Creutzfeldt disease periodic complexes recur at about 1 sec. Dementia In suspected cases the EEG is often quite informative. A decrease in alpha rhythm, although non-specific, is a consistent finding. In advanced cases very low-amplitude EEG with slow background (classic in Huntington’s disease). Focal Encephalopathies The type of EEG abnormality depends on the site and size of the lesion. Subcortical disruption of the thalamocortical connection PDA. If there are multiple areas of slow activity, the site of lesion is likely to be underneath the area that shows the slowest and most irregular activity, irrespective of its amplitude. Cortical and subcortical PDA But the amplitude is likely to be smaller in the area directly over the lesion. Cortical may be less striking, may be normal or only a decrease in amplitude of the background activity, particularly beta, on the side of the lesion. Pseudtumor cerebri normal EEG Chronic recurrent headache if there is focal slowing, CT is recommended Seizure disorders PDA CT is needed. Supratentorial tumors while EEG correctly lateralizes the tumor, it is of little value in differentiating type of the tumor. PDA in EEG with normal CT: Recent non-hemorrhagic infarction. Recent episode of migraine. Post-ictal. Post-traumatic. Cerebrovascular Disorders Acute neurologic deficit with normal CT findings. Large infarct (cortical and subcortical) PDA + lack of fast activity + PLEDs + suppression of sleep spindles. Small cortical lesions minimal changes if any Deep lesions minimal changes if any TIAs transient focal or lateralized changes (if persist, impending infarction) Subarachnoid hemorrhage often non-specific slowing focal abnormality site of aneurysm?? AVM focal or lateralized slowing +/- focal epileptiform abnormality Moyamoya disease excessive and prolonged slowing in response to H.V. may occur. Head Trauma Concussion diffuse non-specific slowing. Contusion localized slowing. Normal EEG in symptomatic patient = psychogenic. Early EEG changes have shown no consistent predictive value for posttraumatic epilepsy. Sophisticated and Advanced EEG technology Special Electrodes (Fig. 5) For inaccessible regions; basomedial parts of the temporal lobes and orbital and medial parts of the frontal lobes. Zygomatic Electrodes: For tips of temporal lobes. Nasopharyngeal Electrodes: For uncus, hippocampus, and orbito-frontal cortex. Sphinoidal Electrodes: For basal and mesial temporal cortex. Ethmoidal Electrodes: For orbito-frontal cortex. Electrocorticography Surgically placed electrodes; epidurally, subdurally, or depth electrodes for seizure surgery. Video/EEG Monitoring (Short - & Long-Term) It provides simultaneous recording of patient’s behavior and EEG, by the use of a split-half T.V. screen; this is recorded on a magnetic tape (or computer media) and can be played back later on a T.V. monitor for review and evaluation. System design: A simple basic system consists of: 1. T.V. camera. 2. Electronics for displaying the video on one half of the T.V. monitor. 3. Patient hook up: standard EEG, cable telemetry, wireless telemetry and electronics for filtering the EEG voltages to IRIG level. 4. Electronics for converting the EEG voltages to video signals suitable for displaying on the other half of the T.V. monitor. 5. Digital clock. 6. Video-cassette recorder (or a computer storage media). Time synchronization of data: On video tape and analog tape. Interpretation: By observation made by patient (alarm clock), technician and by taken samples from the record. Disadvantages: - Time consuming. - Hospitalization (in long-term only, short-term can be done in out patient) - Restriction of patient’s mobility. Ambulatory EEG Monitoring (AEEG) (Holter EEG) No need for hospitalization. Increases patient’s mobility. Long-term recording without supervision. With rapid video-audio play back device, 24 hours recording reviewed in 24 minutes. System design Battery operated. Pre-amplifiers are secured to the scalp along with the electrodes. Output wires are fed to the recorder. Patient hook up: Collodion electrodes. Electrode impedance should be less than 3 kohms. Not to use referential montages. Loop area between electrodes kept too minimum to avoid contamination from the surroundings. Operation: Electrodes applied and tested. Calibrate. Record while patient in various activities. On return back, do brief record again. Brain Electrical Activity Mapping (BEAM) Definition: It is a spatially oriented procedure for calculating amplitude and frequency patterns of the EEG and EP on the basis of restricted number of electrodes on the head and by subsequent interpolation methods. Terminology: Brain mapping, EEG and EP topography, Brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM), Quantitative EEG, Computerized EEG, EEG cartography. The rational for BEAM is that the traditional EEG or evoked potential (EP) tracings contains too much data in a form not appreciated by the naked eye. Methodology: General condition: a) Room: sound proof, electromagnetically shielded. b) Subject: comfortable position (to avoid muscle artifacts), maintained alertness (if possible), free of medications (or documented). Calibration: at the start of each recording. Electrodes: International 10-20 system, minimum of 19 electrodes (+ 4 artifact electrodes). Fig. 73 Electrodes jel injection (head cap) Reference: a) Single references as ear or mastoid, linked ears or mastoids, nasion or chin (Disadvantage: may be electrically active) b) Common average reference (CAR) (the most commonly used one) c) Local average reference (LAR, Laplacian) Baseline: is the technical zero line of EEG and EP, it can affect the pattern of EP maps or spikes (time domain). Fig. 74 Baseline correction options Filters: high and low pass filters are determined Fig. 75 Filter options Artifacts: should be removed prior to analysis and mapping. Best done by the human eye (for EEG) or automatically (for EP). Additional electrodes should be applied for detecting eye blinks, horizontal and vertical eye movements, and muscle and movement artifacts. Other artifacts are caused by: heart, pulse-waves, perspiration, electrodes, cables, AC interference, cautery, and neon lambs. Fig. 76 A marked and rejected block of digital EEG with eye movement artifact Data Acquisition and Signal Analysis: Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC): It is the process by which the external analog EEG or EP signal is transformed into the digital equivalent. Sampling rate: is the frequency at which the current signal amplitude is measured. Fig. 77 Signal amplitude sampling for analog to digital conversion Time Domain (Amplitude mapping): (time vs. amplitude) the amplitude values of an EEG at certain point in time are mapped. It is used in mapping of epileptic features, focal disturbances and display of special EEG patterns such as: K complexes, spindle activity…etc. Fig. 78 Time domain epoch (time vs. amplitude) Dipole Estimation: Dipole is a simplified equivalent of simultaneous discharges of multiple neurons. In conventional EEG phase reversal indicates focus location. In mapping dipoles may facilitate the search for sources. If there are no dipoles the source may be directly under the electrode. Frequency Domain (Frequency mapping): (amplitude vs. frequency) data are transformed from the time domain into the frequency domain (frequency spectra is calculated) using a special algorithm for Fourier transformation (aided by special computer programs or microchips).This is called FFT (fast Fourier transformation). The most common target variables for EEG mapping are power (uV2) or mean amplitudes (uV) in four to sex frequency bands (Delta 1-4 Hz, Theta 4-8 Hz, Alpha 8-12 Hz, Beta 12-35 Hz). Fig. 79 Frequency domain (frequency vs. amplitude) bar histogram Spatial Domain (Map