November 2013 QUESTIONS FOR COMPS IN POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY, DAY ONE ANSWER THREE QUESTIONS OF YOUR CHOICE. 1. Discuss the major paradigms in the study of social movements and the critiques of these paradigms. When do social movements matter? Are there social and political conditions that will make social movements more or less consequential and why? How do you imagine the future in the study of social movements? Please note that this question has several parts. 2. What are the major conceptions/theories of power in political sociology? And, in what ways are they useful to explain the obedience of people? 3. Tilly has famously quipped that the public sphere is a morally admirable idea but one that is empirically useless. Is he right? What role if any should the notion of the public sphere and the related concept of civil society play in political sociology? 4. Some political sociologists focus on state legitimacy and others on state autonomy. Which concept do you find most useful to understand the functioning of the state and why? Please bring in empirical cases to illustrate your point. 5. How do various political theorists conceptualize culture? What role, if any, do they think culture should play in the analysis of political phenomena, such as the exercise of power, the nature and operation of the nation-state, the structure of civil society, or social movement dynamics? 6. What are the major contributions of the following theorists (please choose three theorists from the list provided below): a. Barrington Moore b. Charles Tilly c. Michael Mann d. Theda Skocpol e. Jurgen Habermas f. Michel Foucault g. Benedict Anderson