Binghamton City School District Providing a rich environment for quality learning Office of Attendance & Pupil Services 98 Oak Street Binghamton, New York 13905 607.762.8114 REGISTERING SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS FOR SCHOOL A Checklist of Things to Bring with You Welcome to Binghamton Area and our City School District! We look forward to working with you and your children during the school year. Before you come to 98 Oak Street to register your child(ren) for school, please consider this: 1. Before leaving your former district, please contact them and get copies of the documents listed below. Bringing that information with you when you register your child(ren) can help us get them placed into school in a more timely fashion. 2. You should register your child(ren) as soon as possible. If you move in the summer, please do not wait for September to register them. We get overcrowded at that time, and waiting may cause your child(ren) to start later than everyone else. Note: We cannot finalize registration for a child without these important documents. We suggest that you obtain copies of these documents from the former school to bring with you. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Student’s Birth Certificate Two (2) Proofs of Residency – Lease, DSS Statement, Utility bill, or other acceptable proof Immunization Records Copy of the most recent IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable) Parent/Guardian Picture Identification Custody Papers indicating residential custody (if applicable) School Records/Transcript or Final/Most Recent Report Card or Withdrawal Grades You will be asked to sign a release form so we can fax a request for records to the former school if you are not able to obtain copies to bring with you at the time of registration. We will make every effort to communicate with the former school but the Binghamton City School District cannot be held responsible for the former’s school failure to respond in a timely manner. Your child may not be allowed to attend school until the above records are received. (kdy11/14/13) Binghamton City School District Office of Attendance & Pupil Services 98 Oak Street Binghamton, New York 13905 607.762.8114 Release of Records Date: To: Dear Guidance or Records Office: , (Student Name: First Middle Last) School in the Binghamton City School District for the has enrolled in (MM / School Year. We are Requesting the following: Complete transcript indicating credits and numerical grades received. Key to grading system (i.e. A = 92, A- = 89-91, etc) Disciplinary Record Withdrawal grades and most recent report card Test Scores / Counselors Test Scores Individual Education Plans (IEP), 504 Plan Social History Grade in DD / YYYY) Birth Certificate Health Records including shot records/Immunizations Minutes of Completed Science Labs Custody Papers FBA, BIP Vocational Assessment Psychological Evaluation Fax records to Pupil Services at (607)762-8142. Thank you! THE ENROLLMENT DATE SHOULD BE 2 DAYS AFTER WE RECEIVE RECORDS Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: According to the Final Regulation – Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) dated 6/17/76, it is no longer necessary to obtain written consent to release records. It states those school officials, including teachers within the educational institution and officials of other schools in school systems in which the student may intend to enroll, may receive a student record without a written consent for such a release BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGISTRATION FORM *PLEASE PRINT* *PLEASE PRINT* OFFICE USE ONLY Student ID: Building: Grade Assigned: Entry Date: Transportation: Yes School Year: Teacher/Counselor: No Hrm: Notes: Student Name: Suffix: (First Middle Sex: Last) Date of Birth: BIRTHPLACE: MM / DD / YYYY (City, Citizenship: State, Country) Country of Birth: Date entered US: MM Ethnicity: Is the student Hispanic, Latino or of Spanish origin? Race: (Please check all that apply) Yes / African American Yes Ever attend a Binghamton School: American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian White No Yes YYYY No Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Ever attend a NYS School: DD / If yes, indicate School/Year: No If yes, indicate School/Year: Name of Last School Attended: Address: City: State: Grade: Zip: Date Left: MM Support Services: IEP: Yes If yes, check all that apply: No 504: Yes No Extra Help: Yes DD No Smaller (self-contained) Classroom Setting Speech AIS RTI Pull-out period for academic support Resource Room OT PT GUARDIAN INFORMATION Name: Suffix: (First Middle Street: Last) Apt #: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Relationship to Student: Guardian Email: City: State: Zip: Work Phone: Place of Employment: Name: Suffix: (First Street: Home Phone: Relationship to Student: Middle YYYY Last) Apt #: City: State: Cell Phone: Work Phone: Guardian Email: If student is not living with both parents, who has legal custody? Place of Employment: Mother Father Other Zip: Any custody documents? Yes No Provide any documentation regarding custody. *****PROVIDE DOCUMENTS***** ****Those designated below are authorized to pick up student from school in an emergency**** EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Name: ****Continue **** Suffix: Street: Apt #: Home Phone: Cell Phone: City: State: Zip: Work Phone: Relationship to Student: Name: Suffix: (First Middle Last) Street: Apt #: Home Phone: Cell Phone: City: State: Zip: Work Phone Relationship to Student: Day Care Provider: Address: Phone: Other Children in Family: Name: School: Sex: DOB: At residence: Name: School: Sex: DOB: At residence: Name: School: Sex: DOB: At residence: Name: School: Sex: DOB: At residence: Other Persons Living in Residence: Name: Relationship: Name: Relationship: Where is the student currently living? (Please check one box) 1. In permanent housing 5. In a shelter, FEMA trailer, or waiting for foster care (Please describe) __ ________________________________ 2. With another family or other person because of loss of housing or as a result of economic hardship (same as “doubled up”) 6. Other temporary living situation 3. In a hotel/motel 7. In a car, park, bus, train, campsite, abandoned building, etc. 4. I have moved in the past 3 years to seek work as a paid laborer in farming If you checked 2-7, are you also an unaccompanied youth? (Unaccompanied means that you are not currently living with parent/guardian) Date moved into temporary housing: Yes No By signing below, I represent that the information I have provided in this declaration is true and correct. I understand that false or misleading information related to this registration my result in the removal of my student, as well as other legal sanctions. Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date: BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT HOME LANGUAGE QUESTIONNAIRE *PLEASE PRINT* *PLEASE PRINT* Student Name: (First Middle Last) Country of Birth: Country of Origin: Date Entered USA: Years in the US: Date of Entry to US School: Check all boxes (below) that apply: What language(s) is spoken in the student’s home or residence? English Other Specify: What language(s) is spoken most of the time to the student in home or residence? English Other Specify: What language(s) does the student understand? English Other Specify: What language(s) does the student speak? English Other Specify: What language(s) does the student read? English Other Specify: What language(s) does the student write? English Other Specify: In your opinion, how well does the student understand, speak, read and write English: Understands English: Very Well Only a little Not at all Speaks English: Very Well Only a little Not at all Reads English: Very Well Only a little Not at all Writes English: Very Well Only a little Not at all Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date: OFFICE USE ONLY Student ID: Building: Grade: Student Name: Determination: Possible LEP English Proficiency Level: Signature of School Official: English Proficient Date of Informal Interview: Date of LAB-r: Date: Binghamton City School District Christopher Columbus School 164 Hawley Street PO Box 2126 Binghamton, NY 13902-2126 (607) 762-8100 Fax: (607) 762-8112 July 17, 2013 The Binghamton City School District will be providing a web-based Parent Home Access system allowing parents/guardians to view important information about their student(s). Parents/Guardians who have internet access will be able to utilize the system by filling out the “Parent Home Access Registration Request” form, found on the back of this letter, and returning it to the address listed on the bottom of the form or to the Principal’s office in your student’s school of attendance. Only parents/guardians who are definitively registered as a student’s guardian in the district’s student registration system will be allowed access. With the “Parent Home Access Registration Request”: 1. Your user ID will be your email address. 2. A password will be emailed to you and you may change your password at any time by following on screen instructions. We suggest the password have at least one capital letter and one number. 3. Return the form. The BCSD website ( will be the portal by which you will access the system. If you have any questions about the Parent Home Access System, please email the BCSD Information Services Department at Sincerely, Michael Purdy Chief Information Officer/Director of Information Services Binghamton City School District BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT HOME ACCESS REGISTRATION REQUEST Parent/Guardian Name: Error! Reference source not found. Student 1 Name: Date of Birth: Student 2 Name: Date of Birth: Student 3 Name: Date of Birth: Student 4 Name: Date of Birth: Student 5 Name: Date of Birth: Student 6 Name: Date of Birth: *************ALL SECTIONS BELOW MUST BE FILLED OUT ************* Email Address will be your User ID (Print clearly your email address) Password (Please print clearly your email address a second time) (your password will be emailed to you) Parent/Guardian Signature: 7151 Subject: Use of computers and Information Technology BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT NETWORK AND INTERNET ACCESS CONSENT AND WAIVER The following form must be read and signed by you and your parent or legal guardian. By signing this Consent and Waiver form, and my parent(s) or guardian(s) agree to abide by the following restrictions. I have discussed these rights and responsibilities with