8/5/2012z San Diego State University School of Nursing NURS 200 Syllabus Informatics for the Nurse Fall 2013 Faculty: Willa Fields, DNSc, RN, FHIMSS willa.fields@sbcglobal.net Home/work: 858-756-5642 Mobile: 619-925-0450 3/23/2016 COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: NURS 200 – Informatics for the Nurse CREDIT: 1 Semester Unit FACULTY: Willa Fields, DNSc, RN, FHIMSS PREREQUISITES: None LOCATION: Adams Humanities 2108 Thursdays, 10:00 to 10:50 AM COURSE DESCRIPTION Basics of informatics, electronic health records, ethics and legal aspects. Electronic communication. Database searches. COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Level Outcomes Compare and contrast appropriate and inappropriate factors in electronic communication. Compare and contrast electronic and paper based health records. Discuss the ethical considerations of health information technology. Discuss the legal aspects of health information technology. Delineate aspects of HIPAA which directly concern nurses. 5,9 Demonstrate the ability to search a scholarly database for literature. Discuss safety implications of health information technology. Identify applications of social media in nursing and health care. Apply beginning steps of evidence-based practice (EBP). 2,9,10b,13 3/23/2016 6,9 3,6,7 6,10a 5,7 6,9 10a, 13 2, 5,6,8,9, 10b Level I Level II Upon completion of the second semester the student: Upon completion of the 4th semester the student: 1 Relates liberal educational experiences to core competencies in professional nursing practice 1. Recognizes the application of liberal education experiences into professional nursing practice 2. Utilizes selected scientific professional and contextual knowledge in the application of the nursing process. 2. Analyzes selected scientific, professional, contextual knowledge in the application of the nursing process with families and groups 3. Understands human diversity as it applies to health and illness 3. Uses knowledge of human diversity in planning care for individual and families 4. Begins to demonstrate fundamental nursing care based on the central professional value of caring. 4. Incorporates the central professional value of caring in planning care for individuals and families 5. Demonstrates critical thinking, communication, assessment, and technical skills in the provision of nursing care. 5. Integrates critical thinking, communication, assessment, and technical skills in the planning of care for individuals and families 6. Develops an awareness of one’s ability to perform as a professional nurse and seek assistance when necessary 6. Demonstrates and accepts responsibility for contributing to one’s own learning and critically appraises ability to perform as a professional nurse. 7. Develops an awareness of the professional values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity and social justice as the foundation for professional practice. 7. Demonstrates in clinical practice professional values, behaviors and standards 8. Develops an understanding of teaching learning theory in its application to patient care. 8. Incorporates teaching learning theory in the delivery of nursing care to individuals and families. 9. Develops an awareness of research based knowledge from nursing and the sciences as the foundation for professional nursing practice. 9. Analyzes the relationship of research based knowledge to the delivery of nursing care. 3/23/2016 Level III - Final Student learning outcomes Upon completion of the program the student: 1. Applies an integrated liberal educational experience in developing clinical judgment. 2. Uses the nursing process, scientific and contextual knowledge in the delivery of nursing care. 3. Demonstrates the ability to deliver nursing care in a variety of settings among diverse populations. 4. Demonstrates the central professional value of caring by delivering compassionate, appropriate and culturally sensitive care. 5. Consistently uses critical thinking, communication, assessment, and technical skills in the delivery of nursing care. 6. Demonstrates accountability for nursing practice. 7. Incorporates professional values and standards of practice as the foundation for nursing practice. 8. Uses teaching-learning theory appropriately in nursing practice. 9. Incorporates research findings as a foundation for evidence-based practice. 10.a) Develops an awareness of the roles of the professional nurse As provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care and member of the profession. 10. Demonstrates an understanding of the present and emerging role responsibilities of the professional nurse. 10. Accepts responsibility for professional growth and lifelong learning in consonance with the emerging role of the nurse in a changing society. 10.b) Recognizes the practice of professional nursing requires a commitment to life long learning 11. Identifies the role of the professional nurse and the various members of the health care team and describe their functions. 11. Participates as a team member in providing health care to patients utilizing the knowledge and principles of interdisciplinary models of health care delivery. 12. Recognizes the leadership role in the nursing profession 12. Develops beginning leadership skills in clinical settings 13. Gains awareness of health care resources available within the community 13. Identifies social, economic, and political agendas affecting the delivery of health care. 11. Collaborates with patients and interdisciplinary health care teams to plan, manage, and influence health care, methods, and systems. 