FORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Course Syllabus: Administration HCA 580: Fall 2015 (rev. Aug 25, 2015) Internship in Health Care (Selected Thursdays) Instructor: Terence Cunningham, MHA, FACHE, Executive Faculty Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30-4 PM, and 6:45 to 7:15 PM; and Thursdays 2:304 PM, during weeks classes are held. (See Section III below). (Need to call 562-430- Class Number HCA 480: Section 01 Course ID: 6624 Class Time & Location: On selected Thursday, per schedule below in Section III. Classes are 7 PM- 9:45 PM, in ET 009. 6465 in advance for an appointment for an Additional Contact Information: Office Appointment. This is necessary to HCA Program Administrative avoid conflicts with already established Coordinator: Deby McGill; appointments). Office location: SPA Bldg 027, Telephone 562-986-5694; fax 562E-mail: 985-5886 Phone: 562-430-6465 Course Prerequisites: HCA Major. For HCA 480: HCA 300, 341, and 465 and HSC 150; For HCA 580: HCA 502, 505, 510, 515, 524, 530, 535, 550; Additional Students’ Requirements: Students must have an E-mail address and Internet access to BeachBoard. Student files submitted to the instructor’s drop box must be compatible with CSULB BB software programs, in order to be opened for reviewing and grading. Required Textbook: 101 Careers in Healthcare Management by Leonard H. Friedman and Anthony R. Cover published by Springer Publishing Co., copyright HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC 2013 ISBN #978-0-8261-9334-6. Course text is on reserve in the CSULB library under the instructor’s name and course) I. Catalog Description HCA 480 and HCA 580: A minimum of 120 hours of structured work experience in a health care organization, under the direct supervision of a preceptor(organizational employee). Letter grade only (A-F). HCA 580 students require an additional assignments, including an organizational report and training video. Letter grades only. Placement Site: Students may arrange for their own healthcare related site internship experience or the instructor will try to help them find a site; a site list will be posted on Beach Board under the instructor’s course content, section titled finding and Internship Site. All internship placement sites must have a current affiliation agreement with CSULB. II. Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Table Learning Objective Domain Competency Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) Provide on-the-job 5A General Site specific on the job activities training and exposure business (A1), to health care skills and Defined in Preceptor’s Learning management managemen Agreement (A2), Monthly progress activities t report (A3). Assist the 3C Contribution Site specific on the job activities organization to s to the (A1), accomplish a defined Community Defined in Learning Agreement (A2), task or project (organizatio Monthly progress report (A3). n) and Profession Produce a report or 3A,1B, Personal and E-portfolio (A1,2,3) other material (2D,4AProfessional demonstrating the D,5B-H, Accountabili student’s research, possible, ty analytical and writing site Communicat abilities. ion HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC Learning Objective Domain Competency Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) dependen t.) Promote the 3A student’s personal 3B and career development through interaction with the preceptor and members of the organization. For HCA 580/499: 4A Health Systems and Organizations Personal and Professional Accountabili ty Professional Developmen t & Lifelong learning Health Care Systems & Organization s ICE's, workshops, prof. development events (A1), required attendance, elevator speech. (A2), Reflections sheets (A3). Organization Report ( A2) III. HCA 580 MEETING SCHEDULE Class # Topic Date 2015 #1 -How to obtain acceptance Aug 27 at an internship site Thurs. -Cover letter preparation -Resume preparation -Review Syllabus -Due dates of assignments Note: Students must review and become familiar with all the items posted in BB course content for each class session in advance of each class meeting. This will Activities & Assignments -Note: Student contact information form (see the bottom of BB course content section for course forms) is due to the appropriately labelled mailbox in instructor’s drop box NLT the first day of class. Early submissions are recommended. -Review and become familiar with instructions posted on writing cover letters and resumes preparation before class #1. See course content section on BB. It is strongly recommended each student bring the first draft of their own cover letter and resume to class #1 for an ungraded review and suggested edits by the instructor during class time. HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC have a bearing on points earned for class participation. -HCA 580 students additional assignments -Lecture, Creating the HCA job entry level Cover Letter and Resume -Homework Assignment (HA) #1, Create personal business cover letter and