ANNUAL REPORT : BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2013-2014 THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS The school is managed by a Board of Governors, which meets regularly to oversee the Financial Management and to plan, monitor and review the work of the school. The Board of Governors met four times during 2013/2014 Academic Year. The Board of Governors is made up of 13 nominated representatives. Members during the 2012/2013 Academic Year were : 1. Samir Valiyev 2. BestiAgarzayeva 3. David Draper 4. LutfulKabir 5. Ronald D’mello 6. RuslanSadirhanov 7. ElmirFatullayev 8. RohayuKutep 9. Alum Bati 10. NarminaHasanova 11. Katherine Meunier 12. Andre Nel 13. SevilKabir Chairman CEO Consultant International Advisor, CSSN (the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan) Director of Indian Clinic LLC and Rahul Shipping &Commerce Vice-rector for International Relations,OYU Regional representative,Azerbaijan/Caspian,BP Representative of Embassy of Palestine, HOMS Director of Wicklow Corporate Services LTD. Azercell Telecom LLC. Head of Primary,ex-officio Acting Principal, Head of Secondary,ex-officio Secretary (non-voting member) This Report is made available to parents of pupils attending BSB. The Chair can and is always willing to offer clarification on any relevant matter, whether included in the report or not. We believe that the school works most successfully when there is an effective partnership between the students, their parents, and the staff of the school. The Board of Governors is elected for a period of three years. In November 2013 the school was inspected by ISI and got accreditation and became accredited member of COBIS (see the report on In June 2013 the school went through an ISI Pre-Inspection process. A senior ISI Inspector, Mr. Peter Jones visited the school. 1 Students Background and ethnicity Primary Twenty-five nationalities are represented in the school, with the largest proportion (65%) being Azeri. The Expat stream in primary is evenly split between foreign and Azeri. The Primary Department has a large student body from Asia and Eastern Europe (23%). 11% originate from English speaking countries and many of these children have dual nationality. Secondary Background and ethnicity Secondary Department has over 16 nationalities. In most cases however, there are only one or students from a specific country (embassy children). The percentage of Azeri students is currently above 80% of the enrolment. Having said this, there are quite a few Azeri students with dual nationality although it is not always declared. External Examinations In the Secondary Department 3 External Exams were written : Check Point Results English 2.3 Mathematics 4.5 Science 3.8 a* 1 1.43 Percentage 2012/13 Percentage 2013/14 Grade Number of results 2013/14 IGCSE Results 2012/13 60.01 6.71% 59.73% 2 a b c d e f g u 10 14 17 13 7 2 2 4 14.29 20 24.29 18.57 10 2.86 2.86 34.29 5.71 5.71 12.08% 18.79% 22.15% 18.12% 8.72% 4.03% 3.36% 34.23% 6.04% 6.04% a* a b c d e u 0 8 2 8 6 3 5 0 25 6.25 25 56.25 18.75 9.38 28.13 15.63 15.63 Percentage 2012/13 Percentage 2013/14 Grade Number of results 2013/14 AS and A Level Results 0 0.00% 22.22% 7.41% 14.81% 25.93% 48.15% 22.22% 29.63% 29.63% Curriculum All pupils in the Secondary School are prepared for public, external examinations set and marked by Cambridge International Examinations, the world's leading provider of British-system international examinations. Pupils in Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9, ages 11 to 14) are prepared for the Cambridge Checkpoint examination in English, Mathematics and Science. In addition, pupils study courses in Geography, History, French/German/Russian/ Extra English, ICT, Art, Music, and PE. 3 At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11, ages 14 to 16) pupils prepare to take up to seven subjects in the Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) programme. Students are required to take 3 Compulsory Subjects and choose 4 subjects from the Option Groups to have 7 subjects in total. Compulsory Subjects : English (First or Second Language Level) : Mathematics : Biology : PE (Not IGCSE Subject) Options : Students choose one subject from each group Group 1 : Physics : Business Studies : Art Group 2 : History : Economics : Travel and Tourism Group 3 : Chemistry : Geography : Accounting Group 4 : French : German : Russian : English Support : ICT Pupils in Year 12 must take at least four subjects at AS Level and three subjects in Year 13 on A2 Level. This will qualify them for entry to British and other universities worldwide. In order to qualify for AS students have to pass at least 4 IGCSE Subjects with no Grade Lower than a C. Students will not be allowed to choose a subject on AS Level if he/she did not pass the subject at IGCSE Level. On AS Level subjects are again divided into Compulsory subjects and Optional subjects. 