construction): Starting with a limited number of actual data points an image consisting of thousands of data points (pixels) is generated. Interpolation is used to fill in the gaps. A) Linear interpolation uses the three or four nearest electrodes (fast, but maxima & minima are always at electrode sites) B) Surface spline interpolation (exhibits maxima & minima, but slow) Calibration (color or tone) bar: should accompany each map, it indicates (a) amplitude (uV) or power (uV2) ranges of EP & EEG events in time domain (b) activity ranges (uV or uV2) in EEG frequencies in frequency domain (c) ranges of statistical values from z statistics (standard deviations), t-test (t values), and significance levels (p values). Fig. 80 Interpolation Time domain spatial maps: Fig. 81 On the left side (an EEG strip) the cursor is placed exactly on an area with a positive alpha peak (at 178.99 seconds). On the right side the corresponding 2D brain map of this particular moment of EEG activity. Electrodes locations are marked on the map (black dots), each amplitude is represented by a color on the map (coded on the attached color bar), the 2 dimensions of the head map are (1) The time point (178,99s) or interval, and (2) the waves amplitudes in microvolts (uV). We note that alpha waves have produced a crown of colors (grades of red) in the occipital, parietal and posterior temporal areas. Fig. 82. A spike presentation with a positive maximum activity at C3 (time domain map) Frequency domain spatial maps: Fig. 83 Frequency domain spatial maps showing the 4 main frequency bands (Delta, Theta, Alpha and beta). The frequency domain represents: frequency vs. amplitude (no time). The amplitudes (in uV) are represented by color grades (attached color bars shows amplitudes color codes). Statistical Procedures: A. Standard tests: 1. Z statistics significant probability mapping (SPM): represents the extent to which (in terms of standard deviation) an individual observation differs from the mean of a reference set (a group) Fig. 84 Z statistics SPM 2. T statistics significant probability mapping (SPM): quantifies extent of difference between two sets of measures (two groups), taking into account the difference between group means and the variance within each group. Fig. 85 T statistics SPM B. Procedures used for group comparison: a) Exploratory / descriptive methods: 1. Student’s t test (significant probability mapping) 2. Wilcoxon test, linear regression. b) Confirmatory methods: 1. ANOVA (analysis of variance) 2. MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) and discriminant analysis. 3. t test, Wilcoxon test, or Mann-Whitney U test (after data reduction) Description of normal maps (frequency domain): Delta and theta maps tend to be symmetrical and posterior, of medium amplitude. Alpha tends to be of highest amplitude, better in the eye closed state. There is a good symmetry and occipital dominance. The same pattern is preserved in the eyes-open state. Beta is of low amplitude throughout, and not well defined. BEAM indications and important guidelines: These are mainly the same indications of traditional EEG, keeping in mind BEAM’s objectivity, increased sensitivity, its ability to measure many unique additional parameters and the availability of a wide variety of statistical methods which are stable over time. There is a list of many clinical conditions in which BEAM was extensively tested. These were included in the following “Report for BEAM assessment issued by the American Academy of Neurology and American Neurophysiology Society”: BEAM should be used only as an adjunct to and in conjunction with traditional EEG interpretation. It may be clinically useful only for patients who have been well selected on the basis of their clinical presentation. It is considered established in: 1- Epilepsy: for screening for possible epileptic spikes or seizures in longterm EEG monitoring or ambulatory recording to facilitate subsequent expert visual EEG interpretation 2- Operation room or intensive care unit monitoring: for continuous EEG monitoring by frequency-trending to detect early acute intracranial complications in the operation room or intensive care unit, and for screening for possible epileptic seizures in high-risk ICU patients. It is considered possibly useful in: 1- Epilepsy: for topographic voltage and dipole analysis in presurgical evaluations. 2- Cerebrovascular diseases: in expert hands may be possibly useful in evaluating certain patients with symptoms of cerebrovascular disease whose neuroimaging and routine EEG studies are not conclusive. 3- Dementia: it may be a useful adjunct to interpretation of the routine EEG in evaluation of dementia and encephalopathy when used in expert hands. It is considered investigational for clinical use in: 1- Postconcussion syndromes 2- Mild or moderate head injury 3- Learning disability 4- Attention disorders 5- Schizophrenia 6- Depression 7- Alcoholism 8- Drug abuse It is not recommended for use in civil or criminal judicial proceedings Because of the very substantial risk of erroneous interpretations, it is unacceptable for any BEAM techniques to be used clinically by those who are not physicians highly skilled in clinical EEG interpretation. EVOKED POTENTIALS When picked up by scalp electrodes, evoked electrical activity appears against a background of spontaneous activity in mixture. The evoked activity is the “signal” we desire to record while the background activity is the “noise”. Signal is normally of much lower amplitude than the noise (signal-to-noise is low). To detect an evoked potential, one can do either decrease amplitude of noise (keep eyes open) or increase the amplitude of signal (averaging = superimposition). Visual Evoked Potentials Anatomical Basis Represent electrical activity induced in the visual cortex by lilght stimuli that reach the macular and perimacular areas of the retina. Light energy cones in macula electrical energy axons of ganglion cells of retina optic nerve optic chiasm (where nasal fibers cross) LGB optic radiation (subcortical P and T lobes) visual cortex. Full-field stimulation of either eye both visual cortices. - More useful in evaluating the anterior pathway (optic nerve and chiasm). Half-field stimulation separately stimulate one visual cortex. - More useful in evaluating the retrochiasmal pathways (optic tract, radiation and cortex). Stimulus Parameters Pattern visual stimuli The most commonly used stimulus in clinical testing is the black and white checkerboard (pattern VEP). On the screen the checkerboard patterns reverse at regular intervals so that the white squares become black and the black squares become white at a rate of 2/sec. Flash visual stimuli Photic stimulation at a distance of 30 – 45 cm with a rate of 0.5 – 1 /sec, used in poor visual acuity, coma, and anaesthesia. It is less reliable for clinical use. Factors affecting the waveforms Patient-related Age Several studies have reported an absence of significant age related changes of the P100 latency in adults until fifth decade. After the fifth decade, the P100 latency increase with age but with no major changes in the amplitude. Gender P100 latency has a shorter latency and greater amplitude in females than in males. Visual acuity Corrected with eye glasses. With deficiency use larger checks. Visual fixation To ensure that the macula is stimulated. With poor fixation smaller amplitude Pupillary size Patient should not have mydriatics or cycloplegics at least 12 hours prior to the test. Stimulus-related Rate 1 – 2 /sec. is optimal for transient VEP (used clinically). Exceeds 10 /sec. Steady-state VEP. Slower rate time consuming – difficult fixation. Faster rate contamination. Luminance (stimulus intensity) and degree of contrast (difference between bright and dark) Reduction of the luminance