LESSON 2: WHAT IS PUBERTY? MEDICAL DRAWING OF FEMALE ANATOMY (Pass out AND COLLECT drawings so they don’t end up on the campus.) Drawing should not be on public website in case students visit the website. WHAT IS PUBERTY? What is puberty? A, B, C, or D? A. A time when both girls and guys are ready to care for a baby. B. A time when an adolescent’s body changes from that of a child to an adult. C. A time when you will make life changing decisions such as career choices. D. All of the above. WHAT IS PUBERTY? The correct answer is B! Puberty is a time when an adolescent’s body changes from that of a child to an adult. Everyone goes through puberty at some time in their life. WHEN DOES IT BEGIN? When does puberty begin and do girls or guys usually start puberty first, A, B, C, or D? A. Between the ages of 18 – 21, and girls usually go through puberty first. B. Between the ages of 15 – 18, and guys usually go through puberty first. C. Between the ages of 9 – 16 for girls and 9 – 20 for guys, and either gender may go through it first. D. Between the ages of 9 – 16 for girls and 10 – 17 for guys, and girls often go through puberty first. WHEN DOES IT BEGIN? The correct answer is D! Puberty usually begins between the ages of 9-16 for girls and 9-20 for guys, and girls often go through puberty first. WHAT IS A PITUITARY GLAND?! Where is the pituitary gland and what does it do, A, B, C, or D? A. It causes adolescents to engage in risky behaviors. B. It releases an egg from the ovary. C. It is a gland in the brain that triggers the body to release hormones and begin puberty. D. It’s another name for reproductive organs. PITUITARY GLAND The correct answer is C! The pituitary gland is located in the brain and triggers the body to release hormones and begin puberty. FACTS ABOUT PUBERTY Which is a fact about puberty, A, B, C, or D? A. The body becomes physically capable of making a baby. B. It takes several years for the puberty process to occur. C. It causes emotional ups and downs, including rollercoaster type moodiness. D. All of the above. FACTS ABOUT PUBERTY The correct answer is D! All of these are facts about puberty: A. The body becomes physically capable of making a baby. B. It takes several years for the puberty process to occur. C. It causes emotional ups and downs, including rollercoaster type moodiness. D. All of the above. WHAT ELSE? Good to know…. • Those who develop faster than others may feel awkward and fear they will be taller/shorter/less mature than others. • Emotional outbursts, tears, and/or anger are common during puberty. Knowing this will help you to understand what you are going through. • Girls will be more likely to share their feelings with others, while guys more often withdraw and may not want to discuss the changes in their bodies and emotions. • Growth spurts, girls usually get taller before guys. • Acne, so be sure to shower daily and wash face before going to bed. (Avoid touching face too.) WHAT ELSE? Good to know…. • The biggest change for girls going through puberty is that they will eventually begin their menstrual cycle, or their period. The first year their cycle is usually not every month. Later, most find that their cycle becomes more regular. • Cramps are uncomfortable, but not life threatening. They are caused by the uterus shedding it’s lining. You can help ease cramps with a heating pad, warm bath, or ask your parent/guardian for ibuprophen. The best cure for cramps: exercise! • Many girls will notice their bodies becoming more “curvy” and may put on a few pounds. Don’t panic, that’s normal. Remember to eat healthy and exercise. Eating chips and watching TV doesn’t help anyone! • If you haven’t started your period and many of your friends have, that’s okay, you aren’t missing anything! It will happen. TODAY’S TAKE AWAY: YOU ARE NORMAL! EVERYONE: Goes through puberty at their own pace. Experiences awkward times. Has good and bad days. Things will get easier. Should be respected without judgment or teasing. Feels stressed, sad, worried, alone, embarrassed, awkward, or moody at times. Should find someone they trust to talk to. FILL SQUARES ON YOUR BINGO CARD WITH TERMS FROM THE NEXT SLIDE. WRITE “FREE” IN THE MIDDLE. WHEN A DEFINITION IS READ, COVER THE CORRECT TERM. THE FIRST TO HAVE A STRAIGHT LINE (VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, OR DIAGONAL) RAISE HAND AND SAY “BINGO.” WE’LL WORK TOGETHER ON TOUGH ONES. Fill in all of the squares with some of these terms, using abbreviation if there is one. (There will be extra terms.) When a definition is read, cover the term that goes to it. -f.tube (fallopian tube) -puberty -uterus -p.gland (pituitary gland) -ovulation -vagina -g.spurt (growth spurt) -pimples -fert. (fertilization) -cervix -mens. (menstruation) -ovaries -pregnancy -eggs -est./prog. (estrogen/progesterone) -cramps -moodiness -period