
1.0 Project Background
Hotel Material Management-Procurement and Warehousing System is the theme
of this proposed system. This project is a fine thought to make the complex
procedure of the Hotel Material Management-Procurement and Warehousing
System to an easy way which is systematic, modular design or having a user –
friendly environment for the users to easily understand the tools that project team
used. The project is a software application that can be easily handled by minimum
educated and simple computer knowledge person without any option of error.
The Purpose of the whole process is to ease the daily or regular activities of the
Hotel Material Management – Procurement and Warehousing System into an
automatic computerized retrievable process. To have accurate records of items, to
have an accurate quality and quantity of goods, etc.
Todays, Hotels provide a goods and services that have quality process using an
automatic computerized system. It helps to easily perform processes of the Material
Management – Procurement and Warehousing System with consuming less time,
accurate reports, quality goods, manage and monitor the system. Now a day, most
of the hotels are using computerized system due to the accuracy, efficiency and
Timeliness of the process while others stock on the old system, the manual system
of purchasing and storing goods.
Orange Place Hotel Material Management – Procurement and Warehousing System
have risks and unexpected threats encountered during their process. The proposed
system will help the hotel has been said above to reduce some problems and risks
exist. To easily purchased Goods or Items with accurate quality and quantity.
1.1 Problem/Opportunity Description
Security Issues of the Existing System
The existing system has a weak security in accessing the system.
Unsecured set of reports
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Not summarized reports in the existing system and not secured that
will cause data loss.
Unable to monitor the critical level of the stocks.
The existing system cannot identify the critical point of the stocks that
can cause shortage of their stocks when it is needed.
1.2 Benefits
Ensure the security of the system.
The proposed system will have a strong security for accessing the
system so that it will prevent the maverick purchasing and for the
safety of the data.
Accurate and on – time Reports.
The propose system will generate daily, on – time reports
Analytical Reports.
The propose system will provide and generate analytical
reports for summarization.
Cost Reduction
The propose system will help the company to ease the
transaction and also lessen the paper works so that the costing
in papers will lessen.
User – Friendly Environment
The propose system will eliminate the confusing format of
purchasing process and warehousing process that could help
the administrator and the user to increase his/her efficiency and
accuracy in his/her job.
Faster and ease in processing all transaction
The propose system will help the user in processing all
transaction in procurement and warehousing in fast, accurate
and with ease.
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Indicator or “POP – UP message” for the critical level of stocks.
The propose system will have an indicator or “POP – UP
message” that will determine the critical level of the stocks that
will trigger to purchase immediately so that the possibility of
shortage of stocks will diminish.
Less Paper works
The propose system will lessen the paper works specially in
reports because the propose system will generate and save all
1.3 Goals
Ensure the Security of the System
The propose system will implement strong security for the
system so that all files and data will be safe.
Generating on – time reports and ensuring the security for the reports.
The propose system will generate on-time reports for
summarization and for analyzing, and other than that the
propose system will ensure the security and privacy of reports.
Indicator or “POP – UP” message for critical level of Stocks.
The propose system will generate an indicator or “POP – UP”
message for critical level of stocks that will trigger for
purchasing immediately to avoid shortage.
1.4 Stakeholders and Clients
User - It refers to the person who has a permission to use the new
developed procurement and warehousing system by the company.
Supplier – this is the person or company alliance that intends to give
the exact supplies that needed by the developer team to enhance the
existing procurement and warehousing system.
Client – This is the project developer team employer that intends to
enhance their old existing procurement and warehousing system. Or in
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short he/she is the boss of the project team that has a request to
develop their system.
2.0 Project Scope
The scope of this project (Material Management – Procurement and
Warehousing system) is to accept the entire material request from different
departments in the hotel, to provide list of suppliers, to manage the material request
forms, to manage also the bidding evaluation, to monitor the number of stocks/ items
in the warehouse and also the critical level, expiration date and other necessary
information, and to accept notice for the delivery from the supplier.
2.1 Objectives
Here are the specific objectives need to be complete and perform after the
propose system use.
To accept and record all material request form from different
department and manage all request.
To provide list of suppliers that is capable to provide the needs of the
To manage the bidding evaluation that only procurement department
should manage.
To provide on – time reports to all procurement and warehousing
process and transaction.
To accept notice of delivery from supplier.
To monitor the critical level of the stocks including the expiration date
of the stocks, the quantity of the product, and other necessary
To accept and inspect the delivered items and generate report.
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Hotel Management System
(Procurement and
Warehousing System)
Price List
Request for
List Items
MR Forms
List of
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2.2 Deliverables
Objective 1 - Material Request Form
Project Deliverables
Work Products/Description
Request info- process whose purpose is to
collect written information about the capabilities
of various suppliers. Normally it follows a format
that can be used for comparative purposes.
List items-a series of names or other items
written or printed together in a meaningful
Requestor Information
grouping or sequence so as to constitute a
List Items
record: a list of members
MR Forms Report
MR forms report-describes the scope of the
audit (what financial statements the auditor has
examined) and the findings of the audit (whether
the reports appear to be accurate)
Objective 2 – Procurement
Project Deliverables
Work Products/Description
1. Price list-a list of current prices of items on sale.
Price list
Request for Quotation
Request for quotation- a standard business
Canvass Report
process whose purpose is to invite suppliers
Purchase Order
into a bidding process to bid on specific
Bidding Evaluation
products or services.
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Canvass report- to solicit votes, subscriptions,
opinions, or the like from. 2. to examine
carefully; investigate by inquiry; discuss; debate
Purchase order- a commercial document and
first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller,
indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices
for products or services.
Bidding evaluation- the process of opening,
examining, and evaluating bids to determine the
bidders' responsibility.
Objective 3 – Warehouse
Project Deliverables
Work Products/Description
Inventory- complete list of items such as property,
goods in stock, or the contents of a building
Receiving reports- the department of what goods
and services have actually been received on a
particular purchase order. This documentation
serves as the authorization for payment of goods
Receiving Reports and Inspection or services.
borrower to assess the quality of the home.
Typically, this includes a Termite Report and
“whole house” inspection. Other reports that may
be ordered include roof, foundation, geological,
and, septic tank inspections.
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Objective 4 – Supplier
Project Deliverables
Work Products/Description
List of Suppliers- is a person or entity that is the
Supplier Information- information posted on the
Service by Suppliers which will be clearly identified
List of Supplier/s
Supplier Information
Quotation Report
as being supplied by Suppliers, the Suppliers are
not responsible for content on this Service.
Quotation report- very common term which
actually refers to two numbers - the highest bid
2.3 Out of Scope
Point-of-Sale (P.O.S)
This is out of our scope because the system will purchase the item
to the supplier at good price yet better quality and the system will do
inventory but the system will not allowed putting price on the items that the
Point-of-Sale system can do.
3.0 Project Plan
3.1 Approach and Methodology
To complete this project the proponent shall conduct an interview or
survey to gather information so that the scope will be created.
System Development Life Cycle(SDLC)
Requirement and Gathering Analysis
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The proponents make this Business requirement. This phase
focus with the project managers and the chosen company they will
conduct some meetings/appointments to tackle out what should be
requirement for the project like; what data should input to the
system and who will benefit the propose system. After this
requirement specification we will go to next phase.
This phase will prepare the design of the system that we
tackle from the first phase it will help in defining overall system
After the designing the work will be divided in modules and
actual coding will start. This phase will focus on the codes that the
developer will work for it.
After finishing the coding phase it will test if it is ready to
deploy and error free. This phase will focus on testing and
identifying the errors that will occur before deploying the system.
Once the customer use the system there are some problem
will occur while using the system for a long period of time so it will
need to solved those problems.
Management), purchase and Storage.
