Time frame designed for the fellow joinees

Time frame designed for the fellow joinees:
70 days of training which includes "Sundays". (As you are taking the training from home so whether it be
Sunday or any holiday doesn't matter as we have given you full freedom to chose your own time
schedule for the training and learn at your own pace)
11 More days to recapitulate the entire stuff. (After that u wont be able to access the portal. These 11
days end by your Date-of-completion of Online Training which is mentioned to you.)
14 weeks for performing Medical tests, completing Pre-joining Formalities and time given to travel and
arrive at Mysore.
And finally you join Infosys one day before your Date of Joining which is a Sunday. : :)
I hope you all have understood this. If not then tally this time frame with your Date-of-completion of
Online Training (Not the days mention in the portal, but the date mention in the mail which was initially
communicated you at the time of starting the online training.)
Like for 18th Feb, the Date-of-completion of Online Training is 4th Feb 2013, for 25th Feb, Date-ofcompletion of Online Training is 11th Feb, for 11th march, Date-of-completion of Online Training is 25th
Feb and so on.
Key points to remember before you start the Online training:
1. Your online training will start close to your old doj.
2. You will get 70 days + 11 extra days to complete the online training.
3. You need to have a net connection of minimum 256 Kbps.
4. You need Mozilla or Internet Explorer. You will find some problem if you access the OL through
chrome. And you need the Flash Player pre installed in your machine for the video play.
5. You can use multiple machines to access the online training. We have stopped putting restrictions in it
as many people finding it difficult to access the OL from one machine.
6. The marks in pretests, posttest and quizzes are not linked with the comprehensive test that you will
give in Infosys Mysore. These are for self evaluation.
7. You can download the videos if you can. I will not tell you the procedures. Find it by yourself. You are
not a baby. And dnt ask me like a child that whether you can download the videos or not.
8. If you find any problem with the OL portal, dnt ask me cause I am sitting in the helpline desk. Call
1800 3000 4747 to route your query and they are committed to help cause they get paid for that from
9. You dnt have to submit the assignments thorough doc or pdf or by any mean to anyone. These are
given for self practices. So dnt ask me whether you need to submit the assignments or not. I am flooded
with such mails. NO NEED TO SUBMIT TO ANYWHERE!!!!!!!
10. OL is not mandatory. If you dnt take the OL, you might miss a chance to pass the Comprehensive
Test. How?? I don't know. You will get to know when you join Infosys. But remember one thing, do not
expect the questions will come like that of your University or Semester papers where you write about
TOM, DICK and HARRY for 20 pages to get marks. The questions will be from core concepts and don't
even think that guess-work or copying from others will suffice or help you to pass the test. So its up to
you to decide whether you want to take the training seriously or not.
10.1: If you fail the Comprehensive Test, you will be put on to Intermediate Batch where you will again
have to study all these.
11. To pass the hands on test, practice and practice. Only watching videos will not be helpful if you don't
Thats all.
Comprehensive Test has 70 Questions to answer.
PROGRAMMING : 20 MARKS. (14 questions of 1 mark each and 3 questions of 2 marks each)
RDBMS: 20 MARKS. (14 questions of 1 mark each and 3 questions of 2 marks each)
Software Engineering: 15 MARKS (13 questions of 1 mark each and 1 question of 2 marks)
Operating System: 5 MARKS(5 questions of 1 mark each)
Introduction to Web Technology: 5 MARKS(5 questions of 1 mark each)
CPS: 5 MARKS(5 questions of 1 mark each)
N.B.: I wrong answer will deduct 0.25 mark.
Key Points to remember:
---------------------------1. The questions consisting of 2 marks will be tough and tricky to answer. Be careful while answering
2. Each module Tests will be taken separately. Will Start with PROGRAMMING, then RDBMS, then OS ,
then IWT, then S/W engineering and at the end CPS.
3. Do attempt all the questions.
4. You need to score a minimum of 65% in each module to pass the Comprehensive Test. Say you score
65% or above in every module except RDBMS or Java, they you will be considered "Failed". For you will
provided with all the information tomorrow before the commencement of the exam.
5. Do not panic or get nervous. Be confident.
6. For Hands On, carry appropriate resources as it is a open book test.
Best of Luck. :) :)
January and February Joinees:
A few pertinent points to note:
Day 0: Sunday, Check – in:
You will report at Infosys, Gate 1 and will be guided to the Holding room GEC 2 Basement to collect your
facilities membership card; a Pink color ID card and color tag for ID card.
