Part 1 – Medium Value Quote Evaluation PLAN

Medium Value Quote Evaluation
Plan & Report ($30k-$150K)
Part 1 – Medium Value Quote Evaluation PLAN
Use this template to plan and report quotes for procurement projects valued over
$30,000 and under $150,000.
For projects that are sensitive, high risk or of an estimated value of over $150,000, refer
your project to Procurement Solutions Directorate for advice.
1. Project Details
RFQ Name
2. Procurement Approach
Govt. Contract – specify contract name:
Prequalified panel – specify panel name:
Other source – how/where did you find these suppliers:
List suppliers (to be) invited:
Use of small and medium enterprises,
Aboriginal suppliers and Disability suppliers
supports NSW State Plan initiatives.
Add more rows as required
Why did you choose
these suppliers?
3. Objective of the Evaluation
The objective of an evaluation process is to identify the best value offer(s). Best value will be decided
by a comprehensive evaluation of quotations that takes into account relevant risks, benefits and costs
over the whole life cycle of the product/s or service/s being sourced.
4. Timetable
The content in the table below is offered as a guide only –please remove and complete actual details:
Proposed date
Issue of RFQ
22 August 2013
Closing Date for RFQ
6 September 2013
Assessment of Quotations
9 September 2013
Contract Award
23 September 2013
Deliverables Due
13 December 2013
Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate
Medium Value Quote Evaluation Plan & Report – DOC14/54234 V1.0, 7 February 2014
Page 1 of 8
Medium Value Quote Evaluation
Plan & Report ($30k-$150K)
5. Governance and Probity
The role of the Evaluator is to evaluate the quotes received and make a recommendation to the
Delegated Authority to accept or reject offers.
Names, titles
Scoring scales
Responses to the evaluation criteria will be scored as per the matrix below. A maximum score for
each criterion will be given if the achievement of the criterion is fully compliant, with no risks and
weaknesses. The score will be reduced proportionate to the extent of non-conformities,
discrepancies, errors, omissions, and risks.
Value Judgement
Full achievement of the requirements for that criterion. Demonstrated strengths, no
errors, weaknesses or omissions.
Very Good
Sound achievement of the requirements. Some minor errors, risks, weaknesses or
omissions, which may be acceptable as offered.
Reasonable achievement of the requirements. Some errors, risks, weaknesses or
omissions, which can be corrected/overcome with minimum effort.
Minimal achievement of the requirements. Some errors, risks, weaknesses or
omissions, which are possible to correct/overcome and make acceptable
No achievement of the requirements. Existence of numerous errors, risks,
weaknesses or omissions, which are difficult to correct/overcome and make
Totally deficient and non-compliant.
Weighted Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation criteria are used to assess the ‘value for money’ of a quotation. Weight price and non-price
items in importance. For example, is quality or risk an issue? If so, non-price should be weighted
more heavily – too heavily though will mean a very expensive product could be selected over another
offer that would have met requirements.
Price Weighting % (must add up to
100% with non-price weighting)
Non Price Weighting % (must add up
to 100% with non-price weighting)
Non Price (technical worth) items are weighted as follows:
(These are the important items you will be asking the suppliers about in the RFQ, eg. specifications, delivery,
warranties, support, etc. Weight each item relative to their importance to each other.)
Non Price Criterion
Requirements Guide
Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate
Medium Value Quote Evaluation Plan & Report – DOC14/54234 V1.0, 7 February 2014
Page 2 of 8
Medium Value Quote Evaluation
Plan & Report ($30k-$150K)
Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest
All quotations will be treated as commercial in confidence and securely maintained. Evaluators are
required to comply with the DEC Code of Conduct and be free of conflicts of interest.
Records and Communication
Evaluators will be responsible for documenting all the necessary auditable evaluation and decisionmaking information and correspondence.
All contact with respondents is to be documented, transparent and unbiased with information
provided and supplied uniformly to all prospective Respondents. The Authorised Contact Officer is to
use good judgment in responding to questions and is not to disclose any matter that would prejudice
the procurement objectives or any matter, which is confidential or commercial-in-confidence to
another party.
