Spreadsheet Modeling
& Decision Analysis
A Practical Introduction to
Business Analytics
7th edition
Cliff T. Ragsdale
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Chapter 1
Introduction to Modeling
& Problem Solving
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 We face numerous decisions in life &
 We can use computers to analyze the
potential outcomes of decision
 Spreadsheets are the tool of choice for
today’s managers.
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What is Business Analytics?
 A field of study that uses computers,
statistics, and mathematics to solve
business problems.
 Also known as:
– Operations research
– Management Science
– Decision science
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Home Runs
in Business Analytics
 Proctor & Gamble
– Developed multi-echelon inventory
planning tool for safety stock optimization
– Lowers inventory while maintain customer
– Benefits:
Reduced inventory investments by $1.5 billion
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Home Runs
in Business Analytics
 New Brunswick (CA) Dep’t of Transportation
– Developed linear programming-based strategic
planning tool
– Includes long-term objectives and operational
constraints on costs, timings, asset life cycle
– Benefits:
Estimated $72 million in annual savings from a $2
million investment
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Home Runs
in Business Analytics
 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
– World’s largest publicly traded bank
– 16,000 branch locations
– Worked with IBM to develop a tool to predict
where new branches should be opened
– Implemented in 40 cities throughout China
– Benefits:
Estimated $1 billion in new deposits in typical
major cities
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Home Runs in
Business Analytics
 Midwest Independent Transmission
System Operator (MISO)
– Manages power generation in 13 U.S.
midwest states
– Uses optimization model to determine when
various plants should be running
– Other models predict energy output & prices
– Benefits:
 Improved plant efficiency & grid reliability
 Savings of ~$3 billion from 2007-2010
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What is a “Computer Model”?
 A set of mathematical relationships and
logical assumptions implemented in a
computer as an abstract representation of
a real-world object of phenomenon.
 Spreadsheets provide the most convenient
way for business people to build computer
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The Modeling Approach
to Decision Making
 Everyone uses models to make
 Types of models:
– Mental (arranging furniture)
– Visual (blueprints, road maps)
– Physical/Scale (aerodynamics, buildings)
– Mathematical (what we’ll be studying)
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Characteristics of Models
 Models are usually simplified versions of
the things they represent
 A valid model accurately represents the
relevant characteristics of the object or
decision being studied
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Benefits of Modeling
 Economy - It is often less costly to
analyze decision problems using
 Timeliness - Models often deliver
needed information more quickly than
their real-world counterparts.
 Feasibility - Models can be used to do
things that would be impossible.
 Models give us insight & understanding
that improves decision making.
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Example of a Mathematical Model
Profit = Revenue - Expenses
Profit = f(Revenue, Expenses)
Y = f(X1, X2)
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A Generic Mathematical Model
Y = f (X1, X2, …, Xn)
Y = dependent variable
(aka bottom-line performance measure)
Xi = independent variables (inputs having an impact on Y)
f (.) = function defining the relationship between the Xi & Y
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Mathematical Models & Spreadsheets
 Most spreadsheet models are very similar
to our generic mathematical model:
Y = f(X1, X2, …, Xn)
 Most spreadsheets have input cells
(representing Xi) to which mathematical
functions, f (.) , are applied to compute a
bottom-line performance measure (or Y).
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Categories of Mathematical Models
Form of f(.)
known or under
decision maker’s
LP, Networks, IP,
known or under
decision maker’s
Regression Analysis,
Time Series Analysis,
Discriminant Analysis,
Neural Networks,
Affinity Analysis, etc.
unknown or
Simulation, PERT,
Inventory Models
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The Problem-Solving Framework for
Leveraging Business Opportunities
Formulate &
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The Psychology of Decision Making
 Models can be used for structurable
aspects of decision problems.
 Other aspects cannot be structured
easily, requiring intuition and judgment.
 Caution: Human judgment and intuition
is not always rational!
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Anchoring Effects
 Arise when trivial factors influence initial
thinking about a problem.
 Decision-makers usually under-adjust
from their initial “anchor”.
 Example:
– What is 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8 ?
– What is 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 ?
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Framing Effects
 Refers to how decision-makers view a
problem from a win-loss perspective.
 The way a problem is framed often
influences choices in irrational ways…
 Suppose you’ve been given $1000 and
must choose between:
– A. Receive $500 more immediately
– B. Flip a coin and receive $1000 more if heads
occurs or $0 more if tails occurs
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Framing Effects (Example)
 Now suppose you’ve been given $2000
and must choose between:
– A. Give back $500 immediately
– B. Flip a coin and give back $0 if heads occurs
or give back $1000 if tails occurs
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A Decision Tree for Both Examples
Alternative A
Initial state
Heads (50%)
Alternative B
(Flip coin)
Tails (50%)
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Good Decisions vs. Good Outcomes
 Good decisions do not always lead to good
 A structured, modeling approach to
decision making helps us make good
decisions, but can’t guarantee good
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Decisions & Outcomes
Outcome Quality
Deserved Success
Bad Luck
Dumb Luck
Poetic Justice
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End of Chapter 1
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The Analytic Solver Platform
software featured in this book is
provided by Frontline Systems.
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