$CHOLAR$HIP OPPORTUN ITIE$ ISSUE NO. 6 WINDSOR FOREST HIGH SCHOOL MARCH 2012 Choosing Colleges: Georgia has many strong public colleges and universities, but keep an open mind. You might be doing a disservice to yourself if you don’t consider some of the fine colleges and universities out of state or the many private schools in Georgia. Don’t assume that attending a local public school will be the least expensive option. Many of our students receive large scholarship awards and/or financial aid offers from private schools, which can make the actual costs similar to public schools. Transcripts: When you apply to college, you must send an official transcript (except Georgia Tech). Please see Ms. Guess, guidance clerk to have transcripts sent. The first two are free, and then they cost $2 each thereafter. If you need to have counselor report forms or recommendation forms completed, please tell Ms. Guess when you order your transcripts. She can help you to make the arrangements. Remember that you need to have a signed transcript release form on file before we can send transcripts. Please note that SAT/ACT scores are not part of your transcript. The vast majority of schools require that official scores be sent through College Board and ACT. SAT/ACT Prep: The following sites offer free prep programs: www.domesatreview.com, www.number2.com, and www.gacollege411.org. For more scholarship information, use these websites: www.fastweb.com www.scholarships.com www.ecampustours.com es.armstrong.edu/finaid/bultn_brd.html www.college.gov www.needalift.org For information about college finance, as well as college admission information and applications, we suggest that you visit www.gacollege411.org. They have great resources. *SCHOLARSHIPS* 1. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Scholarship Information: Entering students may be eligible for academic, artistic, and need-based awards. For fall 2012 (September) enrollment priority admission and scholarship consideration, early application is encouraged. For more information, visit: www.scad.edu/scholarships. 2. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College: A scholarship program for seniors who are interested in pursuing a career in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics field. Eligibility requirements and application materials are available at ww.abac.edu/sm/assets. 3. Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Amount: Up to $1,000 for the winner(s) Criteria: Essay Application Process: www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm 4. High School Innovator of the Year Amount: $5,000 Criteria: Must have invented something or improved a process. Application Process: www.cappex.com/scholarships 5. Ronald Regan Foundation Scholarship Amount: Twenty renewable awards of $10,000 per year Criteria: Must request to be nominated by a school or community official Application Process: http://www.reaganfoundation.org/scholars-program.aspx 6. Navy NROTC: This scholarship is worth $180,000. For more information, visit https:www.nrotc.navy.mil. (Notice the “s” in https, also when you get to the site your computer will give a warning about a “security certificate”. Click the link to continue to the website. The military does not pay the private companies to verify their website security.) 7. Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship Amount: Up to $7,500 annually Criteria: Minority students, community service, financial need, 1000 SAT (CR+M) or 22 ACT Application Process: http://www.jackierobinson.org/apply/application.php 8. College Prowler “No Essay” Scholarship Amount: $2,000 Criteria: Fill out an online form. One winner is selected at random each month. Application Process: http://campuslife.collegeprowler.com/the_scholarship.asp Deadline: Monthly 9. StudentScholarhships.org: Seniors log on to this website for scholarship applications. There are many different opportunities for “free” money with different application deadlines. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Herbert. 10. NSA Educational Scholarship Program: Seniors who are interested in a career path right out of high school with the National Security Agency. Graduating seniors must be US citizens, security clearance eligibility, minimum SAT score of 1600 and ACT score of 25, a planned computer science or computer/Electrical Engineering College major and 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 grading scale. Interested seniors should apply at NSAcareers.com. 11. MILITARY SCHOLARSHIP OPPOURTUNITIES: To apply and learn more about these scholarships, visit the following websites: Georgia Military Scholarship http://www.northgeorgia.edu/cadetscholarships; Student Service scholarship Program http://www.gmc.cc.ga.us/page.php?page_id=193#1; West Point: http://www.nationalguard.com/career/lead-from-the-top/westpoint; Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship: http://www.rotc.usaac.army.mil/command/ng/ng_GRFDscholarship s.html 12. Wake Forest University has an opportunity for minority students to attend its MBA program for FREE, and so far, the response has been very poor. See the detail below, the contact person is: Derrick S. Boone, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing, Rm. 3139 Worrell Professional Center, Babcock Graduate School of Management – Wake Forest University_ WINSTON_SALE N.C 27109-8738 email: derrick.boone@mba.wfu.edu or visit www.wfu.edu phone# toll free (866) 925-3622. 