You will receive your room keys, and then will be dropped to the allotted hostel room in our vehicles.
Parents/Guardians are permitted inside through the Gate No.2, and can wait in food court - 7 (Fiesta).
Please note that only two accompanying members will be allowed inside. ent points to note:
Day 0: Sunday, Check – in:
You will report at Infosys, Gate 1 and will be guided to the Holding room GEC 2 Basement to collect your
facilities membership card; a Pink color ID card and color tag for ID card.
You will receive your room keys, and then will be dropped to the allotted hostel room in our vehicles.
Parents/Guardians are permitted inside through the Gate No.2, and can wait in food court - 7 (Fiesta).
Please note that only two accompanying members will be allowed inside.
Please note that you will not be permitted to go out of the campus for any reason after you check in on
Sunday / Monday, due to security concerns.
Later part of the day can be utilized for getting your NSR registration, shopping in loyal world (within
campus) for daily consumable goods, watching movies or settling down.
Keep your valuables only in the locker provided in your room.
Please wear the ID card given to you at all times when in the Campus.
Exchanging ID cards with other trainees is prohibited.
Day 1: Monday, Induction:
Bringing eatables into the Induction Venue is strictly prohibited.
Strictly adhere to the dress code.
We have a 5 bed hospital within the campus, located at the Employee Care Center (ECC), Extn: 6010. We
also have a 24/7 ambulance service available within the campus. Please utilize this facility in case of an
Queries on NSR and Service Agreements will be addressed during Induction only.
Carry a black dot pen for ICICI bank account opening.
Reporting details for Monday:
Please report at “MG Auditorium, Ground Floor, ILI Building” at 8:45 am sharp for the HR Induction
All are requested to have breakfast and report at the Induction venue. No separate break for the same
will be provided.
(You can request the security guards to direct you to the venue)
Contact Number for queries:
HR-Helpdesk-80955 06913
Checklist for Monday: Day 1:
Photo Identification original & copies (Passport, License, etc.)
Offer letter
Original & Photocopy of educational documents
8 Passport and 1 Stamp Size photo
ITPIN number
E-joining personal data form
NSR Registration:
Candidates who have not done the STEP 2 of NSR formalities are required to complete it on Day 0
(Sunday) at Neptune conference room, 3rd floor, GEC 1 (building 12) without fail. You are required to
produce the offer letter to the Security to enter the building.
Timings: 10:30am to 8:00pm.
E Joining:
Please ensure that you complete your e-joining before your day of joining. You will have to submit a print
out of the completed form.
Kindly note that it’s mandatory to submit the ITPIN number and E-joining personal data form on Monday,
Day 1.
E-Joining links will be provided to the candidates via mail.
Facilities that you may use on the Day of check in:
· You can use all the facilities at Employee Care Center from 6 am – 6 pm on Day 0 (Sunday) of your
joining by buying the temporary facilities card for just Rs.50 (Validity - up to 12 am).
· Movie tickets at the multiplex can be taken two hours before the screening of the movie. Kindly visit the
multiplex to check for the show details.
N.B.: January Joinees has got this mail from Infosys by now I guess.
P.S.: And there are two batches joining in the month of February.
18th Feb 2013 Joinees who will get this mail on 4th Feb 2013 and 25th Feb 2013 Joinees who will get
this mail on 11th Feb 2013.
Objective part:
----------------First of all we were asked to give a small mock test so as to get ourself prepared, to get ourself
acquainted to their system, to know better the way in which the test is being conducted as well as to
adapt ourself with various tools that may be used. After the mock we were asked to give the main test.
For objective part, we were given 2 hours or 2.30 hours[exactly I don’t remember], whatever time span
might be, it was enough to complete the objective and that too we completed it comfortably, so don’t
worry about that. Objective part comprised of 63 questions, based on 5 subjects –java, rdbms, os, iwt
and software engineering. Out of 63 questions, some were of 1mark each while some were of 2 marks
each. However one should keep in mind that for every wrong answer there is a negative marking of 0.25
too. The standard of objective questions was the same like your “posttest”. (Apart from that, a sample
question paper will also be uploaded after the completion of your course in that portal, so that one can
refer it later).
