Your Study and Review Create a plan! The Writing Centre 867-5221 Sample Study Plan Course Psychology 100 English 100 Math 100 Sociology 100 History 100 Material on Exam Chapters 6-12 Everything since first quiz Chapters 10-20 Chapters 6-9 5 reserve articles Chapters 12-15 1) All notes 2) Review study guide questions 12 hours 1) All notes 2) Text 6 hours 1) All notes 2) End of chapter problems 3) Re-read chapters 16, 14 20 hours All notes 5 hours All notes 5 hours Unfinished Work Time Estimate: 1) Reading and study guide 2) Chapters 14, 15 3) Finish lab assignment 5 hours Finish Jane Eyre 2 hours None 1) Keppler article (reserve) 2) Borrow notes March 10th, 11th 1 hour Paper due last day of classes 14 hours Study Activities Time Estimate: 1) Conceptual diagram for each unit: Do with study group 2) Flash cards: Difficult vocabulary 15 hours Conceptual diagram 12 hours 1) List questions, outline answers 2) CD-Rom Study Guide 3) Graphic organizers 18 hours 1) Study group 2) Time line, conceptual diagram 15 hours Review Activities Time Estimate: Write formulas on flash cards 10 hours Sample Study Plan All Courses Time Review Activities 48 Unfinished Work 22 Study Activities 70 Total 140 Study Plan Course Activities Material on Exam Make sure you have a clear idea of the scope of your task. Attend final classes – chances are professors will do some review. Some might even give you direct hints about possible questions. Review Activities Textbook chapters, lecture notes, previous midterms and quizzes, Handouts, Outside assignments Review activities are things that you do to learn and understand the material. Time Estimate: Unfinished work Papers? Quizzes? Reading? Collecting either professor’s notes from the web or from classes you have missed. Time Estimate: Study Activities What you do to prepare to answer questions: reorganize material, verbalize material, create and answer questions commit information to memory. Time Estimate: Taking the information and reorganizing it to improve understanding of the meaning, and of the significance and the connection between ideas. You have a lot of information to consider. Working with the material in different ways helps to improve your memory of the material. Exams from previous years Visual Strategies • Graphic organizers & conceptual organizers • Diagrams, maps, illustrations • Visualization: Develop vivid visual images in your mind. • Write things out • Color code information • Flash cards Sample Conceptual Diagram Themes Professor Stressed Use of poetic Language Specific examples? Specific techniques? Overall effect? Image Patterns? Use of Humor Specific examples? Characterization Major characters? Strengths/weaknesses? What they learn? Individual in Community Roles of individuals? Role of community? Is one more important? Form & Structure Genre? Elements of that genre? Any variations? Beowulf Canterbury Tales Romeo and Juliet Sample Conceptual Diagram Ruler Military Bureaucracy Economic Base What People Think Other Roman Strong loyal subjects. Controlled bureaucracy and army. Pomp and ceremony regalia. Semi-divine. Not a good way of passing power - didn't want to admit to empire. For a while used heirs. Enough soldiers - supp by spoils. Loyal and committedneeded to keep adding. High wages, good weapons. Leaders often corrupt. Soldiers well trained. Fair taxes. Leader had control. Officials could be corrupt. Laws enforced communication: roads, census and survey. Loyal officials. Money for poor and buildings. Fair taxes. Coined money. Trade: geography through Alexandria. Large pop 7 million. Loyal and proud. Jobs provided. Welfare system. Tolerant and diverse. Rules enforced fairly; adapted locally. Latin. Fair taxes. Army in own area. Emotional religious base. Downfalls. Han (China) Inherited throne (13). Trusted no one. Lead by example. Conquered states. Powerful army. Spies. Ends feudalism. Heavy taxes. Family: education, religion, economy, social health. Unhappy: heavy taxes, forced labor, forced military service. Safe. Reforms: roads, axles, standardized writing. Mauryan (India) Strong, fair ruler. Controlled bureaucracy. Worried about assassination. Fairly strong army. Loyal soldiers. Armed and fed soldiers. Elected council. Ran economic life. Not too much power. Lot of good trading and wealth. Taxes not too high. Loyal. Much diversity. Satisfied. Persian Just, tolerant ruler. Imperial government Passing power hereditary. Mercenaries. Large numbers. Responsible Satrapies and tribal leaders. Effective control. Collected taxes. Good trade. Fair taxes. Loyal. Diversity. Satisfied with ruler. Hellenistic Age. Verbal Strategies: • Summarize key information • Make flashcards of vocabulary words and concepts • Write step-by-step details. • Make "stick it" notes Effective Learning Will Result If You… • • • • • • • • Review regularly: Connect ideas Be Active Avoid robotic studying Adjust your attitude Respect your learning style Put it into practice Capitalize on your intuition WRITING EXAMS Essay Questions Essay Questions & Short Answer Multiple Choice