Describe significant aspects of the variety of social structures of colonial America Patriarchal Society Men dominated all aspects of society in most colonies Covertures – All of a woman’s possessions belonged to her husband No inheritance rights Patriarchal = Male Matriarchal = Female Changing Culture Mercantilism solidified the creation of an American Aristocracy due to trade with England North businessmen; ship builders South plantation owners Increased trade meant increased immigration As immigration increased the citizens and culture became less and less English Mid-Atlantic Colonies: NY, PA, MD, DE, NJ “Best Poor Man’s Country” Increased Diversity; Irish & Germans after 1720 German “redemptioners” – indentured servants paid for sea voyage New immigrants lived on the frontier Violent life, heavy drinking Hated Indians Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676 (VA) Poor frontier farms were being attacked, but Gov. did not respond against natives Revealed a growing divide in colonies over class and if the govt. cared about all citizens or just rich Young vs. Old, Rich vs. Poor, Coast vs. Frontier Rebels sought to destroy all Indians left in VA Burned the city of Jamestown to the ground Formed a new House of Burgesses Indentured servants, both black and white joined the rebellion, which terrified ruling elite Led to future laws to encourage racial division BUILDING THE ENGLISH EMPIRE English Control First Navigation Act, 1651 Balance of trade favored England Rules for English ports Can only trade with English Ships Navigation Act of 1660 All colonial trade only on English ships Only certain goods could be bought from certain English companies or colonies Monopolies Staple Act of 1663 Regulated goods going to colonies Plantation Duty Act of 1673 – Trade only with England Navigation Acts forced the Dutch out and made England the Atlantic power Building an Empire Lords of Trade and Plantation1675 Reinforced Navigation Acts and worked for total control of colonies Crown sought to control governors and upper legislature houses Elected by Colonists Completion of the Empire Royal governments became the norm Navigation Act, 1696 English system of vice admiralty courts brought to colonies No jury, 1 judge; handled mostly business cases Judge hired & paid by English King Board of Trade established, 1696 System lasts until and fuels the American Revolution