Java: - Questions related to java were very simple, based on basics/fundamentals [very important, get
your fundamentals clear]. Most of the questions were output related. Very few questions were
theoretical. So a total of 20 marks were asked in the java sections.
Rdbms: - Questions asked in rdbms section were of average standard. Most of the questions were based
on queries. Some of the questions were based on output covering both queries and pl/sql. It is highly
essential that you should have clear knowledge about queries and proper syntax of pl/sql statements else
you may get confuse .So a total of 20 marks was asked in rdbms section.
Os: - Questions in this section were very easy. Some questions were direct and theoretical while others
were numerical; yes you need to do some calculations. One should have clear knowledge about all
concepts mentioned in the study material. Please don’t ignore any numerical, there is a high probability
that you may face more numerical than simple and direct theoretical questions. Please solve ample
problems related to process scheduling and page replacement algorithms as it is a very important section
of os, you may get maximum questions from that.
Iwt: - You will get simple and direct questions. There are few sections which you should take care of like
network topologies, architecture, protocols, and load balancing. You should not face any problem in this
S.E-In this section you will get simple and direct questions. Please read thoroughly “software
development life cycle”, various life cycles, quality.These are important topics of se.
Now let’s move onto practical section:
First of all, we had to configure our systems as all systems are connected to LAN and we had to operate
on servers. [Don’t worry, they will be instructing and guiding you throughout the process.]
Please note that, one has to code java programs using ECLIPSE and for rdbms we have to use oracle( sql
plus).If one doesn’t have any idea about these, then please download and start using them as no other
alternative will be given.
Hands on/practical
---------------------It is quite interesting to know that this part is an open book meaning you will be provided with reference
materials for incase u forgot syntax or faced any problem, you can refer it anytime. Time limit for “hands
on” is 2 hours.
“Hands on “was of 30 marks, comprising of two questions only, 1 java questions and 1 rdbms question.
Java:- Again, question was very simple[Like we were given an interface and had to implement that
interface in a class].I would suggest you all, please read the question at least 2 times in order to
understand the need of question because question will be very long and you may not get it in one go. All
requirements will be given in the question itself, you just need to follow and code it. A class diagram
would also be given stating what and how to implement. Believe me, it’s like skeleton is already being
provided to you, you just need to give flesh (logic) in order to bring it in a proper shape. A simple tip I
would like to give that try to break the question in to small parts/steps and code it in a sequence as per
mentioned in the question satisfying the requirements. I think, you will find it easier this way.
In order to test your code whether it is ok or not, you will need a demo class or a class containing main
method with/without values. This class will be given to you beforehand along with “files supplied”. One
should be conscious about time factor as java programs will consume maximum of your time, so one
should manage time efficiently. You need to submit error free and compiled code, it is a must. Please try
to implement simple logic as far as possible; else you will get confuse by yourself only.
Rdbms: - Question related to rdbms had 2 parts…
First part had 3 queries based questions. You have to make queries on table which may be pre-given
(previously present on server) or you may have to create it by yourself as specified in the question. As in
my case code to create the table was already been given in the question paper along with the data, we
just had to “copy-paste” it (not a big deal).These query based question may be simple and
direct/complex and tricky. So pay undiverted attention to that while solving. If all goes well, it will take
hardly 10 minutes to execute all three questions.
Then comes second part in which you have to code a pl/sql program. Like java, all requirements will be
specified in question paper; you just need to code it. Be assured that pl/sql program will be easier as
compared to sql or queries related questions.
After completing everything you will be asked to submit your java source code files and rdbms source
files .For rdbms, you have to first write and execute commands, if it works fine then you just needs to
copy and paste it in a text file, at the end you have to submit it.
Please keep it mind that you need to follow /adhere to all business conventions way of coding.
Few suggestions:
1) Please maintain a note while watching videos or studying material, it will help you in quick revision.
2) Please solve assignments of java and rdbms; it will help you a lot.
3) Please while watching videos pay your full attentions, as narrator may tell some points orally and you
may miss it.
4) Please go through videos as well as study materials because some topics which are in videos are not
covered in pdf and vice versa.
So I hope, you will like this and find this useful as well as satisfying, and do well in your assessment.
