505 - California State University, Long Beach

HCA 505 – Organization and Systems of Health Care
FALL 2015
(Draft 8.12.15 subject to change)
Instructor: Brenda Freshman, PhD
Campus Phone: 562/985-1962
Section 1
Office Hours: Mon. and Tues. 2-3:30pm, & by
Class Meets Wednesdays, 4-6:45 p.m. (SPA-110)
Additional Contact Information:
Office Location: HHS-2 Bungalow #08
HCA Program Administrative Coordinator:
Office Phone: 562-985-1962
Deby McGill, dmcgill@csulb.edu
Best Method of Contact Email:
Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886
A. Course Description
Analysis of operational activities and managerial function essential to the health care delivery system, with emphasis on
management and leadership influence on developing effective systems of care within various institutional arrangements.
This course is intended to provide a foundation in the principles of organization theory and organizational behavior as
applied to health care organizations. During this course we will read and discuss important works in organization theory,
written by influential authors in the field. These theories will be applied to managerial and leadership cases in a variety of
healthcare settings. Through readings, application, experiential learning and other course activities students will develop
an understanding of today’s effective methods to enhance their leadership and managerial skills.
B. Teaching/Learning Objectives
Students who have completed this course should be able to:
Understand the evolution of management theory over
several centuries to the present.
Be familiar with the most important theory and research
contributions to the field of management.
Articulate the principles of a manager as a learner.
Discuss techniques for creative problem solving.
Articulate the principles of modern leadership and
Identify and discuss various management methods
including systems thinking, leadership approaches and
managing change.
Discuss key components of change and how to
effectively manage change.
Apply theory to the solution of management problems in
a variety of health care settings.
Develop the ability to view an organizational problem
from multiple perceptual frameworks.
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Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or
Assessment (A3)
Reading, lecture,
Q of W - on-line posts, exams
Reading, lecture,
Q of W - on line posts, exams
Reading, assessments, lecture,
reflection assignments (ICEs)
Reading, ICE's, Application
Reading, Lecture/discussion,
assessments, reflection
assignments, Q of W
Reading, ICEs, Presentations,
Application Paper, Exams
Reading, Lecture/discussion,
Presentations, Exams
Reading, Lecture/discussion, role
plays (ICEs), Application paper
Reading, Lecture/discussion,
ICEs, Reflection assignments
C. Required Texts and Course Materials:
1. Borkowski, Nancy. 2015(3rd edition). Organizational Behavior in Health Care,
 Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 3 edition (April 20, 2015)
 ISBN-10: 1284051048
 ISBN-13: 978-1284051049
2. Freshman, Rubino and Reid Chassiakos (editors) 2010. Collaboration Across the Disciplines in Health Care,
Sudbury, MA, Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN 978076375584.
3. Ethics Game Simulation and Inventory ($31.50) to be purchased through on line portal, instructions posted in
"course content" on the course beachboard portal.
Session # - Date
1 August 26
2 September 2
3 September 9
Reading, Activities & Deliverables*
Introduction, course overview:
organization, goals, expectations
and assignments
Evolution of Organizational Theory,
The influence of corporate structure
on behavior and ethics
Types of Org. Structure
Introductions, Submit student information sheets,
Review syllabus, Ask questions.
4 September 16
Intrapersonal and Interpersonal
Skills: Emotional Intelligence and
other competencies
5 September 23
6 September 30
Diversity and Cultural Competency
7 October 7
Leadership Theories 1
8 October 14
Leadership Theories 2
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Read: Borkowski – Chpt. 1
Read: Collaboration Chapter 1
Review: Search and view oral Presentation
Tips/Lessons on internet.
Due: Questions of the week
Read: Borkowski - Chpt. 12,
Article: Freshman & Rubino (2002)
Due: Questions of the week
Read: Borkowski – Chpt. 5 & 6
Read: Collaboration Chpt. 5
Due: Questions of the week
Read: Borkowski Chpt. 4
Read: Collaboration – Chpt. 6 & 7
Due: Questions of the week
Read: Borkowski - Chpt. 2 & 3
Read: Collaboration – chpt. 9 and chpt. 10
Due: Questions of the week
Read: Borkowski – Chpt. 8,9
Read: Collaboration – Chpt. 3
Due: Questions of the week
Guest Speaker: TBA
Read: Borkowski – Chpts. 10,11.