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3.2 Project Timeline
Grouping for Project Study 1
5 days
Group Meeting
5 hours
Project Study 1 Orientation
3 hours
Distribution of Sub-System
3 hours
Brain Storming
5 hours
Gathering Data for the process
of the sub-system
4 days
Making an Interview Question
2 days
Searching for a Company
3 days
Conducting an Interview
3 days
Gathering more data
2 days
5 days
Making a Chapter 1 of the
Making a Chapter 2 of the
4 days
Revising of Chapter 1
1 week
Revising of Chapter 2
1 week
Making a Chapter 3 of the
Making an Interim process
4 days
Revising of Chapter 3
1 week
1 week & 5 days
5 days
Finalization of the documents for
Mock defense
Mock defense of each group by
the IT Faculty
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Finalization of all the documents
according to the suggestions,
advises and recommendations
of the IT Faculty
2 weeks
5 days
3.3 Success Criteria
Reduction of cost
Having efficient and fast process procurement and warehousing
system it will help the company to reduce the costing for the
company so that it will increase the profit of the company.
Fast process
Fast and Reliable in terms of the fast transaction knowing that the
problem of their system is slow processing. It’ll become reliable
when it’s surely in good performance.
User friendly
System must compatible in any way that will make user friendly or
most useful.
3.4 Issues and Policy Implications
Accounts payable and receivable- this is one that can affect the
procurement and warehousing transaction because they are the one who
has the approval action that the process of procurement will continue.
Supplier – It will affect the process of procurement and warehousing
because if the supplier that you trusted will not supply the need of the
company then the procurement staff will find again another supplier that
will supply the needs of the company and it takes time to process this.
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3.5 Risk Management Plan
Probability Impact
Risk Factor
 Financial
Having a shortage of financial
Economic crisis
Risk Management Action
planning first to determine how
much will the cost to complete the
Sometimes the information gets
limited because the interview not
 Strategic Risk
sufficient, making sure to provide
the information resources firstly in
the interview
When power problems or if the
system gets corrupted we should
provide backup always, saving the
 Operational Risk
project time by time so that ever
there is a brownout occurred,
continuing the project again
 Compliance Risk L
developing of the project, making
sure to comply to all the standards
which was set by the company
and also by the other agencies
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3.6 Service Transition
For first 3 months free of service maintenance.
Yearly evaluate the system.
Fix unexpected errors (when the first 3 months free of service
maintenance is done).
3.7 Option Analysis
The Option that the proponents possible to do and use when problems
occur unpredictable to the technical features of the project.
Windows Application
To support the system even if the operating system that the
proponents used were crashed.
Java Netbeans IDE(Higher Version) for Front-end
The higher version that the proponents used the better graphical user
interface (GUI) will be developed.
My Sql/Oracle for back-end
The better database will be used the better security level and data
accuracy provides.
4.0 Technical Features
The Material Management-Procurement and Warehousing System (MM-PWS)
will use Java Netbeans IDE 7.4 version for front-end and Sql yog for back-end which
requires a windows application to support this system.
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7
Programming Language: Java Netbeans IDE 7.4
Database: Sql yog
Processor: Core 2 Duo processors that are 3.3 GHz or higher
System Memory: 1 to 2 GB
Hard Drive: 250 to 500 GB
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5.0 Project Organization and Staffing
facilitating, decision making,
and all knowing about the
Project Manager
communicate others formally,
how to disciplined their own in
front on the clients, panelist
etc. And most of all she has a
unique solution at all.
He’s / She’s responsible in
system making.
She’s responsible to document
all the information’s about the
system. Researching for the
basis of our propose system.
She’s responsible to know the
business process.
He’s responsible to analysed
all the information’s in propose
System Analyst
system. To think what, how,
where, when, why, who involve
in the system
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6.0 Project Budget
Budget Item
Budgeted Cost
One – time Costs
Project Study Manual
Project Study Fee
CD Burn
It is the guide for the students for
making documentation.
It is the fee of the group to their
adviser on the Project Study 1.
It is the storage of a Group's proposed
system and document.
Total One – Time Costs
On-going Costs
Printing Documents to be passed
When having a group work, group
company, 2,000
conducting interview, etc.,
When having an overnight or group
When researching information using
Broadband Load
internet based and for communication 2,000
Other expenses
photo copy, token, etc.,
Total Ongoing Costs
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7.0 Appendix A – Additional Information
Purchasing Department
One that securing the goods.
One who request the items.
How does the end- user do the requesting?
It depends on the Hotel.
There are different systems or programs that they can used like checking EAM,
ECM, Fidelio, more convey, etc.,
Database than you can use: Oracle, Opera, more convey, MS SQL, etc.
Procurement is not only purchasing but includes also store room or storage.
End-User request for an Item. There go paper base/ manual (makaluma use)
or using databases or system.
Same goes for Store room item. They use paper base and some use online.
Someone goes to Department Head to Approve (Costing).
If the costing is approved by the Dept. Head then they make a request to
Purchasing manager/who is the buyer.
The Purchasing manager is look for a supplier.
o Technically, you have to get a good depending on the specification of the
o Once they get and they’re okay to the specification of the goods they will
select at least 3 quotations.
o Kung sino yung Supplier na ok depending on the quality and to take in
consideration of the cost dun nila iaaward yung item.
Once the item is awarded, the Department head will approved again the
request if the Costing is okay to them.
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Babalik ulet kay buyer, the buyer will do the Purchase Order(P.O.)
Once they have a P.O. they give it to the Supplier.
The Supplier need time, ditto nila sasabihin kung kelan idedeliver yung items.
Once it’s delivered, they go to the receiving area.
o Before you received an Item you have to check the Item first if the
specification is okay or whatever. If the Item is okay to the End-User, they
receive the item. Then they will do the receiving report, once the receiving
report is done it was given to the accounting for payment.
The Payment is depends on the conversation between the buyer and the
o The payment’s duration: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days or 120 days.
o The payment is either Cash on Delivery or 50% down payment then the
next payment is when the goods were delivered.
o Imported Items
When ordering imported items the need time takes more time
before it was delivered. (90 days)
o Special Items
If the item is being specially made for a certain project the need
time takes more and more time before it was being delivered. (
more than 90 days)
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2.0 Introduction
The documentation is descriptive and explanatory research endeavor. It seeks to
inform the reader about the benefits and advantages of having convenient and
systematic material management procurement system. Having convenience in all
our tasks performed in the local government is very helpful using high technology
equipment and gadgets. And because of the highly technology, the material
management procurement wants to keep pace with other users as well as
The researchers intend to develop a more productive and efficient Material
Management – Procurement and Warehousing System for the benefit of the hotel
management to help them lessen the workloads that they encounter also for the
clients for faster, easier and accurate service result that they are expecting from the
hotel management.
The researchers will create and add new features to the proposed system and
possibly change some things for a better system; all changes will be based upon the
encountered problems. Make way for the reduction of the encountered problems.
2.1 Foreign Study
2.1.1 Computerized Monitoring and Inventory of Stock
According to the study of Edwin Bello and his fellow
researchers of Computerized Monitoring and Inventory of Stock
with Warning Level dated March 2005, many firms have thousands
of items of inventory which require some form of control. The usage
calculations and record keeping chores would soon become
overwhelming were it not for the computer and its unique
information storage and retrieval capabilities.
Features: monitoring and retrieval of the stocks.
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2.1.2 Perpetual Inventory System
According to article of Rosemary Peavler, a perpetual
inventory tracking system is a method of immediately accounting
for inventory sales in the inventory account, if there is no theft or
spoilage. It is an inventory management system where store
balances of inventory are recorded after every transaction. It
eliminates the need for the store to close down constantly for
inventory stock-taking as perpetual inventory systems allow for
continuous stock-taking. Perpetual inventory systems keep a
running account of the company's inventory. Perpetual inventory
systems involve more record-keeping.
Every inventory item is kept on a separate ledger. These inventory
ledgers contain information on cost of goods sold, purchases, and
inventory on hand. Perpetual inventory management systems allow
for a high degree of control of the company's inventory by
management. Perpetual inventory management is generally used
by companies who have the ability to scan the inventory items sold
and who use point-of-sale inventory systems.
