FY08 Global Employee Survey: Recognition Overview Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. What are our people saying about recognition? • What are we getting right? Celebrating Performance “The Celebrating Performance web site/awards system is a wonderful idea. It definitely raised my morale when I received an award.” People Developer Recognition “There has been a definite swing towards rewarding people development in the last couple of years and I think Accenture should be praised for this. It was non-existent; employees raised the issues and Accenture responded.” Recognizing High Performance “Whenever I perform above expectations and add value to the clients business, my efforts are appreciated.” More Frequent Recognition “It (frequency) has improved dramatically in the last year.” 2 What are our people saying about recognition? • Where can we improve? Informal Recognition and Saying “Thank You” “Even though a lot of emphasis is placed on formal recognition, I think Accenture as a whole still lacks the informal recognition many expect. Informal "Thank you" from a manager / senior executive sometimes means more than the formal and/or public recognition.” Rewards Based on Favoritism “I see a lot of people who work extremely hard behind the scenes and never get rewarded. It seems to me that the only people who are rewarded are the managers and the manager's 'favorites'.” Service Anniversary Recognition “I have received recognition in many ways. I was disappointed that after having spent 10 years with the company, that milestone was not recognized by my leadership, or by the company.” Priority of People Development “I think our people who are the strongest in the 'people developer' area are often overlooked for those whose numbers are superior, which is a shame. We keep saying that our people are our business, however, we don't reward the true stewards of the company for putting in the time and energy to ensure that the next generation will be able to run this company.” 3 Global Themes • We can improve upon the consistency and frequency of our people’s recognition experience. It varies widely depending on the project and supervisor’s management style. • Recognition is a motivator for many who regularly receive it. People want to feel appreciated and that their efforts are not going by unnoticed. • The perception is that ‘Business Operator and ‘Value Creator’ are more highly valued and rewarded than ‘People Developer’. • We can do a better job recognizing our new hires. Many new hires (six months and under) mention not receiving any recognition for their work. • It is a common perception that we have a gap in our rewards and recognition for Senior Executives who feel under recognized. • The most preferred type of recognition is Celebrating Performance points, followed by an informal thank you. • ‘Other’ preferred types of recognition include recognition that translates into tangible rewards. The preference across geographies is cash, in the form of performance bonuses, spot awards, or higher salary increases. 4 How do we measure recognition? • The Global Employee Survey is broken into 6 categories, which are the drivers of engagement. One of these categories is Rewards & Recognition. • Recognition is measured independently as a sub-category within Rewards & Recognition. • Recognition questions included in the GES: 21. I am rewarded for developing people who work with me 22. I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions 23. I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team (non-scale question: Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely, Never) 23a. Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition (nonscale question): • • • • • • • • • Celebrating Performance points Celebrations and/or ceremonies Celebratory dinners with small groups of leadership Informal "thank you" from your supervisor/co-worker Personal letter/note from leadership More time away from work One-on-one time with a Senior Executive Public recognition Other (please specify) 5 Global Results: Rewards & Recognition HIGHLIGHTS: • Rewards & Recognition was the lowest category at 57% o Pay (45%) o Recognition (51%) 80 76 74 74 71 % Agree • This is largely driven by low scores in three of the four subcategories: FY08 Category Results 70 65 60 57 o Benefits (55%) O pp or tu ni R tie ew s ar ds & R ec og . W or k vi ro En W or k C om op le pa ny n. 50 Pe • Performance Management was the highest scoring subcategory at 63% 6 How to we recognize our People Developers? • A key change in FY08 was the option to identify colleagues who have been role models in developing our people • Over 52,000 unique individuals were recognized as being strong people developers, with over 137,000 recognition comments submitted • List was sent to GU HR Leads with recommendation to recognize these individuals at the DTE level within the GU • All individuals recognized received their comments in a confidential e-mail from our survey vendor • Employees proactively wrote into the HR mailbox thanking HR for adding the People Developer section to the survey, describing the value they got out of receiving the feedback • Geography, country and entity level best practices were implemented to recognize these individuals 7 Global Results: Improvements and Opportunities HIGHLIGHTS: • While the scores increased over FY07 for questions 21 & 22, we see an opportunity to strengthen the recognition culture at Accenture with specific focus in FY09 on recognizing our people developers. • Question #22 was 4th in the list of the Top Ten Most Improved Questions • Questions #21 and #22 were 2nd and 8th respectively on the list of Ten Least Favorable Questions Top Ten GES Most Improved Questions # Question 22. I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions (Recognition) FYO8 % Fav. FY07 % Fav. Delta 56 50 +6 FYO8 % Fav. FY07 % Fav. Delta Ten GES Least Favorable Questions # Question 21. I am rewarded for developing people who work with me. (Recognition) 46 42 +4 22 I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions (Recognition) 56 50 +6 8 Frequency of Recognition: Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” HIGHLIGHTS: • This is a new question in FY08 FY08 ALL Accenture • Combined 75% respondents say they are recognized ‘frequently’ or ‘occasionally’. • Of these 24%, the following groups may benefit from increased focus in FY09: o DTEs: New Businesses, Outsourcing and SI&T o Workforce: Services 49 40 % Respondents • 24% respondents feel they are recognized ‘rarely’ or ‘never” 50 30 26 20 20 10 4 0 Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never o Career Levels: Senior Executives and Assistants o Geo: IGEM 9 Types of Recognition: Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” HIGHLIGHTS: • Most preferred types of recognition are Celebrating Performance points and an informal thank-you • The high % of employees who prefer and an informal thank-you and personal letters indicates an opportunity for a higher-touch (and inexpensive) approach for day to day recognition • Focus in FY09 will be on tools and resources to enable more personal and informal recognition What types of recognition do you prefer? Celebrating Performance points 52% Informal "thank you" from your supervisor/co-worker 38% Personal letter/note from leadership 24% More time away from work 20% Public recognition 15% Celebratory dinners with small groups of leadership 14% One-on-one time with a Senior Executive 10% Celebrations and/or ceremonies 10% 10 Recognition Sub-Category by Geography HIGHLIGHTS: • ASG and India scored most favorable in the area of Recognition at 61%, which was 10% higher than the average • IGEM’s score was the lowest in this subcategory at 33% and was 18% below the average • Focus in FY09 on obtaining best practices from successful local programs and offering an increased focus on solutions for lower scoring GUs • Detailed analysis by GU contained in Appendix A 11 Recognition Sub-Category by DTE HIGHLIGHTS: • Products and Public Service have the highest % of favorable recognition related responses • New Businesses scored 11% lower than the average DTE • FY09 focus will be on increasing engagement across all DTEs in this area, with an emphasis on New Businesses, Outsourcing and MCIM. DTE FY08 Change From Group ALL 51 - MCIM 47 -4 Outs. 46 -5 S&IT 53 +2 C&HT 52 +1 Res. 51 0 FS 50 -1 Prod. 54 +3 PS 55 +4 Other* 49 -2 New Bus. 40 -11 12 Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me” by DTE HIGHLIGHTS: • Scores increased from FY07 for this question across all DTEs • Highest % increase over FY07 occurred in Outsourcing, C&HT, Resources and Products • Lowest % favorable responses received by occurred in New Businesses, MCIM, and Outsourcing DTE FY08 FY07 Delta ALL 46 42 +4 MCIM 40 38 +2 Outs. 41 35 +6 S&IT 49 45 +4 C&HT 46 41 +5 Res. 44 39 +5 FS 43 40 +3 Prod. 48 43 +5 PS 48 45 +3 Other* 42 -- -- New Bus. 35 34 +1 13 Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions” by DTE HIGHLIGHTS: • Most favorable results in C&HT, Public Service and Products. DTE FY08 FY07 Delta ALL 56 50 +6 • Increase over F07 across all DTE groups except New Businesses (-2%). MCIM 54 47 +7 Outs. 51 45 +6 S&IT 57 52 +5 C&HT 58 49 +9 Res. 57 50 +7 FS 57 47 +10 Prod. 60 51 +9 PS 61 55 +6 Other* 55 -- -- New Bus. 45 47 -2 14 Frequency of Recognition by DTE: Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” HIGHLIGHTS: • Products and MCIM have the highest number of respondents who believe they receive recognition frequently or occasionally • New Businesses, Outsourcing, and S&IT have the highest combined results of ‘Rarely’ + ‘Never’ receiving recognition DTE Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never ALL 26 49 20 4 MCIM 29 