Unit I: Nutrition and Diet Therapy Allied Health II Fundamentals of Nutrition Nutrition: Digestion, metabolism, circulation, and elimination Nutritional status: refers to the state of ones nutrition Wellness: state of good health with optimal body function (requires good nutrition) Fundamentals Of Nutrition Cont. Nutrition plays a large role in determining: Height Weight Strength Skeletal and muscle development Physical ability Resistance to disease Appetite Posture Complexion Mental ability Emotional and psychological health Fundamental of Nutrition Cont. Immediate effects of good nutrition include: * Healthy appearance * Good attitude * Proper sleep and bowel habits * Enthusiasm * Freedom from anxiety Fundamentals of Nutrition Cont. Good nutrition may delay or prevent the following: Hypertension Arteriosclerosis Osteoporosis Malnutrition Obesity Essential Nutrients Composed of chemical elements found in food Used by the body to perform body functions Nutrients in food replace those used by the body Essential nutrients divided into six groups Carbohydrates Major source of human energy Starches or sugars Easily digested, grow well in most climates, keep well without refrigeration Main sources: bread, cereals, pasta, crackers, potatoes, corn, peas, fruits, sugars and syrups Cellulose: indigestible carbohydrates, provides bulk (bran, whole-grain cereal, fibrous fruits and veggies) Fats Lipids Concentrated form of energy Help maintain body temperature by providing insulation Help cushion organs and bones Aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins Provide flavor to meals Main sources: butter, margarine, oils, creams, fatty meats, cheeses, and egg yolk Classified as saturated or polyunsaturated Cholesterol- fatty substance found in body cells and animal fats-found in egg yolk, fatty meats, shellfish, butter, cream. Cheese, whole milk, and organ meats Excess cholesterol is believed to contribute to Proteins Build and repair body tissue Provide heat and energy Help produce antibodies Made up of 22 amino acids (9 are essential) Main sources/complete proteins: meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs Incomplete proteins: cereal, soybeans, dry beans, peas and Vitamins Organic compounds that are essential to life Regulate body functions Repair body tissue Only a small amount required-well balanced diet provides required vitamins Excess or deficiency can cause poor health Water soluble or fat soluble Minerals Inorganic (nonliving) elements found in all body tissue Regulate body functions Build and repair body tissue They include: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, fluorine and Water Found in all body tissues Essential for digestion Makes up most of blood plasma Helps body tissue absorb nutrients Helps move waste material through body Average person should drink 6-8 glasses of water a day Utilization of Nutrients Digestion-breaks down the foods we eat 1. Mechanical or chemical 2. Peristalsis Absorption-process of taking in nutrients by the body 1. Most absorption occurs in the small intestine 2. Water, salts, and some vitamins in large intestine Utilization of Nutrients Cont. Metabolism-use of nutrients by the body 1. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) Measuring Food Energy 1. Calorie-the amount of heat produced during metabolism 2. Most people use an average of 3,500 calories per day 3. To lose weight, a person must take in fewer calories then are burned 4. To gain weight, a person must take in more calories then the person uses Therapeutic Diets Regular Diet A balanced diet usually used for the ambulatory patient. Foods such as rich desserts, cream sauces, salad dressings, and fried foods may be decreased or omitted. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Liquid diets Include both clear and full liquids. Foods included on the clear diet are mainly carbohydrates and water, including apple or grape juice, plain gelatin, ginger ale, and tea or coffee with sugar. Foods included in the full liquid diet are strained soups, fruits and vegetable juices, ice cream, custard, pudding, and eggnog. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Soft diet Foods must require little chewing and be easy to digest. Foods to avoid are meat, shellfish, spicy foods, rich desserts, fried foods, nuts, and coconut. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Diabetic diet Used for patients with diabetes mellitus. The diet contains exchange list that group foods according to type, nutrients, and caloric contents. Patients are allowed a certain number of items from each exchange list according to there individual needs. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Low-cholesterol diet Foods high in saturated fat, such as beef, liver, pork, lamb, egg, yolk, cream cheese, natural cheeses, and whole milk are limited. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Fat-restricted diets Also called lo-fat diets. Examples to avoid include cream, whole milk, cheeses, fats, fatty meats, rich desserts, chocolate, nuts, coconuts, nuts, fried foods, and salad dressings. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Sodium-restricted diet Patients should avoid or limit adding salt to food, smoked meats or fish, processed foods, pickles, olives, sauerkraut, and some processed cheeses. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Protein diet Protein rich foods include meats, fish, milks, cheeses, and eggs. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Bland diet Consist of easily digested foods that do not irritate the digestive tract. Foods to be avoided include coarse foods, fried foods, highly seasoned foods, pastries, candies, raw fruits and vegetables, smoked and salted meats, whole grain breads, etc. Therapeutic Diets Cont. Low-residue diet Eliminates or limits foods that are high in bulk and fiber. Examples of such food include raw fruits and vegetables, whole-grain breads and cereals, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, coconut, and fried food.