Features: record and tracking of items
Source: Online Article
2.1.3 Local Government Unit-Material Management Procurement
management procurement system in United States to put it simply,
a Procurement Department is employed to buy everything
that LGU needs to operate. They must research and investigate the
products or services before purchasing them to ensure they are
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getting the best deal and also keeping up with the competition.
Procurement is a business process of and involves the process of
obtaining goods and services from preparation and processing all
the way through to the final stages of business and involves the
receipt and approval of then voice for payment. Procurement
usually involves purchase planning, standards determination,
specifications development, supplier research and selection, value
analysis, financing, price negotiation, making the purchase, supply
contract administration, inventory control and stores, and disposals
and other related functions.
2.1.4 Wal-Mart Inventory System
This system records the quantity of items sold as items are
purchased. The computer system at Wal-Mart constantly keeps up
with additions or deductions from inventory and tells management
what items are on hand. The organization also conducts counts of
employee manual counts of inventory periodically. When an item
arrives at the Wal-Mart distribution center it is scanned into the
inventory system. When the items are purchased by the consumer,
the point-of-sale system reduces the inventory from that purchase.
According to Wal-Mart’s Gail Lavielle, a leaner inventory will help
clear out store clutter and help Wal-Mart focus on specific brands
and products that consumers want (The Associated Press, 2006).
Features: record and tracking of items
Source: Online Article (
2.1.5 Book of Relevance
Author: Johnson and Kaplan
Harvard Business School
Published: 1997
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According to Johnson and Kaplan author of the book of
Relevance Lost, (Book published year 1997; Publishing Company,
Harvard Business School Press) It seems that around 1880 there
was a change in manufacturing practice from companies with
relatively homogeneous lines of products to horizontally integrated
diversity in
processes and
products. Those companies (especially in metalworking) attempted
to achieve success through economies of scope - the gains of
jointly producing two or more products in one facility. The managers
now needed information on the effect of product-mix decisions on
overall profits and therefore needed accurate
information. A variety of attempts to achieve this were unsuccessful
due to the huge overhead of the information processing of the time.
Source: Online Article (
2.2 Local Study
2.2.1 Hotel Systems: Material Management- Procurement
Author: PUPQC students
According to the students of Polytechnic University of the
Philippines to their case study the scope of their system are to
accepts the material request form from the requesting party,
Handles and sends feedback, Gives list of trusted supplier, Gives
suggestion for alternate supplier
when needed, Generates
summary report of all the procurements done by the company,
Maintain a database of all procurement, Accepts notice for delivery
from the supplier, Procurement will only responsible for Bid
evaluation Tender process and cost control, and Procurement
make sure the prices are correct (PC) - Price Computation.
Features: automated database
Source: (
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2.2.2 Blue Sky Suite hotel
Blue sky suite used computerized inventory system, In this
thesis, we consider a fleet of products that is condition monitored at
frequent intervals and the replacement decisions (whether to
replace the product or wait) are made by the service-provider
based on the condition information. These decisions are made at
instants called decision epochs. For each replacement, there is a
demand for a new product to fill in the gap in the fleet. This demand
can be fulfilled by remanufacturing a returned product or
manufacturing a new one. An ideal model would contain a policy
that can both make optimal replacement decisions and maintain
optimal inventory level for the system.
Features: monitor the product at frequent intervals
Source: (
2.2.3 Kabayan Hotel
According to the Kabayan Hotel the system can access
request of materials coming different department, it can receive
data from purchased department, the system can print data reports.
The system can automatically updated data, the system can add
and edit data.
Source: (
2.2.4 School-Based Procurement Watch Project (Bantay Eskuwela),
The Philippines school-based Procurement Watch pilot
project commenced implementation in April2009. The stated
objective of the project is “to stimulate and sustain client interest
through the Parent Teacher Community Associations (PTCAs) and
other grass-root NGOs in furthering procurement transparency and
accountability reforms in selected public schools under the Basic
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Education Sector Reform Agenda”. The project aims to achieve this
through participatory monitoring of the public procurement of school
furniture, and in particular student armchairs, undertaken by
community volunteers from local PTCAs across the Philippines.
directly engages
intermediary within a broader education program, in collaboration
with the Philippines Department of Education (DepED). DepED had
an existing relationship with a social accountability organization GWatch, in monitoring their procurement activities with textbooks
prior to the design of the school-based Procurement Watch project.
AusAID is investing heavily in the education sector program and
found it straightforward to present the case to the Government of
Philippines for the school-based Procurement Watch project in
terms of protecting its overall education investment.
2.2.5 TI-USA’s Civil Society Procurement Monitoring Tool
The Civil Society Procurement Monitoring (CSPM) tool is a
web-based tool that is meant to support Civil Society Organizations
(CSOs) or individuals who want to monitor public procurement for
red flags for corruption in their respective countries. The tool was
cooperation with CSOs in Indonesia and the Philippines, support
from procurement and IT consultants,
and funding from the
Governance Partnership Facility, administered by the World Bank.
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2.3 Matrix of the Study
and Inventory
of Stock
Monitor the
monitor the
inventory of
monitor the
critical level
data update
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Kabayan Watch
Civil Society Procurement
inventory of
critical level
data update
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2.4 Synthesis of the Study
Hotel procurement and warehousing are significant purchasers of goods
and services. Through better information sharing and control of the
purchasing process, procurement leads to financial savings, as much in terms
of internal profitability as return on investment. the related studies shows how
they can improve the company and way to success for better management in
the warehouse and procurement system, it shows the similarity and
uniqueness of each company the process and technique for inventory to
make an easy tracking of item productivity and monitor the item date
All the related study that the project team gathered had a generic process and
it helps the proponents to know the features and the uniqueness of proposed
system to other related study that we gathered from different sources.
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1.0 Introduction
The Material Management-Procurement and Warehousing System is a purchasing
and storing process that can encounter different risks in processing the request
items. Risk Management is the responsible for all the planning and organizing risks.
By having a Risk Management Plan they going to know if the impact of the risks
they’re going to encounter is high, medium or low and the probability of the risks to
be encounter. They can easily reduce the risks they’re going to encounter by having
a Risk Mitigation Plan. A Risk Mitigation Plan is the responsible plan to reduce
either the probability or consequences of a threat. The Risk Monitoring Plan is
important part of Risk Planning, this is to ensure the execution of the risk plans and
evaluate their effectiveness in reducing risk, and tracking and reporting of exposures
to risk to external stakeholders.
1.1 Scope and Intent of RMMM Activities
The scope and intent of RMMM Activities is to reduce or minimize the
possible risks to be encounter, monitor and control the probability of risks to
happen and to manage how to deal with any risk what will be the plan if the
risks happened. The proponents want to minimize the possible risk and the
probability of it to happen, Instead of making the project free from errors or
1.2 Risk Management Organizational Role
Risk Project Manager
Preparing risk management and the one who leads and manage the
project team to lessen the risks they’re going to encounter.
Project Team
Project team can avoid risks by getting all the details of the technology
that are accessible to them. Risk project manager cannot be
successful with the assistance of his/her project team.
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Can help to avoid risks by providing all the information needed.
2.0 Risk Description: When power problems or if the system gets corrupted we should
provide backup always, saving the project time by time so that ever there is a
brownout occurred, there will be no problem in continuing the project again
2.1 Risk Table
problem 30%
Financial Risk: the financial
matters and contributions of the
project team to have a data Contributions and other
gathering and developing the expenses
Strategic Risk: with the strategy
of the project team to easily
adapt and respond changes
plan, Lack of knowledge,
and Failure to respond to
the changes
Unable to stick to the
like Corrupted
source, electricity
corrupted files, corrupted hard occurred
drive or storage.
