Grade 1 Writing & Grammar Pacing Guide Symbol Key Split: This Standard of Learning has been split into more than one nine-week block. Week 1 Week 2 Back to School Baseline Writing Sample Writing Focus: Capital and Lower Case Letter Shared Writing: Language Experience stories Integrate: Week 3 This skill should NOT be taught in isolation. Integrate the skill into daily lessons. Week 4 Review: This skill was taught for mastery in a previous nine-week block. Continue to review this mastered skill, with heavy emphasis, in the listed nine-week block. Week 5 HM Theme 1/HM English Unit 2 Reading-Writing Workshop: Writing a Class Story (modeling) Introduce the Writing Process Focus on One Topic Organize details Suggestions for Shared Writing: The Cat Sat on the Mat: A Class Story Nan & Fan We Can!: A Class Story The Big Hit, Big Pig: A Class Story Grammar Focus: The Sentence (continue throughout 1st nine weeks) Naming and Action Parts Telling Sentences Question Sentences Capitalization: Names; Beginning Sentences With Capital Letters ^ Punctuation (Period and Question Marks) Word Order in Sentences 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12d Use complete sentences in final copies. 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use punctuation in final copies. 1.12g Share writing with others Week 6 Week 7 ^ Skill is introduced at this time. Week 8 Week 9 HM Theme 2 Reading-Writing Workshop: Writing a Class Letter (modeling) Suggestions for Shared Writing: The Box, Wigs in a Box: A Class Letter What Can a Vet Do?/Hot Fox Soup: A Class message A Hut for Zip Bug/The Rope Tug: A Diary (Journal Entry) Grammar Focus: The Sentence (continued Naming and Action Parts Telling Sentences Question Sentences Capitalization: Names; Beginning Sentences With Capital Letters ^ Punctuation (Period and Question Marks) Word Order in Sentences Pacing Adjustment and Quarterly Writing Prompt (developed at the school level) 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12d Use complete sentences in final copies. 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use punctuation in final copies. 1.12f Use correct spelling for high-frequency sight words Journal Writing and Shared Writing should be incorporated across the curriculum on a daily basis. Responses for journal writing and guided instruction may be found with each story in the anthology. Grammar focus should be reinforced daily through the morning message. Incorporate Language Experience stories during LA and/or Science and Social Studies. September, 2009 Grade 1 Writing & Grammar Pacing Guide Symbol Key Split: This Standard of Learning has been split into more than one nine-week block. Integrate: This skill should NOT be taught in isolation. Integrate the skill into daily lessons. Review: This skill was taught for mastery in a previous nine-week block. Continue to review this mastered skill, with heavy emphasis, in the listed nine-week block. ^ Skill is introduced at this time. Second Nine Weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 HM Theme 3/HM English Unit 6 Reading-Writing Workshop: Writing a Story Suggestions for Shared Writing: Seasons: A Class Description Mr. C’s Dinner: A Persuasive Letter What a Trip!: A Class Story Grammar Focus: Nouns and Pronouns ^Common Nouns ^Plural Nouns ^Proper Nouns (People & Places) ^Pronouns Capitalization: Proper Nouns ^Recognize and write synonyms ^Contractions- substitute contractions for the two-word meaning (not, is) 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use final punctuation in final copies 1.12f Use correct spelling for high-frequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Reading-Writing Workshop: Lists, Notes and Messages Suggestions for Shared Writing: Who’s In a Family?: A Class Album Writing Answers to Questions The Best Pet: A Class Message Writing Sentences on a Topic Bud’s Day Out: A Class Letter Writing Questions Grammar Focus: Nouns and Pronouns (continued) Common Nouns Plural Nouns Proper Nouns (People & Places) Pronouns Capitalization: Proper Nouns Recognize and write synonyms Contractions- substitute contractions for the two-word meaning; write the two-word equivalent of a contraction 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12f Use correct spelling for high-frequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 HM Theme 5 Reading-Writing Workshop: Personal Narrative Keeping to the Topic Telling Enough Writing Sentences Suggestions for Shared Writing: Moving Day: Alternate Endings Me on the Map: Class Letter/Writing a Journal Entry The Kite: Class Paragraph Grammar Focus: Verbs (Continue into 3rd nine weeks) Nouns & Verbs Pronouns & Verbs Past Tense Is, Are, Was, Were Contractions ^Introduce homographs Pacing Adjustment and Quarterly Writing Prompt (developed at the school level) 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12c Use descriptive words 1.12d Use complete sentences 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use final punctuation in final copies 1.12f Use correct spelling for highfrequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies 1.12g Share writing with others Journal Writing and Shared Writing should be incorporated across the curriculum on a daily basis. Responses for journal writing and guided instruction may be found with each story in the anthology. Grammar focus should be reinforced daily through the morning message. Incorporate Language Experience stories during LA and/or Science and Social Studies. September, 2009 Grade 1 Writing & Grammar Pacing Guide Symbol Key Split: This Standard of Learning has been split into more than one nine-week block. Integrate: This skill should NOT be taught in Review: isolation. Integrate the skill into daily lessons. This skill was taught for mastery in a previous nine-week block. Continue to review this mastered