The Chronocomplexity of Actionable Intelligence Gus Koehler Time Structures 1 Overview • The Policy Working Group’s focus is on blocking structures as wicked problems that impede the creation and movement of actionable intelligence or military technology to the soldier and from the soldier via network centric technology • This presentation looks at how networks, structures and their boundaries—including blocks—are created and maintained by the chronocomplexity of policy decisions that regulate the movement of information, energy, and resources. Such relationships are likely to produce wicked problems • It is changes in the alignment of barriers and related opening-closing of policy or opportunity windows that creates opportunities. What are such windows and why do they occur? Is there a special role for the policy entrepreneur? • We will use the term time-ecology to refer to the networks, and heterochrony to refer to the complex flow of resources, energy, and information. • Issues are: – What chronocomplexity related factors contribute to the dynamics of wicked problems that block the movement of military-technology and intelligence to their operational use by a soldier? – How is a policy entrepreneur able to enter, assess, anticipate, and influence the behavior of such a Chronocomplex system using policy windows? – How is a policy windows opened in a chronocomplex system to produce and communicate actionable intelligence or technology when we want to a soldier? 2 Time Structures Actionable Intelligence is Dynamic, meaning it involves Time and Trickery • “Actionable Intelligence is providing commanders and soldiers a level of situational understanding, delivered with speed, accuracy, and timeliness, in order to conduct successful operations” • “Actionable intelligence is not perfect intelligence, as its an expedient intelligence, particularly in terms of being delivered in an expedient way or not” • Operations involve a strategy of “tricking” the enemy with well timed and informed tactics into taking a vulnerable position or to prevent us from being so tricked. 3 Time Structures Battlefield and Administrative Strategy involve Timing, Cunning, and Sometimes Trickery “In strategy there are various timing considerations. From the outset you must know the applicable timing and the inapplicable timing, and from among the large and small things and fast and slow timings find the relevant timing, first seeing the distance timing and the background timing. This is the main strategy, otherwise your strategy will become uncertain. You win in battles with the timing…of cunning by the knowing the enemies’ timing, and thus using a timing which the enemy does not expect.” Shinmen Musashi, A Book of Five Rings (1645). To trick someone is to destroy their boundaries. It is to destroy a boundary’s edge by confusing a distinction they are making and the timing they are using to establish and carry it out. Simultaneously, it is the creation of a new boundary, a new distinction, a reshaping of the world. Here we are talking about breaking the boundary of the enemy’s strategy, of the formation they are using and its timing to create a new battlefield where they no longer exist. Lewis Hyde, Trickster Makes the World (1998). 4 Time Structures What is a Time Ecology and Why is it Important? • The complex parallel activities, innovation, and feed back relationships of battlefield, simulations, intelligence technology business and services, and legislative processes continuously organize the evolution of the actionable intelligence cluster from top to bottom • The full range of linear and nonlinear time/space networked linkages of the battlefield-networkintelligence technology complex creates an interconnected ecology—a time-ecology—of growth regulating unique, more or less intense, and often complex rhythmic pulses that occur in parallel sometimes in sync across multiple time scales flowing at varying rates out of the past, through the present and into the future • Heterochrony regulates each of the three fundamental elements of growth—size, development, and time—leading to variation in a descendant network, organization, or individual body. • Small changes to a component can affect rates of flow, feeding forward or back, varying the entire time-ecology's heterochronic pattern • A time-ecology of networked flows could continuously give rise, through appropriately or inappropriately timed interventions to a complex and often emergent aggregate structure—a wicked problem—that could not be predicted from its parts. 