Compliance Risk: comply any
and Unable to comply the
making the impossible to be requirements immediately
possible for saving the project
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2.1.1 Description of Risk M
Financial Risk
This is the risk where concern on the financial matters and
contributions of the project team to have a data gathering and
developing the software. If the project team fails to gathered data
the produce software will not fits on the needs of the company.
Strategic Risk
This is the risk where concern with the strategy of the project
team to easily adapt and respond changes. If the project team fails
to do that developing the software is being delayed.
Operational Risk
Operational risk involves of using the resources that helps in
developing the project like technology, power source, corrupted
files, corrupted hard drive or storage. If one of that happens and
affects the whole project severely it will cause the project to fail.
Compliance Risk
This risk is dependent on the ability and willingness of project team
members to comply any requirements on time and making the
impossible to be possible for saving the project. If one or more of
members of the project team are not putting all the effort to comply
all requirements needed and finish the project it will cause the
project unsuccessful.
2.1.2 Probability and Impact for Risk M
Impact Value
Extremely Severe
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3.0 Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Management
3.1 Risk Mitigation for Risk M
3.1.1 Financial Risk
This risk concern about the financial matters while
developing the project. To avoid this we the proponents will make
the budget plan for the entire duration while developing the project
and other costing that will occur while doing the project.
3.1.2 Strategic Risk
This risk concern about the planning in developing the
project and also the cooperation of each member in project team it
will affect the developing of the project. To avoid this we the
proponents will make a plan and stick with it.
3.1.3 Operational Risk
This risk is concern about the change in value caused by the
fact that actual losses, incurred for inadequate or failed internal
processes, people and systems, or from external events.
3.1.4 Compliance Risk
This risk concern about the failure to comply requirements
that will cause developing the project delayed. To avoid this risk we
the proponents will ensure that we comply or submit some required
matters as early as we can so if it has some changes to do it will
immediately change it.
3.2 Risk Monitoring for Risk M
3.2.1 Financial Risk
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To monitor this risk we the project team will monitor the
budget we will use like purchasing equipment.
3.2.2 Strategic Risk
To monitor this risk we the project team will set the plan in
developing the project so that it will use it as guidelines while doing
the project.
3.2.3 Operational Risk
Concern about company or firm undertakes when it attempts
to operate within a given field or industry.
3.2.4 Compliance Risk
This risk will monitor when the project team will comply the
progress of the project with the customer.
3.3 Risk Management for Risk M
3.3.1 Financial Risk
For managing this risk we will monitor the budget that we
needed so that we can avoid shortage.
3.3.2 Strategic Risk
Managing this risk the project team will have a backup plan if
the first plan will failed.
3.3.3 Operational Risk
Includes risk assessment, risk decision making, and
implementation of risk controls, which results in acceptance,
mitigation, or avoidance of risk.
3.3.4 Compliance Risk
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Managing this risk the project will stick to the deadline in
passing the progress of the project so that if the customer have
request of change we can easily know and prepare for the
4.0 Special Conditions
1.0 Introduction
This phase will talk about the changes that will occur while developing the
project. Software Configuration Management Plan will developed so that we can
identify the change, control the change and it should have or generate report of
1.1 Scope and Intent of SCM Activities
The purpose of this SCM is to manage the software changes, this
change will add time and effort to make, so if the software change then
the document will change also, this changes made for achieving the
software goal.
SCM activities are developed to:
Identify change
Control change
Ensure that the change will properly implemented and report to the
involved person’s
Document changes
1.2 SCM Organizational Role
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SCM will provide technique to ensure the quality of the project,
Changes in the software must be informed to the client for the acceptance
of the changes. This change will help to enhance the project while not
confusing the customer how to use it. Those changes will discuss
between the client and the project team and once the client decided to go
with changes then the changes will implemented. After the changes it
should be have a report or it should be documented so that the client will
have access to it.
2.0 SCM Tasks
SCM will provide a task that every task will help to ensure the quality of the
Software will achieved. Controlling the changes in the software will affect to the
users so that we should ensure that the client will be informed for the changes so
that it will be discussed during the meetings between the project team and the
2.1 Identification
2.1.1 Description
Identify Change
In changing the software the project team should have
team work on suggestion and to figure if the change is
Approve Change
Developing rules will help in changing the software
because if one of the team will do changes and he/she
not informed the other members about the changes it will
lead in technical failures so that having a rule in changing
will help to avoid failure.
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Ensure that change is being properly implemented
To determine that the change will properly implemented
the team members will work separately but be careful so
that we can avoid mistakes in implementing the change.
The team will set up some of the member to look to the
change and the other group will implement and finalize
the change.
Document the change
After the change has been implemented then it should be
documented. Using the change request form developed for
the changes transaction then request the change if
necessary then we will use this change request form to
submit to the change control panel to approved the
2.1.2 Works Products and Documentation
Identify change
Once the change is identified a change request form will
be produced and will be sending to all the members of
the SCM team.
Control change
After evaluator (SCM team member) got the change
request form, change report form will be generated.
Ensure that change is being properly implemented
Document the change
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Once the change is approved we will document the
change in the library. And we will change the software
version number if it is necessary.
2.2 Configuration Control
2.2.1 Description
Changes will be controlled by using human procedures and automated
tools. Here are the steps, which will be taken in order to control
Request the change
Software developer will evaluate the change request
The result of the evaluation will be presented as change
Final decision on change will be made
If change is approved
1. Define constraints
2. “Check out” items for changes
3. Make necessary change
4. Apply SQA activities
5. “Check in” items
6. Apply testing activities
7. Rebuilt software
8. Distribute the software
2.3 Version Control
2.3.1 Description
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As a result of various changes base on what client’s needs for
the software. The version number of various modules will
increase accordingly. We will be using universal version
number system for all modules. We will also have a final
version of the entire product.
2.3.2 Increasing Version Number
When a change is already implemented, the report of
changes will also be created. After the change is finalized, it
will be documented to act as reference of the changes. The
proponents will be using a decimal point version number
<Minor Update> <Major Update> <Bugs Fixing> <Software
2.3.3 Work Products and Documentation
2.4 Configuration Status Accounting(CSA)
We will be using two different ways to communicate with the project team
members and client regarding to changes.
2.4.1 Description
Two ways that the proponents will be using to communicate
with the project team members and to client regarding to the
Change Request Form
This form can be send to the project team by the
use of email and social networking sites.
Verbal Communication
The client can approach us regarding to changes
since the project team can be keep in touch to
client, they can firstly approach us through phone
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call or sent an email and set the date and time to
discuss the changes verbally.
2.4.2 Work Products and Documentation
 Change Request Form
 Verbal Communication
 Recorded Verbal meetings
 Document history of revisions
3.0 Software Quality Assurance Overview
SQA focus on the management issues and the process of the
specific activities that enable a software organization to ensure that the
system does on the right and planned way. SQA will provide track by
stipulating software quality assurance that will benefit both client and the
project team.
Scope and Intent of SQA Activities
Quality Management Approach
Effective Software Engineering Technology
Formal Technical Reviews
Multi-Testing Strategy
Documented Software Changes Control
Software Development Standards Compliance Assurance
Review and Audits
A formal technical review (FTR) is a software quality assurance activity
that is performed by software engineers. The objectives of the FTR are:
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1. To uncover errors in function, logic, or any implementation for any
representation of the software.
2. To verify that the software under review meets its requirement
3. To ensure that the software has been represented according to predefined
4. To achieve software that is developed in a uniform manner.
5. To make projects more manageable
3.1 Generic Review Guidelines
ISO 9001 is a quality assurance standard that applies software
engineering and the 20 requirement have been delineated. The proponents
will try to pursue the following standard as part of the HRMS quality
assurance plan.
