Unit 5 Genetics Evolution and Diversity Unit Recall Reference Points (relevant elementary & middle grade benchmarks) SC.912.L.15.5 Describe the scientific explanation of the origin of life on Earth SC.912.L.15.14 Discuss mechanisms of evolutionary change other than natural selection such as genetic drift and gene flow. SC.912,L.15.13 Describe the conditions required for natural selection, including: overproduction o offspring, inherited variation and the struggle to survive, which results in differential reproductive success. Sc. 912.L.15.14 Describe how mutation (and genetic recombination) increase genetic variation SC.912,L.15.13 Describe the conditions required for natural selection, including: overproduction o offspring, inherited variation and the struggle to survive, which results in differential reproductive success. SC.912.L.15.12 List the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in a population and why these conditions are not likely appear in nature. Use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to predict genotypes population from observed phenotypes. SC.912.L.15.9 Explain the role of reproductive isolation in the process of speciation Textbook iGenetics Genetic variation, Gene pool p. 604-605, 379-384 Allele frequency p. 367,605-608 Gene Expression 370-376 Mutation effects of gene pool p. 622 Bottleneckp. 626-627 Gene flow, genetic drift p. 623-630 FCIM Lessons From the Life Science FCIMs L.15.5 Kingdoms & Domains L.15.9 Reproductive Isolation L.15.12 Hardy-Weinberg L.15.13 Natural Selection Conditions L.15.14 Mechanisms of Change Gene pool Lab Labs GENE_ AYS_GenePoolActivity_V01.pdf Natural Selection GENE_AYS_NaturalSelection_V01.pdf Peppered Moth Lab GENE_LBE_PepperedMoth_V01.mht Demos Hardy-Weinberg Accessible on CD-ROM Chapter 21 Gizmos explorelearning.com Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium GENE_AYE_HardyWeinbergTG GENE_AYS_GizmoHardywein.docx GENE_AYT_GizmoHardyweinK.docx Natural Selection GENE_AYT_GizmoNatSelecK_V01.docx Evolution and Mutation GENE_HOT_GizmoMutationSe.docx need to add document to Microevolution GENE_AYS_GizmoMicroevo_V01 GENE_AYT_GizmoMicroevo_V01.doc Websites http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/teachers/activities/pdf/3103_dogs_01.pdf Interactive web demo Miller-Urey Experiment 1. http://www.ucsd.tv/miller-urey/ Lessons Hardy-Weinberg accompanied with Gizmo Evolution and Mutation with Gizmo Natural Selection with Gizmo Health and microevolution: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/educators/lessons/lesson6/act1notes.html Pre-Activity II Survey: GENE_SIS_SurveyAntibiotic_V01 Provides ideas for projects Background Information Article on effects on isolation barriers a. GENE_HOT_ReprodIsolation_VO1. Pdf b. http://www.ice.mpg.de/usrpers/asgr3820/web/Groot%20etal%202010%20EcolEnt.pdf Health and resistance in the Gizmo: Evolution and Mutation (extension) Moth history and controversy: http://www.millerandlevine.com/km/evol/Moths/moths.html, http://scienceandevolution.blogspot.com/2007/12/creationism-evolution-and-peppered-moth.html, http://bsgran.people.wm.edu/melanism.pdf * Please send activities as attachments