51 17 2 Outs. 26 48 22 4 S&IT 25 50 21 4 C&HT 29 50 19 3 Res. 29 50 18 4 FS 29 50 19 2 Prod. 30 50 17 3 PS 29 50 18 3 Other* 31 48 18 3 New Bus. 25 47 24 5 15 Types of Recognition by DTE: Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” HIGHLIGHTS: • The top two preferred types of recognition (CP Points and an Informal Thank-You) are common across all DTEs, as well as those not deployed to a DTE. • The table highlights the most preferred type of recognition by DTE in purple followed by the second most preferred in yellow. For example, Outsourcing, S&IT, and those not deployed to a DTE selected CP Points as their most preferred recognition type. CP Points Celebrations/ Ceremonies Celebratory Dinners Informal Thank-You Personal Letters Time Away 1:1 SE's Public Recognition Other All 52 10 14 38 24 20 10 15 9 MCIM 38 8 18 45 23 24 14 14 9 Outs. 54 8 12 39 23 22 8 13 12 S&IT 53 11 14 36 24 18 10 17 8 C&HT 31 8 17 47 27 21 14 15 10 Res. 34 8 18 43 26 20 14 17 11 FS 26 10 22 47 24 20 14 14 12 Prod. 34 7 20 45 27 21 12 15 10 PS 42 7 18 44 27 23 8 12 11 Other* 57 6 10 43 24 23 6 13 9 New Bus. 35 4 13 43 30 23 17 20 8 % Respondents 16 Types of Recognition Count by DTE and GU: Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” HIGHLIGHTS: • The below table shows the count for each DTE by GU (where results available) of the two preferred types of recognition. For example, for MCIM 11 of the 13 GUs selected CP Points as one of their two preferred types of recognition. • An informal thank-you is commonly preferred across all DTEs & GUs. However, overall the greatest % respondents selected CP Points as the preferred recognition type. Count of GU by DTE CP Points Celeb./Cerem. MCIM 11:13 1:13 Outs. 13:13 0:13 S&IT 11:13 1:13 C&HT 5:13 1:13 Res. 5:13 0:13 FS 5:12 1:12 Prod. 6:13 1:13 PS 5:11 0:11 Other 12:13 0:13 New Bus 5:11 0:11 Celeb. Dinners 0:13 0:13 0:13 2:13 2:13 2:12 1:13 0:11 0:13 0:11 Inform. TY 10:13 10:13 11:13 11:13 10:13 11:12 11:13 9:11 10:13 9:11 Pers. Letters Time Away 1:13 2:13 2:13 0:13 1:13 1:13 4:13 1:13 5:13 2:13 4:12 0:12 4:13 1:13 9:11 2:11 1:13 0:13 3:11 4:11 1:1 SE's Pub. Recogn. 1:13 2:13 0:13 1:13 0:13 2:13 2:13 2:13 1:13 2:13 1:12 1:12 0:13 2:13 0:11 1:11 0:13 1:13 2:11 1:11 Other 0:13 0:13 0:13 0:13 0:13 0:13 0:13 0:11 0:13 0:11 17 Recognition Sub-Category by Career Level HIGHLIGHTS: • Senior Executives feel the most recognized across all career levels and scored 8% higher than the average • Consultants feel the least recognized (49%) • Consultants and Managers scored below the average across all career levels • Focus in FY09 will be on recognition strategies for analysts, consultants and managers 18 Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me” by Career Level HIGHLIGHTS: • All levels improved their score on people development recognition over FY07 • Senior Executives feel most recognized for developing our people • Focus in FY09 on improving scores for Consultants and Managers who are below the average Level FY08 FY07 Delta ALL 46 42 +4 Assistant/ Programmer/ Levels G&H 50 46 +4 Analyst/ Senior & Analyst Programmer/ Levels E&F 46 40 +6 Consultant/ Specialist/ Systems & Senior Systems Analyst/ Levels C&D 43 39 +4 Manager/ Level B 44 41 +3 Senior Manager/ Level A 47 44 +3 Senior Executive 56 54 +2 19 Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions” by Career Level HIGHLIGHTS: • All levels improved their score on receiving appropriate recognition over FY07 • Although Analysts and Consultants are the lowest scoring career levels, they are among those who experienced the most significant increase over FY07 Level F08 F07 Delta ALL 56 50 +6 Assistant/ Programmer/ Levels G&H 57 53 +4 Analyst/ Senior & Analyst Programmer/ Levels E&F 55 48 +7 Consultant/ Specialist/ Systems & Senior Systems Analyst/ Levels C&D 54 48 +6 Manager/ Level B 57 51 +6 Senior Manager/ Level A 58 53 +5 Senior Executive 62 57 +5 20 Frequency of Recognition by Career Level: Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” HIGHLIGHTS: • 74% or more employees across all career levels receive recognition Frequently or Occasionally • This table shows the two levels with the highest % respondents who selected ‘Rarely” or ‘Never’ were: •Assistant/Program mer/Levels G&H >> Rarely + Never = 27% •Senior Executive >> Rarely + Never = 25% Level Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never ALL 26 49 20 4 Assistant/ Programmer/ Levels G&H 26 48 21 6 Analyst/ Senior & Analyst Programmer/ Levels E&F 26 49 20 4 Consultant/ Specialist/ Systems & Senior Systems Analyst/ Levels C&D 27 50 19 4 Manager/ Level B 26 52 20 3 Senior Manager/ Level A 28 48 20 3 Senior Executive 26 49 22 3 21 Types of Recognition by Career Level: Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” HIGHLIGHTS: % Respondents Senior Manager / Level A 33 29 30 20 20 16 20 15 10 7 10 O th el er eb ./C er em . Pe P oi rs nt on s al Le tt er s Ti m e A C w el ay eb .D in ne Pu rs bl ic R ec og n. 1: 1 SE 's C P C In f or m .T Y 0 60 53 Senior Executive 50 40 30 37 24 21 20 15 12 11 7 10 7 s C P P oi nt er em . 's SE el eb ./C 1: 1 C th er 0 O • See Appendix B for charts representing all career levels 40 or m er .T so Y na lL et te C rs el eb .D in ne Pu rs bl ic R ec og n. Ti m e A w ay • The other four remaining career levels selected Celebrating Performance points followed by an in informal thank-you as their top two preferred types of recognition 44 % Respondents • Senior Executives prefer an informal thank-you followed by personal letters. SEs are not eligible to receive Celebrating Performance points. 50 In f • Senior Managers prefer an informal thank-you followed by Celebrating Performance points 22 Recognition Sub-Category by Workforce HIGHLIGHTS: • Solutions is the highest scoring workforce in the area of recognition (55%) • Focus in FY09 will be on recognition strategies aimed at increasing engagement around recognition within Consulting, Enterprise and Services 23 Recognition by Work Force HIGHLIGHTS: • Positive trend upwards across all four workforces on receiving recognition for contributions and being rewarded for people development. Q21: "I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” WF F08 F07 Delta Consulting 42 40 +2 Enterprise 42 37 +5 Services 45 40 +5 Solutions 51 46 +5 Q22: "I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” WF F08 F07 Delta Consulting 55 48 +7 Enterprise 55 49 +6 Services 54 49 +5 Solutions 58 53 +5 24 Frequency of Recognition by Workforce: Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” HIGHLIGHTS: • Of the four workforces, Services had the highest % of respondents select ‘Rarely” + ‘Never’ combined % Respondents • Enterprise and Consulting had the lowest % of respondents select ‘Never’ (3%). 47 50 40 30 27 22 20 10 5 0 Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never ENTERPRISE 60 48 50 % Respondents • Enterprise has the highest % of respondents who selected ‘Frequently’ (31%). SERVICES 60 40 31 30 18 20 10 3 0 Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never 25 Types of Recognition by Workforce: Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” HIGHLIGHTS: • Enterprise, Services, and Solutions all rank their preferred types of recognition in the same order: 1. CP Points 2. Informal TY 3. Personal Letters • Consulting employees prefer an informal thank-you above Celebrating Performance points Recognition Types Consulting Enterprise Services Solutions 1) CP Points 38% 56% 54% 59% 2) Informal Thank-You 47% 43% 35% 34% 26 Next Steps: Key Areas of Focus in FY09 Create a Recognition Culture: • Reinforce behaviors that support a recognition culture • Develop tools and resources for supervisors to support more high touch, inexpensive and informal/personal recognition • Build on momentum to recognize strong people developers • Tailor strategies to address specific recognition gaps within geographies and entities, leveraging a mix of global and local solutions • Create a forum for a recognition community to share best practices across geographies and entities 27 APPENDIX A: Detailed Results by Geography Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. ASG Recognition ResultsOverview HIGHLIGHTS: • ASG recognition subcategory result is +10% above the ALL Accenture average 66 65 61 61 60 58 55 51 50 Sw it z er la nd an y G er m tri a Au s AS G 45 AL L • Switzerland experienced the lowest score within ASG (-3% GU average) 70 % Agree • ASG and India led the other geographies for highest recognition sub-category result ASG Recognition Sub-Category 29 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: • ASG achieved the top people development result at 61% favorable. This is up +10% over F07. The three ASG countries have the highest scores compared to the other country scores. • ASG’s result is +15% above the ALL Accenture result. Countries FY08 FY07 Delta ASG 61 51 +10 Austria 65 62 +3 Switzerland 59 49 +10 Germany 62 51 +11 • Within ASG, Austria scored the highest at 65% and Switzerland the lowest at 59% 30 What are our people in ASG saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “I am rewarded by the people themselves and the support they give me on my day to day project work.” “No direct rewards or incentives in place.” “Tangible value creator and business results (sales numbers) have always mattered far more than educating and retaining our people, being either more difficult to measure or less attractive as a contribution. I strongly hope this will change in the future” “My efforts in recruiting (campus team) and organization of events is not appreciated.” “I actually don't know how this gets recognized.” “Developing people not directly supervised is not encouraged or rewarded appropriately.” 