Scholarship Opportunities Note: Some of the deadlines listed above are estimates. Please verify all due dates and eligibility requirements carefully. Make sure your applications are complete and are in by the deadlines. SEPTEMBER Scholarship Due Date Key Information Website Fiesta Bowl Queen Court Scholarship 9/16/10 GPA 3.0 . Recipients of this award will serve as spokespersons for the Fiesta Bowl Festival of College Football hp/events/queencourt/ Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest- Seniors 9/17/10 Write Essay between 800- 1,600 words Author: Ayn Rand Shout it out Scholarship 2009 9/30/10 Essay required - 5 at $1,000 AIA/AAF Scholarship Programs 9/30/10 Nomination required. Must plan to study in an NAAB-ARCHITECTURE program. /Programs.Fellowships.htm “Shout it Out” Scholarship 9/ 30/10 five (5) $1,000.00 scholarships will be awarded to winners of an essay competition y.htx Make Art Save Art 9/30/10 Create a PC wallpaper design to show your artistic talent. Photography, graphic design, and traditional visual art are all eligible Disney Scholarship 10/11 Vantage Media, LLC Scholarship Sweepstakes 9/30/10 Available 1/1/10 Deadline 9/30/10 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale, attending a UNCF college or university, and have an interest in the arts, hotel hospitality, or communication. Many different scholarships General, Nursing, Business, etc -art-save-art holarDetailSGA.asp?id=516 http://www.freescholarshipgrant.c om/start.htm?kid OCTOBER Scholarship Bennington Young Writers Award Due Date 11/1/10 Key Information Students submit one of the following: poetry, fiction, nonfiction Website ws/young-writers-competition National Eagle Scout Scholarship Available 11/1/10 Deadline 2/28/11”N ext Commercial” Contest Women's Western Golf Scholarship Senior that has achieved Eagle Scout rank uting.d/fact.sheets.d/nesa.d/files.d/ hmapp.pdf 10/1/10 Create a 60 second commercial that showcases how a 1800mattress enhances a good nights sleep and takes your nights sleep to the next level. ttress/ ( Available 10/1/10 For women. Based on academics, financial need, character involvement in golf. htm Siemens Competition Scholarship 10/1/10 Team or individual science project with research report abstract. ndex.html National Eagle Scout Scholarship 10/1/10 One award is for leadership, the other is merit/need based more rigorous. FastWeb Promo Award 10/3/10 Open to registered FastWeb members. Each day you log into your FastWeb account you increase your chances of winning. ack_to_school_sweepstakes ( Gilman International Scholarship Program 10/5/10 Awards up to $5000 for students who want to study abroad. dex.html Energy Solutions Scholarship 10/11/10 For sophomores with minimum GPA of 3.5 who plan to get a science/math degree. www.energysolutionsfoundation. org/scholar_home.php Marc Heitz Student Scholarship Award 10/8/10 A scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded to the student with the most ‘likes’ on their 1 minute fan video, posted to Marc Heitz Fan Videos section of Facebook. Videos must be submitted to the Marc Heitz Chevrolet Facebook Fan page vrolet 2010 Veteran’s Day Contest (Joe Foss) 10/10/10 Get to know a veteran, and then write and submit your essay. scholarship-program/2010scholarship-call-for-entries 10/15/10 Seeking essays on enterprise solutions to poverty from around Available 10/15/10 Must have an interest in journalism and be a free spirit. Faith & Development Essay Competition Al Neuharth Free Spirit Scholarship Deadline 2/15/11 MonsterCollege One Year Anniversary $5,000 Giveaway Junior Miss Scholarship Program - Make A Difference Day- All Ages Oct. 23,2010 National ACT High School Poster Contest Travel Video Contest Begins 9/7/10 Ends 10/17/10 10/18/10 Must participate 10/23/10 Entry Form Due By 11/17/10 Begins 10/18/10 Ends 1/31/11 10/29/10 Limit one entry per day during the Promotion Period. Senior girls Candidates are judged in the following areas: Scholastic, Achievement, Judges interview, Creative and performing arts presentation, Physical fitness, and Self-expression. Award amount varies. Win cash awards for a charity by doing a community project and submitting your idea to “Make a Difference Day”. http://www.makeadifferenceday.c om/ Posters may be in electronic or non-electronic format. ontest/pdf/OfficialRules.pdf To enter the competition, you need to create a short movie (no longer than 5 minutes in length) telling us why you want to study or travel abroad. Must have critical financial need have overcome great adversity. m/contest/how-to-enter.shtm Horatio Alger Utah Scholarship 10/30/10 ips/apply.cfm I Don’t Want to Pay for College 10/31/10 Available to students planning to attend college. Based on a demonstrated strong record of extracurricular, leadership and/or volunteer activities. unt/quickApply.jsp?code=FW_98 &scholarshipID=np Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarships 10/31/10 Online application for seniors. Must have 3.0 GPA. Education Matters $5K Scholarship 10/31/10 “What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn't matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?” m/apply.htx#5K2 NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award 10/31/10 Need to start own business be involved in organizations like DECA or FBLA. r Foundation/YEFPrograms/Young En trepreneurAwards.aspx NOVEMBER Scholarship Due Date Key Information Website Wal-Mart Scholarships Available 11/2010 Different scholarships available. Criteria varies. Sam Walton Community Scholarship Available 11/2010 Deadline 1/29/11 GPA 2.5 Must have taken either the ACT or SAT standardized tests. Nestle Very Best in Youth Scholarship 11/1/10 Please let your counselor know if you plan to make application, and would like to be nominated. m/ FIRE Essay Contest for High School Seniors 11/1/10 Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) “Freedom in Academia” student essay contest US Senate Youth Program VFW Voice of Democracy Essay 11/8/10 2 student council participant from each state. Program runs March 5-12, 2010. Topic: Does America still have Heroes? st/senateyouth.html Ron Brown Scholar Program 11/1/10 & 1/9/11 awards scholarships to academically talented, highly motivated African American students who are currently seniors in high VFW Patriot's Pen Essay Contest 11/1/10 Topic: “When is the right time to honor our Military heroes?” levelddid=151 SAMMY (Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year) Awards 11/1/10 Nominate your coach p VFW Voice of Democracy Essay 11/1/10 Topic: Does America still have Heroes levelddid=150 Elk’s Vocational Grant- Seniors Elk’s Teenager Of The Month- Seniors Hearst Journalism Awards Program Prudential Spirit of Community Awards 11/1/10 11/2/10 11/2/10 Deadlines 11/2/104/26/11 11/2/10 v ing/235.aspx unity/ Student must pursue vocational/technical course of study for an Associate’s Degree. Based on character, leadership, service, citizenship, and scholastic ability. One page application 12 different scholarships: Writing / Broadcast News Volunteer award for 1 high school 1 junior high school student per state. urnalism/about.php?type=Deadlin es Wendy's High School Heisman 11/3/10 Online application. Must have a B average play one of 32 listed sports. OWATC Scholarship Ogden-Weber Applied Tech College. 11/5/10 12/3/10 Need-Based Achievement-Based Ogden-Weber Applied Tech College. Based on educ/community achievements. OWATC Scholarship Ogden-Weber Applied Tech College 11/5/10 12/3/10 OWATC Scholarship 11/5/10 US Senate Youth Program 11/8/10 2 student council participant from each state. Program runs March 512, 2010. st/senateyouth.html ACLU Student Activist Scholarship 11/9/10 Must have a passion for civil liberties a 3.0-4.0 GPA. tm Women In Healthcare Scholarship 11/15/10 Available to female students in their senior year of high school. An essay of between 500 and 750 words must also be submitted. DuPont Challenge Science Essay Available 11/15/10 Deadline 1/31/11 Must write a 700-1000 word essay that discusses a scientific, event, theory. tryform.html Leading the Future II Scholarship Available 11/15/10 Deadline 3/1/11 Only the first 500 applications will be processed. ture.html First Freedom Student Competition 11/15/10 Sponsorship required from English/History teacher. For 9 - 12th graders. /students.html Intel Science Talent Search Make A Difference Day- All Ages Oct. 23,2010 Martin Luther King Jr Essay Contest 11/17/10 Downloadable information booklet entry packet. Win cash awards for a charity by Entry Form doing a community project and Due By submitting your idea to “Make a 11/17/10 Difference Day”. 11/19/10 For 4 - 12th graders. Write about your dream for social justice. Document.Doc?id=215 http://www.makeadifferenceday.c om/ k/mlk-essay-packet.pdf Passion for Fashion 11/19/10 Tuition scholarships for Fashion Design/ Marketing @ The Art Institutes. ns/PassionForFashion.aspx Regents' Scholarship Available 11/22/10 Deadline 12/20/10 Award of up to 75% of tuition to any public Utah college or university. Chick & Sophie Major Memorial Scholarship Duck Calling Contest 11/26/10 Open to any high school senior in the United States who can call ducks. Team America Rocketry Challenge 9/8/10 11/30/10 For 7-12th graders. Teams of 3-10 enter rocket-building contest (fly w/raw egg). Daniels Fund 11/30/10 Must be nominated by referral agency. For college-ready students with need. ps/index.asp DECEMBER Scholarship Due Date Key Information National Society of Black Physicists: Undergraduate Scholarship 12/1/10 Scholarship for a graduating high school senior or undergraduate student enrolled in a physics major. Scholarship renewable up to four years if student maintains a 3.0 GPA and remains a physics major. Author’s of Tomorrow 12/1/10 Any student in either junior or senior high school. Application form, essay. NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund 12/1/10 Scholarly writing contest for grades K12. “The Second Amendment to the Constitution: Why it is important to our nation.” itingcontest.aspx ‘Beyond Oil’ College Essay Contest 12/1/10 Submit an 800 - to 1500 - word essay on the following topic: "What is a viable alternative to fossil fuels?" Available 12/1/10 Must attend in-state college. For those w/entrepreneurial drive financial need. KFC Colonel's Scholars Program United Negro College Fund: Johnson Scholarship 12/1/10 Elk’s Most Valuable Student- Seniors 12/1/10 Award of up to $5,000 available to African American students who attend UNCF member colleges and universities and Selma University. Must have a 3.0 GPA Selection is based on scholarship, leadership and financial need. Website Award amount varies depending on local, state, or national awards National Peace Essay Contest Available 12/1/10 Deadline 2/1/11 1500 word essay on How do you build peace?. 