4 Compulsory Subjects : AS English Language Level : IELTS : Statistics (If Mathematics is chosen as a subject) : PE (Not IGCSE Subject) Options : Students choose one subject from each group Group 1 : Business Studies : Physics : History Group 2 : Economics : Geography : Biology Group 3 : Mathematics : Applied ICT : Chemistry Group 4 : French : German : Russian EAL The Secondary Departments provision is for students who need English Support. Number of pupils for whom English is an additional language (EAL) Number of such pupils who receive specific school support for their English PRIMARY READING RESULTS JUNE 2014 5 20 Year Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Pupils 38 49 38 35 37 43 Below Expected Level (%) 8 10 32 23 35 19 At Expected Level (%) 71 80 68 77 57 58 Above Expected Level Outstanding (%) (%) 13 10 0 0 5 21 8 0 0 0 3 2 PRIMARY WRITING RESULTS JUNE 2014 Year Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Pupils 38 49 38 35 37 43 Below Expected Level (%) 8 31 39 23 43 23 At Expected Level (%) 89 69 61 74 49 56 6 Above Expected Level Outstanding (%) (%) 3 0 0 3 8 16 0 0 0 0 0 5 PRIMARY MATHS RESULTS JUNE 2014 Year Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Pupils Below Expected Level (%) 7 10 19 3 5 14 38 49 38 35 37 43 At Expected Level Above Expected Level Outstanding (%) (%) (%) 16 8 5 23 60 33 74 82 76 74 35 53 3 0 0 0 0 0 PUPIL ATTAINMENT AT END OF KS1 Reading Writing Maths BSB L2+ L2b+ L3 England L2+ L2b+ L3 (%) 90 69 88 (%) 65 33 82 (%) 10 0 8 (%) 90 86 92 (%) 81 70 80 (%) 31 16 24 L4b+ L5 (%) 78 68 76 (%) 50 33 42 PUPIL ATTAINMENT AT END OF KS2 Reading Writing Maths BSB L4+ L4b+ L5 England L4+ (%) 81 76 86 (%) 65 58 74 (%) 23 21 33 (%) 89 85 86 7 * In England, only the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling aspects of writing are tested to sublevels. Organizational Structure A new Organizational Structure was proposed for the 2013/2014 Academic Year. The BOD accepted this proposal. Later The Phase Coordinator system was abolished THE BRITISH SCHOOL IN BAKU ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 2013/2014 BSB B.O.D. CEO Principal Deputy Principal - Student Affairs Secondary Department Deputy Principal - Curriculum Secondary Department Deputy Principal - Curriculum Primary Department HOD Eng HOD Math HOD ICT HOD Science HOD Hum HOD MFL HOD CA HOD Azeri HOD PE SENCO EAL Phase Coor KS 1 Phase Coor KS 2 Phase Coor KS 2 Eng 1 Math 1 ICT 1 Sc 1 His 1 Rus Music Az 1 PE 1 EAL 1 Library Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Music Eng 2 Math 2 Sc 2 His 2 Ger Art Az 2 PE 2 EAL 2 Library Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Art Eng 3 Math 3 Sc 3 Bus/Ec French Az 3 PE 2 EAL 3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 ICT Eng 4 Math 4 Sc 4 B/E/Ge Y3 PE B/E/Ge English Support English Support English Support Staffing The number of British and International trained expat teachers increased. Three INSET days were done for all the staff and teachers from other schools helped the management put together meaningful workshops. A few members of staff attended international workshops: o Child Projection Courses 8 UK o Mathematics Courses Oman All staff got on-line training on Educare In April 2013, BSB together with COBIS, hosted the third International Teachers’ Conference. Staff members from other COBIS Schools from around the globe attended and conducted workshops. Curriculum Primary Department The Phase Coordinator system was abolished during the 2013 to 2014 year. The Primary Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England. From September 2014 a new National Curriculum is in place in all State Maintained Schools in England. This is not compulsory in Independent Schools or Academies. Schools in England are finding it difficult to fully implement the new curriculum as staff training and new resources are only just becoming available. We have decided therefore to continue with our old curriculum until the new one is fully embedded and we can learn from how English schools have adapted to it. We need to bear in mind though that resources to support the old curriculum will not be available to buy for much longer and we will need to consider the options in the near future. One big change that has already taken place is that we have moved to the Cambridge Global English scheme. This scheme links well to the ENC but is adapted so that there is a greater emphasis on spoken language and vocabulary acquisition in the younger year groups. This is especially relevant for us as the majority of our children are not 1 st language English speakers and have struggled with the more formal Nelson scheme. We also moved to the Cambridge English Assessments at KS2 in the summer term. These are widely used and well thought of around the world. They should improve the accuracy of our end of year and end of KS2 assessments in reading and writing. Class teachers still have the responsibility of teaching the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. Specialist teachers have responsibility for ICT, PE, art and music. To ensure music lessons follow the ENC more closely, the school has bought the Music Express scheme which runs right through the primary age range. 