Read: Collaboration – Chpt. 4 Due: Questions
of the week
Due: Outline for Application Paper due to
drop box Oct. 13./hard copy in class Oct. 14
9 October 21
Group Theory – Teams 1
[Teams Formed]
Read: Borkowski Chpt. 15
Read: Collaboration – Chpt. 2
Due: Questions of the week
10 October 28
Teamwork in Healthcare – Teams 2
11 November 4
Conflict Management
Read: Borkowski – Chpt.16 & 17
Read: Collaboration – Chpt. 11
Due: Questions of the week
Read: Borkowski - Chapter 14
Read: Collaboration – Chpt. 15
Due: Questions of the Week
12 November 11
On-line Ethics Simulation Module
13 November 18
Organization Development and
Debrief Ethics Game
14 November 25
Organizational Change Management Read: Borkowski - Chpt. 19
Read: Collaboration – Chpt. 14 &
Chpt. 12
Due: Questions of the week
Due: Application Paper (due 11/24 to dropbox.
bring hard copy to class 11/25.)
Team Member Feedback Due Dec. 13
Final 5-7pm
15 December 2
16 December 9
17 Dec. 16
Due: Complete Ethics Game Inventory
& Ethics Game Simulation
Read: Borkowski – Chpt. 18
Read: Collaboration – Chpt. 13
Simulation: Lakeview
Due: Questions of the week
*Additional required cases and articles will be provided by the instructor posted on Beachboard and/or
distributed in class.* (*If you miss a class lecture it is your responsibility to procure materials distributed.)
**Instructor reserves the right to alter or change assignments. Changes in the syllabus will be announced in
class, via email and on the beachboard. It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.
Other Requirements: E-mail address and Internet access to use the online BeachBoard course software
system. If you have trouble with registration, contact the CSULB Technology Help Desk by phone at 562-9854959 via e-mail at helpdesk@csulb.edu or in-person at the North Campus Center. NOTE: Use Internet
Explorer as your browser for BeachBoard
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E. Earning Course Points
Assignment (due date)
pts. % of
Sign in (1 X 14) (weekly)
Question of the Week (6 X 12) (weekly)
In Class Exercises (13 X 6) (weekly)
Journal Club/Communication Assignment (date assigned) 42
Application Paper Outline
Ethics Game Inventory & Simulation
Focus Training Reflection Assignment
Application Paper
Team presentation
Team Member Survey on-line (due Dec. 12)
Total Course Points
350 100.00
Grade Thresholds in % of available course points**
A = 90% +
B = 80% - 89.99%
C = 70% - 79.99%
D = 60% - 69.99%
F = less than 60% of course points
** due to potential changes in assignments, final course grades will be based on the available course points at
the end of the semester.
F. In Class Exercises (ICE's)
During class sessions there will be an exercise and a written deliverable associated with it that will apply
theories to skill development. These activities might occur individually, in duets or small groups.
G. Questions of the week. No later than 11:59pm on the Tuesday Night before class you will post 2 questions
from the reading on to the course discussion board. And answer one other student's question. Questions are
credited 1 points for each, not a repeat of another question, and the response is 4pts if posted on time and. You
will not get credit for a question that has already been asked or answered. Responses should be a minimum of
50 words. So the earlier you post and answer, the more likely your question will not have been taken.
H. Journal Club/Communication assignment at the beginning of most class session a few pre-selected
students will present a peer reviewed journal article per instructions and format provided below.
Journal Club Steps:
1. Obtain a research article from a refereed journal to summarize and present to your classmates. The article should be
clearly related to topic in the assigned reading for that class session and in a healthcare setting. Choose an article in
which researchers conducted a study, and not simply a review of other research or an article written by a third party
summarizing the research. Hence, you should see headings (such as Method, Results, Discussion).
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2. Post the citation of your Journal Club article to the discussion board in APA style. No two presenters can use the same
article and first posted, first reserved. Thus find and post your articles early to avoid duplications.
2. Prepare a 5 minute presentation (4-6 minutes, points will be deducted if too short or too long)
Journal Club Presentation to include the following elements:
A. Why did the researchers want to study this question? This information is usually located in the first section of the
article, authors typically cite previous studies. Invariably earlier work has a gap in the information base.
B. Method: How did the researchers conduct their study (design, subjects, instruments, procedures)? It is not sufficient to
only state that the study used men and women. How many? How were they recruited? What tests, surveys or interviews
were employed?