9 - 12th graders. l Bell Teaching Incentive Loan 12/1/11 To be used at Weber State U. Loan is repaid by teaching at a Utah school. a rships/thbellappl3.pdf American Quarter Horse Foundation 12/1/10 Various scholarships for members of the American Quarter Horse Assoc. rships/wanttoapply.html Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship 12/1/10 Elks membership not needed. Based on scholarship, leadership and financial cfm need. Americanism Essay Contest 12/1/10 For students in grades 7-12. Must be sponsored by an FRA member. Navy ROTC 12/1/10 Covers full tuition + stipend at over 160 top colleges univ. in US. Big Dig Scholarship 12/3/10 Submit an essay between 500 and 1000 words that addresses the following tscholarship.php issue: "In 200 years, one of your relatives is going to be digging in what is now your backyard. They are going to find something that you buried in 2010 and it is going to put any financial worries they have to rest. Your job today is to decide what to bury. Your goal is to find something that will have immense value in the future." Principal's Leadership Award 12/3/10 Must be nominated by the principal. 150 awards of $1000 each. HOBY Youth Leadership Conference 12/3/10 For sophomore leaders. Nomination required Comcast Leaders and Achievers® Scholarship Program 12/10/10 By nomination only See a counselor if you would like to be nominated Martin Luther King Jr. Youth Leadership Award 12/14/10 By nomination only See a counselor if you would like to be nominated RA/EssayContest /essay-rules.pdf / n/nrotc/ Society of Automotive Engineers: Dawson Technical Scholarship 12/15/10 Scholarship of $1,500 a year for up to four years as long as a 3.0 GPA and continuing engineering enrollment is maintained. High school seniors must have a 3.25 or higher GPA to apply. Act score of 27 or higher AXA Achievement Community - State Level 12/15/10 Up to 375 awards of $2000 each. dation/community-scholarships. html The HSF/GOYA Scholarship 12/15/10 For students entering a two-year or four-year institution as freshman who are children of GOYA employees, brokers, or independent drivers. Essay in the subject of Humanities Must be US citizen of Hispanic background with need GPA 3.0 id=460 Valley Humanities Review- High School Scholarship Hispanic Scholarship Fund 12/15/10 12/15/10 ‘Financial Connects’ Financial Literacy Award 12/17/10 Create an original financial literacy video or interactive game that promotes financial literacy financial-connects-contest/ Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange program 12/18/10 FULL-TUITION SCHOLARSHIP, To spend an academic year in Germany. http://www.usagermanyscholarshi Lynn Jensen Memorial - Utah School Counselor 12/19/10 Essay about a school counselor who has influenced your school success. Regent’s Scholarship Hubbard’s Illustrators Of The Future Hubbard’s Writers Of The Future Priority 12/20/10 Final 12/1/11 Runs Quarterly 10/1-12/31 1/1- 3/31 4/1-6/30 7/1-9/30 Runs Quarterly 10/1-12/31 1/1- 3/31 4/1-6/30 7/1-9/30 Complete the Utah Scholars Core Course of Study during grades 9-12. GPA 3.0 or higher (For the 2011 application, deadline and criteria information click here.) Open To New And Amateur Science Fiction And Fantasy Artists /contest-rules – No Entry Fee! Opportunity For New And Amateur Writers Of New Short Stories Or Novelettes Of SF Or Fantasy- No Entry Fee! /contest-rules Healthy Respect WinWin Scholarship 12/30/10 What makes you unique? What makes you stand out from the crowd? What attributes do you have that would make others want to emulate you? Tell us or show us and you could win one of several scholarships being offered. Neither merit nor financial need will be considered Alvin J. Cox Memorial Fund 12/30/10 Write Essay on 1 of 2 different subjects Nicodemus Wilderness Project: Apprentice Ecologist Scholarship 12/31/10 Open to students interested in protecting wildlife and the environment. National Institute for Labor Relations Research: Ruggles Journalism Scholarship National Institute for Labor Relations Research: Future Teacher Scholarship 12/31/10 High school seniors accepted into certified journalism school may apply. Specify "Journalism" or "Ruggles" scholarship on any correspondence. 