Supplementary Information Table S1. Characteristics of subjects used in array tomography studies Case Age (y) Gender Diagnosis Braak stage AD1 77 male AD V/VI APOE genotype 3/4 AD2 90 male AD IV/VI 3/3 AD3 83 female AD VI/VI 3/4 AD4 74 female AD VI/VI 3/4 AD5 61 male AD V/VI 3/4 AD6 84 female AD VI/VI 4/4 AD7 89 male AD VI/VI 3/3 AD8 80 female AD VI/VI 4/4 AD9 84 male AD V/VI 3/4 AD10 81 male AD VI/VI 3/3 AD11 90 male AD VI/VI 4/4 HC1 66 male N/A 3/3 HC2 69 male left hemisphere stroke* NNP N/A 3/3 HC3 70 male NNP N/A 3/3 HC4 75 male NNP N/A 3/3 HC5 62 male NNP N/A 3/3 NNP – no neurological phenotype, AD – Alzheimer’s disease, *tissue taken from right hemisphere, postmortem intervals approximately 24hrs. N/A- tissue not available for staging. Table S2. Characteristic of subjects used in biochemical studies Braak stage APOE genotype control I/VI 3/3 male control I/VI 3/4 80 female control II/VI 2/3 HC9 88 female control II/VI 3/3 HC10 85 male control II/VI 3/3 HC11 57 female control N/A 3/3 AD12 84 female AD VI/VI 3/3 AD13 92 female AD VI/VI 3/3 AD14 65 male AD V/VI 3/3 AD15 74 male AD V/VI 3/3 AD16 75 female AD VI/VI 3/3 AD17 93 male AD V/VI 3/3 AD18 92 male AD V/VI 4/4 AD19 74 male AD V/VI 4/4 AD20 68 female AD VI/VI 4/4 AD21 80 female AD VI/VI 4/4 AD22 71 female AD VI/VI 4/4 AD23 89 male AD V/VI 4/4 Case Age (y) Gender Diagnosis HC6 74 female HC7 76 HC8 N/A- tissue not available for staging. Supplemental Methods Calculating Random versus observed colocalization between synaptic elements and oA The level of oA colocalization with synaptic elements was higher than expected by chance in all experiments. To calculate the chance level, we used the density of synaptic markers and the median size of each synapse at a given distance from plaques to generate a random distribution of synaptic puncta and overlaid this on a random distribution of the known NAB61 burden for that plaque distance and predict that ~0.13% of synapsin puncta would be NAB61 positive in the area within 10 microns from a plaque edge by chance. We found that ~12% of both pre and postsynaptic elements are positive for NAB61 at the edge of plaques, which is about 90 fold higher than expected by chance. Parallel calculations with control brain data indicate that random colocalization between oA and synapsin I puncta would occur at 0.0047%. Thus, despite the rarity of oApuncta in control brains, our observation that 0.73% of synapsin I puncta colocalize with NAB61 positive puncta is ~165 fold higher than expected by chance alone. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that oA, mostly associated with plaques, targets synapses in the human brain and may be playing a role in synapse loss. Array tomography Sample preparation For array tomography, samples were prepared as outlined elsewhere (1-3). Briefly, fresh tissue samples were collected from the superior temporal gyri of each subject and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and 2.5% sucrose in PBS for 3 h. The samples were dehydrated through ethanol and into LR White resin (Electron Microscopy Sciences) and polymerized overnight at 53 °C. Embedded blocks were cut into ribbons of 70-nm sections on an ultracut microtome (Leica) by using a Jumbo Histo Diamond Knife (Diatome, Hatfield, PA). Array tomography image analysis Images were analyzed as described elsewhere (1). Briefly, Images were viewed and analyzed with Image J (National Institutes of Health open software) and MATLAB (Mathworks). For analysis, each set of images was converted to stacks, and aligned by using the Image J MultiStackReg and StackReg plug-ins [courtesy of Brad Busse and P. Thevenaz et al. (4)]. Volumes at known distances from a plaque were selected, and an automated, threshold-based detection program was used to count puncta that appeared in more than one consecutive section (WaterShed program, provided by Brad Busse, Stephen Smith, and Kristina Micheva, Stanford University). Synapse densities were calculated by dividing the number of PSD95 or synapsin I puncta by the volume of tissue sampled. The median synapsin