Steps to do e-joining formality :
1. Goto
2. Enter your user id.(commonly the email id you used to register with Infosys).
3. Click forgot password.
4. New page opens asking for your user id and email id. Fill them.
5. You receive a new mail from talent acquisition.
6. Copy the received password in the link that you received for Ejoining(and enter the existing user id.).
7. Enter the new password.
8. New page opens having questionnaire.
9. Fill it(especially the starred fields).
10. Click Confirm after checking all fields.
11. Now again goto http://www.infosys.com/careers
12. Under Employment Opportunities tab click My Applications.
13. You will see an orange link E-joining: Personal Data Form
14. Click it to download pdf of Personal Data Form whose print out you have to carry with us on date of
Some important facts regarding the personal data form:
1. You can only download your personal data form only if you follow the procedures that I have given in
my previous post.
2. If your have tried to log in too many times and got repeated failure then I would advice you to try next
time. You have ample time to download the personal data form before you join and there is no contest
going on like "Who can download more quickly!".
3. Many people are asking that they can not update or modify there data in the portal as it is showing:
"Your can not edit any data, your application is under process". I wonder you all are so much interested
in changing your data now. You have been told to download the Personal data form, just do it. You can
get ample opportunities to update your data once you join Infosys in Mysore.
4. In the questionnaire section, please fill up all the sections very carefully before clicking on the submit
button. Because once u click on the submit button, you can not roll back and edit anything. If you
mistakenly updated any wrong data in the questionnaire section then don't panic, since it is just a prejoining formality, you can rectify those mistakes later on in Infosys.
5. Many people are asking me that the Personal Data Form that they downloaded, contains incorrect data
about them. Do not panic. You can rectify those mistakes by using a whitener and can write over it using
a black pen with neat hand-writing. Now some people will ask me whether they can use blue pen!!!!!!!
This post is for those who wanted to know about Infosys Higher Education policy.
First off all you need to apply for registration with HES (Higher Education Section) and the HES will issue
a registration number after verification of eligibility criteria.
The eligibility criteria for registration is:
-More than 1 year of experience in Infosys Technologies Ltd.
-CRR Band 1 or 2 and/or Trainee Band B1(Top 45% among trainees).
-Admission offer letter from institute.
The employee should pay fees only after obtaining the Reg. No. from HES.
Infosys does not sponsor full course but it reimburses fees paid upto Rs. 1 to 2 lakhs or 50% of the fees
paid, whichever is lower.
Fees paid after registration with HES only will be considered as "Fees Paid", for reimbursement
Reimbursement should be claimed within 3 months of completing the program. That means at first you
need to pay fees by yourself.
The bond after completing the course is only for 1 year. You can leave Infosys after 1 year. If you leave
within that 1 year, the amount reimbursed will be recovered.
List of supported programs:
------------------------------BS in Information Systems, BITS Pilani.
MS in Software Systems, BITS Pilani.
PG Diploma in Software Enterprise Management (PGSEM), IIM-B.
Advance Management Program(AMP), IIM-B.
Executive Program for Young Professionals (EPYP), IIM-C.
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA- Level 1 to 3), CFA-AIMR(US).
MSc. IT, Symbiosis, Pune (Only for IMS employees in Job Band A2).
Checklist of essential items for People Joining in February:
1. Infosys Offer Letter where your date of Joining has been mentioned and the "Letter of Intent to hire".
2. All results. This includes 10th, 12th and all semesters' original mark-sheets.
3. Passport and Driving License.
4. Print-out of Accommodation Letter.
5. NSR card or IT-PIN number.
6. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate.
7. PAN card. A must.
8. Service Agreement.
9. Personal Data form.
10. Medical Test Reports.
11. Bring adequate amount of Passport Size and Stamp Size Colour Photographs.
Please remember:
-------------------I. Do take 2-3 print outs of all your marksheets and certificates. You have to submit one photocopy of
these documents to the HR who will verify the authenticity and then stamp an 'ER Verified' seal and then
you have to scan it and submit it to your E-Docket. (E-Docket is the online depository of all documents
related to you. Infy stores all your documents here.)
II. Also take xeroxes of passport and driving license which will help in getting mobile SIM cards easily.
III. There are xerox machines where you can photo copy your documents in case if you have forgotten to
do it before.
IV. Do not bring Laptops, pen drives, data carriers or anything. You can bring tabs or I-Pads.
Now, people will ask some questions which I have already anticipated:
------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Hey, I neither have passport nor Driving License. What to do?