12/31/10 National Center for Learning Disabilities: Ford Scholarship 12/31/10 High school seniors accepted into a teacher education program may apply. Award is based on an essay demonstrating knowledge of and interest in compulsory unionism in education. Award of $10,000 given to two high school seniors of high merit with an identified learning disability who is pursuing a college degree. The ideal candidate is a person who has faced the challenges of having a learning disability and who, through perseverance and academic endeavor, has created a life of purpose and achievement. By nomination only. Imagine America Scholarship 12/31/10 Online Education Scholarship Award 12/31/10 The award is to be used for online education. Apprentice Ecologist Scholarship 12/31/10 Write Essay. Demonstrate personal leadership, initiative, and environmental stewardship in goal project. Available to students pursuing humor/laughter studies with the intent Dave Family ‘Humor Studies’ Scholarship 12/31/10 See a counselor if you would like to be nominated (Association for Applied and of entering the field of applied or therapeutic humor. Therapeutic Humor) Available to those interested in therapeutic humor. An essay must also be submitted. Margie Klein ‘Paper Plate’ Scholarship 12/31/10 Frank O'Neill Memorial Scholarship 12/31/10 $1000 award. Must write a 750 word essay on global warming. rm.html Lenny Ravich ‘Shalom’ Scholarship 12/31/10 Available to those whose work in humor therapy demonstrates a commitment to world peace. An essay must also be submitted. Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship Program 12/31/10 The award may be used for tuition, room and board, books or any related educational expense. A brief personal statement is required. Music Student Scholarship 12/31/10 250 word essay, I believe music must remain a part of the school curriculum because… HSF"Haz La U" ("Make the U") 12/31/10 Students may apply for one of eleven educational grants that will be awarded on a competitive basis holarship.aspx Soroptimist Live Your Dream Art Contest Ages 16-18 Harley-Davidson® Visa® Free Ride Sweepstakes 2011 NASC High School National Council of Excellence Award 12/31/10 Postmarked 12/31/10 Runs from 1/1/1012/31/10 Deadline 2/15/11 “Top Ten List” Scholarship 12/31/10 Kaplan’s 25K Your Way Sweepstakes 12/31/10 (Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor) (Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor) Draw a present day woman who inspires you. No larger than 11x14, Hand drawn, $100 Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and District of Columbia, who are 18 years of age and older. Win 1 of 12 ?redirect=freeride&lang=en Student Councils that demonstrate the highest levels of excellence 011_NCOE_HS_Application.pdf Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the scholarship topic: “Create a ‘top ten list’ of the top ten reasons you should get this scholarship.” What would you do with $25,000? Register m/apply.htx - 5K2 ptestPCSweeps.jhtml JANUARY Scholarship Due Date American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation 1/1/11 Key Information Website Annual award recognizing writing excellence among graduate and undergraduate students. Available 1/20113/2011 Must have Marine Corps parent gross family income $77,000. American Quarter Horse Foundation: Excellence in Equine/Agricultural Involvement Scholarship 1/2/11 Scholarship to an AQHA/AQHYA member who exemplifies the characteristics of leadership and excellence acquired through participation in equine or agriculture activities. ACLU of Utah’s Youth Activist Scholarship Program Extension to 1/3/11 Short application form and write a 1,000-word essay about your commitment to, and work on behalf of, civil liberties. WWW.ACLUUTAH.ORG College Scholarship Program 1/5/11 Online application with 2 essays. ml US JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship 1/7/11 $1000 awards. Must contact the Utah JCI Senate rep to get more info. option=com_contentview=article id=13:scholarship-informationc atid=46:scholarshipsItemid=26 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay 1/8/11 1000 word original essay. For students in 9 - 12th grade. Hispanic Scholarship fund: Gates Millennium Scholars 1/10/11 For Hispanic, Amer. Indian, Asian Pacific Islander or African American w/GPA 3.3 United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Scholarship National Society of Black Physicists: Imes Scholarship 1/11/11 National Society of Black Physicists: Anderson Scholarship West Point Bridge Design Contest 1/12/11 Must need for financial support. At least one parent must be of Hispanic ancestry. Graduating high school seniors and undergraduate students already enrolled in college as physics majors may apply for the scholarship One-time award for an African American undergraduate student majoring in space science or physics. Must be 13 to enter. Download software to design bridge w/simulated load test. 1/12/11 Available 1/10/11 Deadline 2/25/11 Asian and Pacific Islander Scholarship Fund 1/14/11 Students who are of Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or have earned a GED to be eligible for this award. Have a 3.0 grade point average or better and who are majoring in a variety of engineering, science, or construction disciplines _apiasf.html CDM/UNCF Scholars Program 2010-11 1/14/11 Christopher Poster Contest 1/14/11 Theme is: One Person Can Make a Difference. For 9th-12th graders. MUN ITY/Page.aspx?pid=274srcid=271 National MS Society Scholarship 1/14/11 Essay on how MS has impacted your life. Based on need and stats. /scholarship/criteria-and-info rmation/index.aspx holarDetailSGA.asp?id=531 Dell Scholars Program Available 11/1/10 Deadline 1/15/11 Students who demonstrate their desire and ability to overcome barriers and to achieve their goals. / Marathon Scholars Program Available 10/15/10 Deadline 1/15/11 GPA 3.0 http://www.sms.scholarshipameric National Multiple Sclerosis Society: Mid America Chapter Scholarship American Architectural Foundation: Minority/ Disadvantaged 1/15/11 For high school seniors and graduates (or GED) with MS or students who are children of people with MS. 1/15/11 Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship 1/15/11 High school seniors and college freshmen entering an architecture degree program. Must be nominated by an architecture firm, teacher, dean, or civic organization director. Write a one-page essay stating why he or she plans a career in SAE Engineering Scholarship Program 1/15/11 Different scholarships with varying GPA, SAT/ACT, essay requirements. htm Create-A-Greeting Card Contest 1/15/11 Online or mail-in submission of design. One $10,000 prize awarded. larship.htm American Indian Graduate Center: Gates Millennium Scholars Program 1/16/11 Award enables American-Indian and Alaska Native students to complete an undergraduate and graduate education. C-SPAN StudentCam 2011 Competition. 1/20/11 National video documentary competition for grades 6-12. This government service year’s theme is: "Washington, DC – Through My Lens" Newspaper Guild Award 1/25/11 Award for high school seniors and college students for their journalistic achievements and to encourage young journalists to focus on issues of social justice High school seniors. Applicants must be either of Polish descent or students pursuing courses in Polish or Slavic language, history, or culture in college. American Council for Polish Culture: Polish Heritage Society of Philadelphia Scholarship United Negro College Fund: Toyota Scholarship Wal-Mart Foundation: Sam Walton Community Scholarship Michael J. Powell High School Journalist of the Year 1/30/11 1/30/11 3.0 GPA. 1/31/11 Award for high school seniors not affiliated with Wal-Mart stores. Based on financial need, academic merit, and school or community work activities Applicant must submit five samples of work, a letter of recommendation from the nominee's advisor, and an autobiography 500-word essay explaining how this scholarship will help the applicant achieve their international aviation career goals, statement of the funds required to achieve these goal Sophomores only- declaring a math, science, or engineering major / National Business Aviation Association: International Operators Scholarship 1/31/11 1/31/11 You must demonstrate a strong record of extracurricular, leadership and/or volunteer activities to be eligible for this award. ps/scholarshipDetails.jsp?scholars hipCode=gp&code=FW_32 1/31/11 available to union members, spouses, and dependent children. Minimum GPA of 3.0 1/31/11 vailable to full - time students who are active in their communities and are making an impact. GED recipients may also apply. igns/doing-good-giving-away-upto.html 1/31/11 Available to graduating high school seniors. You must be an Eagle Scout and have received credentials from the national office to be eligible. tml 1/31/11 Applicants should be current high school juniors with minimum 2.75 GPA. 1/31/11 Energy Solutions Scholarship A GPA Isn't Everything Scholarship Union Plus Scholarship Doing Good Scholarship Hall/McElwain Merit Scholarship Discover Scholarship Program www.energysolutionsfoundation.o rg QuestBridge National College Match 1/31/11 Northwest Perspectives Essay Contest 1/31/11 DuPont Challenge Science Essay 1/31/11 Full 4-yr scholarships to the nation's best colleges univ. for talented students. Compose an essay of no more than 1500 words that addresses ideas that affect the Northwest. pplication_information.html Must write a 700-1000 word essay that discusses a scientific, event, theory. ssay.php FEBRUARY Scholarship Due Date Key Information New Century Scholarship 2/1/11 Applicants must earn their Associate’s degree, by their high school graduation National Peace Essay Contest 2/1/11 Write Essay – Governance, Corruption and Conflict…Corruption often compromises the peace and stability of countries in transition. Website (For the 2011 application, deadline and criteria information click here.) National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) and the American Academy of Sanitarians (AAS) 2/1/11 Young Epidemiology Scholars 2/1/11 Health problem research project applying epidemiologic methods. For jrs. srs. Women’s ItalianAmerican Civic League 2/2/11 Must have ACT or SAT test score www.italianamericancivic ExploraVision Awards 2/2/11 ExploraVision is a hands-on, minds-on project that inspires students and fuels imagination. It’s what science is all about. Poster Design Competition 2/4/11 Tuition scholarships for Graphic Design @ The Art Institutes. ions/BestPoster.aspx 2/7/11 Students can use the money to help cover tuition, housing, meal plans, books, computers, or any educationrelated expenses. hip/apply.aspx 2/9/11 Calling all shutterbugs! From beginners to experts, we're once again es/MyFavoritePhoto3?tab=overvie College