31 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • ASG’s result is up +16% over FY07. This is the largest geography increase on this question matched only by Nordic • Germany experienced the largest increase, improving by +17% • Austria and Germany exceed the ALL Accenture result on this question Countries FY08 FY07 Delta ASG 60 44 +16 Austria 67 54 +13 Switzerland 56 46 +10 Germany 60 43 +17 32 What are our people in ASG saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “Celebrate performance does not work in Germany. The tax impact is prohibitively high, I can get some of the stuff cheaper elsewhere.” “It highly depends on the person / your supervisor. My current supervisor recognizes performance - my last did not.” “The Celebrating Performance awards program is a really great tool and should be used on more projects”. “From project side I am appropriately recognized. But I would like to get some recognition from the organization I belong to as well.” “Non monetary recognition is quite rare.” “Many colleagues out of our leadership team forgot how to say 'Thank you', 'Please' or 'well done'.” 33 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: ASG • There is a -2% delta between ASG employees who responded ‘Never’ (2%) vs. the ALL Accenture result (4%) 50 % Respondents • For recognition frequency, 78% feel recognized frequently or occassionally and 22% rarely or never 47 40 30 31 20 20 10 2 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never ASG 34 What are our people in ASG saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “I have the impression that very often we receive recognition as part of a global initiative asking our leaders to recognize our efforts. In every day life though, spontaneous and direct and 'straight from the heart' recognition is clearly lacking.” “If recognition is given, very generic and for group of people, not individually.” “The allocation of celebrating performance points is not very transparent. Some colleagues received a lot of points also from project side…, others… just for participation.” “Only when requested.” “There is a big gap between recognition from my supervisor and from the leadership team. personally I feel somewhat disconnected from the leadership team.” 35 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: • Although Celebrating Performance points were the most preferred form globally by employees, an informal thank you was favored by 6 of the 13 geographies ASG 70 60 % Respondents • An informal thank you, Celebrating Performance points, and Celebrations/ Ceremonies are the most preferred forms of recognition 59 50 40 26 30 24 18 20 18 15 15 11 8 10 0 In .T m r fo Y C P P nt oi s C /C b. e el . em r e m Ti e A ay w 1 1: SE C 's .D b e el in rs ne . rs e P rs tt e Le Pu R b. n. g o ec O er th 36 What are our people in ASG saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Compensation raise” “Cash bonus” “Promotion” “Referral to other Senior Leaders” “Event tickets” “Company pen/shirt” “Call centre lunches” “Faster career progression” “Increased empowerment and authority” “Good performance rating” “Detailed description of what was positive (more than just a thank you)” 37 Canada Recognition ResultsOverview HIGHLIGHTS: Canada Recognition Sub-Category • Canada recognition sub-category result is -5% below the ALL Accenture average 51 % Agree • Compared to the other geographies, there were five others with a lower result 55 50 46 45 40 ALL CANADA 38 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: • Canada’s result on being rewards for developing people increased over FY07 by 3% • Canada’s FY08 result is -9% below the ALLAccenture average Country FY08 FY07 Delta Canada 37 34 +3 39 What are our people in Canada saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “I was disappointed to see that my project strongly supported the use of the”…Celebrating Performance system.. “for the most junior people, but the only awards I have received were given by other Senior Managers who reported to me and not by my Senior Executive Leadership Team.” “Not really formally rewarded, but I am rewarded by my peers appreciation and the fact that developing others help make my own job easier.” “Responsible for their success yes. Rewarded for developing people who work with me, nothing specific.” “I spend too much time mentoring new employees who do not stay in the role long enough to be a benefit.” “This quality is not as highly valued as business operator and value creator.” 40 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • Canada’s result increased +5% on this question over FY07 • Canada’s FY08 result is -2% below the ALLAccenture average Country FY08 FY07 Delta Canada 54 49 +5 41 What are our people in Canada saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “Celebrating Performance is a great way to reward people. Instead of points only, I'd like to see it presented in front of people such as department meeting.” “Receive more recognition from the client than from Accenture executives.” “The focus is on employees more than managers.” “This really depends on the manager…I've had only one manager who's been generous with praise and encouragement.” “Recognition to me is more money. I don't work so I can get free lunches or draws to win prizes...I work to support myself.” 42 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • There is a -1% delta between Canada’s employees who are ‘Never’ recognized (3%) vs. the ALL Accenture average (4%) % Respondents • For recognition frequency, 78% feel recognized frequency or occasionally and 22% rarely or never Canada 60 52 50 40 30 26 20 19 10 3 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never CANADA 43 What are our people in Canada saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “Only during annual and mid-year reviews.” “My supervisor does an excellent job of commending me on my good work...” “I've received formal recognition like "thanks you" and "Good Job" emails but I haven't been rewarded for my good work.” “It would be nice to receive recognition more often.” “Usually only receive 'need to do this better' from supervisor, and then have a little positive thrown into that email to 'soften' it.” 44 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 63% 60% 50% 40% 35% 27% 30% 24% 20% 15% 8% 10% 8% 7% 5% er em . 's SE el eb ./C C 1: 1 th er O n. .R ec og er s Pu b el eb . D in n et te rs C Pe rs .L e A w ay Y Ti m or m .T In f P P oi nt s 0% C • Celebratory events are least preferred, followed by one-onone time with an SE and recognition 70% % Respondents • Celebrating Performance points, an informal thank you, and time away from work are most preferred forms of recognition Canada 45 What are our people in Canada saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “If I perform well, I appreciate leadership taken an active role in helping me with my overall career goals.” “Cash bonus” “Gift certificates based on my interests.” “More Celebrating Performance points need to be given.” “Tim Horton's gift card.” “Promotion” “Team Lunches” “Air Line Vouchers” “Dinner for my family” 46 Gallia Recognition Results- Overview HIGHLIGHTS: GALLIA Recognition Sub-Category 49 50 49 44 45 40 40 36 s M au rit iu Fr an ce s er la nd Ne th Be lg iu m rg bo u xe m Lu G AL LI A 35 L • Recognition culture the strongest in the Luxembourg 52 51 AL • Mauritius and France experienced the lowest scores within the geography 55 % Agree • GALLIA is one of the lowest four scoring geographies in the area of recognition (-7% below average) 47 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries • Gallia, IGEM and Japan were the only geographies to experience a decrease in favorable results on being rewarded for developing their people • France experienced a significant decrease over FY07 (-18%); Luxembourg also had a significant decrease(-17%) • Netherlands experienced an increase (+8%) as did Mauritus (+1%) FY08 FY07 Delta GALLIA 34 42 -8 Belgium 40 48 -8 France 29 47 -18 Luxembourg 41 58 -17 Mauritius 29 28 +1 Netherlands 42 34 +8 48 What are our people in Gallia saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “I'm not sure that People Developer, Value Creator and Business Operator are valued equally. There are still (a lot of) people… in leadership, who have excellent sales/delivery skills, but lack true people developer skills.” “It is purely self reward. There is no monetary reward.” “Have contributed a lot of time to people development (incl. personal training and career counseling…It would be helpful if this is more clearly identified and recognized.” “Accenture does not value people managers, only people that can sell.” “I do this because I believe it is the right thing to do and because I enjoy it - but we should stop pretending that 'people developer' has the same weighting for performance evaluation as value creator and business operator.” 49 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • Gallia increased it’s score on this question by +6% over FY07 • The Gallia FY08 result is -4% below the ALLAccenture result for this question • Employees in Luxembourg feel significantly more recognized over last year (+16%) and were +9% higher than the Gallia result Countries FY08 FY07 Delta Gallia 52 46 +6 Belgium 56 56 -- France 51 45 +6 Luxembourg 61 45 +16 Mauritius 42 34 +8 Netherlands 56 47 +9 • A strong increase for Netherlands also occurred 50 What are our people in Gallia saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “This depends on the manager you have. the first half year I had an manager who didn't recognize me much. The second half of the year a have a manger who does show his recognition on a regular basis.” “Recognition for work done is most of the time effective at the project level. However, especially for expatriates, recognition is not always fair due to the fact you don't work in you geography.” “Thank you' is not enough.” “Sometimes an informal and well meant 'thank you' would be nice. Also, more recognition when you're doing something extra for the client.” “I get recognition in words, but not in money.” 