Ans.: Nothing to do. Just take chill pill. And apply for a back ground check. Driving License is not
mandatory to bring though.
Q. I have lost this and this mark-sheets? What to do?
Ans.: Try to bring the duplicate mark sheets from the concerned University or council or from your board.
If you are still unsuccessful, then join Infosys first and tell your problem to the concerned HR.
Q. How many photographs should I bring?
Ans: As much as you can afford. Bring 10 photographs atleast.
Q. Will my mom and dad and/or spouse(who is not an infoscion) can be allowed to enter the campus
with the me at the day of Joining?
Ans: No.
Q. Can I book a guest house inside the Mysore Campus for them?
Ans: No. Its not available for the tourists or visitors. Its for Infosys Officials. Better if you book hotels in
Mysore City. You get ample and good hotels out there.
Q. When I need to report the Mysore Campus?
Ans: One day before your Date of Joining i.e. on Sunday.
Q. Any time window to report the campus on Sunday?
Ans: You can enter at anytime of the day.
Q. Can I bring my DSLR Camera or Guitar or any musical instruments.
Ans: Yes you can.
Q. The prescribed Hospital is far away from my home? Can I perform the test after I join Infosys?
Ans: No, u need to take the test on any one of the hospitals mentioned by Infosys, even if it far far away
from your vicinity.
Q. I haven;t done NSR. Can you tell me how to do it? I dnt know the procedure.
Ans: Go to Google, Type NSR, Click on the First link and then read the procedures mentioned in the NSR
Q. I dnt have Pan Card. I have applied for that but I don't think I will get it before joining?
Ans: Then be ready to live your life on your parents' money. Because if you don't show your pan card,
you wont get a single penny from Infosys. Your salary will be getting accumulated. It will only get
credited in your ICICI bank account, once you produce your Pan Card
Few essential things and experiences I would like to share with you which I have gained through this
decade long service with Infosys and in IT Industry. Please read these facts which I have written below.
1. People ask me how do companies count Industry experiences. I would explain you using a simple
example. Read it very carefully.
Suppose you have joined Infosys on 18th Feb and your training starts and gets finished by (say) 18th
June. After 18th June you join the Business Unit (Devolopement Center) of Infosys as System Engineer.
Now after 2 years later, you apply for a job at Cognizant (say). In these two years of services with
Infosys, you have worked for 3 billable projects (note the word "billable"). Say the duration of each
project is 4 months. And rest of the time we were on bench. Now, when you apply for Cognizant, how
many years/months of experience you will show?? Your experience will be counted as the duration of
project(s) you have worked on. So, in these 24 months (2 years) of your service in Infosys, your
experience will be counted as the 3 (no of projects) X 4(duration of each projects) = 12 months that
means 1 year.
Please note, your training is not counted as your experience(s). But while applying for a switch in other
companies, you have to show your training completion certificates as a mandatory documents.
Now, you will ask me that what will happen to that guy if he was on bench for the entire 2 years. Well, in
that case, his experience will be considered as NIL. In other way, bench is not a good thing for those
who want growth in any IT sector. But good part is, in bench time, you can enjoy your life smoothly. And
moreover, every employees do not get bench for more than 4/5 months if he or she doesn't blocked into
any project.
Now, many will raise a question about the significance of the words "billable project" which I mentioned
earlier in my post. Well these words mean, the project in which you are working are registered to bring
revenue for the company.
So, the bottom line is when the years of experience will be lesser and is not equals to your years of
service to Infosys except few exceptional cases.
2. People ask me about the role of a software developer. Well, I would like to explain it but before that I
would ask you what do u know about developing a software? Is it developing a Fibonacci series using
some Java snippets. Absolutely not. Is it developing an Library management application using ASP.net.
