Building the Best, Strategic Practices Using Tools of Periodization and Games Approach Fran Hoogestraat, Ed.D coach/speaker, Nashville TN LaNise Rosemond, Med, Instructor, Tennessee Tech University Michael B. Phillips, PhD, Assistant Professor, Tennessee Tech University What is periodization? It is the process of breaking down the annual plan into shorter, more manageable training phrases. When periodization is properly incorporated it can enhance the coaches organization, which in turn helps the coach to conduct the program systematically. Periodization Continued According to Bompa (1999) an organized and well-planned annual training program is a requirement for maximizing strength improvements (p.83). Goal of Periodization The primary goal of periodization is for the athlete to reach peak performance at a specific time. To achieve this goal, the entire training program must be properly periodized and planned so that the development of skills and motor abilities proceeds logically and methodically throughout the year (Bompa, 1999). Start with YOUR Sport Think of your sport, and list by date, your major competitions---conference/league championship? State Championship? City or County Championship? Think about the 12 months…looking at the ‘when’ of your major competitions, when should your Pre-Season or Pre-pre season training year begin? Summer? Fall? Winter? Spring? DEPENDS ON YOU! Lay out your training year Think of Pre-Season phases..when is this? Think of Strength Building..when is this? Think of Specific Preparation…when? Think of Competitive Preparation…when? Are you working with a one-peak season? Two peak? Three peak? Do you have Recovery phases…when? Do you go back into Specific Preparation for a 2nd peak in your season? Is there an Off-Season? What activities if any? 12-month Calendar with Peaks Select your peak competition Fill–in all other competition Design training phrases that prepare your athletes for your peaks ◦ The following four slides are an example of a high school and club athlete and the interplay of the training phrases in competition: Planning the Work Objective – to develop a training program that will lead to your team's success. A good plan includes both short and longterm goals. The plan should be structured, yet flexible and provide a roadmap for success for the individual and team. “Plan the work and work the plan” Considerations Goals. Timing of major competitions - work backwards from major competitions. Individual Differences – Psychological, talent level, post vs. perimeter. Number of events and coaches. Facilities. General Concepts Always have a plan. Record all training for later analysis. Progress slowly and systematically. Rest and recovery are critical. Vary your training methods. How do I move from training phases to training skills? Determine the training skills that apply to your sport -Mental -Technical -Tactical -Physical Mental Skills Emotional Control Motivation Concentration Confidence Importance of Mental Toughness According to Gould and Weinberg (2007) mental skills is seen in the highly valued attribute of mental toughness. For example, in a study of elite athletes, Scully and Hume (1995) found that "mental toughness was perceived to be the most important determinant of success in sport" (p.251). Importance of Mental Skills Training Most coaches consider sport to be at least 50% mental when competing against an opponent of similar ability, and certain sports, such as golf, tennis, and figure skating, are consistently viewed as 80% to 90% mental (Gould & Weinberg, 2007). According to Shambrook and Bull (1999), it is important to integrate psychological skills into existing routine and practices. The goal is to show the relationship between mental training and achievement of personal goals. Mental Training Success In 1988, twenty members of the U.S Olympic freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling teams were interviewed. Compared with nonmedalist wrestlers, Olympic medal winners used more positive self-talk, had a narrower and more immediate focus of attention, were better prepared mentally for unforeseen negative circumstances, and had more extensive mental practice (Gould, Eklund & Jackson, 1993). Technical Skills Which of these apply specifically to YOUR SPORT SITUATION? Running Jumping Hitting Fielding Shooting Passing Kicking Guarding Stroking Throwing Lifting Skating Tactical Skills Which of these apply specifically to YOUR SPORT SITUATION? Decision-making skills Reading the situation Knowledge Self Analysis Situation Tactics Game Plan Strategy Rules Physical Skills Do any of these apply to your SPORT SITUATION? Strength Speed Power Endurance Flexibility Quickness Balance Agility Men's College Basketball Month before Competitive Season Example Strength Training Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Jump Rope Jump Rope Jump Rope Strength Warm Up Strength Warm Up Strength Warm Up Strength Zone Strength Zone Strength Zone Front Squat