skill, with heavy emphasis, in the listed nine-week block. ^ Skill is introduced at this time. Third Nine Weeks Week 1 Refer to end of Second Nine Weeks Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 HM Theme 6 Reading-Writing Workshop: Description (HM English Unit 8) Using Sensory Language Using Exact Words Writing Sentences Suggestions for Shared Writing: The Sleeping Pig: A Letter of Persuasion Eek! There’s a Mouse in the House: A Class Story Red- Eyed Tree Frog: Writing a Summary 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12c Use descriptive words 1.12d Use complete sentences 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use final punctuation in final copies 1.12f Use correct spelling for high-frequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies 1.12g Share writing with others Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 HM Theme 7 Reading-Writing Workshop: Story Beginning, Middle, and End Writing a Title Capitalizing the Names of People Reading-Writing Workshop Focus: Poetry (Use outside resources to supplement HM Reading and English) Suggestions for Shared Writing: That Toad is Mine: Writing an Opinion Lost!: Writing a Description If You Give a Pig a Pancake: Writing an Invitation/ A Class Poem 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12c Use descriptive words 1.12d Use complete sentences 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use final punctuation in final copies 1.12f Use correct spelling for highfrequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies 1.12g Share writing with others 1.12h Use available technology 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12c Use descriptive words 1.12d Use complete sentences 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use final punctuation in final copies 1.12f Use correct spelling for high-frequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies 1.12g Share writing with others 1.12h Use available technology Quarterly Writing Prompt (developed at the school level) Weeks 1-2 Weeks 3-5 Weeks 6-9 Grammar Focus: Verbs (continued) Grammar Focus: Adjectives Grammar Focus: Review Nouns and Verbs Sensory Adjectives Nouns Pronouns and Verbs Comparative Adjectives Pronouns Past Tense Antonyms Verbs Is, Are, Was, Were Contractions Homographs Journal Writing and Shared Writing should be incorporated across the curriculum on a daily basis. Responses for journal writing and guided instruction may be found with each story in the anthology. Grammar focus should be reinforced daily through the morning message. Incorporate Language Experience stories during LA and/or Science and Social Studies. September, 2009 Grade 1 Writing & Grammar Pacing Guide Symbol Key Split: This Standard of Learning has Integrate: This skill should NOT be taught in Review: isolation. Integrate the skill into daily lessons. been split into more than one nine-week block. This skill was taught for mastery in a previous nine-week block. Continue to review this mastered skill, with heavy emphasis, in the listed nine-week block. ^ Skill is introduced at this time. Fourth Nine Weeks Week 1 Week 2 HM Theme 8 Reading-Writing Workshop: Research Report Finding Information Taking Notes Summarizing Capitalizing Names of Places and Things Suggestions for Shared Writing: The Forest: Class Summary Butterfly: Informational Paragraph Johnny Appleseed: Character Sketch Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 7 Week 8 HM Theme 10 Reading-Writing Workshop: Instructions Sequencing Steps Using Time-Order Words Writing Clear Sentences Suggestions for Shared Writing: When I Am Old With You: Writing a Solution The New Friend: A Class Newsletter The Surprise Family: Writing Another Version Suggestions for Shared Writing: Two Greedy Bears: Book Report/Writing an Opinion Fireflies for Nathan: Class Poem The Hat (Frog and Toad): Thank-You Note/Writing an Alternate Ending Grammar Focus: Review Using “is” and “are” Using “was” and “were” Grammar Focus: Review Verbs (Present and Past Tense) 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12c Use descriptive words 1.12d Use complete sentences 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use final punctuation in final copies 1.12f Use correct spelling for highfrequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies 1.12g Share writing with others 1.12h Use available technology Week 6 HM Theme 9 Reading-Writing Workshop: Friendly Letter Parts of a Letter Using Details Using Commas in Dates 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12c Use descriptive words 1.12d Use complete sentences 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use final punctuation in final copies 1.12f Use correct spelling for high-frequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies 1.12g Share writing with others 1.12h Use available technology Week 9 Grammar Focus: Review Adjectives Comparing (using –er, -est endings) 1.11 The student will print legibly a) Form letters b) Space words and sentences 1.12a Generate ideas 1.12b Focus on one topic 1.12c Use descriptive words 1.12d Use complete sentences 1.12e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use final punctuation in final copies 1.12f Use correct spelling for high-frequency sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies 1.12g Share writing with others 1.12h Use available technology Pacing Adjustment and Quarterly Writing Prompt (developed at the school level) Journal Writing and Shared Writing should be incorporated across the curriculum on a daily basis. Responses for journal writing and guided instruction may be found with each story in the anthology. Grammar focus should be reinforced daily through the morning message. Incorporate Language Experience stories during LA and/or Science and Social Studies. September, 2009 September, 2009