Absolutely not. Then you will ask, what is the role of a software developer. Many get confused rather get
messed up with the role of a Software developer. Roles S/W development include Resource gatherings
and System Requirement Specifications(SRS), Design, Coding, Testing, Delivery and Maintainace. Now I
will ask you which is the most important and toughest role among all of these. I know most of you would
say that Coding is the most essential and toughest part in S/W development. Absolutely not. The most
essential and tough job is the Resource gather and SRS. The max part of the project budget is spent on
these factors. Coding is indeed essential and tough also but don't think that it is sole thing which IT
companies do to develop a software. Even, I was working as a System Engineer and working under a
Australian Project, I had to wake up 4 AM in the morning to communicate with the client associates to
gather the information necessary to build the software as per their requisites. Then I gathered all the
information and pass the data to the coder or programmer. He or she then writes and run the code and
develop the software. Then the half-build software passes to tester. He or she then tests the software
using all sorts of tests. Now then the software passes to the delivery manager for final check and final
approval before it gets dispatched to the clientele. After getting delivered to the client, some programmer
and tester went to the client side for further up-gradation, maintenance and installation of the software.
This is how everything works here. From there the opportunity to go onsite comes. I remember, I went
to Australia for that project maintainace after 7 months from gathering the resource requirements.
Always remember, these project execution works on the basis of Water flow model which you have read
and will read in S/W Engineering. So shed off your wrong notion and phobia of "coding-as-the-only-wayto-survive-in-IT-industry". But also don't think that you never have to work on programming or code part.
You may have to. And I believe every IT employee should know and love basic programming skills and
industry best practices.
3. Many people ask me that, at a point of time, people get stucked in Infosys and don't get any further
promotion(s). I would say, better to switch at that time to another company. Now, people think that its a
cake walk to switch to another company if you have 2 or 3 years of service (note: I mentioned "years of
service", not "years of experience") in Infosys. Yes absolutely true. But how??? See, before you switch to
the company you desire, you need to check what the requirements, the salary being offered and your
posting. Your have spent most of time in Infosys as a Java Developer and say Tata Consultancy Services
has given an ad in the job portal that they want some SAP developer. Then you can not apply for that
post. As they mentioned that they want SAP developer only. So these are some of the constrained which
are needed to be checked first before applying for a company for a switch. Salary is also main factor. Not
only salary, you need to check others factors too like work from home facilities which is best offered by
IBM, Accenture, medical coverage, insurances and other important benefits.
Anyways, I have told you enough. Although its a miles-apart things for you now since you all are freshers
and need atleast 1 year of service in Infosys to apply for that. But you should keep in mind all these
before you join Infosys or any IT company as you would hardly get any person in your office who would
spoon feed you all these facts. You need to gather all these experience by your own. More you work, the
more you will learn and the more will be your experience. I hope my experiences will be helpful for you in
taking proper decisions in future. Best thing to survive in any industry whether it be IT or bank sector or
core industry, do learn anything which comes in your way. These may turns into handy stuff in your near
Thanks for reading this post patiently. :) :)
List of things that you have to do before you join Infosys:
1. Get the provisional certificate from your university in case if you haven;t got the Degree certificate and
get it signed by your principal/dean/head of your college/university.
2. Since most of you have already furnished your SA and have given your old DoJ in the page. But since,
you have a revised DoJ, so better to get a fresh SA with current DoJ mentioned.
3. You have been told to bring the NSR card. You can bring print your NSR - e card. No need to take any
physical card. IT-PIN number is just what needed.
4. Perform your medical test and bring the test reports along with the Medical Certificate which is to be
printed in the "Hospital Test-Report Page", not in any dummy & normal A4 size page, and to be signed
by the hospital head with proper hospital stamp.
5. No need to get the photocopies of your testimonials signed by any authorized person. You can sign the
photocopies of your testimonials. In other word, self-attestation will suffice.
6. If you haven't got the passport then take don't forget to take the Passport application Form as a proof
of your appeal for the passport.
7. If you dnt have any debit card then I advice you to get it before you reach Mysore. Since, while
purchasing some items inside the Mysore campus, you need to use your card like getting the Landry
mate slip etc.
8. Take adequate amount of money for the first month stay in Infosys Mysore campus as you will be
getting your salary on 31st March 2013. Atleast take 5000 to 6000 Rupees.
9. Make a list of activities and write it down in a piece of paper and keep it with yourself. As it will be
handy for you while you prepare yourself for the departure from your city.
10. Book hotel for your parents or the person who will be accompanying you in Infosys Mysore. Please
note, they wont be allowed to stay inside the campus. List of hotels are provided in the attachment.
Infoscions must have got their accomodation letters by now.