5 Time Structures A Battle of Time Ecologies: Navy Asymmetric Persian Gulf War Game • THE GAME: Van Riper had at his disposal a computer-generated flotilla of small boats and planes, many of them civilian, which he kept buzzing around the virtual Persian Gulf in circles as the game was about to get under way. As the US fleet entered the Gulf, Van Riper gave a signal - not in a radio transmission that might have been intercepted, but in a coded message broadcast from the minarets of mosques at the call to prayer. The seemingly harmless pleasure craft and propeller planes suddenly turned deadly, ramming into Blue boats and airfields along the Gulf in scores of al-Qaida-style suicide attacks. Meanwhile, Chinese Silkworm-type cruise missiles fired from some of the small boats sank the US fleet's only aircraft carrier and two marine helicopter carriers. The tactics were reminiscent of the al-Qaida attack on the USS Cole in Yemen two years ago, but the Blue fleet did not seem prepared. Sixteen ships were sunk altogether, along with thousands of marines. If it had really happened, it would have been the worst naval disaster since Pearl Harbor. • TIMING: Islamic communication, surprise, inconsistent with US expectations, took advantage of slow background timing of US, used rapid space-time defining movements of small boats • TRICKERY: Rapidly moving small, maneuverable boats and planes overcame US Navy ship defensive organization with boundary penetrating strategies. US Navy boundary chopped up into smaller pieces involving multiple new boundaries and new very local rather than extended space-time. "A phrase Van Riper heard over and over and responded to: 'That would never have happened. And I said: nobody would have thought that anyone would fly an airliner into the World Trade Centre . . . but nobody seemed interested." • • • SUMMARY: Timing and Trickery succeeded on the battlefield in breaking and creating new space-time boundaries Disconnect between this activity, its communication and interpretation at higher organizational levels who had their own notion of time and boundary maintenance. The message did not make it up. 6 Time Structures Operations: “Tricking” the Enemy in Two Time-Ecologies Bagdad Time Ecology: flat, high population density, many housing and commercial buildings, roads, ethnic groups conflict, intense street to street fighting, building to building fire fights, snipers, IUD, city business-market-school time, rapid communications on both sides (TV, face to face, radios, cell phones, visual, etc) Time Structures Afghan-Pakistan Border time-ecology: mountainous, low population density, few housing and commercial buildings, dirt roads, trails, and very local ethnic groups, bandit-war lord-drug lord control, point to point communications, runners to communicate face to face, agrarian time, armored vehicles, extreme flight problems, sudden fire fights, snipers, IUDs, etc. 7 The Intelligence-Technology-Battlefield Time-Ecology Battlefield • Personal • Line of sight • Natural-interface • Survival and Real-time • Timing • Trickery Virtual Simulation • Idealized-unnatural • Non-Biological/addictive • Computer icon • Avatar life/death • Real-to-Simulation time • Networked: Hub, Node, Identify Time Structures Intelligence Technology • Organizational survival (100 years) • Budget & Legislative cycles • Concentration of authority • Bureaucratic rules • Hierarchical and networked • Competition for funds and projects • Local time (8hr, home, career, soccer, seasons) 8 Wicked problem: an emergent property of a timeecology “tree’s” shape as formed by its heterochrony Wicked Problems may have multiple tree shapes: Threading the various timings of development and rates of change produces a different tree and relationships among limbs, etc. Time ambiguity, that is choosing one external temporality or local point as “the clock”, defines branching, connectivity and causality.. Wicked Problem Barriers Multiple Wicked Problems Barriers (branching rules, bifurcations, etc 1. Uniform development and placement of nodes (“children”) 2. Uniform application of a single branching rule (angle, folding, etc) 3. Causality one direction only 4. Appears to lack flow 5. Wicked problem at one location 6. Space-time uniform 1. Stem can emerge from generation of children 2. Uniform application of different complex rules can produce different branching and children forms 3. Each “child” has its own growth rate 4. Connectors or stems have their own size and rate of flows 5. Heterochrony changes in the way it organizes the whole 6. Space-time varies 7. Multiple causal directions Def: Time Structures 9 Visualizing a Time-Ecology: Video Excerpts of Traffic Regulation 10 Time Ecology: Regulation of Policy Windows • Battlefield strategy creates an opportunity to take advantage of the enemy through trickery • Public policy and policy windows – Movement and realignment by breaking barriers to regulate the flow of energy, resources and information that is external with internal structures that creates an opportunity for changing a policy (budget, elections, policy cycles) via a policy window— here to move new scientific technology • Natural, social, and now virtual regulation of heterochrony and time budgets is the issue • Timing for trickery? 