Slide 1

Do these words sound familiar?
Tell your neighbor everything
you know about each of these.
How big do you think an
inch is?
Show me with your fingers.
Search the room
for 3 things you
think are an inch
Now it’s time to find out how
well you can estimate how
big an inch is?
Measure the items you chose
with a ruler.
How close were you?
Which is longer, an inch or a
An Inch!! Way to go!
About how much
A little more than
twice as long.
What about a foot? How big
do you think it is?
Show me with your hands.
Search the room for 3
things you think are a
foot long.
Lets find out how you did.
Measure the items you chose
with a ruler.
How close were you?
About how many cm are there in a
About 30!! Great!
Do you think your luck will
Show me with your arms, how
long you think a yard is.
What in the room do
you estimate to be a
Let’s find out.
We’ll measure it together.
How did we do?
Which is longer, a meter or a yard?
A meter!! Way to go!
About how much
About 9 cm or 3
Now let’s find out how much
you know about converting
inches, feet, and yards.
Look at your ruler.
How long is the ruler?
1 Foot – Right!
How many inches are in
a foot?
12 – WooHoo!
Look at your ruler and the yard stick.
How many feet are in the
yard stick?
3 Feet – Right!
How can you remember these
Draw a picture, write a
story, poem or song to help
you remember.
12 inches = 1 foot
3 feet = 1 yard
Now lets practice converting inches,
feet, and yards.
You can use a bar model to
help you.
1 Yard
1 foot
1 yd = 3 ft
How Many feet are in 11 yards and 2
11 yd 2 ft = 35 ft
= 11 X 3 ft
2 ft
So we multiply 11
yards by 3 feet in
each of those yards
11 yd
3 ft
= 33 ft
33 ft + 2 ft = 35 ft
We multiply the 11 yards by 3 ft to get the number of
feet in 11 yards, and then add on the 2 feet.
Now you try some!
You can use a bar model to
help you.
3 yd 2 ft is ____ longer than 3 yards
3 yd 2 ft = _____ feet
A rope is 15 yd 2 ft long. What is its length in feet?
3 yd 2 ft is ____ longer than 3 yards
3 yd 2 ft = _____ feet
A rope is 15 yd 2 ft long. What is its length in feet?