Clarification of Quotations may be sought from Respondents and investigations may be undertaken of
Respondents. Evaluators will undertake appropriate investigations to confirm details provided in the
Quotation. As part of the evaluation process, evaluators may, as a team, request interviews with
Respondents, visit other contract sites where a Respondent performs services and/or request
additional information to aid in the evaluation process. Evaluators may also conduct reference checks
and independent inquiries.
6. The Evaluation Process
Stage 1 – Receipt and Registration
Quotations will be registered following the Closing Time. Quotations lodged otherwise than in
accordance with this RFQ will be registered separately and may be excluded from further
Stage 2 – Compliance Evaluation
Quotations will be screened to identify those which:
a) have failed to comply with minimum content and format requirements
b) have failed to comply with any conditions for participation
c) have failed to comply with any essential requirements listed in the Statement of Requirements
and Conditions of Contract
d) which are otherwise non-compliant with this RFQ.
Evaluators may at any stage during the evaluation process reach the view that Quotations or
Respondents fall within the categories listed in paragraphs a to d and may be excluded from further
Stage 3 – Technical Worth (Non Price Items)
For each remaining Quotation a quantitative (score) and qualitative (comment) assessment of the
response to the Statement of Requirement will be undertaken to determine the degree of
effectiveness against the non-price Evaluation Criteria listed above. The assessment should also
Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate
Medium Value Quote Evaluation Plan & Report – DOC14/54234 V1.0, 7 February 2014
Page 3 of 8
Medium Value Quote Evaluation
Plan & Report ($30k-$150K)
include identification of any risk issues. Quotations which do not achieve an acceptable level of
effectiveness may be excluded from further consideration.
Stage 4 – Price Evaluation
The pricing details will be considered and scored for the remaining Quotations to determine which are
cost-effective. Evaluators will also identify any risks associated with quoted pricing. Quotations which
are not cost-effective may be excluded from further consideration in the evaluation process.
Stage 5 – Value for Money Conclusion
Evaluation findings will be consolidated to determine each quote’s relative ability to satisfy the overall
requirement (Technical Worth) at a competitive cost (Cost Analysis) and at an acceptable risk (Risk
Evaluation Plan
The evaluation team understands and agrees to follow this plan and maintain confidentiality at all
times. In signing, the each member endorses this plan and confirms there are no conflicts of interest
or that any conflicts are declared and documented below.
Member Name
Declaration of conflicts
Approval of Evaluation Plan (by Sponsor / Senior Manager)
Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate
Medium Value Quote Evaluation Plan & Report – DOC14/54234 V1.0, 7 February 2014
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Medium Value Quote Evaluation
Plan & Report ($30k-$150K)
Part 2 – Medium Value Quote Evaluation REPORT
Use this template to plan and report quotes for procurement projects valued over
$30,000 and under $150,000.
For projects that are sensitive, high risk or of an estimated value of over $150,000, refer
your project to Procurement Solutions Directorate for advice.
1. Project Details
RFQ Name
2. Procurement Approach
Govt. Contract – specify contract name:
Prequalified panel – specify panel name:
Other source – how/where did you find these suppliers:
List suppliers invited
Note if any are small and medium
enterprises, Aboriginal suppliers
and Disability suppliers.
List any suppliers
that did not respond
3. Objective of the Evaluation
The objective of an evaluation process is to identify the best value offer(s). Best value will be decided
by a comprehensive evaluation of quotations that takes into account relevant risks, benefits and costs
over the whole life cycle of the product/s or service/s being sourced.
4. Timetable
The content in the table below is offered as a guide only –please remove and complete actual details:
Proposed date
Issue of RFQ
22 August 2013
Closing Date for RFQ
6 September 2013
Assessment of Quotations
9 September 2013
Contract Award
23 September 2013
Deliverables Due
13 December 2013
Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate
Medium Value Quote Evaluation Plan & Report – DOC14/54234 V1.0, 7 February 2014
Page 5 of 8
Medium Value Quote Evaluation
Plan & Report ($30k-$150K)
5. Governance and Probity
The role of the Evaluator is to evaluate the quotes received and make a recommendation to the
Delegated Authority to accept or reject offers.
Names, titles
Scoring scales
See the Medium Value Quote Evaluation Plan for supplier scoring scales.
Weighted Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation criteria are used to assess the ‘value for money’ of a quotation. Weight price and non-price
items in importance. For example, is quality or risk an issue? If so, non-price should be weighted
more heavily – too heavily though will mean a very expensive product could be selected over another
offer that would have met requirements.
