
Spanish I
Course Information
Your Spanish Teacher
Mrs. Villamarín & Family
Hi, I'm Mrs. Villamarín, your Spanish 1 teacher.
I will share with you a little bit about myself.
I've been a teacher since 1998, I taught in the
traditional classroom setting for ten years.
I have been with FLVS since 2008. I love teaching
Spanish because it allows me to help students to
learn a magnificent language that will help them
become more productive in their future careers.
I live with my husband and our two children Sofía
and Gabriel.
I was born in Ecuador and came to the U.S.A
when I was twelve years old. I got my B.A. from
Queens College and my Masters at Albany State
University, both in Spanish Literature. I lived in
Queens N.Y. for eighteen years and moved to
Florida in 2003.
I love to cook, travel and spend time with my family.
I also participate actively in my local church.
I hope you enjoy the class!
Spanish I
Course Orientation
Where Do I Begin?
Please go to
to watch the FLVS Quick Start (New
Student Orientation) Video.
How Do I Log On?
You can log on at
Enter Username and Password
You will need your username and password to log on
each time.
If you forget your username or password, contact me
as soon as possible.
Your VSA (virtual school administrator) Dashboard
• Scroll down to the bottom to see which courses you are
enrolled in. Click on Spanish 1 to enter the Spanish 1
Educator Dashboard
• You will find the course announcement on the right side of the
screen, there you’ll see my contact information. On the left side
you’ll see different tabs that will help you navigate throughout the
Course Information
• Click on the Course Information tab for information about Voice
Activity Directions, Typing Spanish Accent Marks, Pace and other
important information about the course.
There are 4 different pace options. If you want to submit the least
amount of work each week then you will do Traditional; it will take
you 16-18 weeks to complete each segment. Accelerated and
Individual Pace Planner is for those students that want to complete
the segment in less time.
You may complete a segment in a little as 2 weeks!
Important: Please note as per FLVS policy students are expected to
continuously work in a segment for at least two consecutive weeks
in order for me to issue their grade, there are no exceptions.
Where Do I Find My Lessons?
• Click on “Lessons” on the left side of the screen to begin working.
After you click “Lessons”, click on the module you are
working. Always work in order!
Next, click on the lesson you are ready to work in.
Each lesson is divided into 4 parts: Lesson, Grammar,
Practice, Assessment. Use the Previous and Next arrows
to scroll through your lessons.
Where Are the Directions For My Assignments?
• You will find the directions for assessments in the “Assessments”
section of each lesson.
• Click on the red hyperlink to bring up the directions. You will get a
pop up box with the assignment.
How Do I Turn In An Assignment?
• Once you have your answers for an assignment, click on
“Assessments” on the left side of the screen; then open the
assignment you want to submit.
Please type in your answers in the Student comments section.
Then check off the Submit for Grading box and click submit.
What Is My Grade?
• Click on “Gradebook” to see your grades and check on
your progress in the course. Here you may also access
the assessments you want to resubmit; just read my
feedback, make the necessary changes then resend them
for a better grade..
• As you work in the course you will see that some lessons include
instructions for a collaborative assignment where you will work with another
• You must choose to work on ONE of the five offered choices in Segment 1
and ONE of the five offered in Segment 2.
• For segment 1 the collaborative assignment you choose to do will be
submitted via the “Assessment” or “Gradebook” tab by clicking on the 4.07
Collaborative Project link.
• For segment 2 the collaborative assignment you choose to do will be
submitted via the “Assessment” or “Gradebook” tab by clicking on the 8.06
Collaborative Project link.
• It is very important that you choose a Collaborative Assignment Option and
make your request for a partner soon after you begin working on the course.
•This assignment is a requirement and needs to be completed and submitted
before you can take the semester exam to earn your semester grade.
Discussion Based Assessments (DBA)
• You will complete a Discussion Based Assessment at the end of every
module, BEFORE taking the module exam.
• When you get to the end of a module you will be directed to call me to
complete the DBA. A Discussion Based Assessment is the speaking
portion of the module exam. It’s a phone call between you and me. We
will discuss the lessons and the work you have submitted to test your
knowledge. It is also an opportunity to clear up any questions you may
have with me. After completing a DBA you will be provided with a
password that will allow you to take the module exam.
