Unit 5 Station

Name: ____________________________________
Period: ________
Date: ___________________
Activation-synthesis theory: theory that states dreams result from random brain activity- the brain's interpretation of what is
happening physiologically during REM sleep
Agonist: drugs that mimic and produce similar effects of certain neurotransmitters.
Antagonist: drugs that block the neurotransmitters
Circadian rhythm: biological clock influenced by light that regulates bodily rhythms on a 24-hour cycle
Cognitive-development theory: theory that states dream content reflects dreamers' cognitive development (their knowledge and
understanding). Part of the brain maturation process.
Consciousness: the awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings being experienced at a given moment.
Depressants: drugs that slow down the nervous system.
Dreams: story-like sensations and perceptions
Hallucinogens: drugs that are capable of producing hallucinations, or changes in the perceptual process.
Hypnosis: a trancelike state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others.
Information processing theory: theory that states that dreams sort, sift, and fix a day's experience into memories
Insomnia: disorder resulting from persistent problems falling asleep
Latent content of dreams: according to Freud, the "disguised" meanings of dreams.
Lucid dreaming: phenomenon of knowing you are dreaming
Manifest content of dreams: according to Freud, the apparent story line of dreams.
Meditation: a learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness.
Narcolepsy: disorder characterized by a person falling directly into REM sleep at unpredictable times/
Nightmares: frightful dreams that occur during REM sleep, usually as a result of not getting enough sleep, watching something scary,
eating spicy foods, or drinking too much alcohol
Night terrors: phenomenon that occurs during stage 4 of sleep when a person wakes up screaming and have no idea
Opiates (aka Narcotics): drugs that increase relaxation and relieve pain.
Psychoactive drugs: drugs that influence a person's emotions, perceptions, and behavior.
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep: sleep occupying 20 percent of an adult's sleeping time, characterized by: increased heart rate, blood
pressure, and breathing rate; erections; eye movements; and the experience of dreaming.
Sleep apnea: condition where a person stops breathing during their sleep
Somnambulism: sleep-walking; occurs during stage 4
Stimulants: drugs that speed up the nervous system, causing a rise in heart rate, blood pressure, and muscular tension
Wish fulfillment theory: Sigmund Freud's theory that dreams represent the unconscious wishes a dreamer desires to see fulfilled.
Agonists are psychoactive drugs that
(1) produce tolerance to the drug without the associated withdrawal symptoms.
(2) mimic and produce the same effect as certain neurotransmitters.
(3) mimic neurotransmitters and block their receptor sites.
(4) enhance the effects of certain opiates like heroin.
Marijuana falls under what category of psychoactive drug?
(1) depressant
(2) mood elevator
(3) hallucinogen
(4) stimulant
Work hard. Be nice.
Night terrors and somnambulism usually occur during which stage of sleep?
(1) stage 1, close to wakefulness
(2) REM sleep
(3) REM sleep, but only later in the night when nightmares usually occur
(4) stage 4
The information-processing theory says that dreams
(1) are meaningless by-products of how our brains process information during REM sleep.
(2) are symbolic representations of the information we encode during the day.
(3) are processed by one level of consciousness but other levels remain unaware of the dreams.
(4) occur during REM sleep as the brain deals with daily stress and events.
The awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings being experienced at a given moment.
(1) dreams
(2) nightmares
(3) consciousness
(4) hypnosis
According to the wish-fulfillment theory, dreaming represents:
(1) A mechanism for coping with the stresses of daily life.
(2) A symbolic depiction of a person’s unfulfilled wishes.
(3) An information-processing mechanism for converting the day’s experiences into long-term memory.
(4) Activated memories being altered.
A person who falls asleep in the midst of a heated argument probably suffers from:
(1) sleep apnea
(2) narcolepsy
(3) night terrors
(4) insomnia
Read the following dream. Then, explain the dream using three (3) dream theories of your choice. Be sure to indicate the
theory and how that theory would explain the dream. [3 points for each theory; 9 points total]
“I dreamt that it was my first day at work and I had no idea where it was. I was following the directions on my Google maps but
kept ending up at the same place. It reminded me of the museum I went to yesterday, where all the rooms led to the same place.
Then weird things started happening! I started to smell something funny and I couldn’t tell where this loud beeping sound was
coming from. Then all of a sudden, this ridiculously good-looking guy walks over to me and hands me this bag. I look in the bag
and there are stacks and stacks of hundred dollar bills in there! Of course I wake up right then to my mom burning the potatoes
and my alarm clock going off.”