and degree of contrast leads to reduction of the amplitude and increase of the latency. Visual angle Depends upon size of the checks and distance between screen and eyes. VA = 57.3 (W/D in cm). Recording parameters The patient in a sitting position, fixates on the small target in the middle of the screen at a distance of one meter. Filter sittings low-frequency 0.2 – 2.0 Hz High-frequency 100 – 500 Hz Analysis time 250 msec., if no response repeat at 500 msec. Number of trials averaged 100 – 200 or more Recording electrodes (10-20 system) Recording Oz – O1 – O2 Reference Fz Ground Fpz Normal response Pattern VEPs contain three main components,which are recorded in the mid occipital region Initially –ve peak = N75 Most prominent and consistent +ve peak = P100 +/- subsequent –ve peak = N145 Of these three components the positive one peaking at a latency of about 100 ms (P100) has the largest amplitude. Origins of the pattern reversal VEPs - N75 fovea or area 17. - P100 either the striate area or area19. - N145 area18. Measurements and normative data The clinical interpretation of pattern VEPs is based mainly on the measurement of the P100 latency and inter-ocular latency difference. P100 normally at 90 – 110 ms (>110 is abnormally delayed). Inter-ocular latency difference is <10 ms Amplitude measured from the baseline or from peak to peak shows a greater inter- individual variability than its latency. Values between 2 – 20 v fall into the normal range of most laboratories. For this variability, the inter-ocular difference is crucial for interpretating the waveforms. The P100 latency and amplitude from each eye are almost identical. Inter-ocular P100 latency and amplitude differences over 10 ms and 8 v respectively, are reported as beyond the upper limits of normality. When pattern covers both the left and right half fields, both occipital visual cortices are stimulated and the scalp recorded potentials reflects this simultaneous activation. By contrast, half field stimulation permits separate activation of only one hemisphere. Interpretation of data and abnormalities of VEP The most frequent abnormality is the delayed P100 latency and the most severe abnormality is an absent VEP. Increased P100 latency from one eye optic nerve lesion. Increased P100 latency from both eyes it may indicate bilateral optic nerve, extensive chiasmal or retrochiasmal lesions. Hemifield stimulation may be helpful to differentiate between them. Increased P100 latency with left hemifield stimulation may indicate lesion in the right optic tract. Interocular latency difference is more sensitive than absolute latency. (For example, Rt = 97 and Lt = 110. The difference is > 10 ms which is abnormal). Indicate pathology on the side with the longer latency. The absolute latency of each eye may be within normal but the difference between them is more than 10 ms. For example, Rt = 97 and Lt = 110. These are normal latencies but the difference is > 10 ms which is abnormal. This indicates pathology on the side with the longer latency. Side P100 latency (N = 90-110 ms) Lt 95 95 130 Rt 102 110 110 Normal P100 latency on both sides Rt optic nerve lesion (The diference >10ms) Lt optic nerve lesion (Delayed on the Lt) Clinical applications The best indication for VEP is a suspected disorder of the anterior visual pathway. Optic tracts and radiations are best assessed by CT or MRI. Optic neuritis Unilateral optic neuritis increases the P100 latency on the same side. Bilateral optic neuritis increases P100 latency on both sides. It is abnormal in 100% of patients with previous optic neuritis. Delayed P100 or absent VEPs have been reported in other disorders affecting the optic nerve (SLE, ischemic optic neuropathy and toxic optic neuropathy). Multiple sclerosis The ability of VEPs to detect clinically silent optic nerve lesions is a very useful tool for the diagnosis of MS. 70% of patients with MS have abnormal VEPs. Abnormal VEP latency is present in approximately 40% of patient with MS who do not have a history of optic neuritis. Tumors Compressive lesions of the optic nerve or chiam (pituitary tumor or invasion by glioma) almost always associated with abnormal VEPs. Changes in latency are more reliable than amplitude changes. Retrochiasmatic disorders VEPs to full field stimulation are usually normal in patients with unilateral hemispheric lesion even in the presence of a dense homonymous hemianopia. Half field stimulation may show abnormalities in some patients in the form of absent potentials on the affected hemifield or gross distortion of the amplitude. Bilateral retrochiasmatic lesions if extensive will produce cortical blindness. VEPs are often normal in cortical blindness or bilateral hemianopia (explanation for this is that VEPs originate in remnants of cortical area 17). Functional disorders Normal VEP usually suggests continuity of the visual pathways in functional visual loss but does not fully exclude cortical blindness. Ocular and retinal disorders Retinopathies Macular degeneration Retinal infarcts Retinitis pigmentosa *VEP is not ordinary used for the diagnosis of these disorders. Many of these disorders cause abnormalities of VEP. *ERG and VEPs may be useful in differentiating between disorders affecting the retina or the optic nerve. *In retinopathies and maculopathies, ERGs are usually absent or abnormal. *In optic nerve lesions VEPs may be absent or prolonged but ERGs are normal. In optic atrophy with large central scotoma, both ERGs and VEPs are absent. Ground (Fpz) Reference (Fz) Active (MO, RO and LO) Fig. 1 Electrode placement for VEPs Fig. 2 Pattern reversal Fig. 3 Normal VEPs to pattern-reversal full-field stimulation of the right eye using a checkerboard image of 16X16 checks at a distance of 1 m. Stimulation rate at 1.88/s. The band-pass is at 1 to 1 Hz, and 250 trials were averaged. Two separate tests were run, and the paired tracings show good replication. The downgoing arrow points to N75, while the upgoing arrow indicates P100 (Cal H 50 ms, V 5 µV) Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEPs) Routine Procedure Electrode placement In a supine position and supporting the head to minimize neck muscle activity. Active recording electrode is placed at the vertex, usually at Cz. Reference electrode is placed close to the stimulated ear on the mastoid or the ear lobe (A1). Ground electrode on the frontal region. Stimulus Click sound at a rate of 8 – 10 /sec and intensity of 70 dB or more. White noise is similar to the hush sound made by a radio and is delivered into the ear not being stimulated with clicks. This is called masking. Without masking the ear not being tested could be stimulated by bone conduction of the clicks delivered to the opposite ear. Normal response BAEPs are composed of five successive peaks, labeled (I – V) in Roman figures. These waves are reproducible; at least 2 separate trials should be superimposed. Measurements and calculations Latency is a more important measure than amplitude. The measurements and calculations routinely performed in clinical testing include: - Peak latencies (Wave I, III and V) - Inter-peak latencies (I – III, I – V and III – V). - Inter-ear latency difference (I – V latency). Normative data Wave I at 2 ms Wave III at 4 ms Wave V at 6 ms I – III inter-peak latency 2.5 ms III –V inter-peak latency 2.5 ms I – V inter-peak latency 4.5 ms Inter-ear I – V latency difference <0.5 ms. Origin of waveforms Wave I originates from the peripheral portion of the cochlear nerve (similar to CAP). Wave II originates from the proximal portion of the eighth nerve. Wave III has been localized in the pontine portion of the brainstem auditory pathways. Wave V may be generated by projections from the pons to the midbrain. It appears at approximately 6ms and is often combined with wave IV to form a