Application Guide Experienced Water Postdoc Fellowship COFUND Programme “EWPFP COFUND” Please note that you are only eligible for funding if the following criteria a) to d) are all met: Eligibility criteria a) Formal Qualification In order to be considered eligible, the applicant has to deliver a complete application within the deadline. The complete application comprises: Proof of possession of a doctoral degree, that was awarded no more than 6 years prior to application deadline Proposed research topics that fall at least within one of the 6 research themes of UNESCO-IHE Proof that you have not have lived in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the application deadline. Signed online application package including ethics declaration Eligible researchers are Experienced Researchers, who at the time of recruitment by the UNESCOIHE, should be in possession of a doctoral degree that has been awarded no more than 6 years ago. During the evaluation of the career track, eligible career breaks which are properly documented with official documents of employers, doctors etc. will be taken in consideration. Eligible career breaks are: maternity, paternity, long-term illness (over ninety days) or care taker leave for a sick relative (over ninety days), and disabilities over ninety days. Prolongation of the 6 year timeframe is made for: Women and parents with children: one additional year per child can be claimed up to a maximum of three years (e.g. they can start the program max. 9 years after doctorate degree award) Other justified and documented career breaks are as disease(s), disabilities or care taker leave. Prolongation of the period of the break will be given (e.g. in case of sickness or caretaker leave of 1 year they can start the programme max. 7 years after doctorate degree award). These forms of leave need to be documented or confirmed in writing by for example a (medical) specialist /doctor or (former) employer). Career breaks will be given clear attention on the website of the programme. In the event that you finished your doctoral degree but the certificate has not yet been issued, include an accordant confirmation issued by the PhD Examination Committee to the effect that the examination procedure has been completed, and all necessary corrections to a thesis made. b) Rules for mobility EWPFP Cofund applicants can be of any nationality but at the time of application, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline. 1 c) Cooperating Host To ensure that researchers can establish access to the respective academic community, proposals will have to fit with the research profile of at least one of the Chair groups of UNESCO-IHE. In line with the ‘European Charter for Researchers’, researchers will be free in their choice of the research topic of their project; their working group and their cooperating host within UNESCO-IHE's Chair groups. UNESCO-IHE's overarching chair group research themes are: d) Ethics statement (table) 2 The ethical issues guidelines, which is part of the guide of applicants need to be read, understood and the form included in the online application package needs to be signed. They are part of the application papers. Checklist: Compile your proposal including supplements as one pdf-document pursuant to the instructions below: Motivation letter - must not exceed two pages. Containing aspects as a convincing statement of motivation for decision to pursue a postdoctoral research and teaching/project experience in the proposed UNESCO-IHE Chair group programme and if applicable for a relevant period at another institution or one of the partners of UNESCOIHE (see UNESCO-IHE website). Description of career aspirations in the field of water and development. Potential to widen your professional network, potential for setting up new or deepening existing relations between UNESCO-IHE and public and private institutes/companies in other countries. Training needs and impact of this training on the career of the fellow. Ideas for an individual Career Development Plan while staying at UNESCO-IHE. Your two page scientific CV - using template below The research proposal text (supplements excluded) must not exceed ten pages and should be in line with the template below. Scan the signed and certified university degree certificate(s), or proof of pending award, abstract of your doctoral thesis and the Ethics issues table. Merge the research proposal text with the supplements (your motivation letter, your two page scientific CV, your research proposal, your university certificates and the Ethics issues table) into one pdf-document to create the full proposal. Fill in the online form and then upload the full proposal. Any questions? We would be happy to help you with your application: Any questions regarding your academic integration are to be directed directly to the EWPFP Cofund programme email address Technical problems (filling in the online forms, uploading letter of application): 3 Template proposal Please also include all the following items in bold type in the layout of proposal. Name of applicant: Short title of the funding proposal: 1 Project proposal Describe the originality of the project or its specificity in a single sentence. 2 Summary Give a brief and precise summary of the most important aspects of your application (maximum 1,800 keystrokes). 3 Connection with research theme(s) of UNESCO-IHE Please describe how your excellent and independent project proposal links up with a research theme(s) of UNESCO-IHE. 4 Project description 4.1 Project objectives Describe the proposed project objectives. 4.2 State of research and the proposed project Describe the current state of research in relation to your proposed project and give details of any preparatory work you have done in connection with the planned project. 4.3 Work schedule including timetable Please give an account of the steps planned during the proposed funding period. Name and give details of the methods you intend to apply. Compile a timetable and define milestones for the entire course of the project. In the event that you are planning to complete a stay abroad, please give details at this point. 4.4 Project implementation Please give details of any prerequisites that have to be met in order to implement the proposed project. Also give details of any necessary infrastructure (e.g. computer equipment, other equipment, lab time). 5 Gender and Ethics 5.1 Gender aspects Give details, if any, of the gender aspects of your application. In the event that gender aspects are relevant for the proposed project, these may be taken into consideration as a selection criterion. More detailed information is available at: Further detailed information can also be found at: 5.2 Ethical aspects All proposals must provide ethics information and include an Ethics Issues Table, even if the applicant believes that there are no ethics issues, or that they have been properly addressed in the proposal. The following areas are excluded from funding under FP 7 and hence also for EWPFP Cofund applicants: Research activity aiming at human cloning for reproductive purposes Research activity intended to modify the genetic heritage of human beings which could make such changes heritable (Research related to cancer treatment of the gonads can be financed) 4 Research activities intended to create human embryos solely for the purpose of research or for the purpose of stem cell procurement, including by means of somatic cell nuclear transfer. Further information can be found at: 6 Cooperation partners (if applicable) Name all of the partners involved in implementing the proposed project (name, university/institution, if applicable and required. 