• Student will be suspended from the course if a DBA or module exam
is not completed and student begins submitting work in the next module.
Please contact me Monday-Friday to complete your DBA’s.
Make sure you review before you call, you may use your notes if you feel
necessary. You are not allowed to be in front of the computer when you
call for a DBA.
Voice Activities & Technical Support
• You may use a microphone headset to record yourself for
Directions on how to complete these are found under
• If you don’t have a microphone you may use Audiopal. For
instructions on how to use Audiopal to record these
assessments please go to my announcement page then click
on the New Students tab.
• Here’s a tutorial on how to use Audiopal:
• If you are having technical difficulties with your audio
recordings, or with the course please call Technical Support
at 866-322-8324.
Accents, Punctuation, & Capitalization
Some Spanish words have special symbols called accents (áéíóú) or
tildes (ñ). You will need to learn to make these. Directions on how to
do this can be found in COURSE INFORMATION.
• You may also change your keyboard to US International, which will
make putting accent marks easier. Here’s a tutorial on how to
change your keyboard to US International:
• There are also two Spanish punctuation marks you will need to learn:
• In order to get full credit for your work please use proper
capitalization and answer in complete sentences.
Tips for Success…
• Contact me whenever you have questions.
• Keep your work simple! Use only what you have learned
in the course to complete assignments.
• Print out your pace chart and mark off assignments as you
complete them.
• Work EVERY week!
Welcome to FLVS Spanish 1!
Once you get activated your 28 day grace
period begins. The grace period is your time
to make sure you want to continue the course.
If you decide to drop the class, please let me
know BEFORE your 28 days are up.
If you are inactive and do not meet the
traditional pace chart goals (completing 15
assessments by the end of the grace period),
you will administratively withdrawn without any
penalty on your transcript.
Spanish 1
Semester 1 consists of modules (chapters) 1,
2, 3, and 4. After you complete all coursework,
you must take and pass the semester final
Semester 2 consists of modules (chapters) 5,
6, 7, & 8. After you complete all coursework,
you must take and pass the semester final
About Your Work
 Students are required to submit at least 4 assessments on a
weekly basis.
Students may complete more than 4 assessments each week
and finish the segment sooner than 16 weeks.
Students have till Sunday midnight to submit work.
Students that fail to submit the required assessments for two
consecutive weeks will be placed in the withdrawal process and
possibly get an F in the segment.
Assignments are graded within 48 hrs.
Students are encouraged to get a notebook to take notes on the
vocabulary, verbs and cultural information for each module. This
will allow you to review the material presented in previous lessons
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity means...
•Your work on each assignment will be completely your
•You will not practice plagiarism in any form. You will not
allow others to copy your work and you will not misuse/copy
content from the Internet.
•A dictionary may be used to look up unfamiliar words you
come across in Spanish, but should not be used for your
•Translator services are not allowed.
•Use the vocabulary and expressions from the lessons
on the computer scored questions. Otherwise it will mark
them wrong every time.
•Please use the content and vocabulary from the course.
•For more information: review Academic Integrity under
Consistent work and communication are the keys to success!
Be sure contact me if you have questions or need help. Also, if
you’re away from the computer for more than 5 days, please call
or email me to let me know your situation.
Students are expected to work on a weekly basis.
If you have vacation plans or know in advance you’ll be away from
the computer, please call, email or text me as soon as possible.
A monthly contact with teacher and parent is due each month.
I will send progress reports vi email or text to parents that have
agreed on communicating by these methods..
How to get help!
• Call and text: 561-692-3361.
• Texting is the preferred method for exam resets, or quick
• If you get my voice mail, make sure to leave a complete
message…. otherwise there’s no way for me to return your call.
Calls are returned within 24 hours.
• If you want to email me please do so within the course/Educator.
• E-mails are answered within 24 hours.
What do you do next?
•Call me to verify your contact information 561-692-3361.
•FLVS Counselor Information:
•I look forward to working with you this year!
Please contact me whenever you have questions. I am
here to ensure that you have a successful and happy
experience at FLVS!