51 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • 23% feel recognized only rarely or never, which is 1% better than the global average (24%) 60 % Respondents • 78% of employees in Gallia feel recognized either frequently or occasionally GALLIA 52 50 40 30 26 20 19 10 4 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never GALLIA 52 What are our people in Gallia saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “I started 3 months ago so i haven't received any recognition yet.” “This is important in my daily work. It gives me the feeling that I am doing the right things. For me it is even a driver to do more.” “It's really a mix, some are just good at saying thank you other do not know the words and you are delivering something and they say ‘by the way i need this also’.” “It may be good to have celebrating performance points. But it seems that people forgot about this site.” 53 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 40% 30% 30% 19% 20% 17% 17% 14% 14% 12% 10% 10% th er O P oi Pe nt rs s .L et te rs Ti m e A C w el ay eb ./C er C em el eb . .D in ne rs 1: 1 SE Pu b. 's R ec og n. C P Y 0% or m .T • Public recognition was the least preferred, followed by celebratory dinners and one-on-one time with SEs 50% In f • Although Celebrating Performance points were the most preferred form globally by employees, an informal thank you was favored by 6 of the 13 geographies 58% 60% % Respondents • An informal thank you and Celebrating Performance points are most preferred forms of recognition GALLIA 54 What are our people in Gallia saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Financial incentive bonus” “1:1 time with a senior manager” “Small present” “Trust my ideas and help me to take them forward.” “Promotion” “Extra training” “Team lunch / team event” 55 Greater China Recognition Results- Overview HIGHLIGHTS: • Greater China is slightly higher than the ALL Accenture result (+2%) Gtr China Recognition Sub-Category 55 53 53 51 • Within Greater China, recognition culture is the weakest in Taiwan and strongest in China % Agree 51 50 45 42 40 ALL GTR CHINA China Hong Kong Taiwan 56 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: • Greater China experienced an increase year-overyear in its favorable result (+7%) • There is still room for improvement as this is below the ALLAccenture result by -3% Countries FY08 FY07 Delta Gtr China 43 36 +7 China 43 37 +6 Hong Kong 45 39 +6 Taiwan 33 24 +9 • Taiwan, while showing a significant increase over last year, scored significantly below the other countries 57 What are our people in Greater China saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “One of the challenges that I faced is how to develop people work with me. Without much room for advancement., I do not see much room for me to develop people work with me.” “Yes, through Performance points” “I haven't received any recognitions from my direct manager for my contribution in training new team members; although it is the reality.” ** Many of the employee comments are in Chinese characters and should be interpreted locally. 58 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • Greater China is above the ALLAccenture result on this question by +6% Countries FY08 FY07 Delta Gtr China 62 55 +7 China 62 56 +6 • Taiwan is the only country tracking below the ALL-Accenture result in the Greater China geography Hong Kong 57 50 +7 Taiwan 50 48 +2 •“Yes, I received appropriate recognition frequently from my project manager via email or oral praise.” •“Contributions are always being recognized promptly.” ** Many of the employee comments are in Chinese characters and should be interpreted locally. 59 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • There were 15% of respondents who said they receive recognition ‘Rarely’ or ‘Never’ which is 9% better (lower) than the global result Gtr China 60 59 50 % Respondents • Greater China led the other geographies on the frequency its people receive recognition 40 30 27 20 13 10 2 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never GTR CHINA 60 What are our people in Greater China saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “My role is sort of a bit too insignificant at the moment to receive recognition” “Depends on the people you're working for. Some …recognize… performance while some…not at all.” “Yes, I received appropriate recognition frequently from my project manager” ** Many of the employee comments are in Chinese characters and should be interpreted locally. 61 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 40% 31% 30% 24% 23% 17% 20% 13% 9% 10% 7% 7% r O th e et Ce te rs le b. /C er em . 1: 1 Ce SE le 's b. Di nn er s Y na lL fo rm .T Pe rs o ay In Aw m e gn . Ti Re co bl ic Po i nt s 0% Pu • Celebratory dinners and one-on-one with an SE are among the least preferred 50% CP • Public recognition was second in Greater China but only 5th globally 60% % Respondents • Celebrating Performance points and public recognition are most preferred forms of recognition Gtr China 58% 62 What are our people in Greater China saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Bonus” “Promotion” “More Responsibilities” “Raise” “Formal recognition in performance review laddering meetings ” “Prize/Gift” “I prefer something really warm-hearted and sincere. such as verbal recognition. anything from heart can be felt and appreciated.” ** Many of the employee comments are in Chinese characters and should be interpreted locally. 63 FY08 Recognition Results- Overview HIGHLIGHTS: IGEM Recognition Sub-Category • IGEM is one of the 3 lowest scoring geographies in the area of recognition (-18% below average) 50 45 45 43 41 41 40 40 35 33 35 34 34 31 IG Hu EM ng Sl ar ov y a Ro kia m an G ia re ec Ru e ss Tu ia rk Po ey Cz la ec nd h Re p. Ita ly 30 AL L • Recognition culture the strongest in Hungary 51 % Agree • Italy, Czech Republic, and Poland experienced the lowest scores within the geography 55 64 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries FY08 FY07 Delta • IGEM, Gallia and Japan were the only geographies to experience a decrease in favorable results for being rewarded for developing their people IGEM- All 29 30 -1 Czech Republic 26 24 +2 Greece 29 24 +5 Hungary 35 34 +1 Italy 29 30 -1 Poland 24 42 -18 Romania 33 29 +4 Russian Fed. 30 25 +5 Slovakia 38 36 +2 Turkey 24 14 +10 • Poland experienced a significant decrease in scores (-18%) from FY07 • Employees across all counties, except for Poland and Italy, feel more recognized in this area 65 What are our people in IGEM saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “The company…gives rewards to people that contribute to their colleagues' professional growth. These rewards are often not monetary but…valuable.” “No specific bonuses and other recognitions that I am aware of.” “The linkage between the development of people and evaluation of the developer is clear at the lower levels but becomes much less obvious at higher ranks of the company.” “The only benefit…is a high performing team who can better execute project tasks / support the business of the Firm.” “I never received an incentive to growth people. I do anyway because I care a lot about people, but I don't receive any kind of push by the company.” 66 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries FY08 FY07 Delta • All GU’s except IGEM increased their score for this question in FY08 IGEM- All 37 42 -5 Czech Republic 41 39 +2 Greece 50 46 +4 • Employees in Hungary feel significantly more recognized over FY07 (+15%) and were 17% higher than the average for IGEM. Strong increases for Turkey and Romania also. Hungary 54 39 +15 Italy 34 40 -6 Poland 42 51 -9 Romania 49 39 +10 Russian Fed. 48 40 +8 Slovakia 48 57 -9 Turkey 44 34 +10 • Decreases were experienced in Slovakia, Poland and Italy. 67 What are our people in IGEM saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “It is true sometimes managers and partners come to say how good we are, but I do not feel better because they recognize my work.” “While working with my team, my bosses always appreciate my work and let me know what they think about my contribution. For this, I thank them.” “I agree with the verbal reward. Not always it is true for the economic reward.” “In my current project managers who are in charge of our project now are indifferent to accomplishments of employees.” “Its too easy for our supervisor to ask for overtime work and work on weekends. I do not feel that we receive enough recognition for working nights and weekends and for sure it won't be taken into account during promotion meeting.” 68 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: IGEM 50 45 % Respondents • Across all geographies, IGEM received the highest % of employees who feel they receive recognition either rarely or never 40 30 20 25 23 10 7 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never IGEM 69 What are our people in IGEM saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “I am a new hired (5 months), so maybe it's normal to have few recognitions in such a short time.” “It has improved dramatically in the last year.” “My former manager was inspiring leader in a way. Since he left, I received no single positive recognition, I've heard my manager only if we get in trouble.” “…Leadership never expressed any words of appreciation for the good and hard work. They know only how to humiliate and demotivate people.” “The current direct supervisor gives spoken positive feedback. Last supervisors - less feedback.” “My supervisor recognizes”.. my merits…”even if I must…often ask for confirmation.” 