Revised related activity assignment ch. 1 psychology

Sydni Tanner
Comparing Research Methods Related Activity Assignment Chapter 1
Psychology is often a complicated topic to describe. Is it a core science? Many may argue no,
while others would agree that yes, it is a core science. Why the battle? Many feel that the indescribable
things psychologists talk about cause it to be just a study. It can’t be a science if it is unknown, but then
again, isn’t that what science is all about? Today in our time and age, there are many different core ways
to study psychology, and many different positive and negative outcomes that come from these
techniques. Some of them include, but are not limited to case studies, naturalistic observations,
correlational research, experimental research, and the survey/interview style of research.
As mentioned, there are many different types of studies; case studies are a more in depth way
to study your subject or subjects. This technique uses observing, and interviewing to better understand
the psychological state you are observing. It is nice to use because it is very hands on. It also helped us
to discover new things, such as the developed theory of cognitive development. Some of the
disadvantages of using this technique however are the investigators reliance on people’s memories of
past experiences. This often times causes distortion or gaps in the memory people are trying to recall.
Some other disadvantages include withheld information due to embarrassment, or shame, it can be
altered to favor the person telling the memory, and also to deceive the interviewer. To me, this
technique seems to have more flaws than advantages.
The naturalistic method is much different than the case study method both with its advantages
and disadvantages. This method is a much simpler method in that the lab is taken to the scene in a
sense. Rather than the subject be studied in the lab, the observer observes in the subjects natural
environment causing them to act more natural and relaxed. This is a positive technique because the
person or animal being studied acts more themselves, and we are able to gain a better understanding of
their day to day life, and it can also provide important insights into behavior as it occurs under natural
conditions. This method does however have some negative effects. It can make the observer’s
recordings and measurements to not be accurate. This method may also lack the controls available in
controlled experiments. This method seems good to me as long as the person being observed does not
know that they are because they may then act differently under pressure.
Another method used is known as the Correlational method of research. This is when
psychologists examine the relationships between different variables. It uses surveys or naturalistic
observations to gather relevant data. The data is than analyzed statistically to exam relationships among
variables. Some of the positive aspects of using this method are allowing us to predict one variable on
the basis of another. It can identify groups of people at high risk for physical or behavioral problems, and
it increases understandings of relationships between variables or events. Some of the negative aspects
include the finding that there may be no relationship between the two variables chosen, and the
correlation method is limited in terms.
Experimental Research is one of the more common forms used today. In this method, you
directly explore cause and effect relationships by manipulating certain variables and observing their
effects on certain measured variables. Some of the positive aspects of this are that observers can
observe the effects on one or more dependant variables. Because it is an experiment, the observers may
discover new things they had not intentionally planned on finding. Some negative parts of the method
include not finding an answer because they are testing more than one variable. There may be a negative
outcome if the proper variable is not changed. This could result in an allergic reaction based on what
they are testing, and cause more harm than good.
The final most common method that psychologist's use today is the survey/interview research
method. This is where researchers gather information from target groups of people through the use of
structured interviews and questionnaires. It is a hands on method, and you can explore the attitudes of
thousands of people. However, the results of your surveys or interviews may become compromised by
volunteer bias and other problems.
In the long run, there are many different methods that you can use to learn more about people.
These are some of the more common, however the world is changing and so are people. With every
method, there are both positive and negative aspects, and while no method is better than the other,
they can be based on the situation you are observing.
I selected this topic because I felt it would help me to better understand why psychologists
chose to study people. It helped me to understand some of the ways they look at people and why, and a
lot of the ways they observe things. There are many different techniques, and for all we know, we may
be getting observed and not even know it.
I feel that this would best demonstrate learning objective number 3. Demonstrate an
understanding and differentiation of basic research designs and interpretation.
Reference: Psychology: Concepts and Applications 3rd Edition-Nevid