resume, due to instructor’s drop box NLT the Sunday before class #2. Also, bring a copy to class #2 for In Class Exercise (ICE) # 2a -Lecture on how to obtain an internship site acceptance (read posted lecture before class on BB course content) -Review course syllabus, course forms, rubrics, course content -HCA 580 students-Review separately with HCA 580 students the Organizational Report (HA #1b) due NLT the Sunday before class #7 and Training Video assignment( HA #1c), which is due NLT the Sunday before class # 7 -Note, Class meeting #2 is Professional Dress Day. Come to class dressed business professional as if coming to a promising formal job interview. See in course content section, class #2 a lecture on professional dress, rubrics and checklists to use to dress as business professional. Review these in advance of class. -Scheduled Items and due dates are subject to change depending on class size, guest speaker availability, and other factors. Guest speakers are proposed, not confirmed. -Instructions for Homework Assignments (HA #) will be discussed in class and also posted on the BB class content. Note HA’s submitted to the instructor’s drop box, correctly labelled mailbox late will receive zero points. HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC #2 Sep 17 -Continue review of course Syllabus --Rules of Conduct in class and at Internships site -Instructor’s Background -Purpose of HCA Internship Courses -Elevator speech, career objective statement -Course Textbook (also on reserve at CSULB library reserve desk under course instructor’s name and course) -Career Focus, Job Focus -WEAR PROFESSIONAL DRESS (as if you are going to a real professional job interview. See course content dress rubric) -Professional Dress Lecture, Guest Speaker -Professional Dress Critique -Volunteerism as Work Experience, -Review of formal first draft cover letters and resumes (Bring two copies of each to class for ICE’s) - Continue review of syllabus -Review rules of conduct in class and at internship site -Lecture, Developing the elevator/ COS speeches -Review of course textbook - Lecture on how to select a personal career focus and job title objective. -HA #2, Career Focus Oral Presentation in class #4 Note, Meeting #2 is Professional Dress Day. Come to class dressed business dress as if coming to a promising formal job interview. -ICE #2a, Review of Cover letters, Resumes, group critiques (from HA #1)(Bring two copies of each to class) -Lecture on professional dress, guest speaker -ICE #2b, Professional Dress critiques (Students must review the rubrics in advance of class and come to class dressed business professional) -Lecture on Volunteerism work experience -ICE#2c, Practice elevator speeches #3 Sep 24 -E-Portfolio training (bring lap top computer to class) -Career objective statement videos - Monthly Progress Reports requirements, purpose, format, rubrics, samples - Lecture and training on creating a personal e-portfolio in class. (WIX format) -HA #3a, Create a personal e-portfolio report, present in class # 6. -Lecture, training on creating career objective statement videos HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC #4 Oct 8 #5 Oct 22 -Job Networking Questions and Answers -Internship Site Status, lessons learned. -HA #3b, Create personal career objective statement video, present in class #6. -MPR #1, due NLT Sep 27; MPR #2, due NLT Oct 25. If finishing 120 hours before MPR #2 is due, MPR #2 and #3 can be combined for a blended grade. Let instructor know this when sending to drop box for MPR #2 and MPR #3. MPR #3 is due NLT Nov 29. -Lecture on handling job networking Q & A’s. -Internship sites, lessons learned, depth of reflection. -HA #3c, Develop Questions and answers, with 4 per rationale for each, due NLT Sunday before class #4 -Career Focus Reports, student presentations -Job Networking -Professional Etiquette -Different expectations, biases between age generations that impact the ability to engage, get and keep jobs -Elevator speeches, networking events -Practice Q+A’s -Internship site activities, projects -Students individually present their career focus reports, no power points, and no visual aids. (Using up to two, 3 x 5 cards are fine for memory jogging, but reading an essay will not receive a grade above 75%. Refer to the oral presentation rubric in BB Content). Rehearse your presentation several times in advance to polish it and convince the class you have done the right research and developed the right action plan. -Lecture on Networking, handshaking, body language answering sensitive questions, dealing with shyness. -Lecture on etiquette (general, web, phone) -Lecture on differences between age generations, dealing with biases, expectations - ICE # 4b, Practice elevator speeches -ICE #4b Practice Q & A’s - ICE # 4d, Each student discusses at least one significant item learned at their internship site. -Guest lecturer, Health Care -Guest speaker, identifying job related keywords, skills, Careers, how to prepare for interviewing, resume preparation -Student Site