my parent(s) or guardian(s). Further, my parent(s) or guardian(s) and I have been advised that the District does not have control of the information on the Internet, although it attempts to provide prudent and available barriers. Other sites accessible via the Internet may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or potentially offensive to some people. While the Binghamton City School District’s intent is to make Internet access available to further its educational goals and objectives, account holders will have the ability to access other materials as well. The District believes that the benefits to educators and students from access to the Internet, in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration far exceed any disadvantages of access. Ultimately, the parent(s) and guardian(s) of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their student should follow. To that end, the District supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to apply for Binghamton City School District network access. The student and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) must understand that student access to the Binghamton City School District network exists to support the District’s educational responsibilities and mission statement. The specific conditions and services that are offered will change from time to time. In addition, the Binghamton City School District makes no warranties with respect to the Binghamton City School District network service, and it specifically assumes no responsibilities for: A. B. C. D. The content of any advice or information received by a student from a source outside of the District, or any costs or charges incurred as a result of seeing or accepting such advice; Any cost, liability or damages caused by the way the student chooses to use his/her District network access; Any consequences of service interruptions or changes, even if these disruptions arise from circumstances under the control of the District; While the Binghamton City School District supports the privacy of electronic mail, students must assume that this cannot be guaranteed. By signing this form I agree to the following terms: 1. My use of the Binghamton City School District network must be consistent with the Binghamton City School District’s primary goals. 2. I will not use the Binghamton City School District network for illegal purposes of any kind. 3. I will not use the Binghamton City School District network to transmit threatening, obscene or harassing materials. The District will not be held responsible if I participate in such activities. 4. I will not use the Binghamton City School District network to interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment. Disruptions include, but are not limited to, distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of computer worms or viruses, and using the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the network. I will print only to my local printer or to the printer designated by my instructor. 5. It is assumed that information and resources accessible via the Binghamton City School District network are private to the individuals and organizations, which own or hold rights to those resources and information unless specifically stated otherwise by the owners or holders of rights. Therefore, I will not use the Binghamton City School District network to access information or resources unless the owners or holders of rights to those resources or information have granted permission. Continued 7151 Subject: Use of computers and Information Technology 6. If I breach the Policy, Agreement, or applicable rules and procedures I understand I will lose all network privileges and be subject to discipline. Student Name: Grade: (Please Print) Student Signature: Date: I understand that my child is expected to use good judgment and follow the attached rules in using electronic technology. Should my child breach the Policy, Agreement, or applicable rules and procedures I understand my child will lose all network privileges and be subject to discipline. Parent/Guardian Name: Error! Reference source not found. (Please Print) Signature: Date: BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Special Services 98 Oak Street Binghamton, NY 13905 (607)762-8136 Parent Consent Form for Initial Evaluative Testing of OFFICE USE ONLY Student’s Name: School: Student ID: Please check the appropriate response in regard to the request of the Committee on Special Education to obtain evaluative information concerning your child: I voluntarily give my consent to do the initial evaluations that are described in the enclosed notice. I understand that I may reconsider my consent to the initial evaluation at any time before its completion by writing to the chairperson of the Committee on Special Education. (I have been advised of what records concerning my child will be released, if any, and to whom they will be released). I do not give my consent to do the evaluations described in the enclosed notice, but I do wish that an informal conference be scheduled with the Committee or with designated professionals most familiar with the proposed evaluation, the person who referred my child and counsel or advisor of my choice if I so desire. I do not give my consent to