70 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: • Celebratory events are least preferred 50% % Respondents • Informal Thank You, Celebrating Performance Points and Time Away from Work are most preferred forms of recognition IGEM 48% 38% 40% 28% 30% 18% 20% 15% 12% 12% 10% 10% 5% 0% .T m r fo In ts Y CP in Po Ti e m Aw ay al n o rs e P rs tt e Le er th O 's n. g o . m e 1 c er in C 1: D / Re . . eb lic eb l l b Ce Ce Pu SE rs ne 71 What are our people in IGEM saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Promotion” “Money/bonus” “Salary increase” “Verbal communication” “More responsibilities” “Appreciation” “More interest/feedback about my work” “Respect” “Spa awards” “Working from home capability” 72 India Recognition ResultsOverview HIGHLIGHTS: India Recognition Sub-Category • India’s recognition sub-category result is 10% above the ALL Accenture average 61 60 % Agree • India led the other geographies in the aggregate recognition sub-category result.; the only exception is ASG, who also achieved 61% 65 55 51 50 45 ALL INDIA 73 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: • India’s people development score increased over FY07 by 6% • Of the other countries reporting a result for this question, only Austria and Germany scored higher than India Country India FY08 FY07 Delta 59 53 +6 74 What are our people in India saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “Developing people through coaching/training is something that I am passionate about. I will continue to do it irrespective of rewards...for the record, I have not received any recognition for what I have done.” “I think supervisors should be trained to proactively identify team members who contribute to people development.” “I never have received any recognition for on the job training I provided for my peers.” “Depends on the project.” “This is not always consistent. I get recognized for some of the work and for some, I never hear anything.” “Everybody craves appreciation. The appreciation inspires me to do more good work.” 75 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • India’s result increased +5% on this question over FY07 • India’s FY08 result is +7% above the ALLAccenture average Country India FY08 FY07 Delta 63 58 +5 76 What are our people in India saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “Recognition comes only when an individual's voice is louder or has excellent contacts.” “Supervisor or leadership does not have enough time to recognize, they only come when escalations happen and the entire business is under threat.” “The award process for Level D and above is flawed” “I have received verbal and written recognition. Please recognize monetarily.” “Just received celebrating performance points on Dec 31. Though I appreciate that I received it, the manner in which it was given was not right.” “I receive an informal Thank you from the supervisor, however i feel that my peers also should recognize me.” 77 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • 73% feel recognized either frequently or occasionally India 50 46 % Respondents • For recognition frequency, 28% of our people in India feely they only receive recognition rarely or never, which is 4% higher than the global average 40 30 27 22 20 10 6 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never INDIA 78 What are our people in India saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “Supervisors favorites are being rewarded.” “I have received appreciations from client but never from Accenture” “Whenever I perform above expectations and add value to the clients business, my efforts are appreciated.” “It depends on the supervisor.” “I receive only appreciation e-mails. It would be great if people can find some more time to use celebrating performance effectively.” “My supervisor recognizes my work. However I do not feel any recognition from my leadership.” It has been around 6 months in this project and I have never received even a simple "Thank You" from my leadership team. Working overtime, late nights and on weekends is just taken for granted. 79 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 60% 60% 50% 40% 31% 26% 30% 20% 25% 14% 13% 13% 10% 5% 4% Ti m e Aw ay r O th e Le tte Pu rs b. Re co gn . In fo rm Ce .T le Y b. Di nn er s 1: 1 Ce SE le 's b. /C er em . Pe rs . Po i nt s 0% CP • Time Away from work is least preferred, which differs from the global result 70% % Respondents • Celebrating Performance points, personal letters, public recognition and an informal thank you are the most preferred forms of recognition India 80 What are our people in India saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “ASE Achievers Award” “Yellow Topper” “Cash” “Promotion” “Sincere verbal appreciation straight from heart” “Publishing names in newsletters” “Spot Award” “Performance Bonus” “Smile Card Rewards” “Learning sessions” “Summit Award” “Lunch/Dinner with Supervisor” “Numero Uno Award” 81 Japan Recognition ResultsOverview HIGHLIGHTS: 60 • Japan’s recognition sub-category result is +6% above the ALL Accenture average • ASG and India achieved the top scores both at 61% 57 55 % Agree • Japan ranked in the top three geographies for this sub category Japan Recognition Sub-Category 51 50 45 40 ALL JAPAN 82 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: • Japan’s people development recognition score decreased by -1% over FY07. • Japan’s FY08 result is +9% above the ALLAccenture average Country Japan FY08 FY07 Delta 55 56 -1 “I spend a lot of time mentoring and developing our people, whether they are my direct reports or not. I don’t think I get much recognition for this.” ** Almost all the employee comments are in Japanese characters 83 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • Japan’s result increased +3% on this question over FY07 • Japan’s FY08 result is +2% above the ALLAccenture average Country Japan FY08 FY07 Delta 58 55 +3 “I am very satisfied” ** Almost all the employee comments are in Japanese characters 84 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) Japan HIGHLIGHTS: • 23% feel they are recognized rarely or never 59 50 % Respondents • 76% of the people in Japan feel recognized either frequently or occasionally, which is 1% higher than the global result 60 40 30 20 17 19 10 4 0 Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never ALL JAPAN •Yes…”directly from my supervisor but the leadership team takes many extra things we do for granted, not realizing how much extra we are doing to make the programs successful.” •“My supervisor only gives me negative feedback. However, my team including supervisor of my supervisor gives me positive feedback.” ** Almost all the employee comments are in Japanese characters 85 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: • Celebratory events or ceremonies is the least preferred 60% 58% 50% % Respondents • An informal thank you, public recognition, and time away from work are the most preferred forms of recognition with an informal thank you being the clear leading preference Japan 40% 30% 26% 23% 22% 20% 20% 14% 11% 10% 10% 5% 0% Y .T m r I o nf P lic b u c Re n. g o T e im Aw ay CP in o P ts so r Pe l na rs tt e Le in D . eb l Ce rs e n e th O r 's . m e 1 er C 1: / b. e l Ce SE 86 What are our people in Japan saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Salary Increase” “Performance Bonus” “Promotion” “Timely counseling on career development” “Good Performance Rating” ** Almost all the employee comments are in Japanese characters so this is not a comprehensive list. 87 Latin America Recognition Results- Overview HIGHLIGHTS: Latin America Recognition Sub-Category 48 45 45 43 43 40 39 40 35 29 30 25 el a Ve ne zu ex ic o M nt in a le Ar ge Ch i Br az il Co lo m bi a 20 LA • Recognition culture the strongest in Brazil 51 50 AL L • Venezuela experienced the lowest scores within the geography 55 % Agree • Latin America’s recognition subcategory result is -6% below the ALL Accenture result 88 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries • Latin America’s result on being rewarded for developing people increased over FY07 by +1% FY08 FY07 Delta Latin America 40 39 +1 Argentina 37 31 +6 Brazil 44 45 -1 • Venezuela’s result decreased by -4% on this question Chile 39 38 +1 Columbia 32 32 -- • The largest increases over FY07 occurred in Argentina (+6%) Mexico 32 32 -- Venezuela 20 24 -4 89 What are our people in Latin America saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “Most of the times I feel even happier when someone who I developed receives a reward than when I get one.” “I don't see a clear relationship between being people developer and benefits I gain… The main benefit is to have people satisfied and happy to work with me, but I see the Business Operators as more value in the company.” “It feels more like I'm punished if I didn't develop my people, not like I'm rewarded...” “NOT AT ALL. It doesn't matter at the time of performance evaluation or LOR recognition. It's not even a topic for discussion. Only revenues and sales.” “There isn't a clear incentive for people developers.” 