Management Responsibility
Quality System
Contract Review
Design Control
Document and Data Control
Control of Customer Supplied Product
Product Identification and Trace Ability
Process Control
Inspection and Testing
Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
Inspection and Test Status
Control of Non-Conforming Products
Corrective and Preventive Action
Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery
Control of Quality Audits
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Statistical Techniques
3.1.1 Conduction a Review
For the changes, the proponents have two ways to review the
First is review with the client and second is with other project
team. All changes should be record and documented.
3.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities
This section consists of the project team members including the
Project Manager:
Babat, Senne Marc
System Analyst:
Naagas, Gabby
Lead Programmer:
Cabriana, Jomyr
Business Analyst:
Cabrera, Ma. Sharmaine
Document Specialist: Austria, Mayumi
3.1.3 Review work Product
For each period and every meeting (Weekly) the proponents
will generate a work report to each member of the project team and to
identify problem of every task we take and discuss it and solved it.
3.2 Formal Technical Reviews
Here are the FTR that we will conduct during the software process:
Software Inspection
The project team will conduct FTR every week as we proceed in
developing the software. Every week the proponents should have preview
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of the development of the software form by form and the proponents will
also consult the adviser for further suggestion and discussion for the
development of the software.
Description of Software Inspection Review
Software Inspection is a software review for its effectivity,
correctness and maintainability. It includes the interface design,
design specification, forms and database of the system. This will
test the integration of the system if it is working and transiting
Description of Consultation
Consultation refers to the inputs and proposition of the client
and the proponents themselves regarding some additional or
revised features that will suit to the organizational needs. If there
are changes or improvements occur, consultation must be imposed
to make other members aware about the development of the
3.2.1 System Specification Review
This review will be done every week and every meeting with client,
and if there are changes with specification of the software it will
discuss with client.
3.2.2 Software Project Plan Review
The purpose of the Software Project Plan is to look over the whole
project and to the accuracy and effectivity of the software.
3.2.3 RMMM Review
Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management is used to prevent, to
monitor and to manage risk that possibly occur to the software.
Please refer to the “RMMM” section for more detailed information.
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3.2.4 Requirements Reviews (Models, Specification)
This review discusses the date of requirements submission and
system specification discussion.
3.2.5 Data Design Review
The Data Design is about the data flow between each form
(interface) and to the database.
3.2.6 Architectural Design Review
The Architectural Design documents the whole design project,
layout and dataflow.
3.2.7 Interface (GUI)
This review focus on the proposed graphical user-interface is
flexible to use, easy to use and if the environment of the software
is pleasing.
3.2.8 Component Design Review
3.2.9 Code Review
3.2.10 Test Specification Review
3.2.11 Change Control Reviews and Audits
3.3 SQA Audits
Project Team members will have a weekly report on their
individual performance for the past week. Any problems and
question regarding to the performance of each member will
noted and discuss how to solve it.
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Project Team members will share their thoughts and knowledge
on the help menu part that related to their design parts.
Any Changes that will affect to the project will consult with other
team members and also consult to the adviser and client before
doing the changes.
3.4 Problem Reporting and Corrective Action/Follow-Up
This section describes the problem reporting mechanisms that occur as
a consequence of the FTR’s that are conducted and the means for corrective
action and follow-up.
3.4.2 Reporting Mechanisms
As a Reporting Mechanism, The proponents will use a
method of follow – up meetings, phone calls and email to
inform the client about the changes, and progress of the
software development.
3.4.3 Responsibilities
Each member of the project team has a specific task but we
as a project team should be responsible in every task we
make even if it is not our specific task we should not focus
only on what our specific task we should help each other to
make a good result to the software development.
3.4.4 Data Collection and Valuation
The project team will be responsible in collecting data and
valuation, to do this the project team should have a meeting
to the client to discuss and ask question for the information
needed. Every information can get from the client should be
recorded and documented.
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1.0 Introduction
This section gives a general overview of the Software Quality Assurance Plan
(SQA) for the MM-PWS(Material Management-Procurement and Warehousing
SQA will focus on the management issues and the process specific activities that
will assure the software organization that the project will meet the standards,
process and procedure are correctly implemented and ensure that the project
will also meet the quality specification.
1.1 Scope and Intent of SQA Activities
The objectives of SQA are:
A quality management approach
Effective software engineering technology (methods and tools)
Formal technical reviews that are applied throughout the software
A multi testing strategy is draw
Control of software document and the changes made to it
A procedure to assure compliance with software development
standards when applicable
Measurement and reporting mechanisms
1.2 SQA Organizational Role
The project team is relatively small team, only 5 members. The project
team is assigned to each role based on their knowledge, capability and
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Gabby Naagas
(System Analyst)
Ma. Sharmaine
(Business Analyst)
Senne Marc
(Project Manager)
Mayumi Austria
Jomyr Cabriana
(Lead Programmer)
2.0 SQA Tasks
Contact with client
Extensive detail design
Subject Research
Requirements Review
2.1 Tasks Overview
Tasks that described above will cover the product quality control, Saving
Design Time & Cost, Minimize Errors, and Problem Tracking & Data Flow.
2.2 Standard, Practices and Conventions (SPC)
Contact with Client
The project team contacts the client irregularly. The project team
asks the client on the time of the interview and follow-up interview
and sometimes by the use of email for another follow-up question
and setting-up a meeting. During each meeting the project team
and client should discuss all about the problems can encounter
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while developing the software and the project team should record
and list all advise can get to client to become a guide in developing
the software.
Extensive detail design
Getting information regarding to the proposed system which is the
procurement and warehousing system and client details for the
design should be discussed then apply those ideas when doing the
designing phase of the software.
Subject Research
The project team has a limited knowledge regarding material
management – procurement and warehousing system. Having the
interview, meeting with the client is not enough to fulfill information
about the propose system so the project team should do research
regarding material management – procurement and warehousing
system, the project team should also get information to the past
project done by other project team that is same to the propose
system to fulfill the information needed in developing the software.
The project team should conduct consultation to their respective
adviser regarding to system that the project team to be develop.
With this practice it will help the project team to develop the
software with quality.
Requirements Review
Reviewing the requirements given by the client will be useful
because it will be the use as a basis of software development
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2.3 SQA Resources
May or may not be applicable as of now.
3.0 Reviews and Audits
3.1 Generic Review Guidelines
3.1.1 Conducting a Review
The project team will have three ways to conduct review, review
cases with the client, review cases with other member of project
team and review cases with the adviser.
For the changes in the project the client should be the one to
consult first but before consulting it should be discuss first with
other member of the project team and agreed of what changes
should be done then proceed to consult with the client then for
further information then the project team should also consult to their
respective adviser.
3.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities
As state in 1.2 SQA Organization role, the role of each team
member will multi-dimensional since we have a relatively small
Project Manager:
Babat, Senne Marc
System Analyst:
Naagas, Gabby
Lead Programmer:
Cabriana, Jomyr
Business Analyst:
Cabrera, Ma. Sharmaine
Document Specialist:
Austria, Mayumi
3.1.3 Review Work Product
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Every week each member of the project should have a meeting, in this
meeting each member should discuss their work, problems that they
encountered and other necessary problems. With this it will help the project team
to cope up with each other and solve every problem that will encounter at the
same time every week the project team should meet their respective adviser to
consult the work of the project team and to get some advice.
3.2 Formal Technical Reviews
Here are the FTR that the project team conducted during software
development process:
- Software Inspection
- Consultation
Each interface that will be designed by the proponents will undergo testing
of its transitions. The proponents will set-up a meeting for each member
including the client to give inputs and suggestions.
Description of Software Inspection Review
This review will focus on the correctness of the part of the
propose system that the project team designed. It includes the
design of the software and database use in the propose system.
This will test integration of the propose system if it is properly
Description of Consultation Review
This review mainly focus on the inputs and proposition of the
client and the project team, and with the respective adviser and the
project team about some additional or adjust features that will affect
to the organizational needs. If there are changes or improvements
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occur, consultation must be imposed to make other members
aware about the development of the system.
