PPS - The Gangfighters Network

Security Threat Groups
And the Military
The views expressed in this presentation are those of the
presenter and do not reflect the official policy or position
of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense,
or the U.S. Government.
Security Threat Groups
What is a Security Threat Group (STG)?
A formal or informal ongoing group, gang, organization or
association consisting of two or more members who have a
common name or common identifying sign, color(s), or
symbol(s). A group whose members/associates engage in a
pattern of gang-type activity or violation of laws/regulations.
Security Threat Groups
In The Military?
Are there currently active groups of individuals
forming street type gangs and extremist groups
on Military Installations? From research
gathered from the US Army, US Navy, and US
Air Force, there is no evidence that groups of
servicemen or women are forming what would
be considered “Street Gangs” or “Hate
Groups” solely based on military installations.
Security Threat Group Members
in the Military?
There is ample evidence that members of the
Armed Forces have had previous, or have
current and active contact with criminal street
gangs or extremist groups. There are
members of these groups currently on active
duty with the military.
What Has the Army Provided Commanders
for Use to Combat These Groups?
AR 600-20, para. 4-12, A, dated 20 December 1996:
Participation: Military personnel must reject participation in
extremist organizations and activities. Extremist
organizations and activities are ones that:
1) advocate racial, gender, ethnic hatred or intolerance
2) advocate, create, or engage in illegal discrimination based
on race, color, sex, religion or national origin
3) advocate the use of, or use force, violence or unlawful
means to deprive individuals their rights under the United
States Constitution, the Laws of the United States, or the laws
of any one state.
How do service members get involved
in these groups?
The service members in almost every case have had
prior membership in these groups and merely reassociate themselves with local groups through
contact at night clubs, malls or public events.
Gang members can spot other gang members
with little trouble as this is a survival technique they
have learned since they were first initiated into
Soldiers involved with extremist groups
usually get recruited while in the service or had
some contact before entering the military.
Is Prior Security Threat Group
Affiliation a Safety Issue?
Prior affiliation is not a safety issue within the
military for two main reasons.
1. Military installations and surrounding areas
are initially considered neutral turf, and
therefore association with those considered
rivals is not an issue.
2. The service member does not usually have
other members of his group with him and does
not have to live up to their expectations.
How Are Security Threat Group
Members Identified?
Military Law Enforcement utilizes several different methods
to identify potential gang/extremist members within the
• Extensive use of “Health & Welfare” Inspections by
Commanders who find gang/extremist paraphernalia.
• Direct contact with Local Law Enforcement Agencies who
identify gang members through direct contact.
• Mandatory Tattoo checks conducted by Commanders and
in-processing personnel upon arrival at the installation.
• Direct contact with Military Police through routine traffic
stops or routine case work.
• Information provided by Confidential Sources.
Gangs - what are they made of?
Gang Names
Many gangs adopt names that have significance when related to their
neighborhoods (streets, parks, hills, valleys or housing projects).
Nick Names
Many gang members adopt nicknames when recruited into the group, if
they do not already have one. The gang tends to select a name that fits the
individual's physical or psychological characteristics.
Gang members do not fit the movie image in which they are portrayed
fulfilling specific roles in the gang such as president or enforcer amd
wearing jackets similar to those worn by many car clubs having rigid
Rather, leadership roles in street gangs are usually not formally recognized
positions. They are assumed by a member who demonstrates or asserts
dominant control at a particular time. His leadership may continue for the
particular incident or a limited time thereafter. With smaller gangs, however,
it is more likely that a single individual will become a recognized leader.
What do gangs do?
Gang Activity: What Do Gangs Do?
It is not practical to examine everything a gang does. In fact, many gang
activities are frequently shared by a large portion of society. But when a
gang is involved in a weekend party, or attends a public event such as
visiting an amusement park, the potential for violence and criminal
activity is far greater than for any other group of people. Gang members
seek confrontation with rivals. The resulting violence often claims
innocent victims.
While gang violence often makes headlines, it creates even more
damage on a regular basis to local property and business. Vandalism,
in the form of graffiti and the wanton destruction of public and private
property, is often done in furtherance of the gang's reputation.