Prowler "No Essay" Scholarship for January Brickfish "My Undergraduate scholarship is to be used toward the tuition and fees associated with either the junior or senior year of college studies. cholarship.html Favorite Photo (I've Ever Taken) 3" Contest looking for your favorite photo you've ever taken! Entering is easy. w&=FASTWEB_FAVPHOTO3_ SEARCH Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) Grand Scholarship 2/14/11 Available to high school sophomores and juniors who attend the seven - day, expense - paid Youth Education Summit in Washington D.C. which will take place June 20 - 26. nal.aspx?cid=90 National FFA Collegiate Scholarship Program 2/15/11 Open to high school seniors. You must be a current FFA member to be eligible for this award. tsandscholarships/Scholarships/Pa ges/default.aspx AXA Achievement Community Scholarship 2/15/11 Available to high school seniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement AFA Teens for Alzheimer's Awareness College Scholarship 2/15/11 Available to high school students who will be entering an accredited four year college or university within 12 months of the deadline. Essay w.html EAA Aviation Scholarships 2/15/11 Several awards for students majoring in aviation. Must be members of EAA cholarships/scholarships.asp National Commission for Cooperative Education 2/15/11 largest independently sponsored merit co-op scholarship. GPA 3.5 Best Buy @15 Scholarships 2/16/11 Available to students in grades nine through twelve, minimum 2.5 GPA ip.htm War College Strategic Landpower Essay Contest 2/17/11 Submit an essay related to the strategic use of landpower. Vegetarian Resource Group 2/20/11 Essay about how you promote vegetarianism and related questions. m Scholarship for Military Children 2/22/11 minimum 3.0 GPA Available to the unmarried children (under age 23) of military personnel Get Green Video Contest 2/23/11 Available to U.S. high school students between the ages of 14 and 19. Submit 30 to 120 second video. Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship 2/25/11 Available to students who volunteer at Veterans Affairs medical centers. olarship.aspx International Association of Machinists (IAM) Scholarship 2/25/11 Must be pursuing their bachelor's degree or a vocational/ technical certification and be a graduating high school senior eadquarters/departments/scholarsh ip/7537-2011-scholarship The Great Achievements Scholarship 2/28/11 Selection is also based on a demonstrated strong record of extracurricular, leadership and / or volunteer activities. ps/scholarshipDetails.jsp?scholars hipCode=gas&code=FW_230 Utah CTE Scholarship Program 2/28/11 Career Technical Education - applied technology degrees. 50-50 chance. arships.html 2/28/11 Cherubic cheeks? Lucious lips? Exquisite ears? What's your best facial feature that you love to show off or get complimented? Share it and you could win $2,000 cash or scholarship es/BestFacialFeature3?tab=overvie w&=FASTWEB_FACIAL3_SEA RCH 2/28/11 Kids ages 8-16 whose actions have significantly improved the environment. ro/ecoheroawards.html Brickfish "Show Us Your Best Facial Feature 3" Contest Young Eco-Hero Awards MARCH Scholarship Due Date Key Information Website Do Something Award 3/1/11 Could you use $100,000 to change the world? Celebrate young people who are tackling a problem and changing the world. Apply or nominate someone today at: ds 2011 EngineerGirl! Essay Contest 3/1/11 Available to boys and girls in 9th-12th grade. Essay: describe an item that is used for disaster relief. See website for deatails 3161 Wright-Patterson Officers' Spouses' Club Scholarship 3/1/11 Available to graduating high school seniors, must be the dependent of military personnel Young Naturalist Award 3/1/11 Available to students in grades 7 to 12. Must plan and conduct your own scientific expedition on a topic in the natural sciences. Essay er/youngnaturalistawards/ NANBPWC National Scholarship 3/1/11 Available to graduating high school seniors of African - American heritage. minimum 3.0 GPA. Essay -300 word s_message0.aspx VFW Scout of the Year Scholarship 3/1/11 Open to high school students who are at least 15 years of age. Boy scout award recipient. cmty.leveld&did=4371 Allstate Foundation Keep the Drive High School Journalism Award 3/1/11 Available to high school students between the ages of 13 and 18.”The dangers of texting while driving.” Journalism/ Broadcasting n/keep-the-drive/HSJ.aspx Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest 3/1/11 Open to current 4-H members. Essay 10/05/2011-essay-contest-topic/ Visual and Performing Arts Achievement Award 3/1/11 Available to student members of the Golden Key International Honour Society who are studying art. /MemberBenefits/Scholarshipsand Awards/ScholarshipandAwardList ing/ Alfred G. and Elma M. Milotte Scholarship Fund 3/1/11 Grant of up to $4,000 to high school graduate or students holding the GED American Museum of Natural History Young Naturalist Awards 3/1/11 For 7-12th graders who plan a scientific expedition submit an essay ungnaturalistawards/ Anyone under 18 who has completed a significant piece of work. 7 categories. Davidson Fellows Scholarship 1st Wed. Of March