I-positive puncta and PSD95-positive puncta density were calculated at each volume sampled and the median of these taken as the volume for each case. Data were further subdivided by plaque distance to find the median synapse density at each measured distance from a plaque for each case. Parallel calculations were made for synaptic puncta size and the volume of the sampled neuropil occupied by NAB61 staining. Watershed exported a thresholded image stack (separate for each channel) showing puncta that were present in more than one slice of the array. Using MATLAB, the output stacks from PSD95, synapsin I, apoE and NAB61 staining for each region of interest were used to generate matrices, and the number of PSD95 and synapsin puncta with any pixels colocalized with NAB61, apoE, or both were counted. The minimum distance between each synapsin I puncta and the nearest PSD95 object was measured and the synapsin I object was classified as “paired” if there was a PSD95 object within 0.5 micrometers. Conversely, the distance from each PSD95 object to the nearest synapsin I object was calculated and the PSD95 object classified as “paired” if a synapsin I object was present within 0.5 micrometers. The sizes of PSD95 and synapsin I puncta that contacted (or did not contact) NAB61 or apoE deposits were also determined. The percentage of NAB61-positive PSD95 and synapsin puncta was calculated by dividing the number of NAB61-positive puncta by the total number of PSD95 or synapsin puncta in each region of interest. A similar method was use to count the number of synaptic elements that contacted apoE or NAB61 puncta in images from cultured neurons. Purification of lipidated apoE particles Lipidated apoE particles were purified from human apoE2, apoE3 or apoE4 overexpressing immortalized astrocytes using an affinity column as described elsewhere (5). Briefly, astrocytes were cultured in Advanced DMEM (Invitrogen) with 10% FBS. After 80-90% confluency, cells were washed with PBS and further incubated in Advanced DMEM with N-2 Supplement (Invitrogen) and 3M of 25-hydroxycholesterol (Sigma) for 2-3 days. Collected culture media were applied onto a column with mouse monoclonal antibody against human apoE (WU E-4, courtesy of Holtzman, DM). Lipidated apoE particles were eluted from the column with 3 M sodium thiocyanate, concentrated using Apollo centrifugal quantitative concentrators (QMWL: 150kDa, Orbital Biosciences) and dialyzed against PBS with 0.02% sodium azide. SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES Supplementary Fig. 1: Synaptic localization of A confirmed with two different antibodies on array tomography. Array tomograms of human brain samples in which two different antibodies were used to probe A reveal that oA colocalizes with synaptic elements. R1282, which sees different forms of A including oA was found to colocalize significantly with NAB61-positive puncta both within plaques and at synapses (arrow), albeit the signal intensity of R1282 was not as robust as NAB61 on arrays. Scale bar is 5 m. Supplementary Fig. 2: Characterization of synaptoneurosome preparations Synaptoneurosomes are enriched in pre- and post-synaptic marker proteins. For each brain sample, the total (T) and the synaptoneurosome (S) protein extracts were loaded side-by-side in SDS-PAGE, followed by Western blotting against synaptic markers synaptophysin and PSD95. Actin serves as the loading control. Supplementary Fig. 3: ApoE is enriched at synapses in control and AD brains Biochemical analysis of cytosolic (cyto) and synaptoneurosome (SNS) fractions of brain homogenates from AD and control subjects reveal that apoE is enriched at synapses. This observation is true regardless of APOE genotype and AD diagnosis. Interestingly, fragments of apoE are enriched at synapses in the brains of AD subjects with APOE 4/4 genotype. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Koffie RM, Meyer-Luehmann M, Hashimoto T, Adams KW, Mielke ML, Garcia-Alloza M, Micheva KD, Smith SJ, Kim ML, Lee VM, et al. 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