C. Results: What were the primary findings of the study?
D. How can what you learned be applied to leadership and/or management in a healthcare organization? Give examples.
3. Deliver presentation at the beginning of the class session from which you are assigned. When possible a video
recording will be made and forwarded to you for learning reflection and presentation development.
Journal Club Grading Rubric
Relevance to session topic in a healthcare setting = 14 pts
Adequately covering all aspects of the assignment A,B,C,D, above and posting the citation before your
presentation on discussion board = 14 pts
Oral presentation skills = voice clarity and projection, professional dress, posture, eye contact,
energy/engagement. = 14 pts
I. Ethics Game Inventory & Simulation* - "The Ethical Lens Inventory™ (ELI) is a personal evaluation tool
designed to help students understand the values that influence their choices. It identifies how they prioritize values when
making ethical decisions. By understanding what values are most important to them and what values are most important to
the other parties involved in an ethical situation, they can minimize unnecessary conflict, make better ethical decisions,
and live their values with confidence and integrity."
"EthicsGame simulations teach students how to recognize ethical situations, analyze multiple options for action, identify
the best solution, pause for reflection and communicate the solution to interested stakeholders.
Performance data supports at least three learning outcomes:
■Students view an ethical dilemma from multiple perspectives
■Students learn to consider stakeholder impact while making an ethical decision
■Students articulate their own process for making a decision in a written assignment"
The instructions for purchasing these course materials are posted on Beachboard in the "Ethics Module" on course
( *Source: http://www.ethicsgame.com/exec/site/index.html)
J. Focus training and reflection - Developing the important management skills of focus and emotional management will
be facilitated with a mindfulness training component. Further explanation and reading materials and assignments will be
presented during classroom sessions and materials and assignments posted on Beachboard as applicable.
K. Application Paper and Outline Requirement (Applying Theory and Research to Health Care
You will write a 7-9 page paper. 10-12pt. double space, 1 inch margins, APA writing and citation style.
This is for the text of the paper. Use additional pages for complete references (minimum 10 total of which at
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least 5 are peer review journals). Select a health care organizational challenge or problem that you have
witnessed or of which you have some personal knowledge. Describe the situation and come up with 3
theoretical frameworks from which to view the challenge.
If you cannot identify a healthcare organizational challenge, make an appointment with the instructor to discuss
an issue. Grading is based on clarity of writing, use of proper grammar, organization of the material, your
critical insights and your ability to add additional references to clarify and support your conclusions.
FORMAT for application paper:
1. The Situation/Challenge
a. Who, What, Where, When, Why
2. The 3 theories that will be applied
a. Theory/Approach 1
i. Background (key works)
ii. Application – What is addressed by this perspective
iii. Evaluation – What is not addressed by this approach
b. Theory/Approach 2
i. Background (key authors)
ii. Application – What is addressed by this perspective
iii. Evaluation – What is not addressed by this approach
c. Theory/Approach 3
i. , ii, iii,……
3. Compare and Contrast 3 Approaches
4. Best Practice/Summary/Conclusion
***If you cannot identify a healthcare organizational challenge, make an appointment with me (instructor) to
Application Paper Grading Rubric (50pts)
Incorporation of Course Concepts and Theories in Health Care Context = 15 pts
Personal insights, and your leadership development approach (how you apply learning to yourself) = 15 pts
Format and 10 references - 5 should be peer reviewed journals in APA format = 10 pts
Spelling and Grammar = 10 pts
L. Class Presentation Requirement
In student teams you will create and deliver an interactive learning based on a course topic area the instructor
will be providing to you. The learning experience should demonstrate a concept (s), skill set or theory presented
in course or relevant to the course material and objectives. Your learning presentations will be between 30-40
minutes. You will form teams and create your presentations as part of the course work on teams. Teams will
also need to schedule time outside of class sessions to work on the presentation project. Presentations will be
delivered on dates in schedule.
Grading is based on clarity of presentation, the degree of class involvement you’re your presentation
encourages, cooperation with team mates. An anonymous team rating form will be used to rate your team
members. Class members will participate in rating presentation clarity and class involvement.
Grading Rubric for the presentation assignment will be posted on Course Beachboard
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M. Class Preparation, Participation, Attendance, Cell phone and Lap Top Policies
You are expected to have read the assigned readings before the class session, to be
prepared to comment on the material and to actively participate in
class discussions. Lectures will cover highlights of the reading and include supplementary
information. If you have trouble understanding what you read or hear, please ask for
clarification in class or make an appointment with me to discuss the problem area(s).
