Software ()

Section 7:
• Do you want to push past the simple NLP models (logistic
regression, PCFG, etc.) that we've all been using for 20 years?
• Then this tutorial is extremely practical for you!
Models: Factor graphs can express interactions among linguistic
Algorithm: BP estimates the global effect of these interactions on
each variable, using local computations.
Intuitions: What’s going on here? Can we trust BP’s estimates?
Fancier Models: Hide a whole grammar and dynamic
programming algorithm within a single factor. BP coordinates
multiple factors.
Tweaked Algorithm: Finish in fewer steps and make the steps
Learning: Tune the parameters. Approximately improve the true
predictions -- or truly improve the approximate predictions.
Software: Build the model you want!
• Do you want to push past the simple NLP models (logistic
regression, PCFG, etc.) that we've all been using for 20 years?
• Then this tutorial is extremely practical for you!
Models: Factor graphs can express interactions among linguistic
Algorithm: BP estimates the global effect of these interactions on
each variable, using local computations.
Intuitions: What’s going on here? Can we trust BP’s estimates?
Fancier Models: Hide a whole grammar and dynamic
programming algorithm within a single factor. BP coordinates
multiple factors.
Tweaked Algorithm: Finish in fewer steps and make the steps
Learning: Tune the parameters. Approximately improve the true
predictions -- or truly improve the approximate predictions.
Software: Build the model you want!
– Structured Loopy BP over factor graphs with:
• Discrete variables
• Structured constraint factors
(e.g. projective dependency tree constraint factor)
• ERMA training with backpropagation
• Backprop through structured factors
(Gormley, Dredze, & Eisner, 2015)
Language: Java
Authors: Gormley, Mitchell, & Wolfe
(Gormley, Mitchell, Van Durme, & Dredze, 2014)
(Gormley, Dredze, & Eisner, 2015)
ERMA performs inference and training on CRFs and
MRFs with arbitrary model structure over discrete
variables. The training regime, Empirical Risk
Minimization under Approximations is loss-aware and
approximation-aware. ERMA can optimize several loss
functions such as Accuracy, MSE and F-score.
Language: Java
Authors: Stoyanov
(Stoyanov, Ropson, & Eisner, 2011)
(Stoyanov & Eisner, 2012)
Graphical Models Libraries
Factorie (McCallum, Shultz, & Singh, 2012) is a Scala library allowing modular specification of
inference, learning, and optimization methods. Inference algorithms include belief propagation
and MCMC. Learning settings include maximum likelihood learning, maximum margin learning,
learning with approximate inference, SampleRank, pseudo-likelihood.
LibDAI (Mooij, 2010) is a C++ library that supports inference, but not learning, via Loopy BP,
Fractional BP, Tree-Reweighted BP, (Double-loop) Generalized BP, variants of Loop Corrected
Belief Propagation, Conditioned Belief Propagation, and Tree Expectation Propagation.
OpenGM2 (Andres, Beier, & Kappes, 2012) provides a C++ template library for discrete factor
graphs with support for learning and inference (including tie-ins to all LibDAI inference
FastInf (Jaimovich, Meshi, Mcgraw, Elidan) is an efficient Approximate Inference Library in C++.
Infer.NET (Minka et al., 2012) is a .NET language framework for graphical models with support
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