I am posting here the details of accomodation letter that are essentially required before reporting the
Infosys campus:
1.Passport and its 3 copies
2.Digitally signed Offer Letter
3.Printout of DoJ Intimation Letter
4.All marksheets of 10th,12th,graduation and post-graduation(if applicable)
5.Degree/Provisional certificate of graduation and post-graduation(if applicable)
6.NSR Card
7.Legally stamped service agreement
8.Passport size and stamp size photographs
9.Proof of Identification:
-Original photo-identity card such as credit card with photograph
-Electoral Card
-Driving License
-PAN ID card with Photo
-Original Marksheets from universities with photo/photograph attested by college authorities on the
college letterhead/photograph attested by a gazette officer
10.Medical certificate
Atleast 2 copies of all of the above documents are to be carried by the candidate.
Moreover,the academic details that has to be considered are that he/she should:
1.have appeared and passed in all the examinations
2.not have any active backlogs(1-8 semesters) on date of joining
3.meets the eligibility criteria for marks as mentioned during recruitment(aggregate of all semesters)
It is to be noted that charges towards accomodation will be deducted from the candidate's salary on a
month-on-month basis.Expenses towrards food and local conveyance during training would be borne by
candidate him/her self.Registration number given to each candidate must be noted carefully which will be
required during the joining day procedures.The candidates are also required to provide details of birth of
their parents/spouse required for group heath insurance scheme and other benefits.
Infoscions,have a succesful journey in Infosys!!:)
With less than a week to your reporting at Infosys, we are looking forward to have you onboardJ.
We wish you a comfortable and safe journey to Mysore!
A few pertinent points to note:
Day 0: Sunday, Check – in:
You will report at Infosys, Gate 2 and will be guided to the Induction Hall, GEC 2 Basement to collect
your facilities membership card; a Pink color ID card and color tag for ID card.
You will receive your room keys, and then will be dropped to the allotted hostel room in our vehicles.
Parents/Guardians are permitted inside through the Gate No.2, and can wait in food court - 7 (Fiesta).
Please note that only two accompanying members will be allowed inside.
Please note that due to security concerns you will not be permitted to go out of the campus for any
reason on Sunday.
Later part of the day can be utilized for getting your NSR registration, shopping in loyal world (within
campus) for daily consumable goods, watching movies or settling down.
Keep your valuables only in the locker provided in your room.
Please wear the ID card given to you at all times when in the Campus.
Exchanging ID cards with other trainees is prohibited.
Day 1: Monday, Induction:
Bringing eatables into the Induction Venue is strictly prohibited.
Strictly adhere to the dress code.
We have a 5 bed hospital within the campus, located at the Employee Care Center (ECC), Extn: 6010. We
also have a 24/7 ambulance service available within the campus. Please utilize this facility in case of an
Queries on NSR and Service Agreements will be addressed during Induction only.
Carry a black dot pen for ICICI bank account opening.
Reporting details for Monday:
IT joinees: Please report at the “Multiplex” at 8:15 am sharp for the HR Induction Program.
All are requested to have breakfast and report at the Induction venue. No separate break for the same
will be provided.
(You can request the security guards to direct you to the venue)
Contact Number for queries:
Reethesh (HR-Helpdesk)-80955 06913
Checklist for Monday: Day 1:
Photo Identification original & copies (Passport)
Offer letter
Original & Photocopy of educational documents
8 Passport and 1 Stamp Size photo
ITPIN number
E-joining personal data form
NSR Registration:
Candidates who have not done the STEP 2 of NSR formalities are required to complete it on Day 0
(Sunday) at Neptune conference room, 3rd floor, GEC 1 (building 12) without fail. You are required to
produce the offer letter to the Security to enter the building.
Timings: 10:30am to 8:00pm.
E Joining:
Please ensure that you complete your e-joining before your day of joining. You will have to submit a print
out of the completed form.
Kindly note that it’s mandatory to submit the ITPIN number and E-joining personal data form on Monday,
Day 1.
Facilities that you may use on the Day of check in
· You can use all the facilities at Employee Care Center from 6 am – 6 pm on Day 0 (Sunday) of your
joining by buying the temporary facilities card for just Rs.50 (Validity - up to 12 am).
· Movie tickets at the multiplex can be taken two hours before the screening of the movie. Kindly visit the
multiplex to check for the show details.
