X10'ding Graph Analysis

HPC Research @ UNM:
X10’ding Graph Analysis
Mehmet F. Su
ECE Dept. - University of New Mexico
Joint work with advisor: David A. Bader
{mfatihsu, dbader} @ ece.unm.edu
Acknowledgment of Support
National Science Foundation
CAREER: High-Performance Algorithms for Scientific Applications (00-93039)
ITR: Building the Tree of Life -- A National Resource for Phyloinformatics and Computational
Phylogenetics (EF/BIO 03-31654)
DEB: Ecosystem Studies: Self-Organization of Semi-Arid Landscapes: Test of Optimality
Principles (99-10123)
ITR/AP: Reconstructing Complex Evolutionary Histories (01-21377)
DEB Comparative Chloroplast Genomics: Integrating Computational Methods, Molecular
Evolution, and Phylogeny (01-20709)
ITR/AP(DEB): Computing Optimal Phylogenetic Trees under Genome Rearrangement Metrics (0113095)
DBI: Acquisition of a High Performance Shared-Memory Computer for Computational Science and
Engineering (04-20513).
IBM PERCS / DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS)
DOE Sandia National Laboratories
About the speaker
 Graph theoretic problems: what and why
 Our research
 IBM PERCS performance evaluation
tools: SSCA-2 and X10
 Some tool ideas for better productivity
About the speaker: Mehmet F. Su
BS Physics (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)
Physics Dept, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
PhD track, ECE Dept, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM
Past and Present External Collaborations
Condensed Matter Physics Group, Ames National
Laboratory, Ames, IA
HPC apps. in comp. biology, photonics, comp.
Photonic Microsystems Technologies Group,
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
HPC apps. in photonics and comp. electromagnetism
The Tree
of Life
Power Distribution
in Boylan Heights,
Raleigh, NC
Social Networks
Air Transportation
National Highway
Portland, OR
Manhattan, NY
US Power Grid’s
Control Area Operators (CAO).
US Internet Backbone
Characteristics of Graph Problems
Graphs are of fundamental importance
Many fast theoretic PRAM algorithms but few fast
parallel implementations
Irregular problems are challenging
Sparse data structures
Hard to partition data
Poor locality hinders cache performance
Parallel graph and tree algorithms
Building blocks for higher-level parallel algorithms
Hard to achieve parallel speedup (very fast sequential
Our Group’s Impact
Our results demonstrate the first parallel
implementations of several combinatorial
problems that for arbitrary, sparse instances
in comparison run faster than the best
sequential implementations:
list ranking
spanning tree, minimum spanning forest, rooted spanning
ear decomposition
tree contraction and expression evaluation
maximum flow using push-relabel
Our source code is freely-available under the
GNU General Public License (GPL).
Spanning Tree
([Cong, Bader] Ph.D. 2004, now at IBM TJ Watson)
Random Graph (1M vertices, 20 M edges)
Execution Time (seconds)
Our SMP Algorithm
Number of Processors
High-End SMP Servers
IBM pSeries 690 “Regatta”:
32-way Power4+ 1.7GHz, 32GB RAM
Streams Triad: 58.9 GB/s
• IBM pSeries 575:
2U Rackmount, 8-way SMP, up to 256 GB RAM,
up to 1024-proc configuration w/ single cluster 1600
• Streams Triad (8 p5 1.9 GHz procs): 55.7 GB/s
About SSCA-2
DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS)
Productivity Benchmarks: Scalable Synthetic Compact
Application (SSCA)
SSCA-2 = Graph Analysis (directed multigraph with
labeled edges)
Simulate large-scale graph problems
Multiple analysis techniques, single data
Four computational kernels
Integer and character ops., no floating point
Emphasizes integer operations, irregular data access,
choice of data structure
Data structure not modified across kernels
SSCA-2 Structure
Scalable Data Generator  produces
random, but structured, set of edges
Kernel 1  Builds the graph data structure
from the set of edges
Kernel 2  Searches multigraph for desired
maximum integer weight, and desired string
weight (labels)
Kernel 3  Extracts desired subgraphs, given
start vertices and path length
Kernel 4  Extracts clusters (cliques) to help
identify the underlying graph structure
About X10
New programming language, in development
by IBM
 Better productivity, more scalability
Shorten development/test cycle time
Object oriented
New ways to express
Data access
Aggregate operations (scan, reduce etc.)