do the evaluations described in the enclosed notice, and I do not wish that an informal conference be scheduled with the Committee or with designated professionals most familiar with the proposed evaluation. In the event that you do not consent or do not request or attend an informal conference within thirty days after receipt of a referral, the Board of Education must initiate an impartial hearing to determine whether the evaluation shall be conducted without your consent. Not that during the pendency of any proceedings conducted regarding not giving consent for the evaluations, unless the Commissioner of local Board of Education and the parents or legal guardian otherwise agree, the child shall not be evaluated and shall remain in the current educational placement. If applying for initial admission to public school, the child shall be placed in the public school program until all such proceedings have been completed. Parent or Legal Guardian Signature: Date: BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Special Services 98 Oak Street Binghamton, NY 13905 (607)762-8136 OFFICE USE ONLY Student Name: Student DOB: School: Student ID: Please check the appropriate responses in regard to the placement recommendations of the committee on Special Education concerning your child: I voluntarily give my consent to the placement described in the enclosed notice. I understand that I can reconsider my consent for initial placement at any time before the Board of Education approval. I have been advised of all the information relevant to the recommended placement and of what records concerning my child will be released. If any, and to whom they will be released. I do not give my consent to the placement described in the enclosed notice. Parent or Guardian Signature: SPSV-15 Date: BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Special Services 98 Oak Street Binghamton, NY 13905 Parent Consent Form for Section 504 Accommodations / Services (607)762-8136 OFFICE USE ONLY Student’s Name: School: Student ID: Please check the appropriate box in response to the Section 504 Team’s proposed accommodations and / or services, as described in the enclosed 504 Accommodations Plan: I voluntarily give consent for the 504 accommodations and / or services described in the enclosed Section 504 Accommodation Plan. I do not give consent for the 504 accommodations and / or services described in the enclosed Section 504 Accommodation plan and I wish that an informal conference be scheduled with the Section 504 Team, the person who referred my child, and counsel or advisor of my choice, if I so desire. Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date: BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Special Services 98 Oak Street Binghamton, NY 13905 (607)762-8136 Parent Consent Form for Section 504 Evaluation OFFICE USE ONLY Student’s Name: School: Student ID: Please check the appropriate response in regard to the request of the Section 504 Team to obtain evaluative information concerning your child: I voluntarily give my consent to do the initial evaluations that are described in the enclosed notice. I do not give my consent to do the evaluations described in the enclosed notice, but I wish that an informal conference be scheduled with the Section 504 Team, the person who referred my child, and counsel or advisor of my choice, if I so desire. Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date: BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Special Services 98 Oak Street Binghamton, NY 13905 (607)762-8136 Dear Parent/Guardian of: This is to ask your permission (consent) to bill Medicaid for Medicaid reimbursable services that are on your child’s individualized education program (IEP) and to request prescriptions for occupational therapy (OT) and or physical therapy (PT) services from your child’s medical provider. Schools in New York State routinely access Medicaid funding to help meet costs of providing special education services. In order to do so in some cases it is necessary to obtain a prescription or physician’s order for OT and PT services as stated on the IEP. Please read and confirm the following information: I, Error! Reference found. source not as the parent/guardian of (Print Parent/Guardian Name) (Print Student’s Full Name) Give permission for the school district / municipality to use Medicaid to pay for special education services rendered on behalf of my child for all Medicaid eligible services listed on my child’s IEP dated: . I also consent to communications with and requisition prescriptions or physician’s order from my child’s medical provider for OT and/or PT services as stated on the IEP. I understand that the use of Medicaid insurance for special education services will not decrease the available lifetime coverage, increase premiums or lead to the discontinuation of benefits, result in my family paying for other services required for my child outside of school that would otherwise be covered by the Medicaid program or otherwise diminish my family’s insured benefits under the Medicaid program and that I will not incur an out-of-pocket expense such as payment of a deductible or co-pay amount. I give my consent voluntarily and understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time. I also understand that my child’s entitlement to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) is in no way dependent on my granting consent and that, regardless of my decision to provide this consent; all the required services on my child’s IEP will be provided to my child at no cost to me. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Special Services 98 Oak Street Binghamton, NY 13905 (607)762-8136 SOCIAL HISTORY Confidential Student Name: Address: Date: Error! Reference source not found. School Date of Birth: Grade: Phone: Teacher: Error! Reference source not found. Age: REASON FOR REFERRAL A. Home Information Child lives with: Mother: Age: Street: City: Father: Age: Street: State: Zip: City Phone: Phone: Marital Status: Marital Status: Education: Education: Occupation: Occupation: State Other Children in Family: Name: Age: Placement: Name: Age: Placement: Name: Age: Placement: Name: Age: Placement: Other Persons Living in Residence: Name: Relationship: Name: Relationship: What language is spoken in your home: Please list any agencies that you have been involved with such as Mental Health Clinic, Catholic Charities, etc. Agency: Contact Person: Agency: Contact Person: Agency: Contact Person: Zip B. Medical and Developmental History Mother’s age at onset of this pregnancy? Birth Weight? Child’s rank in family Cesarean Section? Significant factors in pregnancy and infancy (condition upon delivery, diet problems, respiratory problems, RH incompatibility, illness, etc.) As your child grew up did your child experience any of the following? Illness: Accidents: Surgery: Please estimate the age at which your child: Walked Was Toilet Trained Talked Present Physician Last Exam List any medication that your child is taking and explain why it is taken: Does your child need any special devices for treatment or daily living (glasses, hearing aid, braces, catheter, aspirator, etc)? Has your child ever experienced problems in any of these areas? If so, please briefly describe the circumstances. Lack of energy or overtired Feeding or Diet Problems Sleeping problems/nightmares Head banging or rocking Tantrums Destructiveness Headaches Loss of consciousness Convulsions Ears Eyes Coordination Fears Anxiety problems Hyperactivity Other Does your child have a learning problem in school? C. Social History How would you describe your child’s personality and self-image? What is your child’s relationship with: parent(s) other adults peers brothers and sisters Who administers discipline and what type of discipline is used? Describe your child’s responsibilities with the family, his/her: interests and play activities chores interests D. Educational History Please list schools attended and any grades repeated: Day Care Age: Pre School Age K-5 Age Entered Middle School Age Entered High School Age Entered How would you describe your child’s relationship with teachers and classmates? How would you describe your child’s difficulties in school (e.g., poor health, excessive absences, frequent change of school(s)? What would like the school to do? Comments: Parent or Guardian’s Signature: Date Interviewer (if present) Date: BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT CHILD DEVELOPMENT FORM (Kindergarten Only) STUDENT NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: (First, Middle, Last) ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Horace Mann Calvin Coolidge Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson MacArthur Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson Please indicate (below) each of the child care programs or school programs your child has attended: Birth to Age Three In-home day-care with family member or neighbor In-home day-care with certified day care provider Campus Preschool & Early Childhood Center STC All My Children Magic years Child Care and Learning Center B.C. Center at BCC Family Enrichment Network BOCES Daycare Center Day Nursery Association YWCA Kids Korner Jewish Community Center PACT Program (BCSD) WiseKids (Evenstart) Other: Age Three In-home day-care with family member or neighbor In-home day-care with family member or neighbor Campus Preschool & Early Childhood Center Binghamton City School District pre-K St. Thomas Aquinas Nursery School Magic years Child Care and Learning Center Little World Preschool Riverside Drive Nursery School YWCA Kids Corner St. John the Evangelist Jewish Community Center Y’S Kids Child Care Center B.C. Center at BCC All My Children PACT Program (BCSD) BOCES Daycare Center BOCES Learn and Grow Other: BOCES Nursery School Family Enrichment Network Age Four In-home day-care with family member or neighbor In-home day-care with family member or neighbor Campus Preschool & Early Childhood Center Binghamton City School District pre-K St. Thomas Aquinas Nursery School Magic years Child Care and Learning Center Little World Preschool Riverside Drive Nursery School YWCA Kids Corner St. John the Evangelist Jewish Community Center Y’S Kids Child Care Center B.C. Center at BCC All My Children PACT Program (BCSD) BOCES Daycare Center BOCES Learn and Grow Other: BOCES Nursery School Family Enrichment Network ****Continue**** (Kindergarten Only) Please answer the following informational questions regarding your child’s development. Can your child - feed him or