Human Services Test 1 Study Guide As you prepare for our test

Human Services Test 1 Study Guide
As you prepare for our test Tuesday be sure to address the following terms and concepts. Be prepare for
multiple choice and short answer (discussion) questions. See you Tuesday. Dr. K Be aware of the
following terms and concepts:
Chapter 1
Marginalized populations
Chief goal of the human service professional
Human systems
Bronfenbrenner’s levels of ecological systems
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Chapter 2
Social Darwinism
How were the poor and poverty viewed in the feudal system (medieval times), by Calvinist
(predestination) and Puritans, COS, Settlement House movement, Neoliberal philosophies.
Outdoor vs. indoor relief
Worthy vs. unworthy recipients
Role of the Charity Organization Services and Settlement Houses
Impact of 1990’s welfare reform (welfare queen concept-implications and results)
Chapter 3
Definition of ethics
Conflict between ethic and emotions
Kohlberg’s views of developing moral reasoning
What might be the result of violations of legally enforced ethical standards?
Be able to list the 5 general themes of most ethical standard on page 53. (e.g. respect for the
dignity of others, doing no harm, etc.)
In the area of ethical codes, what is one significant difference that sets the human services and
social work fields apart from other helping professions?
Chapter 4
Informed consent
Authorization to Release Information
Confidentiality and its limits
Duty to warn
Characteristics of effective counselor
Murray Bowen’s goal for achieving positive well being
What is the DSM and what is significant about Axis 1
When should a client’s behavior warrant clinical attention?
Behavioral Regulation
Crisis Refocusing
Task-Centered Approach