3.2.1 System Specification Review
The system specification of MM-PWS is fixed and constant
especially to the platform of database which is MS SQL and
software development platform which is Java Language
application furthermore it is required by the PEC of the IT
Department. But for more elaborated and précised information
about system specification, please see the system specification
3.2.2 Software Project Plan Review
The purpose software project plan is to check the whole project.
3.2.3 RMMM Review
This review focus on how to mitigate, monitor and manage
the risk. Please refer to the “RMMM” section for more
detailed information.
3.2.4 Requirement Reviews (Models, Specification)
This review contains the software and data requirement that will
provide and need to the system process.
3.2.5 Data Design Review
This review contains the data flow of each form (interface) and
to the database and to analyze the transaction that the propose
system will do.
3.2.6 Architectural Design Review
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The Architectural Design document is the whole project design
layout, and data flow.
3.2.7 Interface (GUI)
The project team must include the procedure and
process of the Hotel Management System as limit of the
develop software. The project team must have 1 design
interface to all forms to have uniformity. But the interface is
still in progress and not yet finalized. The front – end of the
software is Java Netbeans Platform as a medium of interface
3.2.8 Component Design Review
As of now MM-PWS doesn’t have actual design of the software.
But the project team already planned all the components and
the extents of the software.
3.2.9 Code Review
Not Applicable yet.
3.2.10 Test Specification Review
3.2.11 Change Control Reviews and Audit
3.3 SQA Audits
Weekly report to all members of the project team should be done
every week. All question and problems suggestions for changes will
be discuss and review.
Any changes will be consulted to the adviser and client. The project
team will be doing changes in the software if the suggested changes
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by the client and the project team members are approved by the
adviser, client and also the project team members.
4.0 Problem Reporting and Corrective Action/follow-Up
This section will describe the problem reporting mechanism that might occur as a
consequence of the FTR that are conducted and the means for corrective action,
follow-up and management.
4.1 Reporting Mechanisms
As a report mechanism, the project team will use a method of follow-up
meetings, phone calls, email to inform each other about the progress and
changes of the software development.
4.2 Responsibilities
Each members of the project team has tasks to observe and to be
responsible with. The PEC required that the project team must have a
project manager to manage the team but it doesn’t mean that all of the
decision-making procedures will be decided only by the PM although it is
necessary for the PM to have a straight-forward decision-making, all of the
members must be decide with something and as one for a unified
decision. By this, it will show coordination and cooperation as a part of a
Project Team.
 Project Manager:
Babat, Senne Marc
 System Analyst:
Naagas, Gabby
 Lead Programmer:
Cabriana, Jomyr
 Business Analyst:
Cabrera, Ma. Sharmaine
 Document Specialist: Austria, Mayumi
4.3 Data Collection and Valuation
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To conduct software quality assurance accordingly and properly, all data
regarding software engineering and development process must be
procedures, it will help improve the quality and effectivity of the software.
4.4 Statistical SQA
Not yet applicable
5.0 Software Process Improvement Activities
Determining Factor for Software Quality and Organizational Effectiveness
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5.1 Goal and Object of SPI
Here are the enlisted goals and objectives of SPI
1. All errors and faults are characterized by its origin (e.g. flaws in
design and system specification, flaws in logic and transitions
and non-compliance to standards).
2. To record the précised errors and flaws of the software.
3. Categorized counted number of errors and defects and order it
according to the severity.
4. The plans will developed as the errors and defects are already
identified in order to reduce or eliminate the frequency of the
occurrence and to modify the software.
Coding for software are very crucial
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programming of the software will
Logic will follow if the codes are
source coding will achieve the correct
logic and
transitions of
Interface is one of the important =. It
acts as the face of the software. This
is the area where the user interacts
with the software. It is very important
to design an interface according to
the level of understanding of the
user. It must consider the userfriendly attributes of an interface to
make it easier for the user to utilize
Software’s one of the feature is the
level of capacity of the software to
handle data. It involves a lot of data
that the software is necessary to
Data Handling
accurate to avoid loss of data. Data
handling must be work together with
the interface to show if the logic
between are exact and right. It must
be a huge database in order to carry
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a lot of data that the user will be
inputted and store.
interface design is not enough to call
a system an effective one. It must fall
into standard provision to make an
assurance that the software is really
working and quality-imposed.
coming from the client. The reason
for project development is the client.
The project team will be the head of
designing and developing a system
but it must also be consulted to the
Clients Requirements
consulted, for them to give inputs
because they will be the one who can
utilize the product. The proponents
requirements, problems and business
rules of the client as one of the
extents of this software.
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Error Graph
Data Handling
Client's Requirements
5.2 SPI Tasks and Responsibilities
Since the project team have only 5 members, each members will take
over the responsibility of SPI activities.
6.0 Software Configuration Management and Overview
During the time of development of the software, it is normal to
encounter errors while it is in progress. SCM is develop to identify the
changes, classify the changes according to its purpose, control changes,
implement and improved changes. For more information regarding SCM
plan, please refer to “Software Configuration Plan” document.
7.0 SQA Tools, Techniques, Methods
The project team described a lot of tools, techniques, methods for SQA. Using
contact with the client, extensive detail design, subject research and
requirements review on the project to minimize the errors. But the fact is that the
project team was really out of the schedule due to the other responsibilities and
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priorities. In addition, the project team is still can furnish the tasks although we
are out of schedule.
1.0 Introduction
This section gives a general overview of Material Management – Procurement and
Warehousing System (MM-PWS)
1.1 Goals and Objectives
The main purpose of MM-PWS is to eliminate the manual process of existing
MM-PWS. By creating a computerized Material Management – Procurement
and Warehousing System and to ease the process of the transaction with
Procurement and Warehousing System.
Other Specific goals of MM-PWS:
To minimize the time span in processing of transaction
To eliminate the probability shortage in term of determining the
critical level of stocks
To provide a searchable database of all past transaction
To secure all reports done of all transaction of procurement and
To minimize the amount of required paperwork.
1.2 System Statement of Scope
The Procurement and Warehousing System is develop to enhance the
transaction of procurement and warehousing including the monitoring of the
critical level of stocks, bidding evaluation and receiving and inspecting of
delivered items. MM-PWS also:
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1.2.1 Version 1 General Requirements
A way to provide Material Request form
A way to view list of items in the warehouse and its quantity
A way to search and view suppliers from list of suppliers
A way to monitor the critical level of items in the warehouse
including its expiration date.
A way to record all past transaction done in purchasing
A way to record all past transaction in receiving items and
inspection of the items
A way in which they can print a ready print form.
A way to generate and print purchase order
A way in which they could view data which was entered into
the database prior to our software.
Interface Enhancement
Procurement and Warehousing System has requested 20-25
interface enhancements that will increase the usability and
the ease of to handle the product and also its capability.
Database Administrative Interface
There is currently no documented interface for staff
members to maintain checklist and templates.
The staff members has also requested for the entire staff for
the proper training for the use of the software.
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1.2.2 Version 2 General Requirements
1.2.3 Extended Enhancement Request
1.3 System Context
Eventually, many users of this product will have benefits can receive while
using the Procurement and Warehousing System. Therefore problem and
errors will occur no matter what precaution will do. But by the means of
analyzing and identify what would be the problem can encounter while using
the product for the long period of time it would be solved and diminish the
probability that the problem will appear. In addition, this is a pilot product that
hopefully, if successful it can be used by other branch of hotel as well. This
leads to issues about future support for a larger user base.
1.4 Major Constraints
We have limited time to finish all documentation, software creation and
enhancements. The project team has a lot of meeting that have been
postpone due to lack of time and some activities we should do as a
student. The project team still works on it to make the tasks furnished.
Resources and costing
Financial problem is inevitable whether we are students or professionals
without sources and funds the developing of the software will slow and its
quality will become poor. But despite of this constraint the project team
will still work and look for other sources and funds to finish the project.