90 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries • Latin America increased its result on this question by +5% over FY07 • Employees in Columbia feel significantly more recognized over FY07 (+14%) and were 4% higher than the average for Latin America FY08 FY07 Delta Latin America 49 44 +5 Argentina 44 38 +6 Brazil 52 48 +4 Chile 47 51 -4 Columbia 53 39 +14 Mexico 46 42 +4 Venezuela 38 33 +5 • Chile was the only country to experience a decrease in their score for this question 91 What are our people in Latin America saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “During my first project (9 months) I did not have any recognition” “When I solved very critical client's performance issues and we received many client congratulation's emails I didn't receive the deserved reward in the annual performance assessment.” “I believe that leaders”…should be given incentives and promoted to increase…”use of Celebrating Performance.” “My current leader uses more negative stimuli than positive.” “In words, not in money!” “Celebrating Performance should be used more.” 92 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • There is a -2% delta between Latin America’s employees who are ‘Rarely’ + ‘Never’ recognized (22%) vs. ALL Accenture (24%) Latin America 50 44 % Respondents • 78% of employees in Latin America feel recognized either frequently or occasionally; 22% feel recognized only ‘Rarely’ or ‘Never’ 40 34 30 20 18 10 4 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never LA 93 What are our people in Latin America saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “This depends a lot on the project... I see this a lot in current project, where I have indeed received awards for my contributions, but in previous projects, unfortunately, I didn't see much of it.” “I am recognized with words of encouragement. However, it is not translated in other benefits like a better salary or bonus.” “This answer depends a lot in the supervisor, there are very good supervisors, but there are other that are not.” “The team leader closely monitors my job and we always talked about my activities. He always recognizes my work and encourages me to improve more and more. He also is available to clarify my questions and help in my professional development.” 94 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 44% 40% 40% 30% 23% 20% 20% 16% 16% 11% 10% 10% 9% 1: 1 Ce SE le 's b. Di nn Ce er le s b. /C er em . gn . r Re co O th e bl ic Pu Po i nt s In fo rm .T Y Ti m e Pe Aw rs ay on al Le tte rs 0% CP • Celebratory events and ceremonies are least preferred 50% % Respondents • Celebrating Performance points, an informal thank you, and time away from work are the most preferred forms of recognition Latin America 95 What are our people in Latin America saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Performance Bonus” “Promotion” “Salary Increase” “More Confidence in the Work Done” “Training” “Growth Opportunities” “Good Performance Rating” “A trip with my family” “Coaching to Keep up the Good Work” “Investment in my Career.” 96 Nordic Recognition Results- Overview HIGHLIGHTS: Nordic Recognition Sub-Category • Finland experienced the lowest score within the geography, falling 6% below the average • Recognition culture the strongest in Norway (55%) and Denmark (54%) 60 55 55 % Agree • Nordic’s recognition sub-category result is 51% favorable, which is in line with the global average 51 54 51 51 50 50 45 45 40 L AL NO IC RD rw o N ay De k ar nm en d e w S a vi t La Fi d an l n 97 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries • Nordic experienced an increase of +4% on its favorable result for this question over FY07 • The strongest by country results for Nordic are shown in Denmark at +3% and Norway +5% higher than the geography average; Sweden was +1% above average. FY08 FY07 Delta Nordic 44 40 +4 Denmark 47 37 +10 Finland 36 35 +1 Latvia 43 31 +12 Norway 49 46 +3 Sweden 45 44 +1 • Latvia and Denmark experienced significant increases over FY07 98 What are our people in Nordic saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “Yes, in terms of the satisfaction of seeing people grow.” “People development is the aspect that is least appreciated through performance evaluations.” “You get more rewards for working late nights in a stressful environment than for developing the people around you to deliver high performance.” “We still value the business operator and value creator areas more than people developer.” “I believe that consultants should be rated/trained/coached in how to lead/coach and that this should be a consideration in promotion process “I have received Celebrating Performance awards.., but it's not the same thing as regularly given compensation.” 99 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • Nordic result on receiving appropriate recognition increased by +6% over last year • Nordic result is +2% higher than the global average • Employees in Denmark feel significantly more recognized (+11%) over FY07 Countries FY08 FY07 Delta Nordic 58 52 +6 Denmark 61 50 +11 Finland 54 53 +1 Latvia 56 47 +9 Norway 60 55 +5 Sweden 57 50 +7 • Although Finland experienced a slight increase over FY07, their score was the lowest for the geography 100 What are our people in Nordic saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “Verbal recognition is níce, but I wish I would also see some recognition in my benefit plan.” “Project recognition is pretty good, but the company level recognition is not.” “This is solely dependent on the reviewer.” “My DTE lead and immediate supervisors give immediate feedback. This is excellent.” “I rarely get any feedback let alone recognition. Only in official feedback which is too rarely.”. “Recognition is awarded by giving you more tasks. Otherwise it is limited recognition.” “Non-project-related contributions are not rewarded, e.g. FUN activities are conducted on employees' free time and the contribution is rarely recognized.” 101 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • The Nordic results on recognition frequency largely align with the global average 60 % Respondents • There is a -2% delta for between people in Nordic countries who say they are ‘Never’ recognized (2%) vs. global (4%) Nordic 52 50 40 30 25 21 20 10 2 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never NORDIC 102 What are our people in Nordic saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “I have not received feedback since I started in January. Recognition of my work, and encouragement drives me to work even more. I have been losing enthusiasm lately.” (Nordic) “Not from the leadership team” “I have received no project feedback the last year. I am occasionally thanked for the contributions I take, but this is. en after periods with extremely much to do “Spontaneous recognition is rare.” My current supervisor recognizes my work frequently as I complete my tasks compared with my previous project where I feel under appreciated. 103 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 65% 60% 50% 40% 28% 30% 22% 20% 21% 19% 12% 11% 10% 9% 7% O Ce th er le b. /C er em . et Ce te rs le b. Di nn Pu er bl s ic Re co gn . 1: 1 SE 's ay na lL Aw Pe rs o Ti m e Po i CP fo r m .T Y nt s 0% In • Celebratory events and ceremonies are least preferred 70% % Respondents • An informal thank you and Celebrating Performance points are most preferred forms of recognition Nordic 104 What are our people in Nordic saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Performance Bonus” “Promotion” “Salary Increase” “Increased responsibility” “Paid dinner with my family” “Flexibility: possibilities to save up for long holidays” “Training or interesting project work” “Good Performance Rating” “Paid travel opportunities” “Fast tracking” 105 SEAAK Recognition Results- Overview HIGHLIGHTS: SEAAK Recognition Sub-Category 65 • SEAAK’s recognition sub-category result exceeds the global result by +5% 56 55 53 51 50 51 47 45 45 45 44 43 Ph AA K i li pp in e In do s ne s Si n g ia ap o Th re So ai la nd ut h K or ea M al ay si a B ru ne A i us tra li a SE LL 40 A • Australia, Brunei, Malaysia and South Korea experienced the lowest scores within the geography 60 % Agree • Recognition culture is strongest in Philippines 60 106 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: • SEAAK is one of the top three geographies in rewarding its employees for developing people • The SEAAK score on this question increase +5% over last year. It is +6% above the global result • The Philippines has a strong culture around recognizing employees for people development (57%) • Australia, South Korea, and Malaysia have opportunity for improvement in this area Countries FY08 FY07 Delta SEAAK 52 47 +5 Australia 34 32 +2 Brunei -- -- -- Indonesia 47 38 +9 Philippines 57 52 +5 Malaysia 38 29 +9 Singapore 43 35 +8 South Korea 38 34 +4 Thailand 44 34 +10 107 What are our people in SEAAK saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “The reward I get is personal satisfaction, which is important. I don’t feel that developing people is necessarily acknowledged by other than my direct manager.” “It depends on the people who you can work with.” “There should have upward feedback and points allocation as well.” “The company has gotten better in this area.” “Why are rewards and recognition given, these do not translate to formal feedback nor does it affect annual performance. To me, rewards and recognition have become empty words.” “The performance points given to us by the lead is a good reward for recognizing my efforts and contributions.” 