7 Costs 7.1 Overview of costs Please provide an overview the research costs. Your Postdoc salary and associated (e.g. moving expenses) should not be listed in the following table. Indicative amount per year is 7.000 euro. Enter the items to be funded with amounts (Consumables/ Equipment/ Travel).* Nr. 1 Requested research funds 1. Project year € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € Equipment 2.1 3 Total Consumables 1.1 2 2. Project year Travel 3.1 Total amount *Costs for research assistance are not eligible according to Marie Curie regulations. 7.2 Justification of costs Please give a short justification for each of the above items applied for. 8 References Please compile a list of all the references mentioned in your proposal. 9 Applications for funding elsewhere The UNESCO-IHE allows the submission of similar proposals that already have been or will be submitted to an external funding agency under the condition that the Programme Coordinator is regularly informed on the status of the external proposal. Nevertheless, a concurrent funding by UNESCO-IHE and an external funding agency is not possible. Note also only one application can be submitted per call per person. It is possible to apply again in the next call after being rejected for the first time. Please include details of any other similar application for funding that you have already submitted elsewhere. If this is not the case, you must include the following declaration in your proposal: 5 "I have not submitted an application for funding of the proposed project to any other funding organization or institution. Should this be the case in future, I undertake to notify EWPFP Cofund Programme Coordinator at UNESCO-IHE ". Supplements to the research proposal A) Motivation letter - must not exceed two pages. B) Resume of applicant (CV) Include a chronological description of your academic career to date, listing publications, patents, awards and, if applicable, experience of applying for external funding on not more than two pages. C) Scan the signed and certified university degree certificate(s), abstract of your doctoral thesis. Official documents in any other language than English, German or French must be provided together with a certified translation into English. D) Ethics Issues Table Please insert here the filled, signed and scanned Ethics Issues Table. 6 Ethics table Research on Human Embryo/ Foetus YES Page Does the proposed research involve human Embryos? Does the proposed research involve human Foetal Tissues/ Cells? Does the proposed research involve human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs)? Does the proposed research on human Embryonic Stem Cells involve cells in culture? Does the proposed research on Human Embryonic Stem Cells involve the derivation of cells from Embryos? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL Research on Humans yes YES Page Does the proposed research involve children? Does the proposed research involve patients? Does the proposed research involve persons not able to give consent? Does the proposed research involve adult healthy volunteers? Does the proposed research involve Human genetic material? Does the proposed research involve Human biological samples? Does the proposed research involve Human data collection? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL yes Privacy YES Page Does the proposed research involve processing of genetic information or personal data (e.g. health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction)? Does the proposed research involve tracking the location or observation of people? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL yes Research on Animals YES Page Does the proposed research involve research on animals? Are those animals transgenic small laboratory animals? Are those animals transgenic farm animals? Are those animals non-human primates? Are those animals cloned farm animals? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL yes Research Involving non-EU Countries (ICPC Countries) YES Page Is the proposed research (or parts of it) going to take place in one or more of the ICPC Countries? X 13 YES Page Is any material used in the research (e.g. personal data, animal and/or human tissue samples, genetic material, live animals, etc) : a) Collected and processed in any of the ICPC countries? b) Exported to any other country (including ICPC and EU Member States)? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL Dual Use Research having direct military use Research having the potential for terrorist abuse I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL 7 yes Academic CV Template Name Gender Date of birth - place of birth Address Phone – Email EDUCATION PhD studies: Most recent/current schooling dates Degree, department (Dissertation title; course/degree descriptions) Master and Bachelor studies Previous schooling dates Degree, department (DISSERTATION) Title Abstract Committee chair/members GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS (HONORS AND AWARDS) Name, (significant info., amount), date Name, (significant info., amount), date PROJECT FUNDING (RESEARCH< TRAINING< OTHER) Name, (donor, short info project content., amount), date Name, (donor, short info project content., amount), date RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Title, insitute/universityl/organization, city, state Description Title, insitute/universityl/organization, city, state Description TEACHING EXPERIENCE Title, , insitute/universityl/organization, city, state Course/s taught, description of duties Title, , insitute/universityl/organization, city, state Course/s taught, description of duties (RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE) Title, company/organization, city, state Description Title, company/organization, city, state Description dates dates dates dates dates dates PUBLICATIONS Bibliographic format Bibliographic format MANUSCRIPTS IN PROGRESS Bibliographic format (where you are at in the process) Bibliographic format (where you are at in the process) PRESENTATIONS AND POSTER SESSIONS Bibliographic format 8 Bibliographic format (PATENTS) Item, date, number (RESEARCH INTERESTS) Research area Research area (TEACHING INTERESTS) Class title or subject Class title or subject (PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS) Title, association Title, association AT LEAST 3 REFERENCES Name and Relationship Address Address Phone # Email 9