Abandoned houses are favorite targets for vandalism but even occupied
homes do not escape. Local businesses suffer not only from the
property damage and graffiti, but also from loss of customers and
employees. Businesses facing decreasing revenue and rising insurance
costs close their doors leaving another abandoned building for the
gang. However, the majority of residents in a gang area who are unable
to move away, live in fear.
Society and Gangs
"Vatos Locos" 1963 Chevy Impala
Major Gangs
What is Graffiti?
Graffiti, a form of vandalism, is a problem that impacts our
neighborhoods in a variety of ways. Without question, it decreases
property values in residential neighborhoods and negatively affects
industrial and commercial areas. Of greater concern is the inherent
violence associated with gang graffiti. Gang members use graffiti to
mark their gang's "turf" or territory. They also use it to advertise the
gang's status or power and to declare their own allegiance to the gang.
When a neighborhood is marked with graffiti indicating territorial
dominance, the entire area and its inhabitants become targets for
violence. Anyone on the street or in his home is fair game for drive-by
attacks by rival gang members. A rival gang identifies everyone in the
neighborhood as a potential threat. Consequently, innocent residents
are often subjected to gang violence by the mere presence of graffiti in
their neighborhood.
Local Area Gang Graffiti
Local Area Gang Graffiti
Local Area Gang Graffiti
Local Area Gang Graffiti
Warning by local CRIPs to a rival Latin Kings gang
Local Area Gang Graffiti
Local Area Gang Graffiti
Local Area Gang Graffiti
Gang Graffiti and Indicators
Security Threat Group Briefing
Major Hate Groups
ZOG = Zionist Occupational Government
88 = Heil Hitler
18 = Adolph Hitler
CSA = Covenant of Sword and Arm of our Lord
COTC= Church of the Creator
IDENTITY = White Race is the True Israel of the Bible
14 Words = We must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children
RAHOWA = Racial Holy War
AN = Aryan Nations
3 x 11 = 11th letter of the alphabet K - KKK
AKIA = A Klansman I Am
ORION = Our Race is Our Nation
4/20/89 = Hitler’s Birthday
SHARP = SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice
Braces & Laces = Identifiers of Skinheads, Black= Neutral, White= White Supremacy,
Red=Neo Nazi
Major Hate Groups
The Fourteen Word Press
David Lane, Author of the
Fourteen Words. Currently
in Federal Prison
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." "Those who control the
once-White nations deny us White nations, White schools, White organizations and everything
necessary for racial survival. We resist this deliberate and malicious genocide. Is that hate? If Whites
do not immediately establish an exclusive White nation, then the beauty of the White Aryan woman
will soon cease to exist on earth forever. We are taught to dread the extinction of spotted owls, so
why is it a hate crime to love and preserve one's race? Is that hate?"
Aryan Nations
Richard Butler, leader of Aryan Nations
WE BELIEVE that the Cananite Jew is the natural enemy of our Aryan (White) Race. This is attested by
scripture and all secular history. The Jew is like a destroying virus that attacks our racial body to destroy
our Aryan culture and the purity of our Race. Those of our Race who resist these attacks are called
"chosen and faithful." John 8:44; 1Thessalonians 2:15; Revelations 17:14"
Major Hate Groups
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
and The Federation of Klans
"If the Klan were in political power laws would be enacted that would prevent American
industry and property from being sold to foreigners. America should be owned by Americans not Japanese, Arabs or Jews.... Until 20 or so years ago, nearly all states had 'sodomy' and
miscegenation laws and statutes that were strictly enforced. Since that time they have been
repealed or are ignored, the results are obvious with the plague of AIDS now ravaging our land.
Both of these abominations against God and nature must be stopped if America is ever to return
to the great Christian nation it once was. "
World Church of the Creator
"WE BELIEVE that the White Race, its Biological and Cultural Heritage, is now under attack
by our mortal racial enemies: Jews, niggers and the mud races. WE BELIEVE that RAHOWA
(RAcial HOly WAr), under the victorios flag of the one and only, true and revolutionary White
Racial Religion-Creativity-, is the only road to the resurrection and redemption of the White
Major Hate Groups
White Aryan Resistance
"As our march toward hell proceeds, it will empower us if we heed the advice of Dr. Charles
Weber and refer to ourselves as "Aryans". Furthermore, let's quit the side-shuffles and notify
the world that we are, indeed, racists. We have been labeled as such by our racial enemies and
it's about time we acknowledged the fact. If by some quirk of genetic malfunction, you feel
you are a genuine poon-tang loving race-mixer, then stay away from Holocaust discussions,
free speech band-wagons, National Socialism tea parties, and all other blight-wing parades for
you will eventually be labeled a "racist" no matter how many kowtows you perform or where
you choose to stuff your silly little nose. Most blacks are racist. Most jews are racist. Most
chinks are racist. Most mestizos are racist. Most vietnamese are racist. Russian jews are racist.
