Physics 341 Stefan-Boltzmann Law In the early studies of radiation one of the significant steps forward was the connection between the radiated energy from a hot body and its temperature. Such a radiating hot body is said to emit “black body” radiation. Measuring the energy as a function of wavelength and temperature yielded the “Black body radiation curve”. In 1879, Stefan, using purely thermodynamic arguments, was able to deduce that the total emitted radiation is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature of the radiator – the hotter the body, the more it radiates: I (T ) T 4 The constant in the equation above is known as Stefan’s constant and has a value of 0.56686 107 Wm 2 K 4 In this part of the experiment, you will measure the radiation from a hot tungsten filament as a function of its temperature. The radiation will be measured with a radiometer. The radiometer will measure the radiation from objects at room temperature to the radiation from direct sunlight. The temperature of the filament will be determined from the resistance of the tungsten filament wire, which can be described by: R R293 1 T 293 Where room temperature is assumed to be 20oC (293K), α is the temperature coefficient of resistance which is 0.0045 for tungsten, and T is the temperature in K. The resistance of the filament is determined by measuring the voltage across the bulb and the current running it. Experiment See figure below for experimental setup. 1. Set the source and radiometer facing each other on the lab bench. The source should be taped to the surface since the leads tend to move the lamp assembly. Measure the distance from the filament to the middle of the shutter control rod of the radiometer and adjust it to 10 cm. This distance does not actually matter as long as it remains constant. Remember that the radiation received by the detector varies as the inverse square of the distance, so that small changes in position make a large difference in measured radiation. 2. Without plugging the power supply into an outlet, connect the power supply and turn the output dial to zero. This step is important. If the power supply is turned on with the output turned up, the lamp could burn out. Also connect the ammeter and voltmeter. 3. Turn on the power supply. 4. Measure the resistance of the filament at a very low current value, between 50 and 70 mA, the voltage will be around 0.03 V. The resistance of the filament measured from these values will be considered the room temperature resistance. 5. Measure the room temperature. 6. Set the radiometer to the 1 scale and with the shutter closed set the scale to zero. 7. Set the voltage source voltage to about 1.3-1.5 V. The filament will not glow but it will be radiating. Record the voltage and current readings. Open the radiometer shutter and record the meter reading. 8. Repeat the previous step, increasing the voltage in small steps, while recording the voltage, current, and radiation. Do not exceed a current of 1.7 A through the filament. You might want to set up a spreadsheet in Origin. Check the scale zero often, especially if the sensitivity range has changed. Data Analysis The calculations are simple and repetitive and the best way to carry them out is using Origin. You can find the temperature of the filament from arranging the equation for resistance: R R293 Ti i 293 K R293 If the room temperature was not 20oC, adjust the values in the equation accordingly. The temperature coefficient for tungsten is 0.0045 . For a typical experiment the temperature varies from room temperature to 2,500 K. In Origin, plot your data as log E versus log T and determine the slope of the line. The theoretical considerations used by Stefan in reaching his conclusion were based on a special form of radiation source. It is described as a “black body radiation from a hollow heated enclosure”. To produce this radiation, visualize a closed furnace with a small hole drilled into the wall. Radiation inside the furnace is radiated and absorbed and radiated from the walls. The small hole lets a bit of this radiation out of the furnace, but not enough to upset the equilibrium inside. This radiation has the properties of an ideal “black body radiator”. Our filament is far from the theoretical ideal, so if your exponent is a little off it is not surprising. Leslie’s Cube From the previous experiment we have seen that the power radiated by an object is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. However, this relation its simplest form describes a theoretical “black body”, and ideal material which incorporates the assumption that the object has no reflectance. In reality, objects do not absorb and emit all the energy they encounter, and so the real energy emitted must be scaled by the emissivity of the object: I (T ) T 4 , - emissivity Procedure 1. Fill the cube with hot water (approximately 60oC) and measure the temperature with the thermometer provided. 2. Set the radiometer to the appropriate range. The white and black painted surfaces will likely require the 10 W/m2 range, while the brass surfaces are more likely to yield data in the 1 W/m2 range. Zero the radiometer whenever the range is reset. See figure. 3. Place the radiometer about 5 cm away from the cube facing the cube. Only one side of the cube should bear on the thermal detector for any given trial. 4. Record the radiation detected from the cube and continue until all surfaces have been observed. Check that your temperature has not changed. Analysis Given that the cube is heated uniformly by the water, we can assume that the ideal blackbody radiation expected from each side would be the same. This means that the variations in emitted radiation are due to differing values of ε, the emissivity. There is a clear relationship between the surface material and this value, as observed in the broad changes in the data. To better quantify the relationship between the measured emissivities, assume that the black painted side approximates a blackbody emitter and find the relative emissivities of the other sides. Research the emissivities of the materials used in the Leslie Cube, and make reasonable estimates for any values which you can’t find listed explicitly. How well do they agree? Does scaling the measured data by a more accurate value of the emissivity of the black paint help? How might you explain any errors in the data?