single IV/V complex. Interpretation of data Wave I latency (2.1 ms) increased if the most distal portion of the nerve is affected. Absence of wave I with normal III and V may indicate a peripheral hearing disorder. Absence of wave I with absence of waves III and V indicates a defect of conduction in the eighth nerve along with the caudal pons. Wave III latency (4.1 ms): absence of wave III with increased I – V latency may indicate a lesion somewhere in the eighth nerve to the midbrain. Wave V latency (6.1 ms): absence of wave V with normal I and III may indicate lesion above the caudal pons (ipsilaterally). Increased I – III interpeak latency (2.5 ms), indicate a defect in the pathway from the proximal part of the nerve into the pons (common finding in acoustic neuromas CPA). III – V interpeak latency (2.3 ms) increase, indicate a defect in conduction between the caudal pons and midbrain. I – V interpeak latency (4.5 ms) I/V amplitude ratio is usually <100% Inter-ear I – V latency difference of more than 0.5 ms is abnormal Clinical applications of BAEPs Multiple sclerosis It is less sensitive than VEPs or SSEPs. The most important is to identify subclinical lesions in the brainstem. Patients with definite MS showed abnormal VEP in 70 - 80% and SSEP in 50 - 70% and BAEP in 30 - 50%. Probable or possible MS patients showed abnormal VEP in 50%, SSEP in 50% and BAEP in 20%. The usual abnormalities: - Increased III - V inter-peak interval - Increased I - V inter-peak interval - Reduction in wave V amplitude Intrinsic and extrinsic brainstem lesions Acoustic neuromas Increased I – III inter-peak interval Glioma and stroke Absent or delay of waves III and V Increased III – V inter-peak intervals Coma and brain death In brain death there is absence of either all BAEPs or of all except wave I. In evaluating patients with coma, BAEPs provide an index of brainstem function. BAEPs are relatively resistant to metabolic insults and drug overdose (normal BAEPs may suggest reversibility of coma). Intraoperative monitoring of BAEPs To monitor the brainstem integrity during posterior fossa surgery (CPA tumors): Loss of waveforms after I Decreased amplitude of III and V or Increased inter-peak latency (III – V). Evaluation of hearing in children Absent BAEPs usually indicate severe high frequency hearing loss and provide very little information about the extent of low frequency hearing. Delayed wave I and shortening I – V inter-peak latency occur in perceptive but not in conductive hearing loss. Factors affecting BAEPs Age The increase of latencies with age is too small (<0.3ms) between the ages of 15 – 95 years. Sex The latencies are slightly shorter in females than in males (0.1 – 0.2). Body temperature Hypothermia prolongs the interpeak latencies but hyperthermia has the opposite effect. Subject relaxation To avoid overlapping myogenic response or excessive muscle activity. Stimulus intensity There is an inverse relation between intensity of the click and absolute latencies. (the waves are better identified with intensities above 60 dB). Stimulus rate Increasing the rate above 20/sec decreases the amplitude and increases the latencies of all waves (it should be 8 – 10/sec). Stimulus mode Click sound and white noise to mask the non stimulated ear to avoid cross conduction of the click by boe and air to the contralateral ear. Filter sittings Affect the amplitude more than interpeak latencies and should remain fixed at the values used when collecting the normative data (100 – 3000 Hz). Low frequency <100 allows EMG and EEG signals. Higher frequency should be at least 3000 Hz (if <1000 it prolongs the latencies) Ground electrode Active electrode at vertex Mastiod reference Head set phnes Fig. 4 Electrode placement for BEAP Fig. 5 Brainstem lesion (prolonged III – V interpeak latency) Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Evoked potentials are the electrical signals generated by the nervous system in response to sensory stimuli. Auditory, visual, and somatosensory stimuli are used commonly for clinical evoked-potential studies. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) consist of a series of waves that reflect sequential activation of neural structures along the somatosensory pathways following electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves. In clinical practice, SSEPs are elicited typically by stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist, the common peroneal nerve at the knee, and/or the posterior tibial nerve at the ankle and recorded from electrodes placed over the scalp, spine, and peripheral nerves. The dorsal column-lemniscal system is the major anatomical substrate of the SSEPs within the CNS. SSEPs are used for clinical diagnosis in patients with neurologic disease and for intraoperative monitoring during surgeries that place parts of the somatosensory pathways at risk. Abnormal SSEPs can result from dysfunction at the level of the peripheral nerve, plexus, spinal root, spinal cord, brain stem, thalamocortical projections, or primary somatosensory cortex. Since individuals have multiple parallel afferent somatosensory pathways (eg, anterior spinothalamic tract, dorsal column tracts within the spinal cord), recordings of SSEPs can be normal even in patients with significant sensory deficits. SSEPs depend on the functional integrity of the fast-conducting, largediameter group IA muscle afferent fibers and group II cutaneous afferent fibers, which travel in the posterior column of the spinal cord. When a mixed peripheral nerve (with both sensory and motor components) is stimulated, both group IA muscle afferents and group II cutaneous afferents contribute to the resulting SSEP. Selective ablation of the dorsal column of the spinal cord abolishes the SSEPs generated rostral to the lesion. Diseases of the dorsal columns in which joint position sense and proprioception are impaired invariably are associated with abnormal SSEPs. The development of and easy access to sophisticated neuroradiologic imaging have had a great impact on the usage of SSEPs in clinical settings; fewer diagnostic SSEP studies are being performed now than in the pre-MRI era. Nevertheless, SSEPs are valuable as a diagnostic test in several clinical situations. Their role in the operating room has expanded, and interest remains high in SSEPs as research tools for unraveling of fundamental aspects of sensory physiology. Stimulus location For recording median nerve SSEPs, the nerve is stimulated at the wrist. The anode is placed just proximal to the palmar crease, and the cathode is placed between the tendons of the palmaris longus muscle, 3 cm proximal to the anode. Ulnar nerve SSEPs are preferred to median nerve SSEPs for assessing the lower cervical spinal cord segment since the ulnar nerve originates from spinal roots C8-T1, whereas the median nerve originates from C6-T1. For recording posterior tibial nerve SSEPs, the nerve is stimulated at the ankle, with the cathode midway between the Achilles tendon and the medial malleolus and the anode 3cm distal to the cathode. For recording peroneal nerve SSEPs, the common peroneal nerve is stimulated at the knee, with the cathode inferior to the leg crease just medial to the tendon of the biceps femoris muscle and the anode 3 cm distal to the cathode. In the lower limb, posterior tibial SSEPs are preferred because of the following: In clinical diagnostic use, they are larger and less subject to variability. In intraoperative settings, they produce smaller muscle contractions with larger SSEP amplitudes. In intraoperative settings, electrodes at the ankle are more easily accessible than those at the knee. The peripheral compound action potential (CAP) is recorded easily at the popliteal fossa. Stimulus intensity The selected nerves are stimulated with monophasic square