Nearly perfect liquids: strongly coupled systems from quark-gluon plasmas to ultracold atoms Gordon Baym University of Illinois Deconfined quark-gluon plasmas made in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions T ~ 102 MeV ~ 1012 K (temperature of early universe at ~1m sec) Trapped cold atomic systems: Bose-condensed and BCS fermion superfluid states T ~ nanokelvin (traps are the coldest places in the universe!) Separated by ~21 decades in characteristic energy scales -- intriguing overlaps. Small clouds with many degrees of freedom ~ 104 – 107 Strongly interacting systems Finite size systems w. edge problems (trap edge, hadronic halo) Infrared miseries in qcd and condensed bosons. Connections: Viscosity: heavy-ion elliptic flow Fermi gases near unitarity Ultracold ionized atomic plasma physics Crossover: BEC BCS and hadron quark-gluon plasma Cold atoms as testing ground for qcd: Bose-fermion mixtures => RG diquarks + B quarks 3 Fermi systems => simulate formation of baryons from 3 quarks Non-Abelian atomic systems => simulate lattice gauge theory with atoms in optical lattices. Superfluidity and pairing in unbalanced systems: trapped fermions color superconductivity Test relativistic plasma codes in ultracold atom dynamics (hydro to collisionless) Both systems scale-free in strongly coupled regime ( => CFT) Fqgp ~ const nexc4/3 Ecold atoms ~ const n2/3/m In cold atoms near resonance only length-scale is density. No microscopic parameters enter equation of state: b is a universal parameter. No systematic expansion Theory: b = -0.60 (0.2) Green’s Function Monte Carlo, Gezerlis & Carlson (2008) Experiment: -0.61(2) Duke (2008) Strongly coupled systems In quark-gluon plasma, L ~ 150 MeV Even at GUT scale, 1015GeV, gs ~ 1/2 (cf. electrodynamics: e2/4p = 1/137 => e~ 1/3) QGP is always strongly interacting In cold atoms, effective atom-atom interaction is short range and s-wave: a = s-wave atom-atom scattering length. Cross section: s=8p a2 Go from weakly repulsive to strongly repulsive to strongly attractive to weakly attractive by dialing external magnetic field through Feshbach resonance . Scattering Length ( aO ) 10000 5000 repulsive 6Li 0 -5000 -10000 400 attractive 600 800 1000 Magnetic Field ( G ) Resonance at B= 830 G 1200 Remarkably similar behavior of ultracold fermionic atoms and low density neutron matter (ann= -18.5 fm) nn effective range begins to play role A. Gezerlis and J. Carlson, Phys. Rev. C 77, 032801(R) (2008) Viscosity in elliptic flow in heavy ion collisions and in Fermi gases near unitarity Strong coupling leads to low first viscosity h, seen in expansion in both systems Shear viscosity h: v d F = h A v /d Stress tensor First viscosity t = scattering time Strong interactions => small h Conjectured lower bound on ratio of first viscosity to entropy density, s: Kovtun, Son, & Starinets, PRL 94 (2005) Equality exact in N=4 supersymmetric Yang Mills theory in limit of large number of colors, Nc: AdS/CFT duality h~ nt m v2t = n p , s ~ nt nt = no. of degrees of freedom producing viscosity p = mv = mean particle momentum ~ / (interparticle spacing) = mean free path Bound mean free path > interparticle spacing Familiar (weakly interacting) systems well obey bound Classical gas: h~ nmv2 t ~ T1/2 (hard spheres), s ~ log T h/s ~ T1/2 /log T , growing with T Degenerate Fermi gas: h~ 1/T2 , s ~ T (Fermi liquid) h/s ~ 1/T3, dropping with T Low T Bose gas: h ~ 1/T5, s ~ T3 (phonons) h/s ~ 1/T8, dropping with T Have minimum (at T ~ TF in the absence of other scales) In He-II, h/ s ~0.7~ at minimum (T ~ 2K) cf. unitary Fermi gas, h/ s ~0.2~ at minimum (T ~ 0.2 TF) Laurence Yaffe – QCD transport theory Shear viscosity from radial breathing mode Theory: T. Schaefer, Phys. Rev. A 76, 063618 (2007) G. Rupak & T .Schaefer, PRA76, 053607 (2007) Tc G.M.Bruun & H. Smith, PRA 75, 043612 (2007) Data: J. Thomas et al. Shear viscosity/ entropy density ratio vs. T/TF Shear viscosity of Fermi gas at unitarity Expt: A. Turlapov, J. Kinast, B. Clancy, L. Luo, J. Joseph, and J.E. Thomas, J. Low Temp. Phys. (2007) Ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density (in units of ) Hydrodynamic predictions of v2(pT) Elliptic flow => almost vanishing viscosity in quark-gluon plasma M. Luzum & P. Romatschke, 0804.4015 Derek Teaney -- Viscosity in v2 and RAA v2 and RAA Viscosity issues: In heavy ion collisions: How to extract viscosity from heavy ion collisions? Validity of hydro? Dependence on pt? Higher order terms in gradients? Second viscosity effects? Edge of collision volume: mfp ~ gradients In cold atoms: Transport: Boltzmann eqn with medium effects at unitarity? Effective range corrections – away from unitarity Breakdown of strong interactions as denity -> 0 at edge of trap Dam Son Chris Herzog BEC transition John McGreevy: Non-relativistic CFT – applications to cold atoms not unitary fermions (yet) BEC-BCS crossover in Fermi systems Continuously transform from molecules to Cooper pairs: D.M. Eagles (1969) A.J. Leggett, J. Phys. (Paris) C7, 19 (1980) P. Nozières and S. Schmitt-Rink, J. Low Temp Phys. 59, 195 (1985) Pairs shrink 6Li Tc/Tf ~ 0.2 Tc /Tf ~ e-1/kfa Phase diagram of quark-gluon plasma T. Hatsuda tricritical point QGP (quark-gluon plasma) Chiral symmetry breaking chirally symmetric (Bose-Einstein decondensation) Neutrons, protons, pions, … paired quarks (color superconductivity) CROSSOVER ?? (density) Interplay between BCS pairing and chiral condensate Hadronic phase breaks chiral symmetry, producing chiral (particleantiparticle) bosonic condensate: a,b,c = color i,j,k = flavor C: charge conjugation b Color superconducting phase has particle-particle pairing Spontaneous breaking of the axial U(1)A symmetry of QCD (axial anomaly) leads to attractive (‘t Hooft 6-quark interaction) between the chiral condensate and pairing fields. Each encourages the other! dR ~ 3 dL* ~ dL* dR New critical point in phase diagram: induced by chiral condensate – diquark pairing coupling via axial anomaly Hatsuda, Tachibana, Yamamoto & GB, PRL 97, 122001 (2006); PRD 76, 074001 (2007) Normal Hadronic (as ms increases) Color SC Phase diagram of cold fermions vs. interaction strength Temperature Free fermions +di-fermion molecules Tc/EF ~0.22 a>0 Tc BEC of di-fermion molecules Free fermions a<0 Tc~ EFe-p/2kF|a| (magnetic field B) BCS 0 -1/kf a Unitary regime (Feshbach resonance) -- crossover No phase transition through crossover Atomic Bose-Fermi mixtures: model diquark-quark to baryon transition GB, K. Maeda, T. Hatsuda, in preparation weak gbb>0 K Rb K Rb strong gbb>0 Binding of 40K + 87Rb Phases vs gbf (<0) Ken O’Hara – Ultracold three component Fermi gas Cheng Chin – Superfluid – Mott insulator transition in Cs in optical lattices Simulating U(2) non-Abelian gauge theory D. Jaksch and P. Zoller, New J. Phys. 5, 56 (2003) -arXiv:0902.3228 Michael Murillo – Strongly coupled plasmas Strongly coupled plasmas: G = Einteraction /Ekinetic >> 1 Electrons in a metal Eint ~ e2/r0 r0 = interparticle spacing ~ 1/kf Eke ~ kf2/m => G ~ e2/ vf = aeff vf ~ 10-2-10-3c => aeff ~ 1-5 Dusty interstellar plasmas Laser-induced plasmas (NIF, GSI) Quark-gluon plasmas Eint ~ g2/r0, r0 ~ 1/T, Eke ~ T => G ~ g2 > 1 Ultracold trapped atomic plasmas G ~ n91/3/TK [where n9 = n/(109 /cm3) and TK = (T/ 1K)] Non-degenerate plasma, Eke~ T => G = Eint/Eke ~ e2/r0T Ultracold plasmas analog systems for gaining understanding of plasma properties relevant to heavy-ion collisions: -kinetic energy distributions of electrons and ions -modes of plasmas: plasma oscillations -screening in plasmas -nature of expansion – flow, hydrodynamical (?) -thermalization times -correlations -interaction with fast particles -viscosity -... Temperature Ultrarelativistic heavy-ioncollisions Quark-gluonplasma 150MeV Hadronicmatter 2SC Nuclear liquid-gas 0 Neutronstars 1GeV ? Baryonchemicalpotential CFL Superfluidity and pairing for unbalanced systems Trapped atoms: change relative populations of two states by hand QGP: balance of strange (s) quarks to light (u,d) depends on ratio of strange quark mass ms to chemical potential m (>0) Phase diagram of trapped imbalanced Fermi gases Shin, Schnuck, Schirotzek, & Ketterle, Nature 451, 689 (2008) MIT normal envelope superfluid core Trap geometry