Price Weighting % (must add up to
100% with non-price weighting)
Non Price Weighting % (must add up
to 100% with non-price weighting)
Non Price (technical worth) items are weighted as follows:
(These are the important items you will be asking the suppliers about in the RFQ, e.g. specifications, delivery,
warranties, support, etc. Weight each item relative to their importance to the other.)
Non Price Criterion
Requirements Guide
Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest
All quotations will be treated as commercial in confidence and securely maintained. Evaluators are
required to comply with the DEC Code of Conduct and be free of conflicts of interest.
and conflicts of
interest report
Records and Communication
Evaluators will be responsible for documenting all the necessary auditable evaluation and decisionmaking information and correspondence.
All contact with respondents is to be documented, transparent and unbiased with information
provided and supplied uniformly to all prospective Respondents. The Authorised Contact Officer is to
Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate
Medium Value Quote Evaluation Plan & Report – DOC14/54234 V1.0, 7 February 2014
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Medium Value Quote Evaluation
Plan & Report ($30k-$150K)
use good judgment in responding to questions and is not to disclose any matter that would prejudice
the procurement objectives or any matter, which is confidential or commercial-in-confidence to
another party.
Clarification of Quotations may be sought from Respondents and investigations may be undertaken of
Respondents. Evaluators will undertake appropriate investigations to confirm details provided in the
Quotation. As part of the evaluation process, evaluators may, as a team, request interviews with
Respondents, visit other contract sites where a Respondent performs services and/or request
additional information to aid in the evaluation process. Evaluators may also conduct reference checks
and independent inquiries.
Records and
6. The Evaluation Process
Stage 1 – Receipt and Registration
Quotations will be registered following the Closing Time. Quotations lodged otherwise than in
accordance with this RFQ will be registered separately and may be excluded from further
Stage 1 report
Stage 2 – Compliance Evaluation
Quotations will be screened to identify those which:
a) have failed to comply with minimum content and format requirements
b) have failed to comply with any conditions for participation
c) have failed to comply with any essential requirements listed in the Statement of Requirements
and Conditions of Contract
d) which are otherwise non-compliant with this RFQ.
Evaluators may at any stage during the evaluation process reach the view that Quotations or
Respondents fall within the categories listed in paragraphs a to d and may be excluded from further
Stage 2 report
Stage 3 – Technical Worth (Non Price Items)
For each remaining Quotation a quantitative (score) and qualitative (comment) assessment of the
response to the Statement of Requirement will be undertaken to determine the degree of
effectiveness against the non-price Evaluation Criteria listed above. The assessment should also
include identification of any risk issues. Quotations which do not achieve an acceptable level of
effectiveness may be excluded from further consideration.
Stage 3 report details
(a summary of evaluators
scores may be attached)
Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate
Medium Value Quote Evaluation Plan & Report – DOC14/54234 V1.0, 7 February 2014
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Medium Value Quote Evaluation
Plan & Report ($30k-$150K)
Stage 4 – Price Evaluation
The pricing details will be considered and scored for the remaining Quotations to determine which are
cost-effective. Evaluators will also identify any risks associated with quoted pricing. Quotations which
are not cost-effective may be excluded from further consideration in the evaluation process.
Stage 4 report details
(a summary of pricing
outcomes may be attached)
Stage 5 – Value for Money Conclusion
Evaluation findings will be consolidated to determine each quote’s relative ability to satisfy the overall
requirement (Technical Worth) at a competitive cost (Cost Analysis) and at an acceptable risk (Risk
Stage 5 report
Evaluation Report and Recommendation
Following the completion of the evaluation process, details are completed in this document and
submitted as the Evaluation Report to the Delegated Authority for approval.
The evaluation team recommends the following respondent/s be included in negotiations to establish a contract:
Enter company name
Enter company name
This recommendation is conditional on successful negotiation of contractual terms.
Member Name
Approval of Recommendation (by delegated authority)
And notes the following:
This recommendation aligns with the original objectives / required outcomes.
The successful Respondent(s) will be invited to enter into a Contract.
Upon signing of the contract all respondents will be notified of the outcome in writing.
De-briefing of unsuccessful respondents will be undertaken upon request.
A single set of electronic documents will be retained as archival records.
Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate
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