11 Time Structures Five Principal Temporalities and Associated Causalities Time is: Propagation in Space is: Past-Present Future Relationship Is: Causality is: Sociotemporal Local Chunking Networks via Local or Extended Hubs and Nodes Pst-pres-pres -pst-fut-pst-pst pst... (continuous redefining) Complex Biotemporal Bounded Developmental/Gr owth Local Reproductive Networks Unidirectional Morphodynamics Unidirectional Interactive/ Natural Selection EcologicalTerrain MultipleInteractive Extended and local (ex. climate vs whether) Unidirectional Complex Physical Laws Now-less flow Inverse Square Law and diffusion Unidirectional Deterministic No flow Electronically timed by Computer and Sweep Generator No Direction Eootemporal and Programmed Eootemporal Virtual 12 Time Structures Temporal Orientation and Perspective Vary by Individual and by Organization Differing pasts: Experiences Expectations Rate of movement into the present Rate of vanishing into the past Near or far Density Market and Industry Government Disaster Response Warfare Housing and Community Environment/Nat. Resources Health, Welfare & Safety Differing Futures: Expectations Control Depth Differing Presents: Narrow or wide Rate of movement into the past Rate of movement into the future Density Rate of movement into future How the past is brought forward Density 13 Time Structures Source: Victoria Koehler-Jones, 1999. Three Local Times • Electronic battlefield is endlessly extended (macro & micro) with unlimited number avatars and tokens in program/computer timed virtual space linked to the biotemporality • Space-time battle is highly local (streets, mountain gorges, small-boat-to-Ship) and is embedded in five, layered temporalities that proceed at varying rates out of the past through the present into the future • Public policy making is highly local in terms of exercising authority but extended over large distances and many layers encompassing the intelligence industry and constituencies among other factors • Five space-time dimensions are causally nested and uniquely placed in all of these time-ecologies • Each “placement” includes a temporal orientation and perspective toward the past, present, and future • Wicked problems are local space-time problems embedded in different space-time time budget streams that continuously form developing agents and landscapes according to chronocomplexity dynamics 14 Time Structures Preliminary Identification of a Government/Industry Cluster Clock-Time Event Layers (Nootemporal and Agent time are not ordered by layer) (Colors are keyed to diagrams below) Organization or Process Scale: Length of Cycle Cyc Level One (100+ yrs) 1. Government Administrative Institution life-cycle 2. Large firm life-cycle 27-100 yrs (Kaufman (1976) 50-100+ yrs (Atlantic Monthly) Jurisdiction Domestic/global Level Two (10-80 yrs) 3. National GDP expand/contract 59-80 yrs (Pagan (1997) 4. Kondratieff long wave cycles 40-65 yrs (De Greene, 1988). 5. Major Party realignment 40 yrs (Key, ) 6. Congressional institutional organizational life-cycle 20-40 yrs (Rieselback,1986) 7. Industry cluster formation/death 10-50 yrs (Saxinean, Rees and Stafford, 1986) 8. Regional Infrastructure (roads, ports, etc.) 25-30 yrs 9. Policy cycles 12-27 yrs (Schlesinger, 1986; and Klingberg, 1983). Jurisdiction 10. District reapportionment 10 yrs Jurisdiction Economy Political boundaries Institution Network Network Varies by policy Area Jurisdiction Level Three (1-9 yrs) 11. Business cycle 12. Business network formation life-cycle 13. Small and medium sized firm life-cycle 14. Governors and Members professional life-cycle 15. State regional economies 16. Business Cycle (expand/cont) 1-9 yrs (Temin, 1998) virtual and various Economy Domestic/global 5 yrs to form; (Young, ?) 5 yrs to die (D=Aveni, 1989). 