Appeal to Emotion

 An
emotional appeal is a method of
persuasion that is designed to create an
emotional response. Emotion also known as
pathos or suffering in Greek, is one of the
three modes of persuasion identified by
Aristotle. The other two are logos, or logic,
and ethos, or authority. Emotional appeals
are considered fallacies, or errors in
reasoning, because they manipulate
emotions in an audience.
 Appeal
to emotion is a logical fallacy that
manipulate an emotion reponse in place of a
valide or compelling argument. It includes
appeal to fear, anger, envy, hatred, pity and
pride. Because everyone is affected by
emotion, appeal to emotion is a very
common and effective way to persuade
 Luke
didn’t want to eat his chooped liver and
brussel sprouts, but his father told him to
think about all the poor, starving children in
the world who don’t have enough to have
food .
 Argument
from Outrage: it attempt to convince
by appealing to anger (apple company example
on page 185).
 Scare
Tactic: are fallacies speakers use to play
on the fears of their audience to accept an
irrelevant conclusion.
Example: Mr. Hulk will make a terrible president
do you really want to vote for someone who does
not control his anger. Think again.
 Peer
Pressure Fallacy is when the speaker
simply tries to make the audience fear by
just giving an outcast not a reason to beleive.
It is substituted for evidence in an argument.
Example: Just sign this standard sales
agreement, and we can skip the realtors and
all the headaches they would create at this
critical time in your life.
 Appeal
to pity: are fallacies that speakers
use by arousing pity rather than giving
relevant argument.
Example: we should adopt this dog because it
is winter and he is cold and angry. If we don’t
he will die here alone.
 Apple
polishing: When someone praises
someone else to substitute for the truth of a
claim. As example a children praising their
parents to get something from them.
 guilt
trapping : type of fallacy that tries to
make someone feel guilty to get them to do,
or not do, something.
 Appeal
to envy
Example: The new PowerTangerine computer
gives you the power you need. If you buy one,
people will envy your power. They will look up
to you and wish they were just like you. You
will know the true joy of power.
 Appeal
to jalousy