Chapter 22: Magnetism

CPO Science
Foundations of Physics
Unit 7, Chapter 22
Unit 7: Electricity and Magnetism
Chapter 22 Electric Charges and Forces
 22.1 Properties of Magnets
 22.2 Magnetic Properties of Materials
 22.3 The Magnetic Field of the Earth
Chapter 22 Objectives
1. Describe the forces between two permanent
2. Sketch the magnetic field of a single permanent
3. Predict the direction of the force on a magnet placed
in a given magnetic field.
4. Explain why ferromagnetic materials always attract
magnets of either pole.
5. Describe the theory behind why a compass works.
6. Use a compass to find the direction of true north.
Chapter 22 Vocabulary Terms
north pole
south pole
magnetic field
compass magnetic
field lines
soft magnet
magnetic declination
magnetic domain
hard magnet
permanent magnet
22.1 Properties of Magnets
Key Question:
How do magnets interact
with each other?
*Students read Section 22.1
AFTER Investigation 22.1
22.1 What is a magnet?
 If a material is magnetic, it has the ability to exert
forces on magnets or other magnetic materials.
 A permanent magnet is a material that keeps its
magnetic properties even when it is NOT close to
other magnets.
22.1 Properties of Magnets
 Magnets have two
opposite poles.
— north
— south
 Magnets exert forces on
each other.
 The forces depend on the
alignment of the poles.
22.1 Properties of Magnets
 Plastics, wood, and most insulating materials are
virtually transparent to magnetic forces.
 Conducting metals, like aluminum, also allow
magnetic forces to pass through, but may change
the forces.
22.1 The force between two magnets
 The strength of the force
between magnets
depends on the distance
between them.
 The magnetic force
decreases with distance
much faster than does
either gravity or the
electric force.
22.1 The force between two magnets
 Two magnets near each other
often feel a twisting force, or
 This is a result of having two
 The combination of attractive
and repulsive forces on the
same magnet creates a
22.1 The magnetic field
 All magnets create a
magnetic field in the
space around them, and
the magnetic field
creates forces on other
22.1 The magnetic field
 The number of field lines in a
certain area indicates the relative
strength of the magnetic field in
that area.
 The arrows on the field lines
indicate the direction of the force.
 The closer the lines are together,
the stronger the field.
 Magnetic field lines always point
away from a magnet’s north pole
and toward its south pole.
22.2 Magnetic Properties of Materials
Key Question:
How do magnets interact
with different materials?
*Students read Section 22.2
AFTER Investigation 22.2
22.2 Magnetic Properties of Materials
 The sources of nearly all
magnetic effects in matter
are the electrons in atoms.
 There are two ways in which
electrons create magnetism:
1. Electrons around the
nucleus and their motion
makes the entire atom a
small magnet.
2. Electrons themselves act
as though they were
22.2 Magnetic Properties of Materials
 All atoms have electrons, so you might think that all
materials should be magnetic, but there is great
variability in the magnetic properties of materials.
 The electrons in some atoms align to cancel out
one another’s magnetic influence.
 While all materials show some kind of magnetic
effect, the magnetism in most materials is too weak
to detect without highly sensitive instruments.
22.2 Magnetic Properties of Materials
 In diamagnetic materials,
the electrons are oriented
so their individual magnetic
fields cancel each other out.
 Individual atoms in
paramagnetic materials are
magnetic but the atoms
themselves are randomly
arranged so the overall
magnetism of a sample is
When paramagnetic materials
are placed in a magnetic field,
the atoms align so that the
material is weakly magnetic.
22.2 Magnetic Properties of Materials
 A small group of metals have
very strong magnetic
properties, including iron,
nickel, and cobalt.
 These metals are the best
known examples of
ferromagnetic materials.
 Atoms with similar magnetic
orientations line up with
neighboring atoms in groups
called magnetic domains.
22.2 Magnetic Properties of Materials
 Magnetic domains in a ferromagnetic material will
always orient themselves to attract a permanent
— If a north pole approaches, domains grow that have south
poles facing out.
— If a south pole approaches, domains grow that have north
poles facing out.
22.2 Properties of magnets
 Materials that make good
permanent magnets are
called hard magnets.
 Steel, which contains iron
and carbon, is a common
and inexpensive material
used to create hard
 Materials that lose their
magnetism quickly are
called soft magnets.
22.3 The Magnetic Field of the Earth
Key Question:
How do we use Earth’s
magnetic field to tell
*Students read Section 22.3
AFTER Investigation 22.3
22.3 The Magnetic Field of the Earth
 As early as 500 B.C. people
discovered that some naturally
occurring materials— such as
lodestone and magnetite—have
magnetic properties.
 By 1200, explorers from Italy
were using a compass to guide
ocean voyages beyond the sight
of land.
22.3 The Magnetic Field of the Earth
 When you use a compass, the
north-pointing end of the needle
points toward a spot near (but
not exactly at) the Earth’s
geographic north pole.
 The Earth’s magnetic poles are
defined by the planet’s
magnetic field.
 That means the south magnetic
pole of the planet is near the
north geographic pole.
22.3 The Magnetic Field of the Earth
 The gauss is a unit used to measure the strength of a
magnetic field.
 The magnetic field of the Earth is very weak (0.5
gauss) compared with the strength of the field on the
surface of the classroom ceramic magnets (1000
 Historical data shows that both the strength of the
Earth’s magnetic field and the location of the north and
south magnetic poles can switch places.
 Today, the Earth’s magnetic field is losing
approximately 7 percent of its strength every 100
22.3 The Magnetic Field of the Earth
 Depending on where you are, a compass will point
slightly east or west of true north.
 The difference between the direction a compass points
and the direction of true north is called magnetic
After correcting for the
declination, you rotate the
whole compass until the
north-pointing end of the
needle lines up with zero
degrees on the ring.
The large arrow points in the
direction you want to go.
Application: Magnetic Resonance