herself using a spoon and/or a fork? Yes No wash and dry his or her own hands? Yes No help with dressing or dress with little assistance? Yes No Speak so that he or she can be understood by others? Yes No Yes No eating? Yes No sleeping? Yes No toilet trained during the day? Yes No in need of help with toileting? Yes No play with blocks, boxes, cups or other construction toys without help? Yes No use crayons and/or marker to scribble or draw? Yes No listen to stories being read? Yes No turn pages of a book and look at pictures? Yes No recall stories or events? Yes No enjoy playing alone? Yes No talk with your friends/relatives who come to visit? Yes No follow one-step directions? Yes No follow two-step directions? Yes No have opportunities to play with other children? Yes No use words rather than physical actions to settle arguments with others? Yes No over-react or have temper tantrums? Yes No highly active? Yes No very quiet? Yes No Does your child sit very close to the TV? Yes No Does your child turn up the volume on the TV very high? Yes No Has your child ever been referred to early intervention services? (optional) Yes No Does your child have difficulty separating from you? Do you have any concerns about your child’s - Is your child - Does your child - Is your child - Are there other things you would like to tell us about your child? BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY CARE/CONTACT INFORMATION In case of an emergency, the school staff will contact 911. Every attempt will be made to contact a parent, a guardian or a designated contact. *PLEASE PRINT* I N F O Student Name: Date of Birth: Gender: Male School: Female Grade: Teacher/Counselor: PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT INFORMATION Any parent with whom the child resides has the right to make decisions concerning the child in the event of an emergency and to pick up the child from school. A non-custodial parent has the right to be listed as an emergency contact unless a court order or other legal document stating otherwise has been presented to the school. Parent / Guardian Name: Home Phone: (First Middle Last) Street: City: State: Relationship to Student: Error! Reference source not found. Error! Refere nce source not found. Apt #: Error! Reference source not found. Work Phone: Zip: Error! Reference source not found. Cell Phone: Email: Place of Employment: Language: Resides with: Parent / Guardian Name: Middle No Last) Street: State: Error! Reference source not found. Email: Error! Refere nce source not found. Apt #: Error! Reference source not found. Zip: Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. Language: Work Phone: First Name: Error! Reference source not found. Relationship to Student: Yes Home Phone: (First City: Last Name: S T U D E N T *PLEASE PRINT* Place of Employment: Cell Phone: Resides with: Yes No Brothers & Sisters (Oldest First) Name: Error! Reference source not found. DOB: Name: DOB: Name: Error! Reference source not found. DOB: Name: DOB: Name: Error! Reference source not found. DOB: Name: DOB: OTHER CONTACT INFORMATION Please list three people we may call if the parent(s) or guardian(s) cannot be reached in the event of an emergency. These people also have your permission to pick your child up from school during the day. Name of Person Relationship Language Phone Number Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date: ***Continue*** BINGHAMTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY CARE/CONTACT INFORMATION In case of an emergency, the school staff will contact 911. Every attempt will be made to contact a parent, a guardian or a designated contact. *PLEASE PRINT* S T U D E N T I N F O *PLEASE PRINT* Full name: (First Middle Date of Birth: Last) Gender Male Building: Female Grade: Teacher/Counselor: Below list any current health condition that may require attention during the school day. A L E R G I E S List all allergies your child has: Foods: Reaction: Medicines: Reaction: Insects: Reaction: Other: Reaction: ASTHMA Triggers: Hearing Condition: Heart Condition: Eye or Vision Condition: Corrective Lenses: Respiratory Disorders: Nervous System Disorders: Yes No Blood Disorders: Migraines: Date of Onset: Seizures & Type: Skin Condition: Diabetes: Learning Disability: Physical Disability: History of Communicable Disease: Other: PHYSICIAN INFORMATION Primary Care Provider: Telephone: Specialist Care Provider: Telephone: Dentist: Telephone: Medical Insurance: Preferred Emergency Room or Hospital: If NO, may we have Child Health Care Plus contact you? Yes No Yes No Provider: Signature: MEDICATIONS List all Medications and dosages your child receives on a regular basis: Will student need to take medication at school? Yes No A written Doctor’s order is necessary for medications that will be given at school. The school has my permission, in an emergency when I cannot be contacted, to take my child to the nearest appropriate medical facility, and the facility and its medical staff have my authorization to provide treatment that a physician deems necessary for the well-being of my child. I verify that the above information is true and correct and I understand that this information may be shared with personnel involved with my child. Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date: