ABB Synch Condensers for ERCOT


 Jan-Anders Bergman, 2013-11-15

ABB Motors & Generators

Synchronous Condensers for ERCOT

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Business Unit Motors and Generators

Core business for ABB

World’s leading manufacturer of industrial motors and generators, and mechanical power transmission products serving all industries and applications, on all markets

 15 000 people, 45 factories in 13 countries

 Complete product offering from fractional HP up to

70 MW

 LV, MV and HV induction motors and generators

 Synchronous and permanent magnet motors and generators

 DC motors, servomotors, gear motors

 Mechanical power transmission products

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Synchronous Condenser

Basic features

 Rotating kinetic energy provides inertia to the network

 Automatic excitation control to support the voltage level during sags

 Increases the system short-circuit capacity

 Thermal overload capacity

 Reactive power compensation at the connection point

 No harmonics

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Synchronous Condenser

Basic System Design

 Modular package design with multiple units for high output

 Independent modules for highest availability

 Expandable system

 Redundancy per spec

 Enhanced ride-through control

 Designed for remote control at un-manned installation

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AMS type Synchronous Condenser

Basic Machine Design

 Solid, salient 4- or 6-pole design

 Stiff shaft

 Industrial Grade

 Modular machine design for different types of cooling

 Totally Enclosed Air to Water Cooled

 NEMA Weather Protected type II

 Totally Enclosed Duct Ventilated

 Totally Enclosed Air-to-Air cooled

 Class F stator insulation

 Global VPI

 Class H rotor insulation

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Synchronous Machines Type AMS

Customer values

 Large operating range; Typically +100% to

-60% without field reversing.

 Standard well-proven design

 Fast and easy installation

 Delivered in one unit

 Minimum assembly on site

 Stiff shaft with no risk for sagging at longer stand still periods

 Low maintenance

 All maintenance done on site, even rotor withdrawal with optional tools if no overhead crane

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AMS type Synchronous Condenser

Starting Methods

 Direct on line start ( DOL)

 Reactor start

 Auto-Transformer start

 Capacitor start

 Reactor / Capacitor start

 Frequency converter start


 Pony motor start

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Synchronous Machine information

Manufacturing facility

 Made in Sweden

 Product allocation

 Synchronous Motors & Generators

 Synchronous Condensers

 VHV Synchronous Motors &


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Synchronous Condenser Experiences

From product supply to turnkey

 Turnkey including:

 Site preparation

 Foundation

 Civil works, building etc

 System studies

 Site management

 Project management

 Installation

 Commissioning

 Training

 Maintenance &


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Synchronous Condenser Experiences

Reference project #1 – Hydro Quebec, Gaspe

 2x ±25MVAr cont

 2x 45MVAr 30min

 In service since June,


 2 wind farms 54MW

 Weak network

 Risk for non-recovery after fault

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Synchronous Machines Type AMS

Reference Project #2 – +55 / -33MVAr, Totally Enclosed Duct Ventilated

Scope of supply - Turnkey

 144kV breaker , PTs & CTs

 144/13.8kV transformer

 Protection & control

 13.8/0.6kV transformer

 600V switchgear


 55MVA synchronous condenser


 VFD/Pony motor starting equipment

 Cooling equipment

 Lubrication supply

 Civil incl building, foundation etc

 Cables

 Studies

 Installation, Commissioning, Training

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Synchronous Condenser

Reference project #3 – Hydro Quebec

 3x ±25MVAr cont

 3x 45MVAr 30min

 In operation spring


 Weak network

 Replacing old generators

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Synchronous Condenser Protection and Control

Reference project #1 – Hydro Quebec

 For two machines:

 1 main control panel with HMI

 2 excitation control panels

 2 protection panels

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ERCOT / Synchronous Condenser Concerns

 New or re-power synchronous machine as condenser

 Cost, maintenance, reliability, and operation performance

 Well proven, industrial type of machines for lowest maintenance and reliability

 Multiple smaller standard units (modules) for best availability

 Salient pole design for maximum operating range and stability

 Performance

 Start up / Shunt down

 Pony motor starting for totally controlled acceleration with no high voltage drop and with an automatic bumpless synchronization.

 Controlled deceleration through re-generative breaking for short coasting down time and fast restart

 Steady state (normal operation), Dynamic (disturbance)

 Control system designed for remote operation and enhanced ride-through capability

 Power consumption

 Low machine losses and small peripherals like lubrication pumps, water circulation pumps etc

 Sub-synchronous oscillation

 Eliminated during start by pony motor starting

 System study may be required for normal operation.

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