Satisfaction -ICE #5a Reflections on Health Careers guest speaker survey format, purpose -HA #5a, Student Site Satisfaction report, due NLT -End of semester Telephone Sunday prior to class# 6 conference calls -HA #5b, Conduct Telcon w/Preceptor-InstructorStudent together, due orally NLT Dec 3. (Plan in advance, HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC schedule early. Unavailability of preceptor at the last minute will not earn the student points). - ICE # 5b, Practice Networking Q+A’s, discuss how answers are given in light of generational differences -ICE #5c, Lessons learned at internship site #6 -e-Portfolio and career Nov 19 objective statement video presentations in class -Discussion of student site satisfaction issues -ICE #6a, E -Portfolio and COS video presentations (see HA #3a and HA# 3b). Have these loaded on your laptop computers and bring to class to show in small groups as an ICE. --HA #6, Feedback on Course Recommendations, due NLT Sunday prior to class #7, Also bring a copy to class for an ICE #7a -ICE # 6b, Student feedback on internship site experience, lessons learned -Practice elevator speeches and networking interviewing Q +A’s #7 -Second semester HCA -Overview HCA 481 topics, continuation of internship Dec 10 internship topics overview -ICE #7a, Feedback on Topics covered in course -HCA 481 Course and -Guest Speakers, former successful HCA graduates, on Internship sites next steps in HCA 481 and how to start to seriously -Discussion of topics interviewing covered in course, -ICE #7b, feedback on guest speakers recommendations for -ICE #7c, Surprises, lessons learned at internship site. future courses -Guest speaker(s), Health LAST DAY any assignments will be accepted. Care Careers - Surprises, lessons learned at Internship Site DUE NLT Dec 9 -Preceptor End of Semester Evaluation -Let instructor know again if you have taken HCA 480 and 481 together this semester) -Signed documentation by preceptor that 120 hours or more have been completed. This can be done on MPR #3 if annotated and signed HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC -Request for Incomplete Grade form, if applicable IV. HCA 480 Assignments, due Dates (chronologically on the date when first presented in the class session) and Grade Point Allocations Assignment HA #1 –Create Cover Letter + Resume, rpt Maximum Due NLT date in Points 2015 in mailbox or class presentation date 30 Sep 13 HA # 2 Career Focus Oral Presentation 20 Oct 8 HA #3a - Create personal e-portfolio, present 25 Nov 19 HA #3b - Create COS Video, present 15 Nov 19 HA #3c- Interview Q+A’s w/ 4 part rationale, rpt 8 HA #5a - Student Site Satisfaction, rpt 2 HA #5b - Telephone Conference Call held w/ 10 Preceptor-student-instructor (comments will also to be used for preceptor’s end of semester evaluation) Oct 4 Nov 15 Dec 3 HA #6a - Feedback on future course topics 2 Signed class attendance log and participate. (7x1) 7 (Must arrive on time, sign in and not leave early to Dec 6 Each class meeting receive credit) Participate in Significant discussions, offer indepth reflections and meaningful contributions 28 in class (7x4). (No credit for just being present in this category) HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC each meeting Student contact information * 2 Preceptor Contact Information (due NLT first 2 week starting at internship site)* Learning Agreement (student inputs typed) 6 st Signed by Preceptor( due 1 week at site)* Monthly Progress Report #1* 15 Aug 26 (first day of class) First day starting work at site First day starting work at site Sep 27 Monthly Progress Report #2* Oct 25 15 Monthly Progress Report #3* (if finishing 120 15 Nov 29 internship hours before MPR #2 is due, let instructor know that you want to combine MPR #2 and MPR # 3 as a more in-depth, robust report for combined credit. Be sure and review content rubric and student samples) End of Semester Evaluation by Preceptor* HA # 1b-HCA 580- Organizational Report HA # 1c-HCA 580- Training Video 20 20 20 Total Points that can be earned 272 Dec 6 Dec 6 Dec 6 Maximum Bonus Points that can be additionally 3 Over the entire awarded for outstanding in-depth reflections, semester meaningful contributions in class meetings, use of citations, research that promotes class learning *Note, course forms are on the BB course content section, last items at the bottom, titled Course Forms -There will be no curving of final grades. Assignment Due Dates in Chronological Order of the NLT Due DATES, rather that the sequence number of when discussed in the class lecture. Assignment NLT Due Date Student Contact Information Aug 26, first day of class HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC Preceptor Contact Information Learning Agreement signed by Preceptor HA #1- Create cover letter, resume Monthly Progress Report #1 HA #3c- Interview Q&A’s HA #2 Career Focus Presentation-Oral MPR #2 HA #3a- Create E-Portfolio HA #3b-Create COS video HA #5a- Student Site Satisfaction Survey MPR #3 HA #5b-Tel Con w/preceptor, Instructor & student HA #6a-Feedback on Course Topics End of Semester Evaluation by Preceptor HA #1b-HCA 580 Organizational Report HA # 1c-HCA 580 Training Video 1st week starting at site 1st week starting at site Sep 13 Sep 26 Oct 4 Oct 8 Oct 25 Nov 19 Nov 19 Nov15 Nov 29 Dec 3 Dec 6 Dec 6 Dec 6 Dec 6 Note, grades are usually entered within a few days after the due dates or earlier. Grades for attendance participation, and bonus points will be entered in the grade file at the end of the course. If you have no grade entered, or a grade of zero after one week beyond the due date, and you had submitted the assignment on time, let the instructor know by e-mail and resubmit the document. V. HCA 580 Course Grading: A= 245 - 272 points = Exceptionally OUTSTANDING work, includes a great deal of depth of reflection on the topics under discussion, use of research citations and or other significant contributions, is far beyond basic requirements, far exceeds standards on rubrics as posted in the BB course content section. B= 217 – 244.5 points = SUPERIOR work, far exceeds standards listed below, includes a great deal of discussion on assigned topics, includes several in depth reflections, far exceeds minimum word count with meaningful contributions and discussion beyond the basic instructions. HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC C= 190.5 – 216.5 points = GOOD work, covers all the items in the assignment, polished, easily understood, contains no syntax, spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Follows all the instructions, meets the minimum suggested meaningful word count. This performance level is considered getting the work done at an acceptable level. D= 163 - 190 points = Below acceptable work, fails to cover all assigned topics, contains grammatical, syntax, spelling, punctuation errors, all instructions are not followed, does not meet minimum suggested word count with meaningful discussions, work does not meet stated requirements. F= < 163 points = Unacceptable work, assignment not submitted, or submitted past the not later than due date without instructor being notified at least a day in advance of the due date, with an acceptable excuse as defined by CSULB policy, or work is far below minimum requirements. VI. HCA 580 Grading Policy A. Written assignments- Under the assignments section listed above are the maximum grades that can be given for each specific assignment. The grading of each assignment will be dependent on the depth of reflection and meaningful discussion provided. This will also include following instructions and directions, clarity in the presentation of ideas, grammar, spelling, syntax, reference to discussions in the classroom, outside research citations provided, and interviews conducted. A word count (i.e. WC 582) needs to be listed after the last sentence of each assignment document submitted. The student’s name and HCA 480 or 580 and section number should be placed on the first page of each submission. Grading rubrics will be posted in the course content section on BB. (i.e. T. Smith, HCA 480-7). Students should familiarize themselves with these grading rubrics and the sample student reports posted. B. Assignments due dates – All assignments are due on or before due dates. There will be no credit (grade of zero) given for late submissions. In your future professional positions, employers will not tolerate missed suspense dates. This will damage your career. Now is the time to improve your time and suspense management skills. If you have a justifiable emergency, let the HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC instructor know in advance of the due date of the emergency situation. This policy has been adopted by all the HCA Internship instructors. VII. HCA 580 Course Requirements, Procedures, and Descriptions A. Classroom Attendance. Conduct and Behavior – 1) Class attendance- Each student is required to attend each class meeting, be on time, fully participate in the entire class meeting in order to receive credit and not leave early. For those missing all or portions of class meetings, they must meet with classmates to obtain updates on material missed. Students with excused absences per university policy, should contact the professor within 3 days of the absence to receive a make-up assignment. All make up assignments are due prior to class # 7 for credit. 