pulses, 100300 microseconds in duration. Stimuli are delivered by using either a constant voltage or a constant current stimulator. The contact impedances of the stimulating electrodes should be kept low for the following reasons: To minimize patient discomfort For more effective nerve stimulation, if a constant voltage stimulator is used To avoid electrical artifacts with constant current stimulation In the clinical setting, the stimulus intensity is set high enough to produce a consistent muscle twitch, which usually is tolerable to the patient. Because the patient is anesthetized during intraoperative SSEP monitoring, higher stimulus intensities can be used and are advisable to provide a safety margin in case the efficacy of nerve stimulation decreases during surgery. Stimulus rate Rapid stimulus delivery rates should be avoided, as they degrade the waveforms of SSEPs. In clinical settings, a rate of 3-6 stimuli per second usually is used. Recording technique SSEPs typically are recorded by using standard EEG electrodes affixed with tape or collodion; electrode caps containing multiple recording electrodes also can be used. Recording electrode impedances should be kept below 5000 ohms and should be as uniform as possible across the electrodes to maximize common-mode rejection and minimize noise pickup. Also, placing the ground electrodes on the stimulated limb helps reduce the electrical stimulant artifact. Typical recording amplifier filter settings for SSEPs are 30-3000 Hz. Diagnostic SSEP studies should be performed using the same filter settings used to record normative data. Small-amplitude components of SSEPs are composed of both low and high frequencies, and filtering can be problematic. A bandpass that is too wide results in noisy SSEPs, but a bandpass that is too restrictive attenuates either high- or low-frequency components, depending on the settings chosen. For example, reducing the low-frequency filter setting (low-cut, high-pass) from 30 to 5 Hz may produce a clearer SSEP component but also may allow more noise into the SSEP waveforms. A typical analysis time is 40 milliseconds for an upper limb SSEP and 6080 milliseconds for a lower limb SSEP. Typically, SSEPs are not visible in the raw data recorded from surface electrodes, and signal averaging is used to extract the SSEPs from the other electrical signals picked up by the recording electrodes. Measurement of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Several characteristics of SSEPs can be measured, including onset latency, interpeak latency, morphology (ie, presence and absence of components), and dispersion. Onset latency is the easiest SSEP feature to measure and standardize, but it gives rather limited information. Other characteristics (i.e., morphology and dispersion) are more variable and difficult to interpret. Absolute SSEP latencies vary with limb length. Interpeak (ie, transit) times are reliable parameters that are independent of limb length and usually independent of peripheral nerve disease. Aging is associated with some prolongation of SSEP latencies. Latencies are considered abnormal when they are more than 3 standard deviations above the mean of the normative data. Recording electrodes sites Recordings were taken from a 7 mm diameter gold disc electrode filled with electrode gel and attached to the skin with an impedance of less than 2 k. Volleys were recorded from Erb’s points bilateral against a reference electrode on the mastoid process, from the spinal process of the 5th cervical vertebra (Cv5) and seventh cervical vertebrae (Cv7) referred to the suprasternal notch (SSN). We did not use Cv7-Fpz montage in recording of N13 cervical potential, but we used Cv7-SSN (Suprasternal Notch), according to the paper of Mauguiere and Restuccia in (1991), they mentioned these advantages of anterior neck reference as: a better base line stability and larger amplitude of N13, due to the activity generated by the transverse dipolar source of N13 is recorded at its maximal amplitude by the anterior neck reference from parietal scalp sensory areas C4` and C3` on both sides which referred to mastoid process. Components of SSEPs SSEP components typically are named by their polarity and typical peak latency in the normal population. For example, N20 is a negativity that typically peaks at 20 milliseconds after the stimulus. The normal latency value for a component in a particular individual may be different from that implied by the component's name, because the lengths of the peripheral nerve and spinal conduction pathways, which vary with the patient's stature and age, influence the latencies of the SSEP components. Upper Limb Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Peripheral nerve compound action potential During clinical diagnostic studies of the upper limb SSEP, a surface electrode at the Erb point is used to record the peripheral nerve CAP as it traverses the brachial plexus. N9, the initial negative peak, reflects the CAP within the most rapidly conducting subset of the afferent fibers. Multiple negative peaks, reflecting peripheral nerve fiber populations with different conduction velocities, may be recorded in some subjects, most often in children. When this occurs, the earliest negative peak should be interpreted as the N9 peak. A smaller P9 far-field peak, which most likely also arises within the brachial plexus, may be seen in scalp-to-noncephalic recordings; it has a slightly shorter latency than N9. Erb point-recording electrodes have several disadvantages during intraoperative monitoring that include proximity to the sterile field, ease of dislodgment, and pickup of ECG artifact. A useful alternative recording site is over the peripheral nerve in the antecubital fossa. Cervical components An SSEP component that most likely arises in the first-order afferent neuron at or near the dorsal root entry zone (i.e. in the dorsal root and/or the dorsal column) can be recorded as a far-field P11 peak in scalp-tononcephalic reference recordings and as a near-field N11 peak in surface recordings over the lower cervical spine. This component is small and is not identifiable in all healthy subjects. A larger and more consistent component recorded over the lower cervical spine (eg, at SC5 or SC7) is N13. N13 has a horizontally oriented voltage field, negative dorsally and positive ventrally, and is generated by postsynaptic activity of neurons in the gray matter of the lower cervical spinal cord. It sometimes is called the stationary cervical potential, because its latency is not affected by cervical recording electrode location. Far-field components The stationary cervical potential overlaps in time with a far-field SSEP component, P14. While the origin of P14 has been the subject of some controversy, it most likely reflects activity in the dorsal column nuclei and/or the caudal medial lemniscus within the lower medulla. When a forehead (i.e. Fpz) reference is used, this far-field component becomes negativity (N14) at the SC5/SC7 recording location and summates with the near-field N13 negativity picked up by that dorsal neck electrode. For intraoperative monitoring, the cervicomedullary far-field potential may be recorded at the inion, mastoid, or earlobe, referred to as Fpz. It appears as a negative peak, N14, in these recording linkages and, importantly, it is not contaminated by the N13 cervical near-field potential. N14 can be used to determine whether activity in afferent somatosensory pathways reaches the level of the cervicomedullary junction. Since at least 2 more synapses (in thalamus and cortex) intervene, the N14 component may permit SSEP monitoring of the cervical spinal cord when cortical SSEPs are of poor quality because of high anesthetic levels and/or preexisting neuronal damage. If the region of the nervous