Rule out/catch more programming errors, bugs
Implementation of SSCA-2
Designed and implemented parallel
shared memory code (C with POSIX
threads) for SSCA-2 [Bader/Madduri]
 Interested in X10 implementation
Evaluate productivity with X10 and its
development environment (Eclipse)
 Evaluate SSCA-2 performance on new
systems once X10 is fully optimized
Tool Ideas for Better Productivity
Wizard-like interfaces
Intuitive visualization for data
Help resolve unresolved symbols, allow manual override w/
Autoconf/Automake counterparts
With zoom/agglomeration, like online street maps
Library/package indexing tool
*NIXes, powerful development environments, cascaded
menus shock many programmers
Determine external dependencies/library symbols
automatically for any environment
Better branch prediction/feedback mechanism
Collect data over multiple runs
Tool Ideas (cont’d)
Better binding, architecture dependent optimizer
Integrated tools to help identify performance hot
spots and reasons
Profile for cache misses, branch prediction issues, check
useful tasks performed concurrently, lock contamination
Visualization to indicate high level compiler
optimizations on Eclipse editor window
Detect environment properties at run time
Arrows for loop transforms, code relocations, annotations,
different colors for propagated constants, evaluated
expressions etc.
Intermediate language/assembly viewer
Compiler optimizations, register scheduling, SWP annotated
Assembly listing from many compilers give similar info
IBM Collaborators
PERCS Performance
X10 evaluation
Ram Rajamony
Pat Bohrer
Mootaz Elnozahy
Vivek Sarkar
Kemal Ebcioglu
Vijay Saraswat
Christine Halverson
Catalina M. Danis
Jason Ellis
Advanced Computing Technologies
David Klepacki
Guojing Cong
Backup Slides
SSCA #2: Graph Analysis
Application: Graph Theory - Stresses memory access; uses
integer and character operations (no floating point)
Scalable Data Generation + 4 Computational Kernels
Scalable Data Generator creates a set of edges between
vertices to form a sparse directed multi-graph with:
Random number of randomly sized cliques
Random number of intra-clique directed parallel edges
Random number of gradually 'thinning' edges linking the
No self loops
Two types of edge weight labels: integer and character string
only integer weights considered in present implementation
Randomized vertex numbers
Directed weighted multigraph
with no self-loops
Scalable Data Generation
Creates a set of edges between vertices to form a
sparse directed multigraph with:
Random number of randomly sized cliques
Random number of intra-clique directed parallel edges
Random number of gradually 'thinning' edges linking
the cliques
No self loops
Two types of edge weight labels: integer and character
only integer weights considered in present implementation
Randomized vertex numbers
Vertices should be permuted to remove any locality for Kernel
Kernel 1 – Graph Generation
Construct a sparse multi-graph from lists of tuples
containing vertex identifiers, implied direction, and
weights that represent data assigned to the
implied edge.
The multi-graph can be represented in any manner,
but it cannot be modified between subsequent kernels
accessing the data.
There are various representations for sparse directed
graphs - including (but not limited to) sparse matrices
and (multi-level) linked lists.
This kernel will be timed.
Kernel 2 – Classify large sets
Examine all edge weights to determine those
vertex pairs with the largest integer weights and
those vertex pairs with a specified string weight
The output of this kernel will be two vertex pair lists i.e., sets - that will be saved for use in the following
These two lists will be start sets SI and SC for integer
start sets and character start sets respectively.
The process of generating the two lists/sets will be
Kernel 3 – Extracting Subgraphs
Produce a series of subgraphs consisting of
vertices and edges on paths of length k from the
vertex pairs start sets SI and SC.
 A possible computational kernel for graph extraction is
Breadth First Search.
 The process of extracting the graph will be timed.
Kernel 4 – Clique Extraction
Use a graph clustering algorithm to partition the
vertices of the graph into subgraphs no larger than
a maximum size so as to minimize the number of
edges that need be cut.
the kernel implementation should not utilize a priori
knowledge of the details in the data generator or the
statistics collected in the graph generation process
heuristic algorithms that determine the clusters in
near-linear time are permitted - O(V)
The process of identifying the clusters and their
interconnections will be timed.
X10 Design
Builds over an existing OO language (Java) to shorten
learning curve
Has new constructs for commonly used data access
patterns (distributions)
Commonly used parallel programming environments
Message passing, no shared memory (MPI)
Shared memory, implicit thread control (OpenMP)
Shared memory, explicit thread control (Threads)
Partitioned global shared mem, explicit thread control (UPC)
PG shared, implicit thread control (HPF)
… can these not be blended?
PG shared = can specify affinity to a thread
X10 Design (cont’d)
Supports shared memory, allows local memory, shared memory is
partitioned (places)
Operation can run at a place where data resides… (async)
… or data can be sent to a place to get evaluated (future)
Supports short-hand definitions for array regions & data
distribution, extended iterators (foreach variants)
Generalized barriers (clocks) supporting more flexible operations
(can operate/wait on multiple clocks), can freeze a variable until a
clock advance (clocked final)
Supports aggregate parallel operators (scan, reduction) in
operator form (not like MPI calls)
Supports atomic sections (unconditional, conditional), conditional
sections lock on a logical condition (run “when” something is true)
Weak memory consistency model (enables better optimizations)