2) Classroom participationThe course content section will have posted a class agenda for each session, along with several lectures, articles, and assignments that cover the topics for the session. Students need to actively participate, provide meaningful discussion to receive grade point credit, and to also enhance their learning process. One of the key skills in getting hired and retaining a job in health care management is being able to effectively communicate in meetings, and show that you are contributing to the discussions and displaying initiative by speaking up and sharing constructive comments and experiences. This includes demonstrating that value that is being brought to the group and useful contributions are being discussed and made. Remaining silent in an organizational committee meeting or the HCA class room, or giving one or two word answers is not bringing value to the organization or to the class session. Requiring active participation is meant to better prepare the student to become an effective communicator. Non-participation in constructive classroom discussions is considered non-acceptable work and non- participation. There are two other point allocations where students can earn bonus points by providing significant and meaningful discussion, in-depth reflections on the topics being discussed, and well as for bringing in journal articles, research citations, newspaper articles related to the topics under discussion. This helps enrich the class room conversation and learning experience. Students need to sit close to the instructor’s podium in front of the classroom. This encourages productive HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC 3. 4. 4. 5. conversation, enhances the ability for information to be clearly heard, and makes it easier for the instructor to engage with every student. Sitting in the back corner or back rows of the classroom when seats are available near the front of classroom is viewed as unacceptable participation. This will impact the active participation points that can be earned. In-Class Exercises (ICE).These are small group exercises held during class meetings. They will focus on enhancing certain skills development needed to effectively job search. They usually relate to a lecture recently given. They also can be a homework assignment turned in and involve further group discussion in class to further polish the skills being taught. This usually requires bringing copies to class of the HA already turned in for group discussion. Classroom rules -. All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off and hidden from view. The only exceptions are for note taking, review of BB course content, posted lectures and attachments related to the classroom lecture. Checking personal e-mail, texting, etc. is prohibited. Students should address instructor as Professor or Doctor. Students are expected to wear neat, undamaged, clean clothing. Business casual is strongly recommended. Business casual dress is mandatory at internship sites. Overly revealing clothing should be avoided. Students and faculty must adhere to University policy. The HCA classroom rules are posted on BB. Checking BB- Students are responsible for checking the course on BB several times during the week for update memos from the instructor, and checking the grade box to make sure credit is received for all course materials submitted to the drop box on time, in the appropriately titled mail box. Presence of documents and the ability of the instructor to open those documents in the drop box, appropriately labelled mailbox will be basis if material has been submitted and received for grading. All written assignments must be sent to the drop box, appropriately labeled mail box. For video documents submitted, please ensure each individual document has been given electronic permission for the instructor to open. Students should check the grade box to make sure a grade was given within a few days after submission. Even though the student’s e-mail may show the document was submitted, sometimes the document doesn’t appear in the instructor’s drop box or it may have been sent to the wrong mailbox. HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC If there is no grade, or a grade of zero entered after one week, let the instructor know when you had originally submitted the document and resubmit it. B. Obtaining the Internship Site 1. To pass the course, students must accumulate at least 120 hours internship experience at a health care internship site, approved in advance by the instructor. 2. If you already have acceptance at an internship site, discuss it with your instructor as soon as possible. Call or e-mail the instructor before the class starts in order to move along the process along quickly. 3. If you do not have an acceptance at an approved site, see the instructions on BB course content, under the section labeled Internship Instructions, and the document labeled How to obtain an internship site. A students’ list of approved internship sites will be posted on BB under the section labeled Internship Instructions. Preference on use of the HCA Internship site list will be given only to HCA 480 students. 4.. The student should familiarize themselves with and make a copy from the BB Content Section, last section at the bottom titled Course Forms the following documents, to include: Instructor’s Cover Letter to Preceptor, Internship Objectives + Expectations, Internship Learning Agreement, Monthly Progress Report format, and End of Semester Evaluation by Preceptor on Intern. These items should be reviewed with the preceptor during your first meeting after acceptance at the site 5.. Once acceptance at a site is obtained, it is important for the student to gain an understanding of any additional requirements the hospital or organization may have that the student has to accomplish before being allowed to start work at this site. These requirements vary by organization. The student should review in BB section, Internship Instructions, the document labeled How to Meet Hospital In-processing Requirements. 