Class attendance is critical. Unexcused absences will impact a student’s participation grade through the
loss of opportunity to make up points for in class exercises and sign in. Students with excused absences
per university policy, should contact the professor within 3 days of absence to receive a make-up
assignment. All make up assignments are due within 2 weeks of absence date for full credit.
Attendance policy conforms to University policy:
http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2001/01/. Disabled students
requiring special accommodations, please advise instructor.
Cell phone policy
As a professional courtesy cell phones are to be turned off/silent and put away from view during ALL class
sessions, unless instructed otherwise for a class activity.
Lap Top Policy
Lap tops can be used in the perimeter seats of the classroom in a manner that does not disturb others. All sound
is to be turned off, and viewing content should be limited to course related material. Occasionally lap tops
might be used for classroom activities and other seating arrangements may apply at these times.
M. Extra Credit: You may also earn up to 10 extra credit points MAXIMUM. Professional development extra
credit opportunities will be announced in class and posted on Beachboard as available.
N. Cheating And Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy.
See: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/curriculum_handbook/catalog/05-06/documents/regs.pdf. Although
the University catalog does not cover this aspect of plagiarism, please be aware that it is NOT acceptable to
submit the same paper for two courses. If you want to write a paper on the same topic area for two different
courses, you must submit two different papers. If I discover that you have submitted the same paper for
another course, you will receive a failing grade for your paper in this course.
O. Performance Expectations and Deadlines. Assignments are due on the date specified. Late assignments
lose 10% of points for each day past the deadline. No late acceptance for "questions of the week" assignment.
P. Withdrawal policy. Per University policy; see:
http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2002/02/. Withdrawal after 2nd
week and before final 3 weeks “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” instructor will evaluate
student withdrawal requests on a case by case basis.
Q. Bibliography, Supplemental Reading List and Other Resources
Journal Articles:
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Bahrami, M. A., Montazeralfaraj, R., Gazar, S. H., & Tafti, A. D. (2013). Demographic determinants of
organizational citizenship behavior among hospital employees. Global Business and Management Research,
5(4), 171-178.
Brazil, K., Wakefield, D. B., Cloutier, M. M., Tennen, H., & Hall, C. B. (2010). Organizational culture predicts
job satisfaction and perceived clinical effectiveness in pediatric primary care practices. Health Care
Management Review, 35(4), 365-371.
Casali, G., & Day, G.. (2010). Treating an unhealthy organizational culture: the implications of the Bundaberg
Hospital Inquiry for managerial ethical decision making. Australian Health Review, 34(1), 73-9.
Cliff, Barbara, RN,PhD., F.A.C.H.E. (2012). Patient-centered care: The role of healthcare leadership. Journal of
Healthcare Management, 57(6), 381-3.
Doody, O., & Doody, C. M. (2012). Transformational leadership in nursing practice. British Journal Of
Nursing, 21(20), 1212-1218.
Grant, S. (2010). Diversity in healthcare: driven by leadership. Frontiers Of Health Services Management,
26(3), 41.
Laschinger, H. K. S., Wong, C. A., Cummings, G. G., & Grau, A. L. (2014). Resonant leadership and
workplace empowerment: The value of positive organizational cultures in reducing workplace incivility.
Nursing Economics, 32(1), 5-15, 44; quiz 16.
Noelke, N. (2009). Leverage the present to build the future. HRMagazine, 54(3), 34-34-36. Retrieved from
Reinventing Healthcare Leadership. (2008). Modern Healthcare, 7-8.
Schlosser, J. (2014). The management springboard: Eight ways to launch your career as a healthcare leader.
Journal of Healthcare Management / American College of Healthcare Executives, 59(1), 14-16
Verhezen, P. (2010). Giving Voice in a Culture of Silence. From a Culture of Compliance to a Culture of
Integrity. Journal of Business Ethics, 96(2), 187-206.
Health Care Management Textbooks:
Sharon Buchbinder, Nancy Shanks, Introduction to Health Care Management. Jones and Bartlett. 2011.
Joan Leibler, & Charles McConnel Management Principles for Health Professionals. Sudbury, MA: Jones &
Bartlett. 2010.
Stephen Shortell, Arnold Kaluzny, Health Care Management, Organization Design and Behavior. (5th
Edition) Thomson Delmar, 2006.
Organizational Behavior & Leadership
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Charan, R., Drotter, S. & Noel, J. The Leadership Pipeline, How to build the leadership powered company.