2.0 Functional Data Description
This section will discuss the overall system function and the information
included on it.
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2.1 System Architecture
2.1.1 Architecture Model
2.1.2 Current Subsystem overview
Adding new features/ Update existing information
Warehousing System will help the client and users to ease their
process transaction and it is part of more innovation will be done in
future times. And only admin can update some necessary
information to avoid unnecessary activity will be done by the other
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Print Blank Material Request Form
This function allows users to print blank material request form from
predefined templates. It will use by the department that will have
request to get or purchase item that they need. The material
request form should fill up with item that they need to purchase.
This blank material request form will only do if the electronic
material request form is not available.
Generate and print all reports
This function allows users to generate and print all reports that the
procurement and warehousing transaction should be done. It will
use as the reviewer for the summarization and analyzing that
should be done by the company in their profit and performance
review of their company.
View/Edit historical data
Any past procurement and warehousing transactions can be
searched and browsed here.
2.2 Data Description
2.2.1 Major Data Objects
Administrator Form
1. Admin_ID
The Unique ID number given to each qualified administrators
2. Admin_Lname:
Administrator’s last name.
3. Admin_Fname:
Administrator’s first name.
4. Admin_Mname:
Administrator middle name.
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5. Position:
The entire work of a user.
6. Address
This field contains administrator complete address.
7. Email Address
This field contains administrator valid and updated email
8. Contact Number
This field contains administrator updated contact number.
9. Admin_Username:
Administrator’s username use to log in to the system
10. Admin_Password:
Administrator’s password use to log in to the system
11. User Level
Employee’s types of accounts.
Add User Accounts
1. User_ID:
Unique ID number of an employee.
2. User_Lname:
Employee’s last name.
3. User_Fname:
Employee’s first name.
4. User_Mname:
Employee’s middle name.
5. User_Level:
Employee’s type of accounts.
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6. Password:
Employee’s password use to log in to the system
Material Request Form
1. MRF_Number:
This contains unique number for the Material Request Form.
2. Requestor’s _Name:
Requestor’s Full Name
3. Requestor’s_Department
Requestor’s Department that he/she belong.
4. MRF_Date:
Date that the MRF created
5. Request_QuantityUnit:
Quantity of item they needed.
6. Item_Number
Unique number of the item
7. Material_Description:
Item Description
Purchase Order Form
1. Company_Name:
Name of company
2. Company_Address:
Company Complete Address
3. Company_Emailaddress:
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Company valid Email address
4. Company_Phonenumber:
Company valid contact details such as phone and cellular
phone number.
5. Purchaseorder_Date:
Date that the Purchase Order created
6. Purchaseorder_Number:
Unique number of Purchase Order
7. Vendor_Name:
Vendor’s complete name
8. Company_Name:
Vendor’s company that he/she belong
9. Company_Address:
Vendor’s Company complete Address
10. Company_Phonenumber:
Vendor’s Company valid contact details such as phone,
cellular phone and fax number.
11. Shipping_Method:
Method of items to be delivered
12. Shipping_Term:
Terms and Condition in delivering the items
13. Delivery_Date:
Estimate date of delivery of items
14. QuantityOrUnit:
Quantity or unit of a certain item
15. Item_Number:
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Unique number of item
16. Description:
Description of the items
17. Price_Unit
Price per unit of item.
Request for Quotation Form
1. Quotation_Number:
Unique number of RFQ
2. RFQ_Date:
Date that the RFQ created
3. Pricequote_ExpirationDate:
Expiration date of the pricequote.
4. Suppliers_Name:
Suppliers/Vendor or Suppliers Company name
5. Requestor’s_Companyname:
Company name of the requestor.
6. Item_Number:
Unique number of the items
7. Description:
Description of the Items
8. QuantityOrUnit:
Quantity or Unit of a certain item
9. Unit_price:
Price per unit of the item
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10. Total_amount:
Total amount of items base on its quantity and price per unit
11. Delivery_Date:
Estimate date of items to be delivered.
12. Delivered_Via:
Type of Delivery
13. Ship_To:
Where to deliver the items
Receiving Form
1. PurchaseOrder_Number:
Unique number of Purchase Order
2. Company_Name:
Name of the company who will receive the items that to be
3. Date:
Date that the delivered item received
4. Received_From:
Company name who delivered the Items
5. Address:
Complete address of the company who delivered the goods.
6. Delivered_Via:
Type of delivery
7. Freightbill_Number:
Bill number of cargo who ships the goods.
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8. Payment_type:
Type of payment
9. Item_Number:
Unique Number of Item
10. Description:
Description of the items.
11. QuantityOrUnit:
Number of item has been purchased.
12. Package_Number:
Unique number of Package
13. Weight:
Weight of good has been delivered.
14. Received_by:
Staff that received and inspect the goods that have been
15. Delivered_by:
The company who deliver the goods
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2.2.2 Relationships
2.3 Human Interface Description
The user of this new developed procurement and warehousing system needs
be more capable using the interface of Net beans for the front end and MySQL
for the back end of this system, when it comes in reviewing all the mandatory
needed reports by the MM-PWS.
The interface of our system has 4 modules; Material Request Form,
Procurement, Warehouse, Supplier. These are the main components of the
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MM-PWS based on the work break down structure develop by the project
Material Request Form Window
Is a form that allow user to input all material request needed and allow user to
print blank material request form if the electronic material request form is not
Procurement Transaction Window
Allow the user to process procurement/purchasing transaction.
Inventory Window
Allow the user to process the inventory transaction including updating inventory
of items, inspecting and receiving item that have purchased by the
procurement/purchasing staff.
Supplier Window
Allow the user to view and update their Supplier information.
Login Window
This is a form in which records and logs of the users can be view.
Procurement and Warehousing Report Window
Allow user to search previous report of Procurement and Warehousing
transaction and print for review.
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3.0 Subsystem Description
3.1 Subsystem Flow Diagrams
Here some of the diagrams regarding subsystem dataflow.
3.1.1 Procurement/ Purchasing Transaction
3.1.2 Inventory process
4.0 Enhanced Interface Prototyping
4.1 Prototyping Requirements
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Goals and Objectives
For the design of the application, the goal is to make the user of the software
perform his usual task with improve MM-PWS with fast, accurate, with ease
in using the software and secured in processing the procurement/ purchasing
and warehousing transaction. To make it happen here are the objectives
should be done to meet the goal:
o Minimize the time duration of processing the transaction in
procurement and warehousing process.
o To minimize or eliminate the amount of paperwork required
o To provide searchable database of all past procurement and
o To enable to view and update past reports but only admin can do
updating those reports.
o To provide printed reports for analyzing.
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1.2 System Statement of Scope
1.2.1 General Requirements
These are the major requirements that were laid for our project:
 A way in which the user of the software can process the
transaction of procurement/ purchasing and warehousing
through software.
 A way in which they could generate blank Material Request
Form that is printed to be send out in every department of the
hotel if it is not to be done electronically.
 A way in which all MRF will be stored in secured database.
 A way in which all transaction should be done electronically
 A way in which they could print all reports done in processing
Warehousing for analyzing.
1.2.2 Extended Enhancement
Continuous Maintenance
As time goes by while using the developed system the
condition of the software will become because of daily use. We as
the developer of the software we will repair and maintain the
software condition and usability so that it will use for another long
period of time.
1.3 System Context
Eventually, many users of this product will have benefits can receive while
using the Procurement and Warehousing System. Therefore problem and
errors will occur no matter what precaution will do. But by the means of
analyzing and identify what would be the problem can encounter while using
the product for the long period of time it would be solved and diminish the
probability that the problem will appear. In addition, this is a pilot product that
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hopefully, if successful it can be used by other branch of hotel as well. This
leads to issues about future support for a larger user base.
1.4 Major Constraints
We have limited time to finish all documentation, software creation and
enhancements. The project team has a lot of meeting that have been
postpone due to lack of time and some activities we should do as a
student. The project team still works on it to make the tasks furnished.