With best wishes towards a mutually rewarding association,
Few key points to note before you join Infosys:
1. Infosys will provide you the hard-copy of E-Joining Form in-case if you fail to bring it to Mysore.
2. They just verify your documents and return you immediately. They only take the photocopies. Make
sure, you bring at least 2 photocopies of each documents mentioned in the list. They will send you the
list of documents which you have to bring there.
3. You will get ICICI Bank Account open and an ATM card on the very first day of your service in Infosys.
A salary account will be opened with zero balance. You can credit balance in your ICICI account on that
also. Make sure to get the facilities of net banking. It will help you a lot in many online transactions.
4. PAN card is a must to open the salary account. So try to bring it anyhow.
5. Do not worry, if you fail to bring the Passport. They will just ask you whether you have brought or not.
If you say YES, then they will ask you to produce it. If you say NO, then they will give a form for
background checking. You need to fill it up by your own and pay Rs. 700 and you are done.
6. It is mandatory to bring Service Agreement at the day of joining. No need to bring your parents for the
surety sign. They can sign it beforehand. But you(engineer) sign it in front of the Notary in Infosys
Mysore. 1 Original and 1 photocopies are required to bring. They will take the original and will give u
back the photocopy one.
7. There are ample of Xerox Machines in the GEC1 where you can get photocopies of your documents.
8. No need to bring cosmetics, toiletries and any other stationary products from outside. You can buy
from the Loyal World present inside the Campus on the very first day of your joining. You can also avail
the temporary employee facilities card worth Rs. 50 and can avail the benefits for the rest of the day.
9. At the time of entering the campus, you need to show the offer letter(where you date of joining is
been mentioned) and a valid photo ID proof which can be any one of the following:
i. Electoral Card
ii. Pan Card
iii. Pass Port
iv. Nationalized Bank Documents with self-photo sealed and stamped
v. ID Proof issued by the college or university with photo attestation by the head of the institute(In case
if you don't the above three documents)
10. The induction program is very monotonous and tiring. Sometimes, you will feel sleepy inside the
induction hall in case if you don't look out for hot chicks and hot guys. But unfortunately you will find a
human of opposite sex sitting near/close/next to that hot person, which apparently seems to be their bf
or gf!
Just In:
They announced that Hands On test will be held after 10 days from your Joining and Objective Test after
11 days from your joining.
In this period, all will be provided with study materials for preparations and machines for practice.
If one scores more than 65% marks in both Hands On and Objective Test, he or she will be deployed to
Stream Training.
Stream training will be of around 42 working days.
If one fails to score 65% marks then he or she will be deployed to Intermediate Training.
Intermediate Training will be of around 25 working days.
Intermediate Training comprises of regular classes.
Then after 25 days, you will sit for the Assessment Test again. If you pass then you will deployed into
Stream Training.
If you again fail, you will be deployed into Augmented Training.
Augmented Training will be of around 10 days.
Then again you have to sit for the Assessment Test.
If you pass this, then you will deployed into Stream Training.
Else, Bye bye Infosys. (It rarely happens). So no worries.
Please note: In Augmented Training, there will be no classes. Only study materials will be provided, one
needs to study by his or her own.
N.B.: In both Intermediate and Augmented Training, you have to cover all the 5 modules that you have
learned in Online Training.
P.S.: Those who are going through Online Training now, I advice you to take it seriously.
Schedule: Day 0 will be the day before ur doj, that is sunday on which u check in and get settled down.
Then after, 1st two day (monday and tuesday) will be HR induction. 3rd day(wednesday) will be alloted
for practicing java hands on. 4th day will be for java mock test. 5th day will be for rdbms hands on
practice and mock test at the end of the same day. 6th day is saturday which is officially a holiday. 7th
day is sunday, same as saturday. 8th day that is monday of next week, you will have for "Real" hands on
test for programming n rdbms. Scores in mock test will not be evaluated. I will post the dates of
objective test very soon. :-)
To all new joinees,we are here providing you the details of tests that will be conducted for freshers.
1.practical tests -section 1 programming module and
section 2 rdbms module.
2.objective tests-section 1 programming and
section 2 rdbms_se_os_iwt.
3.Pre-behavioural Competency test(BCT)-students need not to prepare from any book etc.The things told
in induction programme will be asked in this test.
4.Pre English Diagnostic test(EDT)-It will be a simple english test that includes questions based on
listening videos(eg.chat of two friends etc),comprehensions and grammar check.