Eighth Grade : Latin Unit 3 You must memorize the definition for each word part. Your assessment will give you the term. You must provide the definitions(s). 1-252 are from Unit 1 and 2. So you should already know them! From 253 to 325, you will also see some that you know. NO BONUS POINTS OR EXTRA CREDIT DROP COUPONS CAN BE USED ON THIS TEST. 1. auto- self 2. bio- life 3. centri- center 4. chron- time 5. crypto- hidden, secret 6. geo- Earth 7. gram- something written 8. graphy- to write 9. helio- sun 10. logy- science or study of 11. meter- device for measuring 12. moro- fool 13. philo- love of 14. phobia- fear of 15. soph- wisdom 16. anthrop- man 17. mis- hate, bad, wrong 18. arch- first, chief, ancient, ruler of government 19. crac- rule 20. cide- kill 21. gen- birth, race, kind 22. thermo- heat 23. tele- far 24. poly- many 25. demo- people 26. nomen, nomin, nymname 27. gam, gamos, gamymarriage 28. equi- equal 29. hydr- water 30. pseudo- false 31. Dominus- the Lord 32. bene- good 33. mal- bad, evil 34. ora pro nobis- Pray for us 35. E Pluribus Unum- Out of many, one (motto of the U.S.A.) 36. tele- far 37. phon- sound 38. photo- light 39. astro, aster- star 40. mega- great, large 41. micro- small 42. nom- knowledge, rule 43. path- feelings, sufferings, disease 44. hyper- over, excessive, too much 45. hypo- not enough 46. pod, ped- foot 47. anti, ant- against 48. peri- around, near 49. pyr- fire 50. ignis- fire 51. polis, polit- city, citizen 52. inter- between, among 53. post- after 54. pre- before 55. re- again, backward 56. ambi, amphi- both 57. bell, belli- war 58. caust, caut- to burn 59. cephal- head 60. vac- empty 61. commun- to share 62. spir- breathe 63. hemo, hema- blood 64. dent, dont- tooth 65. myo- muscle 66. purg- clean 67. rid- laugh 68. vert, vers- to turn 69. xyl- wood 70. pugna- fight 71. hepa- liver 72. agon- struggle 73. omni- all 74. beautus- a blessed person 75. Agnus Dei- Lamb of God 76. ab- away from 77. log, logue- word, thought, speech 78. bar, baro- pressure 79. pax- peace 80. vor, vour- to eat 81. manu- hand 82. dic, dict- speak 83. fer- to carry 84. fix- to fasten 85. jur, just- law 86. luc- light 87. phys- body, nature 88. terra, terr- land 89. verb- word 90. vid, vis- to see 91. uni, mon, mono- 1 92. bi, di, du- 2 93. a, an- not, without 94. act- do 95. aer, aero- air 96. agri- farming 97. blast, blasto- cell, immature cell 98. card, cardio- heart 99. carn- flesh 100. herb- plant 101. caus, caut- to burn 102. fract, frag- break 103. un- not, opposite of, lacking 104. less- without 105. tort- twist 106. theo- God 107. tact, tang- touch 108. circum- around 109. sect- cut 110. rhin, rhino- nose 111. phyll, phyllo- leaf 112. pept, peps- digestion 113. para- beside, beyond, 114. ann, enn- year 115. mea culpa- my fault 116. Pax Christi- peace of Christ 117. Kyrie eleison- Lord, have mercy 118. brev- short 119. ante- before 120. anti- opposite 121. ben, bon, eu- good 122. dys, - bad, abnormal 123. ambu- walk 124. belli- war 125. clam- shout 126. clin- lean, bend 127. cred- trust 128. demo- people 129. a, an- not, without 130. ab- away from 131. ad- toward, addition 132. anim- life, spirit 133. auc, aug- increase 134. aud, aur- hear 135. circum- around 136. contra, counter- against 137. de, ex- out of, away from 138. extra- beyond, outside 139. hetero- other 140. homo- same 141. hyper- excessive, too much 142. hypo- not enough 143. inter- between 144. intra- within 145. peri- around 146. se- apart 147. syn, sym- same, together, with 148. trans- across, beyond 149. vice- in place of 150. super- over, above 151. mal- bad 152. ambu- walk 153. andro- man 154. belli- war 155. clam- shout 156. clin- lean, bend 157. clud, clus, claus- close 158. cred- believe, trust 159. dog, dox- thought, idea 160. ev- time, age 161. fac- to do, make 162. fiss- break, part 163. flict- strike 164. fort- strength 165. gnos- knowledge 