DNA Day Essay Contest 2/7/11 The Art Institutes Storytellers Photography Competition 3/11/11 Dr. Arnita Young Boswell Scholarship 3/15/11 Simek s Commercial Contest 3/15/11 Open to high school juniors and seniors, must film a unique and creative commercial, of 30 seconds or less p-contest Relgious Liberty Essay Scholarship Contest 3/15/11 Open to high school juniors and seniors. Essay: “how religious rights clash with other rights or laws in America, and how you would determine an ndex.html Available to students in grades 9-12. Essay: that examines, questions, and reflects on the important concepts of genetics Capture a story with six photos. It could jump-start your photography education! Available to female, African – American students involved in school and community activities and have a minimum 2.75 GPA. Essay adaycontest.shtml m/photo2011/ hips.html appropriate outcome.” Daughters of the Cincinnati Scholarship 3/15/11 Available to daughters of career commissioned officers in the United States military. Must be a graduating high school senior and demonstrate merit and financial need ker/cincinnati/ Shui Kuen and Allen Chin Scholarship 3/17/11 Must have worked or are working in an Asian restaurant or have at least one parent who worked or is working in one. Min. GPA 3.0 formation-for-student-applicants Anthem Essay Contest (Sophomores Only) 3/20/11 Essay must be 600 – 1,200 words Author: Ayn Rand Life Lessons Scholarship Program Available 3/2011 Video or essay on how loss of a parent has impacted your life. For K - 12th grade students. Judging based on grade level. Junior Duck Stamp Contest Roy Wilkins Scholarship Live Deliberately Essay Challenge 2011 GRHS Essay Contest U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship Young American Creative Patriotic Art Award New Threats to Freedom Essay 3/15/11 2/25/11 3/31/11 3/31/11 3/31/11 3/31/11 Available to full - time entering college freshmen. Min. GPA 2.5, NAACP membership and participation are highly desirable. Available to students at least 13 years of age. Essay: Consider Thoreau's belief that living a simpler life will make our life richer in many ways. A contestant does not need to be of German-Russian heritage to enter the contest. Open to middle school students (sixth through eighth grade), high school students. Paper must be related to German-Russian history. Available to high school seniors Participating in the U.S. Bank No Fee Education Loan Program. Available to students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Must submit a work of patriotic art on paper or canvas. Must be sponsored by your state's Ladies Auxiliary VFW. 3/31/11 Respond by video or essay to topics in book, New Threats to Freedom. -scholarships /activity-guide/essay-contest.aspx html m/studentloans/marketing.cfm /scholarships.html ntests/ Contest A GPA Isn't Everything Scholarship National Federation of the Blind UAIIA Scholarships (Utah Association of Indep. Insurance Agents) 3/31/11 3/31/11 3/31/11 Must demonstrate a strong record of extracurricular, leadership and/or volunteer activities. ps/scholarshipDetails.jsp?scholars hipCode=gp&code=FW_32 Must be legally blind be willing to attend the national convention in July. ogram.asp Need-based awards for students pursuing insurance or business degrees. APRIL Scholarship Prom Guide Scholarship for Creative 2011 Graduates P. Doug Laughlin Family Scholarship North American Indian Department Scholarship Beans for Brains Scholarship Due Date Key Information Website 4/1/11 Available to graduating high school seniors. Must submit a short YouTube video rship/ 4/1/11 4/1/11 4/1/11 Swackhamer Disarmament Video Contest 4/1/11 Jiffy Lube "Teen Driver" Scholarship 4/4/11 Google Global Science Fair 2011 4/4/11 First - time freshmen students must rank in the top 50 percent of their high school graduating class, be part of the first generation in their family to attend college /about-scholarship.html Available to students of American Indian descent, must provide a Tribal Registration number .html Available to enrolled undergraduate students, major can be in any field but you must be a knitter or crocheter scholarshipHome.asp submit a video of no more than three minutes that addresses the following question: "How would the world look if the funds allocated to nuclear weapons throughout the Nuclear Age ($7.5 trillion for the US alone) had been spent instead on building a more decent world?” Open to students 16 to 18 years of age in Utah. Essay “What DrivesYou” Open to student(s) between the ages of 13 and 18, must create either a twominute video or 20-slide presentation u/programs/awards-&contests/videocontest/2011/index.htm Tothers.htm encefair/how.html Team America Rocketry Challenge American Fire Sprinkler Scholarship Patient Advocate Foundation Signet Classics Essay Scholarship Elizabeth and Wallace Kingsbury Scholarship College JumpStart Scholarship CHCI Scholarship Jiffy Lube "Your Turn Behind the Wheel" Scholarship Negative Population Growth Scholarship Contest The Fountainhead Essay Contest (11th &12th grade) ThinkQuest International Competition Available 9/8/10Deadline 4/4/11 4/5/11 4/12/11 4/14/11 4/15/11 4/15/11 4/16/11 4/18/11 2/22/11 4/26/11 4/27/11 AFL-CIO Skilled Trades Exploring Scholarship 4/30/11 ASHA Youth Scholarship 4/30/11 For 7-12th graders. Teams of 3-10 enter rocket-building contest (fly w/raw egg). 