Three Day Road Lit Circle Guide

Three Day Road
Novel Study Guide
*Subject to change and open to student suggestions! Always check with Ms. T.
before starting a new section.
Preface – “Monahikewina” pp. 1-33
Literary Circle (10 marks)
“Noohtaawiy” pp. 34-49
Literary Circle -don’t forget to switch roles
Make sure you discuss:
Indigenous worldview compared to
European worldview
The Windigo and modern interpretations
(research / readings)
“Pasitew” pp.50-60
This chapter can be “skipped” to save time.
Summary: Xavier has a flashback to when he and
Elijah were traveling on the river south of
Mushkegowuk (Hudson’s Bay area). They are
going to war soon. They encounter a huge bush
fire along the way but make it ok. Xavier notes that
Elijah can speak great English due to his long stay
in Residential schools. The boys worry that they
harassed by the wemistikoshiw (Caucasian)
“Ntawi Nipahiwewak” pp. 62-75
Research about WWI:
 the 5Ws (including trench warfare),
 Canada’s role,
 the role of Indigenous soldiers (Note:
Francis Peghamagabow),
 Specific terms: “Over the Top”, “No Man’s
Land”, etc.
You may divide research tasks amongst your
group and then share the information. See the
teacher for options. Don’t forget to use credible
websites and to cite sources!
“Kiskinohanaasowin” –
pp. 76-95
Literary Circle
You can “skip” this chapter to save time.
Summary: Xavier flashes back to just before he
and Elijah were sent overseas. Their training, in
the Toronto area, included a sniping competition,
which Xavier won. Men started to respect him and
Elijah more, and Xavier’s nickname became “X”,
for “X marks the spot of the target you want to hit”
“Onahaashiwew” – “Moosasiniwi
pp. 110- 146
Literary Circle
pp. 147- 163
“Mamishihiwewin” – “Mistatimwak”
pp. 164- 191
“Skip” these chapters to save time.
“Mamishihiwewin”: Niska narrates this chapter.
She tells the story of how she and the Frenchman
had continued their relationship until an old man
came to her for visions / to forsee the future. The
Frenchman left. She ended up following him but
he then defiles her, uttering racial slurs. Niska then
curses him and sure enough the Frenchman ends
up going mad and committing suicide.
“Mistatimwak”: X. tells the story of him and Elijah
sailing to England. The seas were bad and
conditions horrible. Elijah tells X about German U
boats. None found their ship, but two horses’ legs
were broken and had to be slaughtered.
“Moawahtonikew” – “Pahkonikewin”
pp. 192-212
Literary Circle
“Kimotowin” pp. 213-220
Onatopaniwiw pp. 221-239
Canada`s great triumph in WWI
–Literary circle or look up details about the battle
and why it worked for the Canadians when the
French and British had failed. 10 marks
Ishinakwahitisiw pp. 240-258 and
Ka Nipihat Windigowa pp. 259-268
Skip these chapters to save time.
Summary for Ishinakwahitisiw: Nobody in the
Canadian camp actually expected to take the ridge
and X observes that the officers don`t really know
what to do. While on leave, he decides to sneak
away and see Listte. He is devastated to discover
that she is a prostitute and is with another man.
When X returns, Elijah lies to Breech so X. is not
subjected to the firing squad for desertion. X is
placed in a medical ward for a few days on the
advice of the medic.
Summary for Ka Nipihat Windigowa
This chapter is narrated by Niska. She recalls her
experience as a Windigo killer when she is called
to rid a small community of a Windigo. X, a young
child at the time, ends up witnessing the act as
Niska had witnessed her father.
Tapakwewin p.269 – Piminaawin p.
Question: What profound change is X. witnessing
in Elijah, and in extension to which, himself
Provide specific examples or quotes. 5 marks.
“Nipahiwewin” p. 332 – End of novel Please share your final reflections on the
transformation that both boys go through. Do you
feel that Boyden made the right choices for the
characters? Why / Why not? (And any other final
thoughts you’d like to share). Be specific.
5 marks.