Power Clean Bench Press Shoulder Press Deadlift Back Squat Intensity Zone Intensity Zone Intensity Zone Intensity Zone Intensity Zone 21-15-9 3 Sets of Each Pair 12 Minute Amrap Thrusters 1. Reverse Hyper 3 Bench Press 185# Pull ups 2. Ball Slams 5 Back Squat 225# For Time 1. Kettlebell Swing 2. Glute Ham Raise Lift Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Front Squat 2x6, 60/3x10 3x4, 70/5x6 4x3, 75/6x5 75/2x5 4x2, 80/5x5 4x2, 80/5x5 Shoulder Press 2x6, 60/3x10 3x4, 70/5x6 4x3, 75/6x5 75/2x5 4x2, 80/5x5 4x2, 80/5x5 Power Clean 70/ 8x3 75/ 10x2 80/ 8x2 85/ 6x2 90/ 6x2 90/ 6x2 Deadlift 70/ 8x3 75/ 10x2 80/ 8x2 85/ 6x2 90/ 6x2 90/ 6x2 Bench Press 2x6, 60/3x10 3x4, 70/5x6 4x3, 75/6x5 75/2x5 4x2, 80/5x5 4x2, 80/5x5 Back Squat 2x6, 60/3x10 3x4, 70/5x6 4x3, 75/6x5 75/2x5 4x2, 80/5x5 4x2, 80/5x5 Example Speed, Quickness, and Agility Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Dynamic Warm Up Dynamic Warm Up Dynamic Warm Up Dynamic Warm Up Jump Rope Jump Rope Energy Systems Energy Systems 2x880 Energy Systems Energy Systems Energy Systems Lateral Side to Side Lane Agility Drill 2x880 1x660 Power Travel Hops Power Cord Runs 1x660 4x440 Mountain Climbers Tuck Jumps 4x440 For Time Box Jumps Agility Ladder 4x220 Banana Hurdles Shuffle Drill For Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 2x880, 1x660, 4x440 1x660, 4x440, 4x220 1x440, 8x220, 10x100 10x220, 10x100 1x660, 4x440, 4x220 1x660, 4x440, 4x220 10x50, 10x30 10x50, 10x30, 1x880, 1x660, 4x440 8x100 4x220 10x10 Practice Design Plan in advance – Don’t “wing it”. Consider all the elements of a practice. Individualize post and perimeter if at all possible. Warm-up and cool down. Evaluate each session objectively. Have fun! Power, Power-Endurance, Agility/Quickness Practice # 18 2:45 – 3:00 3:00 – 3:10 3:10 – 3:20 3:20 3:25 3:30 3:35 3:37 3:42 – 3:47 – – – – – 3:25 3:30 3:35 3:37 3:42 Team Meeting (Goals) Dynamic Warm –up Jump Rope (30s, 45s, 30s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 30s x 3: rest is same) Lateral side to side (cone jumps) Blue Demon Run Box jumps w/burpees 21-15-9 H20 Mountain climbers (10 ea leg) to 5 yd sprint x10 Ladder Agility (6 movements) Power, Power-Endurance, Agility/Quickness 3:47 – 4:00 Cool down – Stretch – Post practice evaluation *Coaches meet after practice to evaluate practice, make notes, and prepare for next practice. Let’s move from practice design to making practice competitive What is Games Approach? The Games Approach is “athlete-centered” where the coach allows a more guided discovery approach. In other words, student-athletes learn “what to do” in a game by experiencing it. Martens (2004) goes on to say that, “It’s a more holistic approach, focusing first on helping athletes understand what the game is all about, and then helping them learn how to play the game” (p. 175). Where can coaches use the games approach? The Games Approach can be applied in almost all of your training phases. The most important phases for this approach is the tactical phase where you are teaching “how to”. Games Approach is best used to teach both cognitive (declarative) and procedural knowledge. Ways to allow the games approach to work for you 1. Begin your practice with a game. 2. Redesign some of your drills to make them more game-like. 3. 4. 5. Study your sport to help identify the tactical principles and then design a series of drills and practices around them. Have your athletes freeze during a game-like situation and have the athletes determine where improvements are needed. Build in time for your athletes to reflect and discuss their actions during practice. Year End Review Athlete evaluation one-on-one with coach Goal setting for next year Shaping purposes for next year Making changes to yearly plan Sources Arceneaux, Paul. Head Coach, 1994, Vanderbilt University Women’s Track & Field. Bompa, T., & Carrera, M. (2005). Periodization training for sports (2nd Ed.). Human Kinetics: Champaign, IL Cox, T. (2009). Periodization. Presentation in EXPW 3091. Gould, D., Eklund, R., & Jackson, S. (1993). Coping strategies used by U.S. Olympic wrestlers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 64, 84-93. Martens, Rainer (2004). Successful Coaching (3rd Ed.). Human Kinetics: Champaign, IL Pugh, C. Strength & Conditioning Coach, TTU. (Sources, continued) Scully, D., & Hume, A. (1995). Sport psychology: Status, knowledge, and use among elite level coaches and performers in Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychology, 16, 52-66. Shambrook, C. J., & Bull, C. J. (1999). Adherence to psychological preparation in sport. In S. J. Bull (Ed). Adherence issues in sport and exercise (pp. 169-196). West Sussex, UK: Wiley. USA Track & Field, Level I Coaching Instruction. Weinberg R., & Gould, D. (2007). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (5th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics THANK YOU! If you like more information regarding this topic you may contact any of the speakers.