13. Black Male Teachers needed. Do you know any Black Males who are seniors in high school who want to go to college out of state for FREE? The CALL ME MISTER program offered by 4 historical black colleges in South Carolina, Benedict College, Claflin University, Morris College and South Carolina State University – visit the www.callmemister.clemson.edu/index.htl details online application or call 1.800.640.2657. 14. Harvard University is offering free tuition to families of HONOR STUDENTS and their income is less than $125,000 per year. Visit www.fao.fas.harvard.edc or call 617.495.1581. 15. Syracuse University School of Architecture is desperately seeking young women and men of color interested in pursuing a 5 yr. professional degree in Architecture. Contact: Mark Robbins, Dean School of Architecture, 201 Slocum Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244-1250 (315) 443-256 www.soa.syr.edu/indes.php 16. APPLY NOW - If you have/know young adults between the ages of 1831 with a High School Diploma. Can earn up to $100,000 and earn benefits. The Federal Aviation Association is taking application for Air Traffic Controller School visit the website www.faa.gov/jobs_opportunities/airtrafficcontroller/ 17. DISTINGUISHED YOUNG WOMEN. Scholarship program that promotes and rewards scholarships, leadership and talent in young women. Apply at www.DistinguishedYW.org or call Sondra Barnes at 912-233-6131. 18. THE EXCHANGE CLUB of SAVANNAH-$500-$2000. Month/Year program (6 total). Essay is required in final competition. Candidates must be qualified for graduation. See Ms Herbert for application instructions. 19. SUNTRUST OFF TO COLLEGE SCHOLARSHP SWEEPSTAKES -$1000. Seniors should register at www.offtocollege.info beginning SEPTEMBER 16th and ENDING MAY 11th. 20. ScholarshipExperts.com Amount: Varies Application Process: http://www.scholarshipexperts.com 21. THE ART INSTITUTE is offering scholarships for DESIGN, FASHION, PHOTOGRAPHY, AND CULINARY. Interested seniors need to apply at www.artinstitues.edu and click on “your guide to scholarships” located at the lower left hand side of the school’s home page. Deadline for applications is indicated on websites (Jan-Feb 2012). 22. Grady Young Foundation, INC: Scholarship available to graduating high school seniors who will further their education at an institution of higher learning. For eligibility requirements and application visit www.gradyyoungfoundation.org. Application deadline is March 1, 2012. 23. Dr. Arnita Young Boswell Scholarship: Student must enter an accredited college or University in 2012. Apply at http://www.studentsscholarships.org/scholarship.php. Application deadline is March 1st. 24. The Goizueta Foundation Scholars Fund: Full ride scholarship for seniors who are interested in attending Georgia State University. Apply on line at http://www.gsu.edu/scholarships/1391.html Applicants must apply for admission to the University by March 1, 2012. 25. Armstrong University Dollars For Scholars: Applications for this very competitive scholarship are available in the counseling office. An essay is required, and the application is due by March 1, 2012. For other Armstrong University scholarship information, please see their scholarship document online: www.armstrong.edu/images/finaid/scholarships.pdf? 26. Society of Professional Journalists Essay Scholarship: Students must be enrolled in grades 9-12 in U.S. Public, private and home schools. Students must submit original work and have a sponsoring teacher sign the entry form. Applications can be found at http://www.studentschoarships.org/scholarship.php Application deadline is March 8th. 27. Georgia Military Scholarship: To apply for N. Georgia College and State University, seniors apply at www.northgeorgia.edu/cadetscholarships or contact your local Georgia Army National Guard Recruiter. Application deadline is March 10th. 28. Georgia Fire & Sprinkler Essay Contest Amount: Three awards in the amounts of $1,500, $1,000, and $750 Criteria: 700-1,000 word essay Application Process: http://georgiafiresprinkler.org/contest.php Deadline: March 12th 29. National Institutes of Health (NIH): This four-year scholarship program is for incoming freshman, fall 2012 with a STEM major. Requirements: GPA 3.0+; Enrolled as an incoming SSU freshman, Major in STEM Discipline, interested in STEM research. To apply, visit SSU website. Deadline: March 15, 2012. 30. SEIS Scholarship: Students who have applied and been admitted to Savannah State University under regular admissions requirements are eligible to apply. Based on applicant pool students will be chosen for an interviewed and selected based on President’s recommendation to the Board of Education. Once selected for the scholarship individuals will be contacted by a university official for further instructions. In addition, students will be required: APPLICATION DEADLINE - March 15, 2012. 31. Wharton Sports Business Academy: Rising High School juniors and seniors. For more information and application, please log on to www.whartonsportsbiz.org/businesseducation-wsba.html. Application deadline is March 15th. 32. GBAA-Georgia Business Aviation Association and Foundation: 2012 Scholarship Program for Aviation (Flight, Maintenance, Management, Operations, Engineering) to complete an application, log on to www.gbaa.org/scholarships. Application deadline is March 15th. 33. KIDS’ CHANCE OF GEORGIA, INC. Scholarships are awarded for one academic year. For application requirements, log on to www.kidschancega.org. Application deadline is March 15th. 34. Kids Who Care Scholarship: This is a scholarship to acknowledge active volunteers. For more information, log on to www.jrleaguesav.org (under community impact). Application deadline is March 15th. 35. SPAACC Scholarships: Student must be at least 16 years old at time of application, beginning full-time study at an accredited post-secondary educational institution in the US in Fall 2012. Apply online at http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php. Application deadline is March 16th. 36. Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. Scholarship: Ladies who will be graduating this year, with a 3.5 or higher GPA, and have a financial need, please see Ms. Herbert in L-1 for an academic excellence application. Ladies with a 3.0 or higher GPA, a minimum of 100 hrs of community service, and have a financial need, please see Ms. Herbert in L-1 for a community service scholarship application. Application deadline March 23, 2012. 37. Top Ladies of Distinction: Interested graduates, who are planning to enroll at Savannah State University, see Ms. Herbert for an application. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.8 and submit a SAT or ACT score. Application deadline is March 26, 2012. 38. The Savannah Bar Association: Senior with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 but less than 3.0, a minimum of 1000 on combined verbal and math portion of the SAT, performed community service that exceeds the minimum required by the high school and a completed copy of an application, signed, dated an notarized should apply. Please see Ms. Herbert for an application. Application deadline is March 30, 2012. 39. St. Francis-Turner-Hathaway Scholarship Fund: Senior with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 but less than 3.0, a minimum of 1000 on combined verbal and math portion of the SAT, performed community service that exceeds the minimum required by the high school and a completed copy of an application, signed, dated an notarized should apply. Please see Ms. Herbert for an application. Application deadline is March 30, 2012. 40. Image Builders Foundation Memorial Scholarship: Interested applicants must be a resident of Georgia, graduate of high school, enrolled in accredited college or university, GPA 3.5+; class rank must be in top 10%; Family annual income must be below three times the poverty level. For application, see Ms. Herbert. Application package must be postmarked no later than Monday, April 2, 2012. 41. Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Scholarship Amount: $5,000 Criteria: One page essay Application Process: http://www.ohtheplaces.org Deadline: April 6th 42. Visine Students with Vision Scholarship: High school students with a 2.8 GPA or higher must submit an online application via aim.applyists.net/Vision. Application deadline is April 16th. 43. 2012 Student-View Scholarship Program: Offering $10,000 worth of scholarships to high school seniors who plan to attend a four-year college, community college or career school. No minimum SAT/ACT score or GPA, No essay, No lengthy application or application fees. Interested senior should log on to www.student-view.com and complete application survey. Scholarship deadline is April 22, 2012. 44. National Academy of American Scholars: Seniors must possess a cumulative GPA of at least a “C” or higher at time of application; must plan on using funds for an educational, humanitarian, scientific, and/or theologicalbased endeavor; applicant must excel in character, integrity, leadership, and demonstrate an ability to follow written instructions. To obtain a current NAAS information packet, visit http://www.naas.org. Campaign ends May 1st. 45. Georgia Federal Credit Union College Scholarship: Seniors who are dependents of a Ga. Federal Credit Union member. Please see Ms Herbert for more information. Application deadline is May 4th. 46. Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union Scholarship: To learn about requirements and considerations, log on to www.gaheritagefcu.org under “Education Center.” Application deadline must be submitted by May 4th. 47. NIBIB SCHOLARSHIP: Graduates with a 3.0+ GPA, incoming fall semester 2012 freshman at Savanna State, majoring in a STEM discipline and US Citizen qualify for this scholarship. Interested applicants see Ms. Herbert in L-1 for a scholarship. Application deadline is May 5, 2012. 48. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP: Interested seniors must submit an autobiography, two letters of recommendation, an official transcript, SAT or ACT scores, and an individual photo. For an application, see Ms. Herbert. Application must be postmarked by March 15th. 49. American Society of Military Comptrollers: Scholarship for seniors who plan to pursue a degree in a financial management field of study ( i.e. business administration, economics, accounting, finance, operations, research or computer science). Please see Ms. Herbert for an application. Application deadline is Mat 15th. 50. The Extend the Dream Scholarship: Scholarship based on financial need, academic achievement, and community service. Applicant must be a 2012 graduate, attend a regionally accredited technical, community or four-year college, 2.75 GPA for grades 9-12, community service/leadership qualities, and submit ACT and/or SAT scores. Interested students should apply online at www.sacac.org. Application deadline is May 25, 2012. 51. Blood Alliance Scholarship Amount: Twenty awards of $750 Criteria: Essay, participation in SAA Blood Alliance blood drives Application Process: http://www.igiveblood.com/donorlink/scholarship-challenge Deadline: June 25th 52. Scholarship Renewed-2012: For more information and for scholarship application, visit http:/.www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.htm. Application deadline is October 5, 2012 $CHOLAR$HIP NEW$LETTER WILL BE PUBLISHED MONTHLY AND WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE, MAIN OFFICE, AND MEDIA CENTER