THESIS STATEMENTS: Civil War Research Report The THESIS STATEMENT is the most important conclusion you drew from your research. The THESIS STATEMENT is placed at the END of the introductory paragraph. The THESIS STATEMENT must be ARGUABLE, which means it is an OPINION that you will support with your research details. The THESIS STATEMENT must NOT be just a statement of fact. You cannot argue a fact! FACT: The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in 1863. THESIS: The Confederate loss at the Battle of Gettysburg was due to the poor placement of cavalry troops. What is wrong with this thesis? • The tough frontier schools did not prepare students for life, as do the schools of today. • The student did not research modern schools to be able to make such a comparison. What is wrong with this thesis? • The Civil War engineers built forts and roads, and they were responsible for the defense of the Union capital, Washington, D.C. • Statements of fact—nothing to prove! What is wrong with this thesis? • Even though there were many differences between Northern and Southern songs during the Civil War, there were also similarities. • AVOID wording that says there are “similarities and differences”. ALL things are alike AND different! – Be insightful! What is wrong with this thesis? • The large, farm-like areas, called plantations that existed in the South contributed to many of the later events, such as the Civil War and the decline of slavery that were to come. • Definitions (plantations) go in the background information, if needed. Say HOW plantations contributed to the decline of slavery. What is wrong with this thesis? • Uniforms during the Civil War had many different parts, details, and regulations that the soldiers had to follow that made their uniforms unique and different from any before. • Too general and confusing: What made the uniforms unique? How does a uniform have “regulations”? How would they “follow” a detail? Unique and different mean the same thing— tautology. • Be SPECIFIC and clear! What is wrong with this thesis? • For the average civilian-turned-soldier on either side, playing the pawn was a seemingly endless ordeal with exhausting days and far-from-perfect conditions; in addition to that, there was the everpresent challenge of dealing with the morality issues, the tedium, and above all, the nostalgia. • Say WHAT???? Be clear and concise. What is wrong with this thesis? • If Pickett’s Charge had not been such a dismal failure, the Confederates would have won the Battle of Gettysburg. • AVOID “IF” STATEMENTS—you have to be able to PROVE your thesis, and you cannot prove something that DID NOT HAPPEN. What is wrong with this thesis? • Transportation played an important role in a person’s daily life, mainly because of its many methods. • Needs more insight. You can say this about almost anything: “Food played an important role….” Focus on changes in transportation, technological innovations, or categorization of major types of transportation. What is wrong with this thesis? • Infantry weapons during the Civil War were very effective. • While this thesis statement is arguable, it is far too general. What specifically made these weapons effective? What is wrong with this thesis? • The battle of Chancellorsville had a beginning and ending, timeline of things that happened each day, and the death of Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. • This sentence does not draw a specific conclusion about the BATTLE (the topic). The first two items can be said about ANY battle, and the third item that Jackson died is a fact. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME GOOD THESIS STATEMENTS? What is GOOD about this thesis? • The spies of the Civil War led exciting lives that were created with hard work, risk, determination, and daring attempts that did not always succeed. • Arguable – can be supported by many examples – shows that not all spying efforts were successful – uses parallel structure What is GOOD about this thesis? • The cavalry troops displayed the beauty and ferocity of their edged weapons and horses, scouted enemy territory, and served as an inspiration to other troops, which made them one of the most useful units in the Civil War. • Arguable points – can be supported by many examples – uses parallel structure What is GOOD about this thesis? • The Civil War gave slaves a new sense of independence and enterprise to reconstruct America and their own lives, and to recover what had been lost—their families. • Arguable points • Can be supported by many examples • Uses a great analogy of how slaves rebuilt their lives just like America had to be rebuilt What is GOOD about this thesis? • The Abolition Movement was a fight to end the monstrosity that slavery had become, and many men brutally fought for it through moving literature, opinionated newspapers, secretive groups, and successful rebellions. • Arguable points • Can be supported by many examples • Uses parallel structure TOPIC SENTENCES Each topic sentence is your conclusion drawn about the information presented in a paragraph. They, too, should be arguable. Topic Sentence is to Paragraph as Thesis Statement is to Research Report TOPIC SENTENCE MODELS for BODY PARAGRAPHS: • The famous horses of the Civil War greatly contributed to both armies through swift transportation and unswerving loyalty to their masters in battle. • Although amputations were common and necessary to save lives, some doctors tried more conservative methods to save limbs. • Field slaves had the hardest jobs on the plantation and worked under the worst conditions. THESIS STATEMENT: 1. Complete the Thesis Statement Approval Sheet with your proposed thesis statement. 2. Turn-in for approval. 3. If you receive teacher approval, move on to your Topic Sentence Slides. 