6. Once the site acceptance is obtained, the student needs to send to the instructor’s drop box NLT 1st week at the site the following: a. Preceptor Contact Information form and b. Learning Agreement with Preceptor form 7. Once the instructor receives the Preceptor Contact Information form, a review will be made with the CSULB Contracts Office in order to determine HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC if the organization is on the listing of current affiliation agreements with CSULB. If the site doesn’t have a current affiliation agreement the student will be notified. The student then will have to fill out the form titled “Request Affiliation Agreement form”. See BB course content section at the bottom for the course forms. Follow the instructions at the bottom of the form. The form should be sent to the instructor ASAP VIII. HCA 580 Written Assignment Descriptions: A. Course Forms are posted at the bottom of the course content section. They should be downloaded and submitted as instructed. The Rubrics section posted on BB has posted guides for several of these forms. 1. Student Contact Information – Type and submit to drop box NLT class meeting #1. 2. Preceptor Contact Information – Submit the first week at the site after acceptance. 3. Learning Agreement with Preceptor - Type in the student inputs before giving to your preceptor. The student’s fully developed inputs will improve the student’s opportunity to become involved with meaningful projects. List your software skills and other skills such as process improvement projects, medical coding and other skills. Review with your preceptor. Feel free to review with your preceptor and discuss your duties. Try during this meeting to get a list of assigned duties, projects to complete, projected hours to work each week and departments that you will rotate in. This needs to be recorded on the agreement form. You need to have a clear understanding of what your preceptor expects and that you will become involved with some meaningful projects. Submit to drop box during the first week you have started your internship. 4. Instructor’s Dear Preceptor letter – Provide to preceptor at your first meeting with the preceptor after you have been accepted. Also include the attached Objectives and Expectations list, Monthly Progress Report form, and Preceptor’s End of Semester Evaluation form. HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC 5. Internship Objectives + Expectations – Review with preceptor so that you both know what is expected and what the objectives are during the internship period. 6. Request for Affiliation Agreement – If you have been accepted at a site which does not have a current affiliation agreement, you must fill out this form. The instructor will notify you if the site doesn’t have a current agreement. Follow the directions and e-mail the completed form to the instructor. The instructor then will send a contract by email to the Preceptor for signature. The preceptor then places two copies in the U.S. Mail, both with wet signatures, and sends them to CSULB contracts office for final approval. This must be done promptly as to not delay the start of your internship. 7. Monthly Progress Report – This needs to be filled out and sent in on time, even if you don’t have an acceptance at a site. The efforts you are making to get an acceptance at a site need to be discussed. It is suggested you review the grading rubric on monthly progress reports, particularly the meaningful discussion and depth of reflection needed to earn at least a grade of C. Also, the report should include the number of hours worked during the period of the report, and also the cumulative hours worked as of the date of the MPR. The preceptor needs to sign off, verifying the number of hours worked. If the preceptor is unavailable when the report is due, turn it in unsigned and on time, then turn in a second report signed when you are able to meet with your preceptor again to have the hours signed off. Your last monthly progress report submission must clearly indicate the cumulative hours you have worked (Must be at least 120 or more hours) and have your preceptor’s signature to verify the total hours accumulated. If this is missing, the form will be returned to you to obtain these items. This may delay receiving a course grade. 