12. Demonstrates leadership behaviors within one’s scope of practice 13. Supports agendas that enhance awareness of the social, economic, and political factors that influence health care delivery. Approved by faculty June 2005 FACULTY APPOINTMENTS AND COMMUNICATION Faculty may be contacted by phone or e-mail listed below. All meetings are by appointment and can be scheduled directly with the professor. Students are encouraged to use Blackboard Discussion or e-mail for communicating with the professor between regularly scheduled class meetings. Dr. Willa Fields Office Hours: By appointment Phone Number: Home/Work: 858-756-5642 Mobile: 619-925-0450 Email Address: willa.fields@sbcglobal.net Blackboard Discussion or Email is the preferred method of initial communication. Do NOT text instructor. 3/23/2016 TEACHING METHODS This is a lecture/discussion course. Students are expected to come to class prepared to discuss the topic of the day. Some class sessions will be on-line. During these sessions there may be readings and exercises for you to complete. REQUIRED SOFTWARE Nursing Central. Applications to include Grasp, Davis Drug Guide, Davis Lab & Diagnostics Tests, Diseases and Disorders, Drug Interaction Facts, Nurses’ Pocket Guide, RNotes, Taber’s Dictionary, Nurses’ Handbook of Health Assessment. The SDSU bookstore price includes the annual renewal fees while you are enrolled in the School of Nursing. Prices from other sources are for a one year subscription, may not include all of the required titles, and will require additional annual fees. Security system (e.g. McAfee) for computer system. E-mail system Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint High-speed connection to the Internet REQUIRED HARDWARE You are strongly recommended to have a laptop computer. At a minimum, you will need access to a Windows or Macintosh multimedia computer, preferably one that meets the SDSU minimum computing standards (see http://wwwrohan.sdsu.edu/~mwssls/nws.html). Handheld computer/smartphone for Nursing Central. Nursing Central is available for iTouch®, iPhone®, BlackBerry®, and Android™. Nursing Central does not currently work on Windows Mobile®. Please see http://nursing.unboundmedicine.com/nursingcentral/ub for further details. iClicker Minimum 1 GB Flash drive for copying files. Backup system for computer files (external drive or off-site backup system). Blackboard Student Support: http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/its/blackboard/student/ Netiquette: http://wwwrohan.sdsu.edu/dept/its/blackboard/student/gettingstarted/netiquette.html REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Sewell, J., & Thede, L. (2013). Informatics and Nursing: Opportunities and Challenges (4rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 3/23/2016 STUDENT DISABILITY SERVICES Students who need disability accommodation should provide documentation of their disability to Student Disability Services at 619-594-6473 (Calpulli Center, Suite 3101), and receive authorization for academic or clinical accommodations. After accommodations have been authorized by SDS, students are responsible for notifying faculty in advance of the need for accommodation. This can best be accomplished by making an appointment to meet privately with the faculty member early in the semester, or as soon as possible in the event that a disability is diagnosed during the course of the semester. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADE DETERMINATION For successful completion of NURS 200, students are required to complete the course requirements listed below. The grade on written assignments will be dropped 5 POINTS for each day late unless prior faculty approval for an extension has been obtained. Assignments received after 10:00 AM on the due date will be considered late. QUIZZES, EXAMS, and ASSIGNMENTS Quizzes and exams will be conducted online on Blackboard for a set amount of time or in class with a scantron or clicker. Online quizzes and exams must be completed in one sitting. Please do not wait until the end of the time to begin the quiz or exam – an instructor may not be available for troubleshooting. Any cheating on quizzes or exams will result in a grade of F (0%). No provision is made for missed quizzes and exams because of unexcused absences. Unless a prior arrangement for an excused absence is obtained, a grade of F (0%) will be given for the quiz or exam that is missed. Make-up quizzes and exams may differ from the original one and may be of a different nature (e.g. essay, short answer, matching, etc.). During test reviews, neither writing nor recording are allowed. All assignments are due by 10:00 AM. Assignments submitted on the due date and after 10:00 AM will be considered late. Five points will be deducted from grade for each day late. 3/23/2016 GRADING SCALE A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0-59 REQUIREMENT PERCENT OF GRADE DUE DATE iClicker/class participation 10% ongoing Literature Search I 20% 10/17 Quiz I 25% 10/31 Literature Search II* 30% 11/7 Quiz II 15% 12/6 * For those who earn a minimum of 90% on the first Literature Search assignment, it is optional to submit the second Literature Search Assignment. If you choose not to submit the second assignment, you will earn the same grade on the second assignment as you did on the first one. For those who earn below a 90% on the first Literature Search assignment, you are required to submit the second assignment. 3/23/2016 3/23/2016