General Slides for SOC120 Fall 2005 Week 5 (Study Guide edited 3/09/10) Class Outline Chapt Study Guide More Rhetoric through Pictures Bush's mystery bulge. The rumor flying around the globe after the first debate in fall of 04. Was the president wired during the first debate? Check this—What is the problem? Foley Week 5: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. Continue Magazine exercise Criteria to compare W5 S6 Review C4: Euphemisms, Dysphemisms, Rhetorical (a) comparisons (b) definitions, (c) explanations, Innuendo, Loaded Questions, Weaslers (Scientific writing), Downplayers, Horse laugh/ridicule/sarcasm, hyperbole, proof surrogate, persuasive comparison, sarcasm (stereotype), Subway napkin exercise Repeat errors in writing spelling, grammar, redundancy, complexity (pedantic), prolixity (verbose or wordy), ambiguity (syntactic and/or semantic), Fallacy of division, Fallacy of composition, comparisons, vagueness, writing and diversity Review A03 W5S7—Due one class before Midterm –Study method for C5 and 6 (W5 S7 and list of fallacies W5 S12) C5 Study Groups—outline your own study list Internet search with laptops “Review Search Basics” + Boolean logic with a search topic on “chocolate” - Search for a web page with info about class debate issues - Share sites and search method - Start web site credibility criteria Evaluate credibility exercise with laptops HB Part I Debate project and discuss Assignment: Part II Debate Project Quiz C5 W5 S8— miss class Rhet Pict Radio W4S3 OJ W4S4 *Bush W5S4 *Paul Harvey W5S2/3 *Relativi sm W5S14 1st Slide Jim’s Writing Error on Quiz ___10, 11. [Can not omit--2 points] On the back (a) In most if not all scientific journal articles there will be sections discussing the limits of the findings. In terms of chapter 4 what are these types of statements called (e.g. "our study can not be generalized to women since only men were included in the study", since our sample has a very small number of Native Americans we are hesitant to make any conclusions about this group)? (b) Is this considered an acceptable use of this type of statement? What are the errors, rewrite the question eliminating the errors, what is the correct answer. Format for each Fallacy A03 Fallacy Name Definition (your words not copy) Example (yours not just copy) Exception (yours not just copy) Alphabetical list of all fallacies discussed chapter 1-6 Hanging paragraphs (see above) List the term Fallacy define and give an example first on list Due: Class before Midterm A Critical Thinking Problem You have a paper due for today’s class and it is not done. What does a critical thinker think/do? CT Thoughts Many students would choose to skip class In most cases that is an unwise action a. b. c. How much do you loose if it is late? You may learn more about how to write the paper in class. You will miss new material if you skip class making you further behind. Further typical student actions that may create difficulties a. b. c. Skipping the first day of class Skipping the day after a test Skipping the last day of class CT Thoughts Two ways: Three ways: If loving you is wrong I don’t want to be right. A. C5 Terms: Make your own study outline C5 and C6 F06 E. Rationalizing [p153b] Fallacy Def/Ex [When structure F. Everyone knows [p154b] acceptable] Pseudoreasoning [p146t] ---Two ways to commit a fallacy [p146t] B. C. D. E. Argument from popularity [154b] 2 exceptions [p156t] CT action to this type argument [p156m] (1) make a fallacious argument (2) accept a fallacious argument. Argument from common practice [pa56b] Overall fallacy(s) p150-162 G. Subjectivism Smokescreen “Moral value judgements” Red herring “ethics,”[p157b] “Argument” from outrage [p147m] H. Relativism [p158] “The Limbaugh fallacy” [p146b] What is illogical…[p158b] Two ways to become illogical [p147t] I. Two Wrongs [p159b] Scare tactics [p148b] Exception? Retributivism [p159b] “Argument” by force [p148b] Gandi Other fallacies based on emotion WWII Atomic bomb? “argument” from pity [p150m] “argument from envy/ jealousy/ pride J. Red herring Apple polishing [p151] K. Smokescreen Guilt trip [p151b] Our class position [p162t] Wishful thinking [p151b] Genus not species Positive thinking [p152m] From chapter 1-4 division, composition “If you only believe..” Peer Pressure [p152b] Group think [p153t] All fallacies for C1-C6 study for final group identification [p153t] Nationalism [p153t] Underlined required for A03 “blame America first” [p152m] 1st Slide Pre Quiz C5 1. Define “fallacy” (understandable to a student in the hall) 2. ________Name one fallacy in the text (a) Define the fallacy (b) Give an example of the fallacy (c) Give an exception to the fallacy (same structure and premise but not a fallacy) Class Members will make their own study guide outline for Chapter 5! Pre quiz—8:10 I will visit around and look at your study guides Issues for Critical Thought Fall 2002 What is the issue? The Executive Branch of the U.S. government maintains that it has the right to determine who are citizens and should enjoy the rights of the constitution and who are “enemy combatants”? (2) Morality/deviance is highly varied Subjectivism & cultural relativism. These may indeed be “true for you but not for me.” -place -time -actor -situation Arabs hashish ok, alcohol no; Hindus beef no Muslims & Jews pork no; Eskimos sex hospitality ok Opium in 1900 ok; marihuana 1930's "Reefer Madness" marihuana 60's 0k; marihuana 1992 no; Coca-Cola ["dope"-cocaine] 1903 ok; valium 1992 OK; desert storm Dexedrine and relaxants OK child temper tantrums ok; MD "take off clothes" ok sharp military commands ok; authoritarian teacher "rude" rape by black of white in old south death ; rape by white of black in old south not a crime claim to be Napoleon; theater ok ; at home mental illness killing: self defense ok; protect weak ok; war ok; in an argument Murder What about: -audience -power routy, noisy behavior; party & drinking ok, Abortion Divorce work or school bad Euthensia Smoking parents, friends, co-workers, other students Stoning gays & unfathfu Stoning for infidelity drug types and SES, rape SES, roles (prostitute, husband, date) Stay alert drugs for military pilots (desert storm and Afghanistan Found on DDH Bulletin board F07 Quiz Averages S1 Quiz Averages S2