108 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries • SEAAK is +4% above the global average for this question • Significant increases over last year occurred in Indonesia, Singapore, and South Korea. • Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia led SEAAK on this result FY08 FY07 Delta SEAAK 60 54 +6 Australia 51 45 +6 Brunei 33 ** ** Indonesia 59 44 +15 Philippines 62 58 +4 Malaysia 51 44 +7 Singapore 59 43 +16 South Korea 52 40 +12 Thailand 51 48 +3 109 What are our people in SEAAK saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “Failures tend to have much more weight than accomplishments. Accomplishments are negated by even a single failure.” “I'm not sure, since I am less than six months here in the company.” “I would like to commend the Celebrating Performance initiative. It greatly motivates us to do our best and it is great to know that our hard work is appreciated.” “This varies a lot depending on whether your supervisor is generous with or stingy with giving out recognition.” People in the higher levels are inconsistent in recognizing people. “People in the higher levels are inconsistent in recognizing people.” “Usually clients recognize your work more than the company” 110 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: SEAAK • Only 15% of employees in SEEAK feel recognized freqently, which is below the global average 60 57 50 % Respondents • For recognition frequency, 28% of SEAAK’s people say they receive recognition ‘Rarely’ or ‘Never’ 40 30 24 20 15 10 4 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never SEAAK 111 What are our people in SEAAK saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “Constantly receive praised for my contributions I rarely see recognition in others forms.” “My leads are too busy at this time.” “My lead always recognizes us for a job well done even how small our part is.” “It is difficult to get recognition when you are at the executive level.” “My manager doesn't seem to know how to recognize the accomplishments of his subordinates.” “Celebrating performance has significant impact to people especially when the points come from Senior Executives and across geographies.” “I get more recognition from my peers.” 112 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 60% 50% 40% 30% 30% 24% 20% 22% 14% 10% 12% 8% 7% 6% 's 1: 1 SE r Pe rs o O th e ay na lL et Ce te rs le b. Di nn Pu er bl s ic Re co Ce gn le . b. /C er em . Aw Y Ti m e m .T fo r In Po i nt s 0% CP • 1:1 time with Senior Executives is among the least preferred, followed by Celebrations or Ceremonies 68% 70% % Respondents • Celebrating Performance points and an informal thank you, are the most preferred forms of recognition SEAAK 113 What are our people in SEAAK saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Performance Bonus” “Promotion” “Salary Increase” “Plaque or trophy” “Just a tap in the back will do” “Gift Certificates” “Work from home” “Good Performance Rating” “Celebrating Performance points WITHOUT TAX” “Paid Vacation” “Above and Beyond Rewards” 114 SPAI Recognition Results- Overview HIGHLIGHTS: SPAI Recognition Sub-Category 45 43 45 43 43 40 40 35 30 24 25 Is ra el ut h A fri ca An do rr a So sw an a Po rtu ga l Ni ge ria Sp ai n I 20 Bo t • Recognition culture the strongest in Botswana and Portugal 49 SP A • Andorra and South Africa experienced the lowest scores 52 51 50 AL L • SPAI is 8% below the global average 55 % Agree • SPAI, UKI, and IGEM are the three lowest scoring geographies in the area of recognition 115 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries • SPAI result increased over F07 by +5%, however this score is still 9% below the global average • Israel experienced a significant increase in score (+22%) from FY07 • Employees across all counties feel more recognized for developing people FY08 FY07 Delta SPAI 37 32 +5 Andorra 23 17 +6 Botswana 30 25 +5 Israel 45 23 +22 Nigeria 37 25 +12 Portugal 44 40 +4 South Africa 31 27 +4 Spain 37 32 +5 116 What are our people in SPAI saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “The reward for developing people is intrinsic – the company does not award me or anybody I know for developing people – that is something I personally believe in doing.” “Leadership scores and responsibilities are secondary to sales and revenue performance during evaluation of SE's” “At best it is noticed by my direct manager. This is no real reward program for people management that is visible to me.” “There is no reward for developing people. There are currently no incentives attached to people development.” “Whenever I have helped colleagues I have usually been recognized.” 117 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: Countries • SPAI experienced a significant increase over F07 up +10%; however this still falls below the global average by 7% • Employees in Spain and Portugal feel significantly more recognized since last year; +11% and +9% respectively • A significant decreased score occurred in Andorra FY08 FY07 Delta SPAI 49 39 +10 Andorra 25 37 -12 Botswana 69 62 +7 Israel 41 36 +5 Nigeria 53 46 +7 Portugal 54 45 +9 South Africa 48 42 +6 Spain 48 37 +11 118 What are our people in SPAI saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “Recognition only comes from my direct supervisor, it does not translate upwards.” “Sometimes I receive recognition and sometimes not. This does not matter as I'm paid to complete the task.” “Recognition should be made compulsory in every team, and should include the client's comments about the team members / the teams.” “I believe we do not do enough to recognize the contributions of our senior managers and senior executives.” “Not other than the obligatory mass thank you e-mail. There are a few exceptions where an SE has taken the time to phone and thank me personally.” 119 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • 19% of employees in SPAI feel they receive recognition either rarely or never • These results suggest that the frequency of recognition is not driving the low overall recognition score for SPAI SPAI 50 44 % Respondents • 38% of employees in SPAI feel recognized frequently, which is 12% above the global average 40 38 30 20 16 10 3 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never SPAI 120 What are our people in SPAI saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “I feel that the supervisor is not always aware of the job I am doing, so recognizing it is difficult.” “These are however done in a closed room. My peers do not know of my achievements”. “Typically we get only feedback when there is a major issue or negative feedback.” “Recognition is given more during performance feedback.” “I am new in the company still finding my feet.” 121 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: • Celebratory dinners, public recognition and one-on-one time with Senior Executives are least preferred 50% % Respondents • Celebrating Performance points, am informal thank you and Time away from work are the most preferred forms of recognition SPAI 45% 40% 44% 37% 30% 20% 15% 12% 11% 7% 10% 7% 7% 0% ts CP in o P Y rs ay e .T t m et Aw r L e fo m al i In n T so r Pe e th O r . m re Ce rs ne n Di / . . b eb lic e l l b Ce Ce Pu 's n. E g S 1 co : e 1 R 122 What are our people in SPAI saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Cash Bonus” “Overseas Travel” “Promotion” “Salary Increase” “End of year recognition during banding” “Dinner out with my Family” “Career Advancement” “Training” “More Responsibilities” 123 UK, Ireland Recognition Results - Overview HIGHLIGHTS: UK, Ireland Recognition Sub-Category 55 • UKI, IGEM, and SPAI are the three lowest scoring geographies in the area of recognition • Results suggest the recognition culture is stronger in Ireland than in the UK % Agree • UKI recognition subcategory results fall below the global average by 9% 51 50 45 45 42 41 40 ALL UKI Ireland UK 124 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: • UKI increased its score on this question +5% over FY07 • UKI is the lowest scoring geography in employees feeling recognized for developing people; it fall below the global average by 13% Countries FY08 FY07 Delta UK, Ireland 33 28 +5 Ireland 37 30 +7 UK 33 28 +5 125 What are our people in UK and Ireland saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “There has been a definite swing towards rewarding people development in the last couple of years and I think Accenture should be praised for this. It was non-existent, employees raised the issues and Accenture responded.” “The recent 'People Developer Oscars' drew attention to the 'People Developer' skills that are so important in making this a good place to work.” “We pay lip service to recognizing people for their support and coaching of others. It is treated as a much lower priority in assessments than fees and revenues.” “People Development is one of the most under-recognized areas in the company. People development will not get you promoted and will not impact your pay.” “As a manager I don't believe that a good leadership survey result or positive people developer feedback in an evaluation translates to extra money in my pocket.” 126 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • UK/I increased its score on this question +9% over FY07 • Although both the UK and Ireland experienced significant increases, UK/I remains the lowest scoring geography, falling below the Accenture average by 7% Countries FY08 FY07 Delta UK, Ireland 49 40 +9 Ireland 52 42 +10 UK 49 40 +9 127 What are our people in UK and Ireland saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “I receive positive feedback from my direct management but it does not materialize when it comes to salary reviews.” “This is improving but we need to do more to change our culture where we do not do enough to just say thank-you!” “Some managers seem to be better at providing feedback than others.” “Celebrating Performance initiative has been a good move to reward outside the normal Performance processes.” “On a team level, yes. Higher up, no.” “This definitely has improved - but still Senior Executives are most guilty of not using Celebrating Performance as much as they should to set an example.”. 