8. End of Semester Preceptor’s Evaluation – Provide a blank copy of this 2 page form to your preceptor. Student should only fill in section I. Preceptor should complete both sides of the evaluation form, sign it and review it with the student. Student should sign acknowledging receiving a copy, scan and send a copy to instructor NLT the Sunday prior to class meeting #7. Note once a student has completed 120 hours, this form can be processed and submitted and HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC not wait until the end of the semester. Send a copy of the evaluation to the instructor’s drop box, appropriately labeled mailbox. Note the only exception is for a student requesting an incomplete grade. The student will still need to turn MPR #3 before class #7. Once 120 hours are completed, the verification form of 120 hours and the Preceptor’s End of Semester Evaluation must be turned in. 9. Student Site Satisfaction form – This form will help identify internship sites that remain as very effective internship sites for learning. Also identify sites that are no longer recommended for HCA interns, and the reasons why. Identify if a particular site requires that certain languages be spoken, or if a working knowledge of certain software programs will be needed, and other specific skills the student will need in order to function effectively in the duties that will be assigned. All this will become helpful for future internship students as they begin searching for an acceptable site. Send to instructor’s drop box NLT Sunday prior to class #6. 10. Incomplete Grade. - If for circumstances that are beyond the student’s control, when they cannot complete the internship during the semester for which they have registered, a grade of incomplete can be requested, if a minimum of 60 internship hours have been accumulated. This will be converted to a letter grade as soon as the 120 hours are accumulated and written paperwork is accomplished. If at least 60 hours are not completed, the student should drop the course before the CSULB deadline and re-enroll the following semester. See section IX below. Students requesting an incomplete must complete all the course assignments before the end of the last class meeting. The only exceptions are that the preceptor’s end of semester evaluation, along with the preceptor’s verification signature of total hours accumulated. This should be then completed once the 120 hours are completed and the instructor sent an e-mail stating the 120 hours and last course work are completed , and requesting the your incomplete grade be converted to a letter grade. Note that once the formal class is completed, items in the course content section cannot be accessed by the student. Therefore, the student planning on requesting an incomplete should print out or retain an electronic copy (before the last class meeting ) of the preceptor’s end of HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC semester evaluation form, and Verification of 120 hours form to have available to use once the 120 hours are accumulated. B. Homework Assignments (HA’s) 1. Section III, Activities and Assignments as shown above, lists the topics to be discussed at each class meeting, along with HA’s and the NLT due dates. The HA’s will have assignment instructions. The BB course content section will have these HA’s posted by class session discussed, and the Rubric section of course content will have rubrics and some student sample reports for guidance for many of these HA’s. Talk with the instructor if you need clarification on any HA, well in advance of the due date. 2. Students must plan accordingly and ensure assignments are turned in on time, or better yet, early. HA oral presentations must be well rehearsed and can be accomplished at an earlier class meetings, but notify the instructor prior to the class meeting. See Section IV above on due dates and grading point allocation. 3. The HA’s include Cover letter and resume preparation, career focus report, interviewing, e-portfolio, career objective video, telephone conference call, feedback on course topics, and completion of all the above course assignment. IX. Withdrawal policy. Per university policy; see: 002/02/. Withdrawal after the 2nd week and before final 3 weeks is permissible “for serious and compelling reasons;” the instructor will evaluate student withdrawal requests on a case by case basis. X. Disabled student. It is responsibility of the disabled student to notify the instructor of record in advance of their need for accommodation of a disability that has been verified by the University. XI. Cheating and Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy. See: Although the University catalog does not cover this HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC aspect of plagiarism, please be aware that it is NOT acceptable to submit the same paper for two courses. If you want to write a paper on the same topic area for two different courses, you must submit two different papers. If it is discovered that you have submitted the same paper for another course, you will receive a failing grade for your paper in this course. XII . Supplemental Reading List and Other Resources Journal Articles Constable, JF. (1998). The health administration internship: A partnership for progress in health administration education. Hospital Topics, 76(1), 2528. Retrieved November 13, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry. (Document ID: 40040173). Books: Bolles, R. (2011) What Color Is Your Parachute? 