10-question quiz on “Fire Sprinkler Essay” each correct ans. qualifies entry into a drawing. For survivors/patients of lifethreatening diseases. MD diagnosis required. .php?p=69 Essay contest on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. 11 - 12th graders. l/services-academic/essayhome. html See website for details. Min GPA 3.0 /scholarships.html Available to 10th, 11th, 12th grade students Must be committed to going to school and be able express your goals Available to Latino students, community service, demonstrate financial need, good writing skills Open to students 15 to 17 years of age in Utah, currently enrolled or have been enrolled in a driver's education program 2010-2011 school year Essay: "what drives you" Tdrivers.htm open to high school seniors, must submit a three- to five-point plan on population control. see website ip.html Essay must be 800-1,600 words Author: Ayn Rand open to teams of students who are age 22 and younger. Teams; one coach and one to six students. tion/ Open to participants in a Learning for Life Skilled Trades Explorer program. Must be a graduating high school senior. Essay, letters of Rec. available to students who are involved with saddlebred horses, must be in the loring/index.html 11th or 12 th grade grade Standout Student Scholarship Samsung Techwin America Scholarship Program 4/30/11 4/30/11 Available to high school students, essay max 100 words, min GPA 2.0 Available to U.S. high school students 15 years of age or older with an interest in future technologies. Essay max 300 words y/ m/ Americanism Educational League Essay Contest Essay, opposing views max. 2000 words est/college.htm Healthy Lifestyles Scholarsip Open to currently enrolled high school seniors, essay. http://www.studentscholarships.or g/scholarship/8809/healthy_lifesty les_scholarship_scholarship.php Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes 4/30/11 4/30/11 recognizes outstanding young leaders who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet MAY Scholarship Due Date Key Information Website Alice L. Haltom Educational Fund 5/1/11 Award for students pursuing a career in information and records management. Students must be citizens of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. We The Living Essay Contest 5/5/11 Must write Essay between 700- 1,500 words Dial My Dentist Scholarship 5/6/11 Demonstrate, through an essay, that you understand the value of an education. http://www.studentscholarships.or g/scholarship/9838/dial_my_dentis t_scholarship_program_scholarshi p.php JUNE Scholarship Due Date Key Information Website Big Dig Scholarship 6/1/11 For students who submit an essay that is under 1000 words and are currently in high school http://www.studentscholarships.or g/scholarship/8864/big_dig_schola rships_scholarship.php Scholarship Program Application 6/1/11 Available to any student that is 21 years or under, as of June 1, 2011. http://www.studentscholarships.or g/scholarshipprograms.php 2011 ICBC Scholarship 6/15/11 Open to students that are between the ages of 17-21 that are residents of the US or Canada. http://www.studentscholarships.or g/scholarship/9839/icbc_scholarsh ip_scholarship.php Abbott & Fenner 6/18/11 To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. What have you done outside of the classroom that demonstrates qualities sought after by universities or other educational facilities? Of these, which means the most to you? cholarships.htm BigSun Scholarship 6/23/11 All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. JULY Scholarship Due Date Key Information Website AUGUST Scholarship Due Date Key Information Website VARIES Scholarship Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf Due Date OPEN The ‘One’ Scholarship Varies Awards:20 Selection will be based on the content of two short video essay submissions. Varies Available to students planning to attend University of Utah who demonstrate financial need. John Alden and Amelia Wright Bowers Scholarship Key Information Available to students with pre-lingual hearing loss who attend a mainstream and accredited college or university on a full-time basis Website hp?option=com_content&view=art icle&id=13:onescholarship&catid=7 Academic Competitive-ness Grant Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP) - Utah Utah Centennial Opportunity Program for Education Grant General Prize Essay Contest Varies You must qualify for the Pell Grant and have successfully completed a rigorous high school program to qualify for this award d_scholarships Varies To apply, you must submit the FAFSA. For more information, you may also visit the Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority Web site Varies Funds are limited, you should try to apply as early as possible. To apply, you must submit the FAFSA. Varies Open to anyone who is eligible for membership in the United States Naval Institute. You must submit an essay to be considered for this award. oceedings/general-prize-essaycontest-rules AUGUST