Honors Physics (CHS) 2012 – 2013
Teacher: Mr. Buchli
Room 127
Phone & voice mail box: (425) 837 - 4845
web site:
Office Hours: after school by appointment
Philosophy and Expectations
“The rise of modern science grows out of quantification.” (From The Mechanical Universe, 1985 – the text
used for freshman physics @ Caltech)
Honors physics is a college-level, algebra-based class that promotes higher – level thinking skills and a strong
work ethic. Physics is the search for the rules that govern the universe. The learning approach taken in this course
involves flip teaching. Flip teaching reverses the traditional lecture/homework approach. Your HW will be web based
lectures and your class time will be spent: a) problem solving, b) assessing (group & individual) & c) experimenting.
We use mathematics – arithematic to multi - variable algebra to trigonometry. Technology will be our constant
companion in acquiring and analyzing data. As Galileo Galilei stated around 1600 A.D., “The great book of Nature
lies ever open before our eyes, but is written in mathematical characters.”
Emphasis is placed on acquiring fundamental physics concepts through developing conceptual models and
then deploying these models to solve problem solving and explain observations. Topics covered include, but are not
limited to: mechanics (kinematics & dynamics – with a rocketry unit), circular motion & gravitation, rotational
motion, equilibrium & elasticity, momentum, work & energy and an introduction to modern physics.
As a student in Honors Physics, you have the option of enrolling in Physics 114 @ Bellevue College via the
College in the High School (CHS) program. Enrollment generates a college transcript from BC. The transcript will
show your grade (for the entire year) earned at LHS and is applied to 6 quarter credits of Physics 114. Unlike AP
courses, this course counts as a science lab credit. Enrollment will occur at the beginning of 2nd semester. Cost for
the 6 quarter credits of Physics 114 will be approximately $150. The wonders of physics await you!
 College Physics – A Strategic Approach – 2nd edition – Knight, Jones & Field - (required)
 Three ring binder with a laboratory section (required)
 Blue or Black, Red pens and # 2 pencils (required)
 Lab Journal - used or new composition book- (required)
 Scientific calculator (required – you do not need an SUV here)
 USB drive, active email account, access to Liberty’s server, & the internet (required)
Important Information
You will be allowed three (3) unexcused tardies. Upon the fourth (4), you will do a
30-minute detention with me after school. Each subsequent tardy earns you an
additional detention. To obtain credit for lab reports, ATTENDANCE IN LAB IS
MANDATORY! No make-ups, except under extenuating circumstances. Late work
policy: 1 day (24 hrs) missed = 1 day (24hrs) to make up with a sliding scale. Late
work MUST have a late work form attached. Communication with me is critical. No
communication = No flexibility! This policy applies to all point earning events.
No cell phone use in class/No food nor drink (water & non sweetened tea are okay)
Important Information - continued
There will be numerous quizzes & three to four exams per semester. The quizzes are
usually closed - book and for the exams you are allowed one 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of
paper with hand written notes – to be submitted with each exam. No make ups
without prior arrangement. If beneficial, your lowest exam score (excluding the last
unit & final exam) will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Assignments will primarily be completed on MasteringPhysics. Periodically in class
work will be collected and graded. They are to be completed in a neat fashion,
preferably on clean paper and submitted at the beginning of the designated class
period. Late homework is docked 50% per day (24 hours) late.
There will be many labs conducted. Data & observations for each lab must be
recorded in your lab journal. Occassionally, formal lab reports (typed) will be
prepared. They are due one week after completing the lab at the end of the period.
Late labs will be docked 50% per day (24 hours) late.
Extra help:
Three options here: 1) after school, 2) computer tutorials/physics web sites, and 3)
study groups - I strongly recommend this one.
Grading in Honors Physics – below is the weighting used in this course
Homework & Class Exercises:
Final Exam:
Formal lab reports:
5% of the final grade
10% of the final grade
45% of final grade (lowest exam dropped – see above)
25% of final grade
15% of final grade
Course Grade for Honors Physics
Your grade is determined by the percentage of the total points you earn - conversion table at right. Plus and minus
grades are given. Extra credit will be applied to homework & class exercises.
100 –88
87 – 70
69 – 52
51 - 40
Below 40
Policy on Cheating
You, the student, are expected to conduct yourself with integrity. When you cheat, or aid in someone else cheating,
you violate a trust. If you are caught cheating, you will fail that particular assignment or assessment. A second
occurrence may fail you from this class. If you are not caught, you probably will not be able to sleep at night.
We have read and understand the above and have visited the class web site.