There are many ways to make music!
 All music shares three common elements
› Melody
› Rhythm
› Timbre – the quality of a sound
Think of words to describe what your hear such
as “Lively” or “dancelike.”
Listen to the musical examples and using the scale of
0 – 3 where 0 means no familiarity and 3 means great
familiarity, rate the familiarity with the melody, rhythm
and timbre. You may use any number between 0
and 3.
Determine the types of instruments and/or voices you
Determine the country of origin of each selection.
Use the list below
A. Bali (Indonesia)
B. Germany
C. Greece
D. India
E. Ireland
F. Japan
G. Mexico
H. Nigeria (Africa)
I. Russia
J. Hawaii (United States)
The music of other people’s help define
who they are
 The work of two professionals helps us to
understand the music of other cultures
› Anthropologist – a scientist who studies the
physical and cultural characteristics and
social customs of a group of people
› Ethnomusicologist –a professional who
studies the music of different cultural groups
Located in west
central Africa
 Over 150 ethnic
 Two official languages
– English and French
 Majority live on
plateau in central part
of country
 Home to the Bamileke
A warrior dance performed by the Menne
people in Bamileke tribe
 Music of great energy served to prepare
and celebrate battles
 Later, dance served as source of pride in
their culture
 Performed by
Four two-toned bells
N’to – medium sized drum
N’ket – large, low sounding drum
Three rattles
Mexico is a large
country with many
Blend of three cultures
– Indian, Spanish and
Regional forms of
music throughout
Mexicans use music to
celebrate events like
weddings, birthdays,
baptisms, holidays
Veracruz located in eastern part of
 Sones jarochos – traditional songs from
 Performed by four instruments
› Requinto jarocho – four string guitar (melody)
› Arpon – 35 string harp
› Jarana – thin guitar
› Traditional six-string guitar
Sones jalisciense – traditional song
 Cancion ranchera – country song
 Performed by mariachi ensemble
› A musical group with several violins, two
trumpets, a bass guitar(guitarron), a short
five-string guitar (vihuela), and a six-string
Sones jarochos – “La Bamba”
La Bamba.mscz.pdf
Sones jalisciense – “La Negra”
 La Negra.xlsx
Largest population in
world (over 1 billion)
Chinese practice
three main religions
› Confuciansim
› Taoism
› Buddhism
In the 1600’s, a new style of music called Peking
opera was created
Peking opera combines an orchestra with speaking,
singing, acrobatic martial arts, and pantomime
Heterophony- everyone sings or plays the same
melody, but each in their own way
Every large city in China has an opera company
Types of instruments used
› Jinghu – small bowed string to accompany male roles
› Jing-erhu – accompanies female roles
› Percussion- used to accompany the actors’ movements
The story of White Snake is an ancient tale
that combines action, romance, martial arts
and tragedy.
It is the story of Hsu Sheng who meets White
Snake while she is disguised as a human
(she is in fact a goddess). Hse Sheng falls in
love as does White Snake. A monk named
Fa Hai know her true identity and tricks Hsu
Sheng into drinking a potion that reveals
White Snake’s true form. Sheng dies of fright
at the sight of her.
White Snake fights her way through heaven
and brings Hsu Sheng back to life, but
Sheng wants nothing to do with her and
joins a monestary.
White Snake is so hurt that a monk is able to
capture her and imprisons her in a pagoda
for 10,000 years!
In this scene, White Snake is heartbroken to
learn that Hsu Sheng is leaving her; she
loves him too much to destroy him and
forgives him instead
 Listen and answer the three questions
› How many different sources of sound can you
distinguish? Do they blend or contrast?
› Do the two instruments that accompany White
Snake play the same melody that the singers is
singing or do they play independent parts?
› What makes this different than anything you
have ever hears?