Japs are racist. Our apartheid injuns are racist. They all share a common view: They do not
want Aryans to be racist. Racism lends strength to a people and the last thing non-Aryans want
is to be in the middle of Aryan strength. If White America were as racist as its enemies claim,
then it wouldn't be in such a fine mess. No parasite wants its host to reach for that can of Raid.
Active Hate Groups
in the United States
Source - SPLC
Racist Skinheads
"The most precious possession on earth is our own people, and for these people,
and with these people, we will struggle and we will fight, and never slacken, and
never tire, and never falter, and never doubt! Long live our movement! Long live our
people!" --Adolf Hitler
National Socialist White Peoples Party
"These three goals; Political, Spiritual and Educational, form the phalanx of the
Party's organizational activities. To these goals we as National Socialists, as
defenders of the blood of our Folk, commit our total being. Once the neo-Marxist
democratic dogma of political correctness' is replaced with political truthfulness and
our people united once again as a true Folk, then and only then, will we return this
country to the structure of the Authoritarian Republic it was meant to be and as the
Founding Fathers so intended."
No Remorse
SS Bootboys
Blood Oath
Code of
Displayed Material
Aryan Nations Shield and
Ku Klux Klan card
Identifying Factors - Militia
Identifying Factors - Militia
Militia Movements By State
Source - SPLC
Current Active Militias In Kentucky
Defenders of Liberty, Boone County
Kentucky Riflemen Militia, Brooks
Council of Conservative Citizens, Casey Creek
West Kentucky Committee of Safety, Henderson
Troublesome Creek Liberation Army, Hindman
Voice of Liberty, Liberty
U.S. Taxpayers Party, Louisville
Source - SPLC
Current Active Militias In
American Patriot Federation, Chattanooga
Council of Conservative Citizens, East Tennessee
1st Mississippi Light Artillery, Hixson
Jackson Militia, Jackson
Americans for Constitutional Integrity, Johnson City
Freeman Liberty Foundation, Knoxville
Sons of Liberty, Knoxville
Tennessee Volunteer State Militia, Knoxville
Committees of Correspondence, Lenoir City
Council of Conservative Citizens, Memphis
Mid South Patriots, Memphis
U.S. Taxpayers Party, Memphis
Christian Civil Liberties Association, Morristown
Guardians of American Liberties, Mosheim
Sacred Truth Ministries, Mountain City
Council of Conservative Citizens, Nashville
For Christ and Country Fellowship, Nashville
Committee of 1776, Inc, Powell
Tennessee Militia, Signal Mountain
Tennessee Volunteer People's Militia, Signal Mountain
Source - SPLC
Some Prominent Militia Leaders
ROBERT BRADLEY, Veteran of the 82nd Airborne and Special Forces, Bradley is
author of the paramilitary handbook Citizen Soldier A Manual of Community Based
Defense. The 192-page book, sold by the Militia of Montana and the Christian
Patriot Association, is a practical and detailed guide to guerrilla warfare.
WILLIAM COOPER, Camp Verdi, Arizona. One of the most popular Patriot
short-wave radio personalities, Cooper claims to be a former United States Naval
Intelligence Briefing Team member. His book Behold A Pale Horse, a staple among
New World Order conspiracy writings, combines UFO theories and ideas from the
anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion to argue that America is on the brink of
becoming a slave nation.
"J.F.A. DAVIDSON," North Carolina. The pseudonym of the editor of The
Resister, the influential quarterly newsletter of the Special Forces Underground
(SFU), a clandestine Patriot group made up of active-duty and veteran Special
Forces personnel.