Resources and costing
professionals without sources and funds the developing of the software
will slow and its quality will become poor. But despite of this constraint the
project team will still work and look for other sources and funds to finish
the project.
2.0 Usage Scenario
2.1 User Profiles
There will be two level types of users:
 Full Control User (Administrator)
 Read/Write/Modify All(Users/Staff)
2.2 Use-Cases
Read/Write/Modify All (Users/Staff)
This level of users will be able to do all process of the procurement and
warehousing transaction and record all transaction. It can do update if the
administrator give order to the user.
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Full Control Users
This level of user can manage and modify all records, application
settings and also it can add new users and modify records in the database.
3.0 Data Model and Description
3.1 Data Description
3.1.1 Data Objects and Dictionary
Administrator Form
1. Admin_ID
The Unique ID number given to each qualified administrators
2. Admin_Lname:
Administrator’s last name.
3. Admin_Fname:
Administrator’s first name.
4. Admin_Mname:
Administrator middle name.
5. Position:
The entire work of a user.
6. Address
This field contains administrator complete address.
7. Email Address
This field contains administrator valid and updated email
8. Contact Number
This field contains administrator updated contact number.
9. Admin_Username:
Administrator’s username use to log in to the system
10. Admin_Password:
Administrator’s password use to log in to the system
11. User Level
Employee’s types of accounts
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Add User Accounts
1. User_ID:
Unique ID number of an employee.
2. User_Lname:
Employee’s last name.
3. User_Fname:
Employee’s first name.
4. User_Mname:
Employee’s middle name.
5. User_Level:
Employee’s type of accounts.
6. Password:
Employee’s password use to log in to the system
Material Request Form
1. MRF_Number:
This contains unique number for the Material Request Form.
2. Requestor’s _Name:
Requestor’s Full Name
3. Requestor’s_Department
Requestor’s Department that he/she belong.
4. MRF_Date:
Date that the MRF created
5. Request_QuantityUnit:
Quantity of item they needed.
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6. Item_Number
Unique number of the item
7. Material_Description:
Item Description
Purchase Order Form
1. Company_Name:
Name of company
2. Company_Address:
Company Complete Address
3. Company_Emailaddress:
Company valid Email address
4. Company_Phonenumber:
Company valid contact details such as phone and cellular
phone number.
5. Purchaseorder_Date:
Date that the Purchase Order created
6. Purchaseorder_Number:
Unique number of Purchase Order
7. Vendor_Name:
Vendor’s complete name
8. Company_Name:
Vendor’s company that he/she belong
9. Company_Address:
Vendor’s Company complete Address
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10. Company_Phonenumber:
Vendor’s Company valid contact details such as phone,
cellular phone and fax number.
11. Shipping_Method:
Method of items to be delivered
12. Shipping_Term:
Terms and Condition in delivering the items
13. Delivery_Date:
Estimate date of delivery of items
14. QuantityOrUnit:
Quantity or unit of a certain item
15. Item_Number:
Unique number of item
16. Description:
Description of the items
17. Price_Unit
Price per unit of item.
Request for Quotation Form
1. Quotation_Number:
Unique number of RFQ
2. RFQ_Date:
Date that the RFQ created
3. Pricequote_ExpirationDate:
Expiration date of the pricequote.
4. Suppliers_Name:
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Suppliers/Vendor or Suppliers Company name
5. Requestor’s_Companyname:
Company name of the requestor.
6. Item_Number:
Unique number of the items
7. Description:
Description of the Items
8. QuantityOrUnit:
Quantity or Unit of a certain item
9. Unit_price:
Price per unit of the item
10. Total_amount:
Total amount of items base on its quantity and price per unit
11. Delivery_Date:
Estimate date of items to be delivered.
12. Delivered_Via:
Type of Delivery
13. Ship_To:
Where to deliver the items
Receiving Form
1. PurchaseOrder_Number:
Unique number of Purchase Order
2. Company_Name:
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Name of the company who will receive the items that to be
3. Date:
Date that the delivered item received
4. Received_From:
Company name who delivered the Items
5. Address:
Complete address of the company who delivered the goods.
6. Delivered_Via:
Type of delivery
7. Freightbill_Number:
Bill number of cargo who ships the goods.
8. Payment_type:
Type of payment
9. Item_Number:
Unique Number of Item
10. Description:
Description of the items.
11. QuantityOrUnit:
Number of item has been purchased.
12. Package_Number:
Unique number of Package
13. Weight:
Weight of good has been delivered.
14. Received_by:
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Staff that received and inspect the goods that have been
15. Delivered_by:
The company who deliver the goods
3.1.2 Relationships
4.0 Functional Model and Description
4.1 Subsystem Flow Diagrams
4.1.1 Procurement/ Purchasing Transaction
4.1.2 Inventory process
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4.2 Human Interface
The user of this new developed procurement and warehousing system needs
be more capable using the interface of Net beans for the front end and
MySQL for the back end of this system, when it comes in reviewing all the
mandatory needed reports by the MM-PWS.
The interface of our system has 4 modules; Material Request Form,
Procurement, Warehouse, Supplier. These are the main components of the
MM-PWS based on the work break down structure develop by the project
Material Request Form Window
Is a form that allow user to input all material request needed and allow user to
print blank material request form if the electronic material request form is not
Procurement Transaction Window
Allow the user to process procurement/purchasing transaction.
Inventory Window
Allow the user to process the inventory transaction including updating
inventory of items, inspecting and receiving item that have purchased by the
procurement/purchasing staff.
Supplier Window
Allow the user to view and update their Supplier information.
Login Window
This is a form in which records and logs of the users can be view.
Procurement and Warehousing Report Window
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Allow user to search previous report of Procurement and Warehousing
transaction and print for review.
5.0 Restrictions, Limitations and Constraints
6.0 Validation Criteria
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Goals and Objectives
1.2 System Statement of Scope
1.2.1 General Requirements
1.3 System Context
1.4 Major Constraints
2.0 Data Design
2.1 Database Description
3.0 Architectural and Component-level Design
3.1 Program Structure
3.1.1 Overall
3.1.2 Create Inspection
3.1.3 During Inspection
3.1.4 Post-Inspection
3.1.5 Approval
3.2 Description for Components
3.2.1 Switch User
3.2.2 Facility
3.2.3 Create/Modify Inspection – Step 1
3.2.4 Create/Modify Inspection – Step 2
3.2.5 File Results – Step 1
3.2.6 File Results – Step 2
3.2.7 Approval
3.2.8 Checklist Maintenance
3.2.9 Letter Maintenance
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4.0 User Interface Design
4.1 Description of the User Interface
4.1.1 Screen Images
4.1.2 Objects and Actions
Menu Items
4.2 Interface Design Rules
4.3 Components Available
4.3.1 Intrinsic Controls
4.3.2 ActiveX Controls
5.0 Restriction, Limitations and Constraints
6.0 Testing Issues
6.1 Classes of Test
6.2 Performance Bounds
6.3 Identification of Critical Components
7.0 Appendices
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Goals and Objectives
1.2 Statement of Scope
1.3 Major Constraints
2.0 Testing Plan
2.1 Software (SCIS) To be Tested
2.1.1 Interfaces
2.2 Testing Strategy
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2.2.1 Unit Testing
2.2.2 Integration Testing
2.2.3 Validation Testing
2.2.4 High-Order Testing
2.3 Testing Resources and Staffing
2.4 Test Record Keeping
2.5 Testing Tools and Environment
2.6 Test Schedule
3.0 Test Procedure
3.1 Software (SCIS) to be Tested
3.2 Testing Procedures
3.2.1 Unit Testing
3.2.2 Integration Testing
3.2.3 Validation Testing
3.2.4 High-Order Testing
3.3 Testing Resources and Staffing
3.4 Test Record Keeping and Log
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