9 Secondary Department All pupils in the Secondary School are prepared for public, external examinations set and marked by Cambridge International Examinations, the world's leading provider of British-system international examinations. Pupils in Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9, ages 11 to 14) are prepared for the Cambridge Checkpoint examination in English, Mathematics and Science. In addition, pupils study courses in Geography, History, French/German/Russian/ Extra English, ICT, Art, Music, and PE. At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11, ages 14 to 16) pupils prepare to take up to seven subjects in the Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) programme. Students are required to take 3 Compulsory Subjects and choose 4 subjects from the Option Groups to have 7 subjects in total. Compulsory Subjects : English (First or Second Language Level) : Mathematics : Biology : PE (Not IGCSE Subject) Options : Students choose one subject from each group Group 1 : Physics : Business Studies : Art Group 2 : History : Economics : Travel and Tourism Group 3 : Chemistry : Geography : Accounting Group 4 : French : German : Russian : English Support : ICT 10 Pupils in Year 12 must take at least four subjects at AS Level and three subjects in Year 13 on A2 Level. This will qualify them for entry to British and other universities worldwide. In order to qualify for AS students have to pass at least 4 IGCSE Subjects with no Grade Lower than a C. Students will not be allowed to choose a subject on AS Level if he/she did not pass the subject at IGCSE Level. On AS Level subjects are again divided into Compulsory subjects and Optional subjects. Compulsory Subjects : AS English Language Level : IELTS : Statistics (If Mathematics is chosen as a subject) : PE (Not IGCSE Subject) Options : Students choose one subject from each group Group 1 : Business Studies : Physics : History Group 2 : Economics : Geography : Biology Group 3 : Mathematics : Applied ICT : Chemistry Group 4 : French : German : Russian EAL and Special Educational Needs In both the Primary and Secondary Departments provision is made for students who need English Support as well as students with Special Educational Needs. Number of pupils for whom English is an additional language (EAL) Number of such pupils who receive specific school support for their English 11 Primary 9 Secondary 25 Number of pupils with learning difficulties or disabilities Number of pupils receiving specialist learning support from the school 30 24 Maintenance and Facilities Several projects to make the facilities at BSB better were undertaken during the 2012/2013 Academic Year. These included : Most classrooms were painted A Computer Network and Office Management System were updated New Macbooks for teachers were installed An extra books for the Secondary Library were ordered Website The website of the school was updated and local community got access to Azerbaijan version of the website. School Policies As required by the relevant regulations, the school updated all the Policies. Special consideration was given to : Anti-Bullying Assessment Attendance Behaviour Child protection Complaints Duty Supervision Fire Safety Admissions Parents in school All these policies are now also available on the school’s website. 12 Fund- Raising activities and Charity Donations BSB ran several events to raise money to support various charities in Azerbaijan. The school community is extremely generous and the efforts made by the students are wholeheartedly encouraged and supported. The Student Council organized non-uniform days, Bake Sales etc. Projects that were supported were : BSB donated money to the Autism Center. The project was in conjunction with HOMS. Money was also donated to the Homeless and orphanages. Special Christmas and Novruz Collections of the clothing and toiletries for the orphanage were also done. Health and Safety The school has a Health and Safety Policy in place and teachers are assigned as Health and Safety Officers. Regular inspections are done and reports presented to the management. Issues that were raised and acted on were : Electrical appliances and electrical cables that were not safe Heating and cooling in certain rooms Broken windows Fire extinguishers needs regular servicing First Aid training for staff Maintenance is kept up-to-date and safety continuously monitored. Fire drill procedures are reviewed at least once a term when a Fire Drill, involving pupils and staff, is carried out. Extra-Curricular Activities Both in the Primary- and Secondary Departments after school activities are organized by the staff : These include : Basketball Soccer Volleyball Art Drama Chess Journalism Choir 13 Science MUN Cooking Athletics Circuit training The Senior boys Soccer team won a silver medal at the Silk Roads Championship. The choir was also extremely successful and was invited to several events organized by the British Council and British Embassy. At the Athletics competition the school won 10 medals which included several gold medals. Two year ten students, Gokce Gokturk and Aisyah Prayano, were finalists in the US organised ‘Genius Olympiad’. They both wrote creative essays of a very high standard on the theme of environmentalism, competing with entries from many parts of the world. Gokce and Aisyah attended the finals this month held at Syracuse University, USA. We have been informed that Aisyah has been awarded second prize. BSB arranged scholarship competition among the public school students. The winner of the competition was accepted to BSB with100% scholarship. BSB together with K-foundation continued the project of summer school for the International Bank of Azerbaijan community for the 2nd year.Two winners got 100% scholarship to study in BSB. Several local trips were organized throughout the year. Conclusion It was an extremely busy, yet successful year for BSB. The Board of Governors wishes to thank all the members of the school community who have contributed to the school over the past year. 14