system in jeopardy is rostral to the cervicomedullary junction, N14 can be monitored to determine whether changes in the cortical SSEPs are due to rostral nervous system dysfunction, to peripheral nerve, or to technical problems. This is similar to the intraoperative use of the peripheral nerve SSEP component described above. Optimally, both components should be monitored for 2 reasons: (1) N14 provides an alternative way of differentiating the possible causes of a cortical SSEP change if peripheral nerve SSEP recordings are suboptimal, and (2) if peripheral nerve CAPs are interpretable and remain unchanged while cortical SSEPs deteriorate, examination of the N14 recordings can localize further the neural dysfunction responsible for the cortical SSEP changes above or below the cervicomedullary junction. Another far-field component, N18, overlaps in time with the primary cortical SSEP and may account for multiple negative peaks in the cortical recordings in some subjects. N18 has a wide bilateral distribution over the scalp. It is best seen in recordings with a noncephalic reference, though it also may be demonstrated with a frontal reference. While N18 has been attributed to a thalamic generator, several patients have been reported in whom N18 was still present despite the presence of thalamic lesions that eradicated the primary cortical SSEP. N18 most likely reflects activity in multiple subthalamic (ie, brain stem) structures that are activated by the somatosensory stimulus. Thus, examination of N18 cannot be used to localize the cause for cortical SSEP changes (ie, rostral versus caudal to the thalamus). Cortical components The primary cortical SSEP component following median nerve stimulation, N20 is recorded as a near-field potential over the parietal area contralateral to the stimulated median nerve. Since an electrode also is within the scalp distribution of the far-field N18 component, a recording with a noncephalic reference contains an admixture of N18 and N20. While a thalamic or subcortical origin for N20 has been suggested, most authors believe that N20 predominantly reflects activity of neurons in the hand area of the primary somatosensory cortex; multiple generators with overlapping voltage topographies may contribute to this. N20 predominantly originates in primary somatosensory cortex in the posterior bank of the central sulcus and thus displays a polarity inversion across the central sulcus in epidural cortical surface recordings and some scalp recordings. This polarity inversion may be used to identify the central sulcus during surgery. Lower Limb Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Peripheral nerve compound action potential A surface electrode placed in the popliteal fossa in the midline can be used to record the peripheral nerve CAP following posterior tibial nerve stimulation at the ankle. To minimize both electrical stimulus artifact and ECG pickup, a reference electrode on the same leg is used. Possible linkages include a midline electrode 2 cm above the popliteal crease referred to a midline electrode 5 cm above the popliteal crease and a midline popliteal fossa electrode referred to an electrode placed at the lateral aspect of the same knee. In patients in whom a clear foot twitch is not obtained, the presence of a clear peripheral nerve CAP at the popliteal fossa demonstrates that the posterior tibial nerve has been stimulated adequately. In this case, the absence of more rostrally generated SSEP components is evidence of abnormality within the neural somatosensory pathways. Without the peripheral nerve recording channel, the absence of SSEPs also could have been due to technical factors that prevented adequate nerve stimulation. Lumbar components An electrode placed over the lower thoracic or upper lumbar spine records a combination of the CAP in the primary afferent neuron, propagating within the cauda equina and fasciculus gracilis, and a stationary lumbar potential (SLP) that is derived from postsynaptic neurons in the gray matter of the spinal cord. Recordings with a distant reference, such as the iliac crest, emphasize the SLP, which is analogous to the stationary cervical potential (N13) recorded over the lower cervical spine following median nerve stimulation. Bipolar recordings between a pair of rostrocaudally separated electrodes over the lower spine record the propagating CAP. However, they also contain a component derived from the SLP, representing the difference in amplitude or the SLP between the 2 recording electrodes. The relative magnitudes of the CAP and SLP contributions vary across subjects; therefore, referential recordings show less intersubject latency variability and should be used for clinical diagnostic SSEP testing. The normal amplitude maximum of the SLP is at the T10-T12 vertebral level but may be fairly restricted. Thus, referential recordings from multiple electrodes over the lumbar and lower thoracic spine may be useful in demonstrating the SLP. In patients with tethered spinal cords, recordings from such an array of electrodes often demonstrate caudal displacement of the maximal amplitude of the SLP, reflecting the anatomical displacement of the lower spinal cord, or may show no identifiable SLP. The lumbar SSEP components are sometimes not identifiable in unsedated healthy subjects, especially if they are obese. Far-field components When referred to a frontal scalp reference, electrodes over the cervical spine record a biphasic waveform that was labeled originally as a cervical potential but is believed now to reflect predominantly far-field potentials generated in subcortical elements of the lemniscal somatosensory pathways. If the inputs are connected so that the cervical lead is input 1 (i.e. C5S-Fpz), the waveform consists of a negativity followed by a positivity. A near-field origin within the cervical spinal cord had been proposed for some smaller and earlier peaks that can be picked up by the recording electrodes placed on the posterior part of the neck. Like the lumbar SSEP components, the far-field SSEP components elicited by lower limb nerve stimulation may be difficult to identify in recordings from unsedated subjects because of noise, particularly electromyography (EMG) artifact from paraspinal musculature. Under surgical anesthesia, and especially with the use of neuromuscular blocking agents, they are usually clearly identifiable and reproducible. The cortically generated SSEPs due to stimulation of lower limb nerves are far more sensitive to the effects of anesthesia than the far-field components. During operations in which the cortically generated SSEPs are markedly attenuated or completely suppressed by anesthesia or in which they show a degree of anesthetic-related variability such that changes related to surgical manipulations might not be recognized, the farfield SSEPs may be used to monitor the dorsal column pathways of the spinal cord. Cortical components The primary cortical SSEPs following lower limb stimulation are recorded as near-field positivities: P37 following posterior tibial nerve stimulation and P27 following peroneal nerve stimulation. In contrast to the N20 cortical component of the median nerve SSEP, which is maximal over the lateral parietal area, the cortical SSEPs to lower limb nerve stimulation often are maximal near the midline, reflecting the more medial location of the foot and leg areas of the somatosensory homunculus. When the equivalent dipole of the cortical generator is oriented vertically, the maximum positivity is in the midline. When the cortical generator is located in the mesial wall of the hemisphere, the dipole assumes a more horizontal orientation, producing a paradoxical maximum positive cortical SSEP over the hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulus In such situations, a