Some Prominent Militia Leaders
JACK DEVAULT, San Antonio, Texas. A former Air Force major and early
champion of the Branch Davidians at Waco, DeVault charged the government
with conspiracy in his book The Waco Whitewash. He sends out regular
updates on Waco and other anti-government issues over the American Patriot
Fax Network.
GEORGE ETTER, Morristown, Tennessee. Founder of the Christian Civil
Liberties Association, Etter is a convicted felon and publisher of The Militia
BO GRITZ, Kamiah, Idaho. A Green Beret Vietnam War veteran and
Presidential candidate on the 1988 Populist Party ticket with David Duke,
Gritz helped negotiate Randy Weaver's surrender at Ruby Ridge. Gritz heads
The Center For Action and conducts weapons and survival training classes
called SPIKE (Specially Prepared Individuals for Key Events). Gritz is
organizing a survivalist community near Kamiah, Idaho, called Almost
Heaven. He publishes the Center For Action newsletter, issues shortwave radio
broadcasts and is a frequent speaker at Patriot events.
Some Prominent Militia Leaders
TED GUNDERSON, Santa Monica, California. A former Special Agent in Charge of
the FBI's Los Angeles field office, Gunderson accuses federal officials of a cover-up in
the Oklahoma City bombing and suggests that the actual perpetrators came from
within the government itself. His reports appear regularly in the pages of Patriot
JACK MOHR, Little Rock, Arkansas. A former Army colonel and John Birch Society
speaker, Mohr was an early advocate of militias. In the 1980s, he co-founded the
militant Christian Patriots Defense League and launched an Identity ministry for
prisoners. Until failing health overtook him, Mohr published the white supremacist
newsletter, Crusade for Christ and Country. His publication and ministry are now
incorporated within James Bruggeman's Stone Kingdom Ministries.
ROBERT PUMMER, Mayfield, Kentucky. Founder of the Florida State Militia and
convicted murderer, Pummer obtained the rights to William Potter Gale's guerrilla
warfare manual The Road Back, which he sells through the Militia of Montana's mail
order catalog. Pummer moved to Kentucky in 1994 where he has been active in the
common law movement.
Examples Of Crimes Committed
By Patriot Organizations
On April 26, 1996, Robert Edward Starr III, 34, and William James
McCranie Jr., 30, leaders of the Militia-at-Large for the Republic of Georgia, were
charged with conspiracy to possess explosive devices after allegedly planning to
construct homemade shrapnel bombs for distribution among militia members. The
two were convicted of conspiring to use a destructive weapon in a violent crime and
possessing illicit explosives in November 1996. Starr was sentenced to eight years
and one month, and McCranie received a six-and-a- half-year sentence.
On June 4, 1996, Troy Allen Kyser, 28, an alleged leader in the Militia-atLarge for the Republic of Georgia's "special operations team," attended a detention
hearing after turning himself in to authorities on charges of conspiring to possess
bombs and having an unregistered destructive device. Kyser, a former Army Ranger,
and his five-member team had allegedly been trained to assassinate politicians and
steal money from drug dealers to fund their activities. Kyser was convicted of
conspiring to use a destructive weapon in a violent crime and possessing illicit
explosives in November 1996. Kyser was sentenced to six-and-a-half-years.
Examples Of Crimes Committed
By Patriot Organizations
New Hampshire
On Oct. 30, 1996, Fitzhugh MacCrae, 51, was charged with stealing government
property and making false statements to the FBI after an investigation linked him to
stolen equipment from an Army warehouse at Fort Devens in September 1995.
MacCrae is a member of the Hillsborough County Dragoons, a New Hampshire
citizens' militia. MacCrae pleaded guilty on March 3, 1997. His sentencing was
scheduled for May 14, 1997.
West Virginia
On Oct. 11, 1996, seven members of the Mountaineer Militia were arrested for
allegedly plotting to blow up the FBI's national fingerprint record center and two
other federal buildings. The charges against Ray Looker, 56, James Rogers, 40,
Edward F. Moore, 52, Jack Arland Phillips, 57, James M. Johnson, 48, Terrell P.
Coon, 46, and Imam A. Lewis, 26, included conspiring to make bombs, transporting
explosives across state lines and conspiring to place explosives near the FBI
Security Threat Groups