4-6 yrs 5-7 yrs 5-7 yrs (Kimberly, Robert Miles, 1980) Domestic Indiv./population Economy Level Four (6 months to 2 years) Time Structures 17. Time to develop and pass legislation 18. Regulatory cycle 19. Technology cycle (Moore=s law) 20. State Budget cycle 21. Legislative session life cycle 22. Electoral process cycle 23. Internet demand (100% increase) 24. Employee training and other internal firm processes cycles Legislature 1-2 yrs 1-2 yrs 1.5 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr (McQuillan, 1999) Jurisdiction Economy All Jurisdict/prog. Jurisdict/program District Telecommunicatins network 15 6 mon-1 yr (Sastry, 1997) Firm 27. Product innovation S curve cycles 6 mon. per season (Modis, 1998). Firm Level Five (Hours to 6 months) 28. Programatic interventions (funds and services) 29. Demand for data bites and internet core (100% increase) 30. Media content cycles monthly Jurisdiction 2 months (McQuillan, 1999) (story coverage time) Economy Circulation Level Six (Minutes to seconds) (Lemke, 2000) 31. Interpersonal dialogue 32. Utterance (word or phrase) 33. Vocal sound seconds/minustes second (1-10) 10^-1 Sec. Person Person Level Seven (Less than a second) (Lemke, 2000) 34. Neuronal patterns 10^-2 Sec. 35. Neural firings (nural processes) 10^-3 Sec. 36. Membrane process (Ligand binding) 10^-4 Sec. 37. Chemical synthesis (Neurotransmitters) 10^-5 Sec. Brain Level Eight (Virtual-electronic-biological perception) 38. Computer clock time and flat or other screen sweep generation consistent with visual processing Speed. Source: Gus Koehler, “A Framework for Visualizing the Chronocomplexity of Politically Regulated Time-Ecologies,” Prepared for Presentation at International Society for the Study of Time, 2001 Conference, Gorgonza, Italy, July 8-22, 2001. Time Structures This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0083934. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Coinvestigating institutions each with complementary research to this effort include, of which this document is Part I: Arizona State University, University of Southern California, Institute for Law and Systems Research, and Time Structures. 16 Sociotemporal Extension in Space • Sociotemporal extension is interaction beyond one’s immediate presence via voice, physical messages, digital or analogues messages, virtual messages, refrigerator magnets • Projection of authority over space and time • Stretching of socio-political systems across time • Movement to one point like Los Angeles from Santa Barbara can take 500 minutes or 100 minutes by car depending on the year • Simultaneity of convergence at different space times by class based on mode of transportation (high cost of political participation for the poor or different organizations) • Any local patch is deformed by sociotemporal extensions (prune world) 17 Time Structures Elements of Complexity Contribute to Wicked Problems • “Structural” complexity: Number of different parts in a time-ecology and their interactions • “Hierarchical” complexity: Number of levels in a hierarchy that makes up the time ecology • “Functional” complexity: – Number of different functions an organism or organization can perform, or – Computational capacity of an organism, organization or device • Chronocomplexity: number of heterochronic interactions via tubes within the system including the developmental status of an agent/organization, and between the system and its natural environment Chris Adami, Evolution of Biocomplexity Time Structures 19 Stretching social time-ecologies across space-time Hierarchical Complexity Structural Complexity Functional Complexity Chronocomplexity 20 Time Structures Measures of complexity “[…] no broad definition has been offered that is both operational, in the sense that it indicates unambiguously how to measure complexity in real systems, and universal, in the sense that it can be applied to all systems.” D.W. McShea (1996) Chris Adami, Evolution of Biocomplexity 21 Time Structures A Closer Look at Three Time Ecologies: 1. Battlefield 2. Battle Field Virtual 3. Government-Private Sector Time Structures 22 Policy Windows Move Intelligence Technology Complex: Timing is weeks, months, and years. Policy Window Battlefield: Time is context-enemy tactics driven from seconds to weeks, months and years Tactics for Both: Dividing Space-Time with Trickery Time Structures 23 Future Approach A Past Fading A US Soldier: Heterochrony of Nested Temporalities Characteristic Entrainment Local Landscape (Spatial-Temporal) Future Approach B Moslem Enemy: Heterochrony of Nested Temporalities Uneven Time Chunks Past fading B Future Approach B Battlefield: Agent, Pipes, and Landscapes As Complementary fields in Space Time as seen from the Nootemporal Perspective Time Structures 24 Command Operations & High-Tech Business’ Temporal Layers Growth Planning Management Networking capacity Human Resources Information Technology Prod.Dev. Temporal-Signature Manufacturing Past Research A Start-up Capital B Foresight Horizon Marketing C Early-stage Future D Rapid Growth E Mature Declining Developmental Stages .1 2 3 3 5 6 100+ 10-80 1-9 . 