128 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • These results suggest that the frequency of recognition is not driving the low overall recognition score for UK/I UK, Ireland 50 50 % Respondents • UK/I’s results around frequency of recognition are in line with global results 40 30 27 20 20 10 3 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Never Rarely UKI 129 What are our people in UK and Ireland saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “This varies significantly from Manager to Manager.” “I think I have received more recognition from the client than my leadership team.” “Since this is my first role I am yet to see recognition, however I am being offered more opportunities and I see that as a recognition.” “There is an expectation of always going above and beyond and this seems to be expected as the norm.” “Frequently from my supervisor but rarely to never from the leadership team.” “Verbal recognition mainly (and that is welcomed), but would like to see more financial awards.” 130 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 42% 40% 30% 27% 23% 19% 20% 10% 10% 8% 8% 6% O Ce th er le b. /C er em . gn . Re co 's SE bl ic 1: 1 Pu Aw Ce ay le b. Di nn er s Ti m e et te rs na lL Po i Pe rs o CP fo rm .T Y nt s 0% In • Celebratory events or ceremonies are least preferred, followed by public recognition and one-on-one time with SEs 50% % Respondents • An informal thank you and Celebrating Performance points are the most preferred forms of recognition UK, Ireland 49% 131 What are our people in UK and Ireland saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Performance Bonus” “Expand My Role” “Promotion” “Stock/Company Shares “Salary Increase” “Good Performance Rating” “Rewards for my family who pay the price for the time I have to put in.” “Flexibility. Balance between traveling and working from home” “After 15 years with the company, it took three months after the anniversary date to receive a brief letter from my manager. I was notified that I had received vouchers I waited sometime and was advised by HR to purchase and claim back on expenses.” 132 United States Recognition Results- Overview HIGHLIGHTS: United States Recognition Sub-Category • The US is one of 6 geographies to score above the global average 55 52 51 % Agree • The United States is slightly above (+1%) the ALL-Accenture recognition subcategory result 50 45 40 ALL US 133 “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” (Q21) HIGHLIGHTS: • The US’ score for people developer recognition increased +5% over FY07 • United States is slightly below the global average for this question (-1%) Country United States FY08 FY07 Delta 45 40 +5 134 What are our people in the United States saying about recognition…. Q21: “I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.” “There should be more recognition throughout the year from a supervisor - not during the annual process only.” “Much of the reward is self satisfaction, watching others grow and succeed around me.” “There isn't very much recognition for being a good career counselor.” “I believe this is true for those at non-executive levels. We do not reward executives for this and it shows. Many executives do not do a good job a developing others.” “Rarely recognized for developing people, much less rewarded.” 135 “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” (Q22) HIGHLIGHTS: • The United States is up over last year’s result +5% in the area of receiving appropriate recognition for contributions Country United States FY08 FY07 Delta 59 54 +5 • United States is above the global average by +3% on this question 136 What are our people in the United States saying about recognition…. Q22: “I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.” “Celebrating Performance is one of the best programs introduced in quite a while. I just wish it was not taxed.” “This is dependent upon workforce, client engagement, OG, leadership/management, and is inconsistent.” “I would like to receive more recognition.” “Frankly, I was offended by a 2% raise after selling $20 million last year.” “I think leadership does a great job of commending a good job to its employees but this does not translate to a positive outcome in the laddering process. If your CC or SE does not speak well of you then it won't count for anything.” “Celebrating performance is still new but good. More marketing would help usage.” 137 “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) HIGHLIGHTS: • 21% of United States employees say they receive recognition rarely or never United States 60 % Respondents • The US surpasses the global average for frequency with 80% of employees stating that they receive recognition either frequently or occasionally (+5%) 53 50 40 30 27 20 18 10 3 0 Frequently Occasionally ALL Rarely Never US 138 What are our people in the United States saying about recognition…. Q23: “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team” (frequency). “I get verbal recognition but there are no ceremonies, celebrations or lunches.” “Occasionally, once a month from supervisor and once a year directly from leadership.” “There is a wide variance between project managers and senior executives. More training on how to recognize team members would go a long way to raising moral and performance.” “It really is nice that we have Wow Wednesday and I really do look forward to making that list.” “I think the celebrating performance points system is an inspired motivational tool. What makes little sense is that SE's are excluded from it. Don’t we need the same sort or recognition?” 139 Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) HIGHLIGHTS: 50% 37% 40% 26% 30% 22% 18% 20% 10% 9% 10% 7% 5% S E' s eb ./C er em . 1 C el 1: th er O og n. Pu bl ic R ec ne rs ay eb .D in e C el Ti m et t al L so n A w er s Y .T rm Pe r In fo P oi n ts 0% C P • Celebratory events and ceremonies are least preferred 60% 60% % Respondents • Celebrating Performance points and an informal thank you are most preferred forms of recognition United States 140 What are our people in United States saying about recognition…. Q23a: “Please select from the following list your 2 most preferred types of recognition.” “Cash Bonus” “Movie Passes” “Promotion” “Salary Increase” “Non Taxable Recognition” “Family Dinner – As They Put Up With Me Being On the Road” “Stock” “Spot Bonuses ($500-$5000)” “Good Performance Rating” “Training” “Trust/Respect” “More Leadership Opportunities “Appreciation Certificates and Awards” 141 APPENDIX B: Recognition Preference by Career Level Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. 13 10 ie s 20 C el eb ra tio ns /C er em on 's th er SE ie s O 1: 1 9 on 0 25 er em 9 30 42 th er 9 10 O 23 40 ns /C Analyst/ Senior & Analyst Programmer/ Levels E&F n. 57 14 el eb ra tio 37 20 ec og 0 24 's 8 30 R 10 P P or oi nt m al s Th an kPe Yo rs u on al Le tt er s Ti m e A w ay Pu bl ic R C ec el eb og at n. or y D in ne rs 9 40 lic 12 In f 10 % Respondents 30 SE 16 53 1: 1 20 18 50 Pu b 30 C Assistant/ Programmer/ Levels G&H C P P or oi nt m al s Th an kPe Yo rs u on al Le tt er s Ti m e C A el w eb ay at or y D in ne rs 40 12 th er 55 In f 50 13 O 35 % Respondents 60 16 th er 20 18 O 20 SE 's 40 1: 1 % Respondents 50 SE 's Po or in m ts al Th an kPe Yo rs u on al Le tte rs Ti m e Aw ay Pu Ce bl le ic br at Re io co ns gn /C . er em Ce on le ie ba s to ry Di nn er s In f CP 60 1: 1 CP Po or in m ts al Th an kPe Yo rs u on al Le tte rs Ti m e Aw ay Pu bl ic Re Ce co le ba gn to . ry ra Di tio nn ns er s /C er em on ie s In f % Respondents Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) by Career Level 60 Consultant/ Specialist/ Systems & Senior Systems Analyst/ Levels C&D 39 22 14 9 8 0 50 42 Manager/ Level B 23 18 13 9 8 10 0 143 s 10 oi nt 12 P 15 P 20 C 24 C O th el er eb ./C er em . 16 er em . 53 's 50 SE 20 el eb ./C Pe P oi rs nt on s al Le tt er s Ti m e A C w el ay eb .D in ne Pu rs bl ic R ec og n. 1: 1 SE 's Y 20 1: 1 30 P or m .T 30 C 40 C In f % Respondents 44 th er % Respondents 40 O or m er .T so Y na lL et te C rs el eb .D in ne Pu rs bl ic R ec og n. Ti m e A w ay In f Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) by Career Level 50 33 Senior Manager / Level A 29 20 15 10 10 7 0 60 Senior Executive 37 21 11 7 7 0 144 APPENDIX C: Recognition Frequency and Preference by Workforce Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. “I receive recognition from my supervisor or leadership team.” (Q23) CONSULTING 3 3 ly ev er Fr eq u en t N R O Fr eq u cc as io n en tly al ly ar el y 0 18 O cc as io 10 30 20 10 0 SERVICES 20 5 10 N ev er R ar el y na lly O cc as io en t ly 0 24 21 4 10 0 na lly 22 O cc as io 30 40 30 20 ly 27 51 en t 40 SOLUTIONS 60 50 Fr eq u 50 % Respondents 47 Fr eq u % Respondents 60 Ne ve r 19 20 31 N ev er 27 30 Ra re ly 40 48 R ar el y 50 60 50 40 na lly 52 % Respondents % Respondents 60 ENTERPRISE 146 20 19 13 13 10 9 9 0 30 20 24 13 10 10 9 SE 's 50 1: 1 60 Ot ns he /C r er em on ies CONSULTING Ce leb ra tio 22 Po or in ma ts lT ha nk -Y Pe ou rs on al Le tte rs Ti m eA wa Pu y bl ic Re Ce co leb gn at . or yD in ne rs 38 In f 23 % Respondents 47 CP 30 th er 40 O % Respondents 50 1: 1 Ce SE P ub le 's br l ic at R io ec ns og /C n. er em on ie s or m al Th an kYo u CP Po in ts Ti m e Pe Aw rs ay on a lL Ce et le te ba rs to ry Di nn er s In f Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) ENTERPRISE 56 43 40 23 6 6 0 147 18 15 13 11 10 10 9 0 40 30 20 17 12 10 10 Ot he r 60 SE 's SERVICES 1: 1 23 Po or in ma ts lT ha nk -Y Pe ou rs on al Le tte rs Ti m eA wa Pu y bl ic Re Ce co leb gn Ce at . or leb y ra Di tio nn ns er s /C er em on ies 50 In f 35 % Respondents 54 CP 20 SE 's 30 1: 1 40 Ot ns he /C r er em on ies % Respondents 60 Ce leb ra tio Po or in ma ts lT ha nk -Y Pe ou rs on al Le tte rs Ti m eA wa Pu y bl ic Re Ce co leb gn at . or yD in ne rs In f CP Preferred Types of Recognition (Q23a) 59 SOLUTIONS 50 34 26 17 9 7 0 148