negative cortical SSEP may be recorded over the contralateral hemisphere, and a midline electrode may pick up a much smaller and less well-defined cortical SSEP. Rarely, the activated cortex is on the dorsolateral convexity, producing a scalp positivity maximum over the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated leg. To cover all of these possibilities. When the dipole is oriented horizontally, producing an ipsilateral positivity and a contralateral negativity, however, the latencies of the ipsilateral positivity and the contralateral negativity may not be identical. With both peroneal nerve and posterior tibial nerve stimulation, longer latency cortical SSEP components follow the primary cortical P27 or P37 components. The second cortical positivity, which typically has a latency of 50-60 milliseconds after posterior tibial nerve stimulation, may be substantially larger than the primary cortical SSEP. In noisy recordings with a limited montage, a low-amplitude P37 component may not be recognized, and the secondary cortical positivity may be identified erroneously as a markedly delayed cortical SSEP. Thus, cortical SSEPs to lower limb nerve stimulation should be interpreted with caution when their peak latencies appear to be delayed abnormally to this latency range. Spinal cord pathways mediating the somatosensory evoked potentials The large-fiber, rapidly conducting afferent somatosensory pathways that sustain the primary cortical SSEPs to stimulation of mixed sensorimotor limb nerves travel predominantly in the dorsal columns within the spinal cord. In experimental animals, transection of the dorsal column pathways almost completely obliterates the earliest cortical SSEPs to stimulation of more caudally located peripheral nerves, while ventrolateral funiculus lesions usually have only minor effects on these SSEPs. Thus, significant damage to descending motor systems can occur without causing changes in the SSEPs used for intraoperative monitoring. Such false-negative cases are fortunately rare, but they have occurred. In contrast to the cortical SSEPs, near-field SSEPs recorded over the spinal cord may contain components reflecting large-fiber afferent activity in both the dorsal columns and the spinocerebellar tracts. Clinical Application of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Cervical Myelopathy: Median Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials: As discussed before cervical spondylotic myelopathy is a common condition that typically occurs in middle age and elderly subject. The diagnosis is based on three clinical findings: Painful stiff neck, brachialgia, and/or spastic paraparesis associated with variable degree of ataxia (Brain et al, 1952). MRI of the cord can show several types of signal abnormalities at the level of cord compression (Mehalic 1990) but gives no information on the functional state of cervical cord. Therefore, it is of the utmost clinical relevance to develop complementary investigations for assessing cord dysfunction at the cervical level. Abnormal N13 potential was observed with preserved P14 and N20 potentials patients by stimulation of ulnar, median, and radial. The preservation of P14 and N20 potentials reflect the activity of the dorsal column systems with the absence of the clinical signs of dorsal column dysfunction in their patients; nevertheless, abnormal scalp response in cervical spondylotic myelopathy patients with normal sensation (preclinical) are more frequently observed for the lower than for the upper limb somatosensory evoked potential. Posterior Tibial Nerve Evoked Potentials in Cervical Spondylosis: Posterior tibial somatosensory evoked potential is a good prognostic indicator for patients undergoing spinal tumor removal, if they were recorded pre and postoperatively. Good recovery was indicated in patients a less pronounced posterior tibial somatosensory evoked potential abnormality than clinical findings would indicate prior to surgery, and in patients who showed a rapid somatosensory evoked potential improvement postoperatively. Using posterior tibial somatosensory evoked potential to investigate subjects with suspected spinal non-space occupying lesion, in addition to prolonged latency, low amplitude and disturbed waveform. Cervical Spinal Cord Syringomyelia: The major finding in this disorder is abnormal or absent N13 component and it was correlated well with a segmental loss of pain and temperature sensation and absent tendon reflex in the upper limb. With preserved scalp P14 and N20 potentials Intramedullary Cervical Cord Tumors: Somatosensory evoked potentials in cervical cord tumors is essential either, preoperative or postoperative. Preoperative findings due to, impaired cervical dorsal horn postsynaptic activity (abnormal N13 potential), with preserved dorsal columns transmission up to the cortex (normal P14 and N20 potentials), or both, dorsal horn activity and dorsal columns transmission are impaired. Postoperative follow-up helps in functional recovery assessment of those patients. Multiple Sclerosis: Initial neurophysiological recordings and clinical follow up on patients with suspected multiple sclerosis found that evoked potential testing of three modalities (visual, brain stem auditory, and somatosensory evoked potential) increased the likelihood of detecting a silent lesion with only a reasonable amount of time required to perform the test. Because of the physiological properties of the nerve fibres are dependent on their myelin sheaths. So the somatosensory evoked potentials can reflect the integrity of the sensory pathway at different sites. One of the diseases, which can affect the myelin, is multiple sclerosis. The abnormalities of N13 and/or N20, recorded after median nerve stimulation, were significantly correlated with MRI abnormalities located in the posterior half of the cervical cord. Abnormalities of P40 following posterior tibial nerve stimulation were less well correlated with MRI findings. SSEPs in Children The cortical SSEP to posterior tibial nerve stimulation may be absent in healthy infants as old as 3 months. The cortical SSEP to median nerve stimulation also may be absent at birth but most likely is present consistently in healthy infants at an earlier age than the corresponding component of the lower limb SSEP. SSEP component latencies are, in general, shorter in infants and children than in adults and change progressively with growth and maturation. The latency changes predominantly reflect linear growth with elongation of the peripheral nerves and central somatosensory pathways. These effects are counterbalanced partially by myelination and increase in the fiber diameters, which produce faster conduction velocities, and partially by maturation of synaptic transmission. The latter effects operate until age 68 years, at which time central conduction times have reached adult levels and further latency changes are due to changes in stature. During spinal surgery in children in whom cortical SSEPs are absent or easily attenuated by anesthesia, the far-field SSEP components may be used to monitor the dorsal column pathway of the spinal cord. However, many patients with lumbar meningomyeloceles have conduction abnormalities (e.g., conduction blocks, temporal dispersion) at the level of the neural plaque so that both far-field and cortical SSEPs are absent; this precludes intraoperative assessment of their dorsal column pathways. N9 Erb’s point N13 Cv7 N20 P9 C4’ P14 Fig. 6 Median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials P40 Fig. 7 Posterior Tibial somatosensory evoked potentials MAGNETIC STIMULATION Magnetic Stimulation as a Clinical Technique: Magnetic stimulation is based on the scientific principle of mutual inductance, which was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831. He