4. If you do not receive approval, revise your thesis statement on the same form (Try #2) and submit again for approval. Repeat a third time (Try #3), if needed. THESIS STATEMENT APPROVAL: LZ 4/3 APPROVED: _____ NOT YET TRY AGAIN:_____ 1.Thesis Statement: DATE:_____ Spies in the Civil War were great! Add more insight here—what made the spies effective in gathering intelligence? 4/4 LZ 2.Thesis Statement: DATE:_____ APPROVED: _____ NOT YET TRY AGAIN:_____ The spies of the Civil War led exciting lives that were created with hard work, risk, determination, and daring attempts that did not always succeed. How Do I Organize My Research Report? • Present your research findings in a LOGICAL order. • After your introduction, include a basic overview of your topic where you present a more detailed background (history of a movement), explanation of terms, overview of a battle, etc. ●Then present your body paragraphs. Organization for Battles • One paragraph overview of the battle • CHRONOLOGICAL paragraphs with the details of the fighting, day by day (focus on significant events) • Discussion of mistakes made, strategic victories, circumstances with leaders, etc.— this is your analysis of the topic • One paragraph on aftermath and how this battle set the stage for the next battle Organize by Person • • • • • • • • Spies Abolitionists Authors & Poets Lincoln’s Advisors American Sculptors & Artists Outlaws & Lawmen Women of the West More…. Organize by Event/Idea • • • • • • • • Social Reforms Utopian Societies Famous Fighting Units Pistols & Revolvers Army Prisons Rebellions by/for Slaves Scientific Discoveries More…. Organize Logically • • • • • • • • Common Soldier Anti-War Activism Theatrical Forms Reconstructing the South Costs of War Field Artillery Civil War Photography More…. Organize by Sort • Scientific Discoveries—Physics & Chemistry: – Radioactivity – Thermodynamics – Atomic Particles ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES of PARAGRAPHS • CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER: Present events in the sequence in which they occur (history of the abolition movement) • SPATIAL ORDER: Present items geographically or in relation to other items (placement of troops on a battlefield) • CAUSE & EFFECT: Give possible causes and/or possible effects (effects of the cotton gin) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES of PARAGRAPHS • ORDER OF IMPORTANCE: Present points from most important to least important (famous inventions) • COMPARE & CONTRAST: Call attention to similarities or differences (infantry vs. cavalry) • PROBLEM & SOLUTION: Describe a problem faced and how it was resolved (food shortages) • LOGICAL ORDER: Give steps in a process or sort information in a logical way (describe a soldier’s uniform) BODY PARAGRAPH SLIDES 1. Log in to google.classroom and open the TOPIC SLIDES file. 2. Be sure your are in CLASSROOM and not just in your Google Drive. 3. If you do not have access to google.classroom at home, use NOTECARDS (front/back). 4. The slides take the place of a RESEARCH OUTLINE—you will use them as a road map to write your research report. BODY PARAGRAPH SLIDES 1. Create TWO slides for each BODY paragraph. 2. SLIDE A1: 1. ARGUABLE TOPIC SENTENCE for this paragraph 2. RELEVANCE: Say WHY or HOW this topic sentence supports your THESIS STATEMENT. In other words, WHY is this paragraph in your paper? 3. SLIDE A2: 1. Presents the EVIDENCE you plan to present 2. Do NOT write your paper here! Bullet the information. Summarize key sections of your notes. SLIDE A1 Slide Topic: Missouri Compromise Topic Sentence: The Missouri Compromise of 1820 created distrust of Northerners and fear by Southerners that future slavery legislation would trample on states’ rights. Relevance: The Missouri Compromise was key legislation that further prohibited slavery. *Write in complete sentences here! SLIDE A2 Source #: 3, 6, 10 • Origin of the Compromise and its key provisions • Problems created by adding Missouri as a slave state: Upset balance of free vs. slave states Could tip control of Senate to South Replaced Northwest Ordinance • Henry Clay’s solution: Missouri = slave state; Maine = free state Prohibit slavery in other territories Mark your NOTES • Each time you add a point to a slide, write the SLIDE LETTER (A, B, C…) in RED PENCIL next to the information in the KEY WORD column of your notes. • Then CIRCLE the information you plan to use with a BLUE PENCIL. Sample Cornell Notes KEY WORD A Cornell Notes Column - Henry Clay of Virginia wrote the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. - Missouri was split politically because it had a Confederate government and a Union legislature. D - It nullified the Northwest ordinance by redrawing the boundaries of slavery from north of the Ohio River to north of the 36° 30’ parallel. Where’s the trail? • Not in your notes? • Not in your report! TOPIC SENTENCE NOTECARDS: 1. You will need about 4-8 large index cards. 2. Organize the BODY PARAGRAPHS of your essay, ONE NOTECARD PER PARAGRAPH. 3. Include all relevant details from your notes on each subtopic. 4. The notecards take the place of a RESEARCH OUTLINE—use as a road map to write your paper. 5. Use indenting and bullets; do not write in complete sentences, except for each topic sentence on one side of the card. A (BLANK SIDE) John Smith Topic Sentence: The Missouri Compromise of 1820 created distrust of Northerners and fear by Southerners that future slavery legislation would trample on states’ rights. Relevance: The Compromise was key legislation that further prohibited slavery. (LINED SIDE) A • Problems to add Missouri as a slave state: Upsets balance of free vs. slave states Could tip control of Senate to South Replaced Northwest Ordinance • Henry Clay’s solution: Missouri, slave state; Maine, free Prohibit slavery in other territories (more) Mark your NOTES • Each time you add a detail to a notecard, write the CIRCLED LETTER (in RED) next to the information in the KEY WORD column of your notes (Column #1).