John Wiley & Sons, Jossey-Bass. San Francisco. 2011
Bennis & Cummings, The Future of Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 2001
Arthur Coman, Harold Bexton, (Eds.), Group Relations Reader 1. A.K. Rice Institute. 1975 (Classic)
Ralph Kilmann, Ines Kilmann & Associates. Managing Ego Energy. Jossey-Bass. 1994.
Harold Leavitt, Louis Pondy, David Boje (Eds.). Readings in Managerial Psychology. The University of
Chicago Press: Chicago. 1989.
Management Classics
Henry Fayol, General and Industrial Management, trans
Constance Storrs, London, Pitman Publishing,1949 (Classic)
C. George, The History of Management Thought, New Jersey
Prentice-Hall, 1972 (Classic)
Fredrick Herzberg, Brenard Mausner, and Barbara Bloch
Snyderman, The Motivation to Work, 2nd Edition,New York, John
Wiley and Sons,1967 (Classic)
James Kouzes and Barry Posner, The Leadership Challenge, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1995
Elton Mayo, The Human Problems of Industrial Management,
New York, Macmillan, 1933 (Classic)
A. Maslow, A Theory of Human Motivation, Psychological
Review(Volume 50, July 1943), pp, 370-396. (Classic)
D. McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise, New York McGraw
Hill, , 1960 (Classic)
Peter Senge, The Fifth Disclipine: The Art and Practice of the
Learning Organization, New York, Doubleday, 1990 (Classic)
Fredrick Taylor, Shop Management, New York, Harper and
Brothers, 1911 (Classic)
Margaret Wheatley, Leadership and the New Science,1994, Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Web sites (more Health Care Professional Association URL's on the course beachboard site):
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California Health Line, a service of California Health Care Foundation, daily Internet news on
healthcare in California, www.chcf.org (subscribe to this)
Journal of Science and Health Policy, www.scipolicy.net
National Information Center for Health Services Administration, www.nichsa.org (web
links to American College of Healthcare Executives, American Hospital Association, American
Health Information Management Association)
American College of Healthcare Executives, ache.org
American Hospital Association, aha.org
Commitment to Inclusion
California State University, Long Beach is committed to maintaining an inclusive learning community that values diversity and fosters
mutual respect. All students have the right to participate fully in university programs and activities free from discrimination,
harassment, sexual violence, and retaliation. Students who believe they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, sexual
violence, or retaliation on the basis of a protected status such as age, disability, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation,
race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, veteran/veteran status or any other status protected by law, should contact the Office of
Equity and Diversity at (562) 985-8256, University Student Union (USU) Suite 301, http://www.csulb.edu/depts/oed.
Appendix E
CSULB HCA COMPETENCIES - From ACHE Competencies Assessment Tool, 2010
The Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) Competency Directory is comprised of 297 specific competencies, organized
into 5 domains (http://www.healthcareleadershipalliance.org/). CSULB’s Health Care Administration Department has
adopted these competencies as the basis for its curriculum, effective 2010. The domains are listed and defined below, with
the principal areas included in each domain. HCA graduates are expected to demonstrate competence in aspects of all
five domain areas.
Domain 1 – Communication and Relationship Management. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with
internal customers, establish and maintain relations, and facilitate constructive interactions with individuals and groups.
A. Relationship Management
B. Communication Skills
C. Facilitation and Negotiation
Domain 2 – Leadership. The ability to inspire individual and organizational excellence, create a shared vision and
successfully manage change to attain the organization’s strategic ends and successful performance. According to the HLA
model, leadership intersects with each of the other four domains.
Leadership Skills and Behavior
Organizational Climate and Culture
Communicating Vision
Manage Change
Domain 3 – Professionalism. The ability to align personal and organizational conduct with ethical and professional
standards that include a responsibility to the patient and community, a service orientation, and a commitment to lifelong
learning and improvement.
A. Personal and Professional Accountability
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B. Professional Development and Lifelong Learning
C. Contributions to the Community and Profession
Domain 4 – Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment. The understanding of the healthcare system and the
environment in which healthcare managers and providers function.
Healthcare Systems and Organizations
Healthcare Personnel
The Patient’s Perspective
The Community and the Environment
Domain 5 – Business Skills and Knowledge. The ability to apply business principles, including systems thinking, to the
healthcare environment.
General Management
Financial Management
Human Resource Management
Organizational Dynamics and Governance
Strategic Planning and Marketing
Information Management
Risk Management
Quality Improvement
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