5-2 Hrs-.5 Sec.-Min. Organizational or Process Cycle (see page X) Time Structures 25 A = Pentagon P Exports P Diagram of an PentagonIndustry-Battle TimeEcology F F P TS F TS B = Equipment, Other Pentagon Foresight TS Horizon months to years P C = Field Operations F P TS P F F P TS P TS TS F TS Internet P F P F P F P TS F P TS TS P B P P F F P F TS F P TS TS F TS F TS TS P F TS .1 2 3 3 5 6 100+ 10-80 1-9 . 5-2 Hrs-.5 Sec.-Min. F TS F TS F Organization’s Past-Present-Future Orientation TS + Temporal Signature P TS P P A F TS Telephone P F P P F TS P C F F Battle Field Foresight Horizon minutes to months TS TS Organizational or Process Cycle 26 Time Structures Opening of Policy or Opportunity Windows • Policy or opportunity windows may open at a far higher frequency than can be easily perceived or analyzed anywhere on the battlefield or at multiple points in the intelligence technology complex time-ecology • Very hard to identify policy window opportunities for disrupting boundaries by trickery • The following policy window examples are drawn from California state politics 27 Time Structures Wickedness Elements Regulating Policy Windows • Appropriations process: yearly cycle and variations over time • Defense acquisition process: RFP proposal time, awarding, monitoring, reports and related paper and procedural temporalities • Legal policy barriers: regulatory definitions and redefinitions • Legislative barriers: policy cycles, party cycles, legislative process • Intelligence barriers: regulatory and policy barriers varying across levels and agencies • Organizational culture: private sector, military, legislative, soldier, enemy, virtual, intelligence, etc • Technology Transfer: policy definitions, development and process cycles • Deployment barriers: manufacturing cycle, training of users, logistics and rates of movement, etc • Political pressure to increase speed of tech development and transfer • Organizational barriers: stove-piping, iron-law of oligarchy, funding battles and organizational battles, organizational life-time 28 Time Structures Policy Entrepreneurs • A policy entrepreneur advocates for proposals or for ideas by changing the direction and flow of politics in multiple, nested political and administrative arenas • They join solutions to problems through policy windows when administrations change or other large scale events occur providing favorable political circumstances • They increase their chances of success by knowing how to open or close policy windows in a time-ecology • They are knowledgeable about policy making, legislative and administrative advocacy, procedures, and implementation • Their work is enhanced by policy networks and by working with political groups 29 Time Structures Timing, Cunning, and Sometimes Trickery • A political time-ecology is in a state of punctuated equilibrium with different parts changing at varying rates • A time-ecology may directly, or indirectly, influence the choice of strategy used to seek a preferred policy change 30 Time Structures Opening a Policy Window Issue A: low priority Heterochronic inputs: •campaign funds •constituency support •term limits •Party control Media attention? Issue Window Open? Long term Legislative Organizational cycle in phase or out of phase? Historical Policy Cycle in phase? Current Historical Context Supportive? Org. Or Indiv. Policy Entrepreneur Available? Legislative Process Time Structures Member’s Career Cycle in phase with issue and associated with strength of support? .1 2 3 4 5 6 100+ 10-80 1-9 . 5-2 Hrs-.5 Sec.