2012: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers Ten Speed Press ISBN-10: 158008270X Bolles R. (2009)The Job-Hunter's Survival Guide: How to Find a Rewarding Job Even When "There Are No Jobs" Publisher: Ten Speed Press; 1 edition (July 14, 2009) ISBN-10: 158008026X Buchbinder, S.B. & Thompson J. (2009) Career Opportunities in Health Care Management: Perspectives from the Health Services Administration Program, James Madison University. Covey, S. (1990) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Franklin Covey Co. Miller, J.G. ( 1999) Personal Accountability : Powerful and Practical Ideas for You and Your Organization; Denver Press ISBN-10: 0966583213, ISBN-13: 978-0966583212 Johnson, P. (1998) (Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life; G. P. Putnam's Sons ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-0399144462 Zack, D. (2010)Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected; Berrett-Koehler Publishers; ISBN-10: 1605095222, ISBN-13: 978-1605095226 Web Resources: CSULB Career Development Center: California Careers Info: HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC The mission of the California Career Resource Network is to provide all persons in California with career development information and resources to enable them to reach their career goals Department of Labor O*Net: The O*NET program is the nation's primary source of occupational information. Central to the project is the O*NET database, containing information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors. The database, which is available to the public at no cost, is continually updated by surveying a broad range of workers from each occupation. Information from this database forms the heart of O*NET OnLine, an interactive application for exploring and searching occupations. The database also provides the basis for our Career Exploration Tools, a set of valuable assessment instruments for workers and students looking to find or change careers. Human Capital Institute - HR and management articles and web-casts HIMSS Career Development Page: HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. 1Founded 50 years ago, HIMSS and its related organizations have offices in Chicago, Washington, DC, Brussels, Singapore, Leipzig, and other locations across the United States. HIMSS represents more than 30,000 individual members, of which two thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations. Pam Pohly's Net Guide Management Resources for Healthcare & Medical Professionals: wealth of up-to-date articles, information, reference materials and links are available here for your career enhancement and professional development. For over 10 years, this health administration website has reliably assisted millions of healthcare professionals and administrators in finding pertinent resources, both on and off the internet. XIII. CSULB HCA COMPETENCIES HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC Domain 1 – Communication and Relationship Management. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with internal customers, establishes and maintains relations, and facilitates constructive interactions with individuals and groups. A. Relationship Management B. Communication Skills C. Facilitation and Negotiation Domain 2 – Leadership. The ability to inspire individual and organizational excellence, create a shared vision and successfully manage change to attain the organization’s strategic ends and successful performance. According to the HLA model, leadership intersects with each of the other four domains. A. Leadership Skills and Behavior B. Organizational Climate and Culture C. Communicating Vision D. Manage Change Domain 3 – Professionalism. The ability to align personal and organizational conduct with ethical and professional standards that include a responsibility to the patient and community, a service orientation, and a commitment to lifelong learning and improvement. A. Personal and Professional Accountability B. Professional Development and Lifelong Learning C. Contributions to the Community and Profession Domain 4 – Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment. The understanding of the healthcare system and the environment in which healthcare managers and providers function. A. Healthcare Systems and Organizations B. Healthcare Personnel C. The Patient’s Perspective D. The Community and the Environment Domain 5 – Business Skills and Knowledge. The ability to apply business principles, including systems thinking, to the healthcare environment. A. General Management B. Financial Management C. Human Resource Management D. Organizational Dynamics and Governance E. Strategic Planning and Marketing HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC F. Information Management G. Risk Management H. Quality Improvement H. Quality Improvement HCA 580 Sec 01, Syllabus, Thursdays, Fall 2015, rev. Aug,25, 2015, TTC