showed that current was induced in a secondary circuit when it was brought near to a primary circuit in which a time-varying current was flowing. In the case of magnetic stimulation, electrically conductive tissue forms the secondary circuit; the primary is being the stimulating coil through which the stimulator drives current pulses. The magnetic field is proportional to current through the coil and the current induced in the tissue is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field. The first example of a physiological effect of a time varying magnetic field was reported by d’Arsonval (1896) who observed that phosphenes (flicking lights seen by a subject) and vertigo were produced when a volunteer’s head was placed inside a coil driven at 42 Hz. Thompson (1910) and others subsequently confirmed this finding. Bickford and Freeming (1965) reported non-invasive magnetic stimulation of human and animal peripheral nerves in 1965. They used a 500 Hz damped sinusoidal magnetic field with a peak amplitude of 4 Tesla decaying to zero over approximately 40 msec, and a stimulating coil of mean diameter approximately 3cm. However a revolution in transcranial stimulation occurred when Anthony Barker and colleagues used the first magnetic stimulator (Barker et al, 1985) Physiological Basis Of Motor Effect Of Transcranial Stimulation: The aim of transcranial magnetic stimulation is to produce Electromyographic responses on the target muscle This electromyographic response differ from Electromyographic responses to peripheral nerve stimulation in that, The motor evoked potentials are smaller and have a longer duration than the compound muscle action potential elicited by supramaximal peripheral nerve stimulation. Now, magnetic stimulation is an increasingly popular technique for evaluation of motor pathway conduction properties by means of MEP. It is easy to handle technique, which does not cause any pain to the subject. It has almost replaced electric high voltage stimulation. Magnetic stimulation has found its place in the diagnosis of demyelinating disease, in the operating room for itraoperative motor pathway monitoring, as well as the assessment of the spinal disorders affecting the spinal cord or its nerve roots (Jiri et al, 1992). Following Transcranial magnetic stimulation, pyramidal tract cells in the motor cortex are excited either directly or trans-synaptically via tangentially oriented afferent fibres. Clinical Uses of Magnetic Stimulation: Cervical Spondylosis: In cervical spondylotic myelopathy the lateral cortico-spinal tracts are the first to suffer from minor compression. Central motor conduction time of the thenar were abnormal by using cortical magnetic stimulation and these abnormalities were correlated with upper motor neurone signs and MRI evidences. Abnormalities were also noticed in the amplitude, latency and /or duration of the compound muscle action potential after cortical stimulation. These central motor conduction abnormalities may be due to several factors: Slowed conduction, conduction block, and temporal dispersion of the pyramidal tract action potentials in the cervical cord. Central motor conduction time abnormalities in cervical spondylotic myelopathy were closely related to the distal upper limb muscles while the proximal muscles are normal. Cervical Spondylosis and Preclinical Myelopathy: Outcome after surgery is better in patients with recent cord compression than with long-standing illness. These results gave a chance to detect and treat these patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy as early as we can in the course of the disease. Unfortunately, radiological findings of cervical spondylotic myelopathy occurred with irreversible neurological deficit when the value of surgical intervention is limited. The value of the magnetic stimulation to elicit the cortico-spinal tract lesions in radiculopathic patients with no clinical or radiological manifestations of spinal cord involvement. Multiple Sclerosis The value of transcranial magnetic stimulation in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is increasing in the central motor conduction time either in remission or preclinical state. Behçet’s Disease: Magnetic stimulation also has the advantage to detect preclinical myelopathy in various conditions. In Behçet’s disease patients had central motor conduction time and threshold abnormalities. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Many authors studied amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using transcranial magnetic stimulation in different ways. Barker et al, In 1986 and 1985, found no significant prolongation in central motor conduction time. But, Kohara et al, in 1996, studied the effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on discharge characteristics of single motor unit during voluntary contraction. He found abnormal excitability of the corticospinal pathways. Parkinson's disease: Marked decrease in Silent period is important tool in diagnosis and prognosis tool of Parkinson's disease. Psychiatric disorders: Obsessive convulsive disorder and depression. Other disorders: Diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency by using magnetic stimulation, and also in syringomyelia Clinical Safety of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Since introduction of the Transcranial magnetic stimulation in 1985 (Barker et al, 1985) several thousands of patients and normal subjects have been subjected to such stimulation without significant side effects. Barker et al, 1987 discussed that the phenomenon of kindling unlikely to be caused by magnetic stimulation. As regarding to the seizures induction by magnetic stimulation, is extremely rare, even in patients with epilepsy (Tassinari et al, 1990). In the other hand Homberg and Netz, 1989. Induced a generalised tonic-colonic seizure following magnetic brain stimulation in a man 6 months after a large right hemispheric infarction. Hufnagel et al, 1990 activated the epileptic focus in 12 of 13 patients with medically intractable epilepsy. EEG examination after magnetic brain stimulation in normal subjects by Bridgers and Delaney (1989) Krain et al, (1990) And Levy et al, (1990) showed essentially no changes before and after brain stimulation except for a marginal slowing lasting for 5 seconds only in one patient by levy et al, (1990) Chokroverty et al, (1995); examined the EEG not only visually but also by using power spectral analysis and brain mapping and found no short term or long term EEG changes. Thomas et al, (1991); noticed that there was no significant changes in serum prolactin or cortisol level after magnetic brain stimulation and this is similar to Chokroverty S. (1995). These results suggest that magnetic brain stimulation does not have documented adverse effects on the hypothalamic-limbic structures and this suggestion agree with Roth et al, (1991). By using positron emission tomography Toshiaki et al, (1993) measured the cerebral blood flow before and within 50 sec after transcranial magnetic stimulation in normal subjects and he found no significant changes. Several groups have investigated the possibility of pulsed magnetic fields causing ventricular fibrillation in animal models. Polson et al, in 1982 studied the effect of magnetic stimulation on rats sensitized by digitalis. McRbbie and Foster in 1985 investigated the effects of field strength, frequency, and coil configurations up to peak field of 2.4 T on rats. No incidences of ventricular fibrillation have been reported. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Fig. 8 First dorsal interosseous response to transcranial magnetic stimulation Fig. 9 Tracing recorded from first dorsal interosseous muscle & tibialis anterior after transcranial magnetic stimulation