166. greg- group, herd 167. gyn- female 168. jac,, ject- throw 169. meta, mut- change 170. morph- shape 171. narco- sleep 172. omni- all 173. oper- work 174. pac, pax- peace 175. path- feelings, sufferings, disease 176. sanct- holy 177. scien- knowledge 178. senti- feeling 179. somn- sleep 180. son- sound 181. soph- wise 182. term- end, boundary 183. terr- earth 184. theo, div- God 185. ven- come 186. vid, vis- to see 187. voc, voke- call, calling 188. vol- roll, turn 189. xeno- stranger, foreign 190. able, ible- capable of 191. cise- to cut 192. ist- one whom 193. logy- study of 194. ous- full of 195. cant- to sing 196. chrom- color 197. cosm- universe 198. esthe, esthesia- to feel, sensation 199. fid, fidel- faith, trust 200. fin, finite- end 201. grat- pleasing 202. greg- society, group 203. ideo- idea, philosophy 204. lac, lacto- milk 205. macro- large 206. mis- hate, bad, wrong 207. mort, mor- death 208. neg- to deny 209. neo- new 210. noct, nox- night 211. od, odia- smell 212. ov, ovul- egg, egg-shaped 213. par, pare- equal 214. pel, puls- to drive, driven 215. rupt- to break, sever 216. secut, sequ- to follow, to ensue 217. sen, senil- old age 218. vit, viv- life, to live 219. ap, apo- away from, detached 220. ante- before 221. co, com, con- with, togeter 222. dys- bad, difficult 223. epi- over, above, around 224. in, im- not 225. un- not 226. ali, altr- another 227. am, ami, amor- love 228. clin, cliv- slope 229. cogn, gno- know 230. culp- blame, fault 231. dia- across 232. dec- ten, tenth 233. demo- people 234. fal, fals- deceive 235. flu, flux- flow 236. fus- pour 237. grav, griev- heavy 238. hap- by chance 239. hol- whole 240. jour- day 241. lav, lau, lu- waash 242. lith- stone 243. moll- soft 244. nihil- nothing 245. ob- against 246. palp- feel 247. ous- characterized by, full of 248. al- relating to 249. ic- like, pertaining to 250. ian- native of, pertaining to 251. ambi- both 252. dexter- right 253. ab- away from 254. Carpe Diem- Seize the Day 255. Vini, Vidi, Vici: I came, I saw, I conquered 256. aceto- acid 257. alb- white 258. amyl- starch 259. bi, di, du- 2 260. semi, demi, hemi- ½ 261. bucca- mouth cavity 262. brachy- short 263. bronch- windpipe 264. cani- dog 265. cata- down 266. cerebro- brain 267. capit- head 268. aden- gland 269. angio- blood vessel 270. arthro- joint 271. cyan- blue 272. derma, derm- skin 273. gloss- tongue 274. glyco- sugar 275. lingua- tongue 276. neuro- nerve 277. diplo- double 278. stasis- stoppage 279. itis- inflammation 280. megaly- enlarged 281. pathy- disease 282. schizo- split, division 283. encephalo- brain 284. hist, histo- tissue 285. oro- mouth 286. oto- ear 287. INRI- Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews) 288. Benedicite Deus- God bless you 289. Pax vobiscum- Peace be with you 290. Credo- I believe 291. Habemus papam- We have a pope (used after a papal election to announce the news that the pope was chosen) 292. Memorare- to remember 293. ora et labora- work and pray 294. Requiescat in pace- Rest in peace (RIP) 295. Salve Regina- Hail Holy Queen 296. Veritas- Truth 297. ad nauseam- used to describe an argument that has been taking place to the point of nausea 298. alibi- elsewhere 299. ante bellum- before the war 300. ante meridiem- before noon (A.M.) 301. bona fide- good faith 302. caveat emptor- let the buyer beware 303. circa- approximately 304. et cetera- and the others 305. in toto- in all 306. per capita- by the person 307. per diem- by the day 308. per annum- by the year 309. post meridiem- afternoon (P.M.) 310. quid pro quo- this for that 311. semper fidelis- always faithful (Motto of the US Marines) 312. terra firma- firm ground 313. uni, mono- 1 314. du, di, bi- 2 315. tri- 3 316. quart, quad, tetra- 4 317. pent, penta- 5 318. sex, hex- 6 319. sept, hept- 7 320. oct- 8 321. non- 9 322. dec, deca- 10 323. cent- 100 324. milli, kilo- 1,000 325. proto, prim- first