-Min. Organizational or Process Cycle 31 Legislative Session Determinants Of Opening A Policy Window Heterochronic inputs: - Importance to constituency? - Interest group(s) pressure? - Media publicity? - Gov. agency pressure? - Gov. provider pressure? - NGO(s) pressure? - Federal, state, local gov. pressure? - Campaign resource? - Other historical issues or votes? Legislative Process (Issue on Legislative Agenda) Session Conditions: -Staff and member workload re: # bills, and committee assignments - Probability of bill movement given introducing member’s party Vs. house controlling party - Probability of movement given leadership and Governor priorities and party - Cost: money in bill? Is bill distributive, redistributive or regulatory? Relative cost? Competing budget priorities? - Perception surrounding bill: fear, fame, crises or not? - Legislative/executive relations? - Procedural sequences and likelihood of survival (double referral)? - Policy cycle place (agenda-setting, formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation) relative to bill and budget deadlines? End Enrolled .1 2 3 4 5 6 100+ 10-80 1-9 . 5-2 Hrs-.5 Sec.-Min. Organizational or Process Cycle (see page X) Administration Time Structures 32 New Statute Opening an Administrative Approval and Implementation Policy Window End Admin. Budget and other Gov.. legislation Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Blue pencil probability? End Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos .1 2 3 4 5 6 100+ 10-80 1-9 . 5-2 Hrs-.5 Sec.-Min. 33 Time Structures A Legislation-Admin Business Time-Ecology I. Advocacy Issue A: low priority Draft4/28/2001 Session Cycle Page 1 Heterochronic inputs: •campaign funds •constituency support •term limits •Party control • see notes Media attention? C Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Long term Legislative Organizational cycle in phase or out of phase? Budget and other Gov.. legislation Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity Blue pencil probability? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process Issue Window Open? Budget and other Gov.. legislation C Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity Blue pencil probability? Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos Historical Policy Cycle in phase? Regional Economy Current Historical Context Supportive? Member’s Career Cycle in phase with issue and associated with strength of support? Org. Or Indiv. Policy Entrepreneur Available? Legislative/ Administrative Processes B A C 100+ 10-80 1-9 . 5-2 Hrs-.5 Se c.-Min. Heterochronic inputs: - Importance to constituency? - Interest group(s) presure? - Media publicity? - Gov. agency pressure? - Gov. provider pressure? - NGO(s) pressure? - Federal, state, local gov. pressure? - Campaign resource? - Other historical issues or votes? Budget and other Gov.. legislation Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Session Conditions: -Staff and member workload re: # bills, and committee assignments - Probability of bill movement given introducing member’s party Vs. house controlling party - Probability of movement given leadership and Governor priorities and party - Cost: money in bill? Is bill distributive, redistributive or regulatory? Relative cost? Competing budget priorities? - Perception surrounding bill: fear, fame, crises or not? - Legislative/executive relations? - Procedural sequences and likelihood of survival (double referral)? - Policy cycle place (agenda-setting, formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation) relative to bill and budget deadlines? Blue pencil probability? Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process t Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos t A Prime t Enrolled 100+ 10-80 1-9 . 5-2 Hrs-.5 Sec.-Min. C C t t Budget and other Gov.. legislation t Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process t Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity Blue pencil probability? C B High Tech. Suppliers Budget and other Gov.. legislation Provision of Services Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos Blue pencil probability? Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Economic Development Programs for Business Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity t t C Low Tech. Suppliers Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos C .1 2 3 4 5 6 100+ 10-80 1-9 . 5-2 Hrs-.5 Sec.-Min. Budget and other Gov.. legislation Blue pencil probability? Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Organizational or Process Cycle (see page X) Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process Time Structures C Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos Budget and other Gov.. legislation C Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity Blue pencil probability? Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos Budget and other Gov.. legislation C Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity Blue pencil probability? Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos Budget and other Gov.. legislation Governor’s Career Cycle favorable and/or consistent with party and policy agenda? Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity Blue pencil probability? Regime cycle favorable? Bill chaptered? Not implemented or incompletely implemented probability? Agency Capacity/Survival probability? Regulatory adoption/ revision process Provision of Services Time technologies used to implement (visit schedule, forms, appeals, etc..) and associated Kairos, eigenzeitung, and chronos Administrative heterochronic inputs: - Budget and personnel requests and cycles - Policy cycle of priorities and direction - Accountability/performance - Media attention - Client satisfaction - Advocacy groups strengths and level of activity 34 Chronocomplexity of Strategic Decision Making is a Wicked Problem • Our focus is not on static institutional structures and/or how innovation is blocked • The focus here is on hierarchic chronocomplex relationships and emergent policy windows that if aligned, could produce actionable intelligence consistent with battlefield timing and trickery (boundary penetrating and changing) requirements • What heterochronic relationships open policy windows that produce actionable intelligence and close those of the enemy? What is the role of the policy entrepreneur at aligning these time ecologies? • Can intelligence technology Complex factors be manipulated to meet battle field timing and trickery requirements by a policy entrepreneur? • How does chronocomplexity make these relationships and the role of the policy entrepreneur more vulnerable to disruptive timing and trickery? 35 Time Structures 36 Strategies to Break Innovation and Technology Transfer Barriers Producing Actionable Intelligence 37 Time Structures Simulations of Chronocomplex Systems "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." -- Buckminster Fuller 38 Time Structures Policy Working Group: Next Steps? • Flow chart the research, prototyping, approval, procurement, and introduction into the field of appropriate weapon as a time-ecology • Flow chart process of identifying soldier’s expressed needs and how they are filled; what is delivered to them;and what is not used as a time-ecology • Use dialogue mapping with key players at apparent barriers using both flow charts to identify key policy issues and their timing • Collect available information and use survey research to determine soldiers needs and what they are likely to use 39 • Conduct two case studies: successful rapid creation and deployment of a product useful to soldiers and of one that wasn’t • Policy Group dialogue maps key wicked factors in their time-ecology context, possibly with key players • Draft strategy and options to address issues: – Creation of policy entrepreneurs – Policy options to remove specific barriers and causes of delays including those that may require legislation 40 Battlefield Time-Ecology Research Issues (1) • What to look for: Diagram the time-ecology as a complex system and from the perspective of a policy-entrepreneur who can navigate it • Use Dialogue and Issue Mapping by policy entrepreneurs and actors from the involved sectors to identify precursors of a wicked problem and of a policy window opening or closing • Wicked problem detection could be carried out autonomous agent simulations using such issue and dialogue maps • One way to look: identify and evaluate the rhythms of policy windows, possible paths to them, their disruption, and reasons for their opening or closing linked within their time-ecology 41 Time Structures Battlefield Time-Ecology Research Issues (2) • Other ways: Determine the extent to which mobility (the consumption of distance)—be it physical or digital—is intrinsic to certain types of warfare or policy making as human space-time extensibility • Identify and label varying temporal patterns caused by different local timeecology clocks that create policy windows including their sync frequencies, at multiple levels: neuronal, perceptual, interpretative, translations from virtual to real to virtual; social-interactive, group interactive; machinehuman; enemy-soldier, etc; military space-air-machine-individual, etc) • Derive and interpret patterns and process of policy making or battlefield local space-time economies and tactics, trickery, etc, including introduction of new intelligence technology relative to soldier operational effectiveness and survival • How are new intelligence technologies socially constructed and by whom and then embedded in a time-ecology’s distribution of authority, power, and opportunity relative to policy windows 42 Time Structures