Drum drive

Frictional Drive in Textile
Part 1:Drum drive, belt drive
and chain drive
Frictional Drive
1. What is frictional drives
2. Types of frictional drives
Drum drive (eg cheese winding)
Belt drive (spinning, weaving)
Vee-belt drive (motor power )
Chain-and-sprocket drive
1) Frictional Drives
• Many drives for textile machines rely on
the friction between the driving element
and the driven element. Examples:
– Belt and rope drives;
– Drum drives to cone in yarn preparation
– Drum drives to warping beams
• The common feature is one element has a
hard surface and the other is a relatively
soft surface
Drum Drive
Cone winding is a typical example of frictional drive
Drum drive
• Figure 1 shows the cheese sits on top of
the drum (driven).
• The surface speed of drum (driver) is
V=n1 x pi x d1
• Assume no slippage between the drum
and cheese, the surface speed will be:
• n1 x pi x d1 =n2 x pi x d2
• n1 /n2 = d2 /d1
Drum drive
• The last equation shows that the ratio of
the rotational speeds of the two elements
is the inverse ratio of their diameter.
• It should be noted that the running speed
(rev/min) for the empty cheese (smaller
diameter) is higher than full cheese
(bigger diameter).
Calculation for cheese winding
Question 1
• A drum has 12cm diameter and
rotates at 2650 rev/min., find out
– A) the actual winding rate (m/min)
– B) the rev/min of the cheese at start
(empty package)
– C) the rev/min of the cheese at 18cm
diameter (full package)
Answer 1
• 1) Actual winding rate:
– V= n1 x pi x d1
– V= (2650 x 3.14 x 12)/100 =1000 m/min
• 2) Rev/min at start:
– n1 x d1 x pi = n2 x d2 x pi
– 2650 x 12 = n2 x 5; n2=6360 rev/min
• 3) Rev/min at 18 cm:
– 2650 x 12 =n2 x 18; n2=1767 rev/min
• It should note that the rev/min for empty
package is running faster than full package
2) Belt drive
Flat belt drive
Figure 2
Flat belt drive
• If the belt has no thickness, the
surface speed:
• n1 x d1 x pi = n2 x d2 x pi
• If the thickness is t, the surface
speed :
• n1 x (d1 + t) = n2 x (d2 + t)
Question 2
• In Fig. 2, pulley A rotates at 120 rev/min
and has diameter of 30 cm. Pulley B has a
diameter of 50 cm. If the belt is 0.6 cm
thick, estimate the number of rev/min of
pulley B, with slippage ignored.
• Suppose 4% slippage occurred, what is the
rev/min of pulley B?
Answer 2
n1 x (d1 + t) = n2 x (d2 + t)
120 x (30+0.6) = n2 x (50+0.6)
n2=72.6 rev/min
If 4% slippage, the pulley B will be
72.6 x 0.96% =69.7 rev/min
Vee-belt drive
• The flat belt drive as discussed has the limitation
to the power that it can transmit.
• Owning to the “wedging” effect, the Vee-belt
drive can trasmit four times as much power as the
flat belt for the same cross-sectional area.
• Vee-belt drive is a common transmitting power on
textile machine, e.g from the electric motor to
the main shaft of the machine.
Vee-belt drive
High transmitting power of Vee-belt drive
Question 3
• The linear velocity of a vee-belt is
1200 m/min. If the pitch diameters
of the motor pulley and machine
pulleys are 16 and 36 cm, calculate
the motor speed and the machine
Answer 3
• Surface speed V= n1 x pi x d1
• Linear speed = speed of pulley
(rev/min) x pi x d1
• 1200 m/min =(n1 x 3.14 x 16)/100;
n1=2385 rev/min. (motor speed)
• 1200 m/min = (n2 x 3.14 x 36)/100;
n2=1060 rev/min (machine speed)
Chain and sprocket drive
• This is a positive drive with a driving
sprocket connected to the driven
sprocket by a roller chain.
• The driving chain from bicycle is an
example of chain-and-sprocket drive.
• It is simple and versatile.
(Rev/min of driving / rev/min of driven)
= (no. of teeth of driven / no of teeth of driver)
Chain-and-Sprocket drive
Question 4
• A sprocket of 24 teeth rotates at 56
rev/min and, by roller-chain drives,
causes a sprocket of 40 teeth to
rotate. Calculate the number of
rev/min of the driven sprocket.
Answer 4
• 56 x (24/40) = 33.6 rev/min.
• One advantage of a chain drive is
that several sprockets may be driven
from one driving sprocket.
• One of these guide sprockets may be
adjustable so that any stretch in the
chain may be taken up.