Moeck_Poster - Materials In Stem

Comprehensive undergraduate nanotechnology
education at Portland State University
James Morris, Lisa Weasel, and Peter Moeck, Portland State University, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751
Interdisciplinary faculty from Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biology and Physics are creating a sequence of three 300-level general education lecture courses in nanotechnology with one supporting laboratory course. Ideally the new course sequence starts with PH382 “Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, followed by BI372 “Nanotechnology, Society and Sustainability”, ECE317
“Nanotechnology: Modeling & Simulation” and the ECE449/549 “Nanotechnology Laboratory” lab course, but each course can stand alone. These three lecture courses (and the lab) will eventually form
the foundation of interdisciplinary nanosciene and nanotechnology minors, and can be taken by non-majors as science courses for General Education credit. Both science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) and non-STEM students will be able to take these courses which are tailored to support interaction between the two groups. All three lecture courses are “writing intensive.”
PH 382U: Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology BI 372U: Nanotechnology, Society and Sustainability
This is an introductory upper division (science) course that will
serve all interested science, engineering, social science, and
humanities students. The learning objectives are:
(1) Appreciation of how science and technology at the
nanometer length scale differ from traditional science and
technology at larger length scales;
(2) Appreciation of the convergence of all natural sciences at
the nanometer length scale;
(3) Appreciation that this convergence offers unprecedented
opportunities of nanoengineering resulting in nanotechnologies;
and (4) Appreciation of the effects of nanoscience and
nanotechnology on society and students’ future personal life.
There are graded student group “wikiformat” assignments on
their collaborative efforts of groups of 5 students to come up
together with an entry in a genuine 300 level on-line textbook.
The textbook that will develop over the many years this course
will be taught will be free to anybody with internet access
Anonymous pre-course and post-course tests will evaluate the
students’ total progress. These tests will be designed by the
instructor of the course, but analyzed by professionals with a
background in education science / student comprehension
Conceptual bridges will be build to the courses PH 481/581
“Introduction to Nano-Materials Science and Engineering” and
PH 501 “Nanometrology”.
ECE 449/549 Nanotechnology Laboratory
Deposition of discontinuous metal thin film (DMTF)
Deposit DMTF contacts (Hummer)
AFM examination of DMTF
TEM examination of DMTF (& Debye-Scherrer)
The emergence of any new technology often raises the
challenge of balancing risks with benefits, and in this regard,
nanotechnology is no exception. This course, part of a threecourse interdisciplinary sequence designed to bring STEM
majors and non-majors together, introduces students to the
ethical, legal and social issues associated with nanotechnology
within a socio-economic environmental context.
Nanotechnology has broad implications and applications,
ranging from environmental remediation and/or contamination
to social justice and equity applications in developing countries,
to biomedical treatments and interventions, to intellectual
property dilemmas. Students will gain familiarity with
nanotechnology within these contexts, and develop skills in
analyzing and balancing risks and benefits grounded in a sound
understanding of the science behind nanotechnology
This course will be taught using a deliberative pedagogical
model that exposes students to expert views from a variety of
perspectives and supports students’ critical analysis and
reasoning skills working both individually and collaboratively.
Emphasis will be placed on integrating technological literacy
with critical inquiry and problem solving in social and ethical
Assessment of the course will examine whether and how
student attitudes, knowledge, and engagement changes as a
consequence of their participation in the course. Students who
take this course will be encouraged to enroll in the other two
courses in the nanotechnology undergraduate sequence.
DMTF electrical properties (thermal and voltage)
DMTF optical properties
Nano-sintering and SEM exam
SEM exam of CNTs and electrical properties
ECE 317: Nanotechnology: Simulation & Design
Introduction to basic electrical concepts, nanotechnology, and
the principles of modeling and simulation. Modeling and
simulation are used to examine environmental and health
hazards and the applications of nanotechnology in
environmental and biomedical sensing and in current and
future nanoelectronic technologies. (Without calculus!)
Course Outcomes:
 Understanding of the basic concepts of nanotechnology
 Understanding of the role of computer simulation in
engineering design
 Competence in the application of one simulation software
 Understanding of the physical operation of selected
 Understanding of environmental, health and social issues of
 Ability to write competently and appropriately to the context
Syllabus & Intro to EE
Electron tunneling
Carbon Nanotubes
Resonant Tunnel Diode
NanoCMOS (NanoHUB)
Single Electron Transistor
Environment; LCA
Simulation Labs
Intro to EE (cont’d)
1. Intro to SPICE
2. Coulomb block
3. QCA
4. CNT composites
5. RTD & circuits
6. NanoCMOS
7. SET & circuits
8. Memristor
9. Nanosensors;
Acknowledgment: These courses are being developed
with the support of NSF Grant EEC-1242197 under the
Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education program.