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Maricopa Community Colleges
Government Relations
February 7, 2011
Judy Gragg
2011 Legislative Session
34 of 90 Members Are New
(10 of the 34 served previously)
As of 26th Day of Session
1,254 Bills Filed
3 Bills Passed
2 Signed by Governor
Firearms on Campus
HB2001 - Concealed firearms may be carried on
the campus of a community college or university
by a faculty member if the person has a valid
concealed carry permit.
Firearms on Campus
HB2479 - Governing boards of educational
institutions cannot enact policies or rules that
prohibit the possession of a concealed weapon
by a person with a valid concealed weapon
permit or that prohibit the transportation or
storage of a firearm in a private motor vehicle.
(Similar to HB2014.)
Firearms on Campus
SB1201- Firearms Omnibus: It is no longer misconduct involving
weapons to carry a deadly weapon in a public establishment or at a
public event after a request from the operator to remove the weapon
for temporary and secure storage. The state, state agencies, and
political subdivisions may limit or prohibit firearms in a public
establishment or at a public event that is issued a liquor license at
times when alcoholic beverages are available for consumption on the
premises, with some exceptions. The limit or prohibition must be
done with specified signs and meet other requirements. An employee
or official acting on behalf of the state, agency, or political subdivision
who knowingly violates this statute is guilty of a class 5 felony, and
no public monies may be spent defending a person who is charged
with a violation. (Same as HB2614.)
Community College Baccalaureate
HB2277 - Beginning in FY2011-2012,
community colleges are authorized to offer fouryear baccalaureate degrees in nursing and/or
elementary education. Community college
districts that offer 300-level and 400-level
courses are entitled to state aid and state aid per
capita for capital outlay during the first two years.
Grand Canyon Diploma
SB1451 - Outlines various changes to the Grand
Canyon Diploma (GCD) system, including modifying the
allocation of state aid for students earning a GCD.
Students who are eligible for a GCD cannot be
prevented from enrolling at a high school through grade
12. Schools in districts offering a GCD cannot include
students in grades 11 and 12 in the district's student
count unless the school also provides an academic
program for students in those grades who do not elect
to pursue a GCD.
Significant Incident Reporting
HB2521 - The Department of Public Safety
(DPS) is required to maintain a computerized
record system containing information on
significant or severe psychological episodes or
incidents. Public agencies, including educational
institutions, with information that a person has
suffered an episode or incident must report to
the DPS. The record system will be accessible to
criminal justice agencies.
In State Tuition for Veterans
HB2410 - The requirements that an honorably
discharged veteran must have filed an income
tax return in Arizona and have declared Arizona
as the person's legal residence before discharge
from the armed services in order to qualify for instate tuition at universities and community
colleges are deleted.
Community College Bookstores
SB1494 - If a community college bookstore
institutes a program allowing students to use
anticipated or delayed financial aid to make
purchases at that bookstore, the community
college district must allow private retailers equal
access to participate in the same program.
More Information on Bills/Process
The Official Website of the Legislature
-Live and Archived Proceedings (Hearings, Floor
Sessions, Caucus)